Ashton Turns His Back on AIM Testing

Two days before, I had received an instant message from his private screen name that read: "Thanks for ruining my company!"
Though my numerous emails and phone calls to Ashton have gone unreturned, a close friend of his revealed to me this week that according to Ashton his lawyers advised him against the testing.
Meanwhile, Tyler Mason says he went to AIM on his own last week and returned with negative test results.
Hey, I gave A+ the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to clear his name.
Assume what you will.
My job is done. :-)
P.S.: None of this negates the fact that Kevin Clarke is still totally koo-koo. It just means he's probably telling the truth about A+.
Big Supprise!!!
So he is Possitive or what ?
Dexx - In response to your comment (posted under the wrong story), I'm afraid I still disagree with you whole heartedly. If someone is going to go so far as calling Ashton a murderer, they must also say that the boy who has been infected comitted "suicide," right? It takes two to tango here. The kid wasn't raped.
Furthermore, I think you two are doing more of an injustice to this poor kid than Ashton did by infecting him when you consistently refer to HIV as a death sentence -- which is essentially what is being done when saying Ashton has "attempted murder." HIV doesn't kill you. AIDS does. You can have HIV and never get AIDS. You can have AIDS and never get HIV. Any doctor will tell you this BY LAW so whatever you're feeding this poor kid is misinformation leftover from the films of 1989. And ignorance on a topic this important is not an excuse. Read up if you're so passionate about it. At the very least, visit your local physician or walk-in clinic. With people like you around, I'd have comitted suicide if I were that kid by now. Way to kill a sense of life and hope.
Lastly, you're preaching to the choir. I'm on your side. But you catch more with honey than shit. Calling someone a murderer and pointing a finger without merit makes you look totally insane and hurts your cause. What I did was give him the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to clear his name. Ashton backing out on what he promised and not taking advantage of this opportunity speaks VOLUMES to YOUR cause more than a three-page verbal dhiarrea diatribe and you know it.
First of all, i'm sorry if i have a hard time navigating your idiot site. its unfortunate that your "modern" sensibilities only encompase a limited pallet of gay cliche characters which does not extend to the realm of web design, or apparrently, common sense.
allow me to clarify
a) i never called anybody a murderer.
b) i am not some "zealot" beating the drum from the old days of AIDS awareness and acting like a condom nazi. Slogans belong on cereal boxes. I took offense that you gave this person a platform to mock the people he infected, and that you yourself trivialized a serious health issue.
c) You already smeared kevin for sending you a single, and justified email, but you will NOT do that to me. I took offense at your behaviour and the behaviour of Mr. Ryan, and no amount of glib sloganeering is going to change this.
d) any company which provides you with the platform which you so wholly abused should be held to account.
you are a fucking disgrace to the gay community.
rant over.
The fact that you would admit that Kevin Clarke was telling the truth and call him koo-koo in the same breath amazes me. Amazement in the sense that someone in your profession got as "far" as you have.
I am a personal friend of Mr. Clarke, who warned me of all of this when it had caught up to me. Ashton Ryan not only has been lying to people about his HIV status in order to gain partners in his own sexual endeavors, and lying to get models for his "studio" that he can have the personal responsibility of trying them out (bareback of course), not only is he doing these things, he now has others doing them for him.
Roughly three months ago, I was contacted by a representative of Ashton Ryan, who was trying to convince me to come and shoot for them. I filled out their model application form, at their request, and let them know from the start that I am very close friends with Kevin Clarke, let alone I am under an exlusive contract with him, and i would have to seek aproval from him first.
Immediately after i declined to work for them, not only was I harrased by the rep, but kevin, and kevins producer, were also under fire from countless emails and calls.
What a shame that Ive befreinded someone that is completely koo-koo over the past 3 years. To think what would have happened if I had befriended a normal, sane person, like yourself. Someone without any moral backbone whatsoever, someone that views HIV as a runny nose, someone who feels that empathy towards the many unfortunate people that Ashton Ryan has infected as a grave injustice in comparison to the man that seduced them, lied to them, and gave them a LETHAL and incurable virus.
Ashton Ryan is a monster, charming as he may be, he is still a monster. And you are no better.
Dexx -- I have always liked you and we have always gotten along so I'm a little baffled by all this. I don't know where all this pent up animosity is coming from.
For starters, I didn't BUILD Blogger, dear. lol... It's a web software owned by Google used by tens of thousands of sites. Standard blog navigation. So please stop trying to be "cute" because it's not making me look the fool!
Onto the more important topic at hand, I understand that you're not the one calling him a murderer -- but you're devoutly defending the one who is! Defending someone who is destroying any infected person's sense of hope by referring to it as a death sentence -- and that's the kookiest thing of all! That's not "caring" for this supposed infected Golden Child! That's not love. That's heinous. And it's fuckin' kooky!
I don't know how you think I "trivialized" the situation when I decided to make a PUBLIC BROADCAST out of it! LOL I'd say that's taking it pretty seriously, to be the first person to confront A+ to face the music to a live audience and see if he follows through.
Maybe it's my on-air comment that offended you when I said, "It's far from a death sentence! It's like you sneeze a little or something." Well, that is CLEARLY my (often lame) sense of humor which has always been HIGHLY inappropriate, this is nothing new!
You know, there's a such thing as innocent until proven guilty. YOU should believe Kevin BY ALL MEANS. He is your friend! But that doesn't mean I have to! So Kevin lived through all of this with Ashton. Fantastic. I didn't. So why should I believe idle rumors and accusations about anyone until I find the truth? I STILL haven't found the truth here -- but I'm sure as hell a lot closer to it.
Bareback kisses,
The Disgrace
Anonymous - Since when does telling the truth discount kookiness? lol... I saw some loon running around the streets of Weho last night as the clubs were closing shouting to the skies about the world being round. Hey, he's an honest man. He could have a lot of really interesting things to say too! But no one's going to pay attention to him if he's running around shouting like that, are they? Because that's a kooky guy. Kookster.
Look this is simple, really.
Don't want the juice? Insist on condoms! :-)
I was taught this in school at 13!!!
One of my steadfast rules: Take responsibility for your own actions and don't blame anyone but yourself for what happens to you. When you want to point the finger, go look in the mirror when you do it and I promise you, the healing and forgiveness will begin.
Dear Jason it is time to disabuse of some of the false notions you are making and some of the outright lies you are telling. I have never publicly spoken or written about this subject but now I feel compelled to go on record as it applies to your current behavior. When you describe that I have been spreading rumors lets look at the dictionary definition of a rumor. 1. A story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts 2.gossip; hearsay. When I emailed you on 2/17/06 I was not spreading rumor I was stating facts not only as I knew them but as I lived them. There was no hearsay or second hand information they were facts. Not only did I give you facts but I gave you places and ways to verify them. For the record here they are again. Ashton Ryan was infected sometime shortly after my “A Young Man’s World” shoot. At that time he sent a mass email from Chicago telling people he had it and that they should get tested and they should tell anyone he had been with or they had been with that they should get tested. At that point he gave up any right to privacy on the matter. Just ask around the entire porn business got the email, and many were told by him that he indeed had it. I myself took him too many doctors’ visits and paid for the insurance that got his meds. At the time he was taking Kaletra 800/200mg and Combivir 150/300mg. I still have the prescriptions. When we moved from our Huntington Beach home when I cleaned out the place there was a three month supply of the drugs in his closet that Russell Moore of Delta took to the French Market that had a place to drop off any excess medication. He stopped taking them because he did not like the way they made him feel. I never said I had knowledge of him deliberately infecting anyone as you stated. I only had direct knowledge of 3 people. One a 16 YO boy in Illinois and the other two directly entwined in my life in Southern CA. Having said that it is obvious from your interview that he bragged about cumming up a models ass all night long and you said how hot that was all while knowing full well he was positive one can draw their own conclusions. These are not rumors they are facts.
When I wrote to you last year I did so because you gave Ashton Ryan a platform to threaten one of people he gave it to in a way that was very clear to us. He mentioned making a 3 part video about the making of the American way series that was going to expose me and was starting shooting in Palos Verdes the following Monday. It was a thinly veiled threat against the guy from Palos Verdes that he had made before that if he intended to try and pursue a music career he would use the HIV information against him. I objected that you allowed him the place to make that threat and tell that lie. Within hours you had a formal retraction from Rocky of Ion Films that that was a lie there never was such a production and never would be and you never printed that and allowed the lie to stand.
Let’s take another lie of yours. That every time Ashton gave an interview I deluged the interviewer with abuse. Can you please show me one example of that? Can you please name any interviewer that fits that description? You can’t because there are none. It was stated that I posted this information all over? Can anyone show me a post? You can’t because this is my first public comment on the subject naming names. You stated that in my retirement letter I called Ashton Ryan a murderer? Can you please show me where I said that? You can’t because I never said it.
You are in no position to talk to me about doctors and HIV. When he contracted it in 2001 I found the very best doctors I could and got him the best insurance I could find. Your remark about how someone listening to me try and kill their hope comes from where? Have you lived the last six years of our lives? Unlike Ashton I did not abandon them. I did what I could to give them hope and a future. You gave him a platform to deny them and a place they had to hear that he was trying to infect others. No one here denies that it takes “Two to tango”. That they are not responsible for their part in this. They are well aware that they made a mistake and are paying the price for it. They also are deeply offended by your cavalier display of the virtues of barebacking and just how hot it is. They have every right to do what they can to see that he does not do it to anyone again by lying about his status.
It is also time we address that issue. Using a fake HIV test to lure people into your business or your bed is evil and wrong. I have no apologies to make for warning people about this, and it is time you stop giving cover to it. A lame ass second hand excuse from an unnamed friend who said his lawyers advised him against it will not do here. What lawyer would tell you do not clear your name and sue this person for slander? Every word I have stated here is fact all easily provable fact. When his Field of Creams co-star asked him if he was positive and he lied and pointed to a fake HIV test are you defending that? When he came up the ass of a model from Dicks of Hazzard knowing he was risking his health lying are you ok with that?
You go against all decency here, which leads me to the conclusion that you are indecent. You keep saying that barebacking is a choice. What choice is there when the person you are trusting is lying and using a fake HIV test to cover his lie and risk your life. Yes, Jason, people die from this behavior. Perhaps not in the numbers from the movies of 1989 but they die. I do not remember seeing a patch in the aids quilt that said barebacking is a choice. Now to you pointing out how many people I have lost from Aids somehow makes these people’s loss a tool in some propaganda campaign that is wrong headed and not based in fact. I am sorry to tell you that the facts are with me here and from the bottom of my heart I resent the idea that any of these people died in vain and furthermore that with every breath I breathe I will do whatever I need too to make try and see that not one more person gets this horrible virus and not one more dies as a result.
Kevin Clarke
why is everyone mad at jason, instead of talking shit behind ashtons back he gave him the opportunity to clear his name and set the record straight. so ashton pussied out of the test and probably has hiv, all those people who said so from the beginning should be thanking jason for making this information public, unlike gayvn who edited kclarkes letter and took out all reference to ashton. at least jasons site has never been taken down..
Ok I know Ashton Ryan and Jason Sechrest both personaly and I must say that I am floored at how big of a deal people are making out of this. If Ashton is indeed HIV+ then he does have the responsibility to tell his partners. BUT and this is a big BUT, it is also the responsibility of anyone who chooses to have sexual relations with Ashton or ANYONE for that matter to make the choice to use protection. I think it is unfair to attack Jason for using his right of freedom of speech. I my self have been known to praise someone and belittle them in the same sentence. Because people are human and we all have good and bad qualities. Jason and my self don't feel the need to placate to anyone's feelings and speak our mind freely. Everyone who knows either of us knows and loves us for these qualities. If you can't take it then to bad sucks to be you.
ha, dexx jones calling jasons site an idiot site is hilarious he should talk when his site gets half as much traffic as
Kevin --
<< When you describe that I have been spreading rumors lets look at the dictionary definition of a rumor. 1. A story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts 2.gossip; hearsay. When I emailed you on 2/17/06 I was not spreading rumor I was stating facts not only as I knew them but as I lived them. >>
KEVIN! This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Your inability to be concise in your points makes people NOT want to listen to you! Get to the fucking point already! This is what makes you look like you're out of your mind. And truth be told, I don't THINK you're out of your mind, hon. I think you're telling the truth. Which is why I did all of this in the first place obviously! Why else would I have confronted him about it and asked him to get tested at AIM? If I was not on your side and didn't believe you, I would've taken him at his word. Um... DUH! Come on, this is not rocket science. Work with me here! I am not your fucking enemy. Nor are you mine.
<< Ashton Ryan was infected sometime shortly after my “A Young Man’s World” shoot. At that time he sent a mass email from Chicago telling people he had it and that they should get tested and they should tell anyone he had been with or they had been with that they should get tested. At that point he gave up any right to privacy on the matter. Just ask around the entire porn business got the email, and many were told by him that he indeed had it. I myself took him too many doctors’ visits and paid for the insurance that got his meds. At the time he was taking Kaletra 800/200mg and Combivir 150/300mg. I still have the prescriptions. When we moved from our Huntington Beach home when I cleaned out the place there was a three month supply of the drugs in his closet that Russell Moore of Delta took to the French Market that had a place to drop off any excess medication. He stopped taking them because he did not like the way they made him feel. >>
Well I -- and the rest of the industry I think -- are more inclined to believe that now that he was confronted publically about it and has backed out on his test.
<< I never said I had knowledge of him deliberately infecting anyone as you stated. I only had direct knowledge of 3 people. >>
That's a totally contradictory statement! ????
<< Having said that it is obvious from your interview that he bragged about cumming up a models ass all night long and you said how hot that was all while knowing full well he was positive one can draw their own conclusions. >>
I didn't know he was positive! I STILL don't know he's positive, Kevin! I haven't BEEN with him to a clinic and seen his fucking test. And I will NEVER know his status until I do. Therefore, they continue to be "rumors" to the general public. Perhaps fact in your world because you were there with him. The rest of us were not Kevin and you can't fault us for that.
<< You allowed him the place to make that threat and tell that lie. Within hours you had a formal retraction from Rocky of Ion Films that that was a lie there never was such a production and never would be and you never printed that and allowed the lie to stand.
Let’s take another lie of yours. >>
Um, that wasn't a lie of mine. That was a lie of Ashton's. You just said so.
<< That every time Ashton gave an interview I deluged the interviewer with abuse. Can you please show me one example of that? Can you please name any interviewer that fits that description? >>
I'm not going to name names and get other columnists involved but yes Kevin, when people bring Ashton's name up in public, all of us groan about the barrage of emails we get from you every time we so much as interview the guy.
<< You stated that in my retirement letter I called Ashton Ryan a murderer? Can you please show me where I said that? >>
No, I didn't say that. It wasn't in your retirement letter. It was in several of the um-teen emails I received from you the first time I booked Ashton Ryan for an interview. Shall I dig it up?
<< No one here denies that it takes “Two to tango”. That they are not responsible for their part in this. They are well aware that they made a mistake and are paying the price for it. >>
Wow. That's the FIRST time I've heard you say that. Thank you. You're okay in my book.
<< They also are deeply offended by your cavalier display of the virtues of barebacking and just how hot it is. >>
Um, it IS hot. To me. We're all allowed an opinion. I had a period of my life where I was REALLY into it. That phase is done for me. I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it. I'm not going to say I'm a perfect angel and I will never do it again. And I'm certainly not going to deny that it's hot! I guess I am honest to a fault, even when it implicates me and makes me look less than admirable. I am a flawed human being trying to be a better one every day. I'm not perfect. Oh well.
<< It is also time we address that issue. Using a fake HIV test to lure people into your business or your bed is evil and wrong. >>
<< I have no apologies to make for warning people about this. >>
I think what you did is admirable, Kevin. I just wish you'd go about it in a way that doesn't make people think you're a little loony, that's all.
<< When he came up the ass of a model from Dicks of Hazzard knowing he was risking his health lying are you ok with that? >>
It wasn't my ass. I'd have made him use a condom! OR I'd have accepted my fate. If you bareback, you kind of need to assume everyone is positive and take responsibility for your own actions.
<< You go against all decency here, which leads me to the conclusion that you are indecent. You keep saying that barebacking is a choice. What choice is there when the person you are trusting is lying and using a fake HIV test to cover his lie and risk your life. >>
Mmm... good point. I mean, I still don't KNOW for a "fact" that this is what he's doing. But you make a good point, Kevin. You really do.
<< I do not remember seeing a patch in the aids quilt that said barebacking is a choice. >>
Um... well there SHOULD be! Maybe I should MAKE one. Seriously, don't you think????
<< Now to you pointing out how many people I have lost from Aids somehow makes these people’s loss a tool in some propaganda campaign that is wrong headed and not based in fact. I am sorry to tell you that the facts are with me here and from the bottom of my heart I resent the idea that any of these people died in vain and furthermore that with every breath I breathe I will do whatever I need too to make try and see that not one more person gets this horrible virus and not one more dies as a result. >>
Keep fighting your fight, brother.
I have to say that I know for a fact Ryan is not POZ. I have had unprotected sex with him and am now the mother of his child (Yes I am a man but a miracle happened and I gave birth to his child, Anne Marie Chanel Bovariegart Hortencia). She is the most amazing baby and both of us have tested negative. I would like to ask people to please stop talking about the man I love so dearly and the father of my child. We are trying to move on past this and start a new life for our selves. Thank you!
If Ashton Ryan is HIV+ then he should no longer be allowed to work directly in sex scenes with models in the porn industry and if he deliberately gave the virus to boys, then he should be held accountable in a court of law. Jason did nothing wrong by the way he handled the situation. Kevin did nothing wrong in his pursuit to clear his name and warn people about Ashton. As gay men we don't always have to be each other's enemies. This blog is a forum that Jason is sharing with us all. Every opinion is just as valuable as the next one.
WM - I couldn't have said it any more eloquently. Perfectly put. Thanks for your support of all involved. xo L, J.
Ashton Ryan (4:59:27 PM): First let me Clairify. I didnt go because i was to busy preping for an event in Las Vegas. I was supose to pick up mr Mason from LA but he backed out so I never went. Second. Their is a Dective down is SD sent by ooo I could only guess who, harrasing people I have as friends and loved ones. I was advised by council to refrain in any maters related to that show I did with you. And as far as my Commnet to you about my company its fine. I just lost two of my business partners from Ohio. I was expecting that question from you yes but a half hour barage of it unrelentlessly from you was a tad uncalled for. YES your the gay opera whatever. When you blind side someone who comes on to talk about up coming events and you drag out shit that happend years ago is just silly. I ask this.. Kevin is Wrong about my sleeping with models.
Auto Response from Jason Sechrest (4:59:27 PM): I am away from my computer right now.
Ashton Ryan (5:01:25 PM): If it were to happen it would not be for a TRY OUT. NOR would it be bareback. I actually have a code of conduct I have all my models sign and I sign myself. As far as the Recruiter goes who contacted kevins model. he does not work for me. he recruits for Helix and various other studios. NOT ME. he sought out people on his own I asked him if he had any he did not provide responsible safe individuals for my use so we did not use him as a tool for casting.
Ashton Ryan (5:05:53 PM): Further... There are countless models in this industry working with HIV on film. Why does kevin Clarke not go after them. Why am I the only one he ever brings up. If he wants to attack someone it should be bareback companies and models with HIV who are working in them. HIV positve or not what would it matter IF IM DIRECTING PORN. if my dick was cumming all over the ass of a no nothing 18yr old boy from back country no where. and rubbing it in his hole that is a differnt story. I started a company for the purpose of making quality videos with young guys useing condoms to give people and especialy youth a better understanding of what to really do in the world instead of takeing cock raw in their holes
Ashton Ryan (5:08:13 PM): When people attack me and lie about my involvement with my models and my business all it does is make that harder and harder to accomplish. I am going to make my movies despite what Kevin Clarke or anyone tries to do. Let them talk let them all eat cake. they dont have to buy my movies they dont have to watch them. (but I bet they will)
Ashton Ryan (5:28:27 PM): Also.. When i contacted you about making the series of American way my story. it wasent about anyone except my story of what happend in my life. I would never use any information to directly harm someone I have loved in my life. Kevin Clarke i never loved so that was free game lol but the people in "his life" as he calls it were always safe and always will be. The people he claims i hurt so badly were again people he would and still doesnt let me talk to. IF anyone fills peoples head with lies its him. I have cared and always will care about everyone i have ever been involved with in my life. I am not a horrible person I am not evil I am not malicious. I care very much for everyone that works for me and with me. I have talked more people out of doing porn then I have ever talked into it.
Ashton Ryan (5:30:38 PM): The people who I have in my life know me for who I really am. Careing loving and a very generous person who would give everything he has to help out someone who needed it. I have always thought myself fortunate to have a very wonderfull cast of people around me. As the saying goes Only God will judge me. I will accept that judgement when it comes and know that it will never be a bad one.
Ashton -- I understand where you're coming from and I have given you the benefit of the doubt. The bottom line is: Come get tested and it will put an end to it. Let me know when you're ready to shut them all up if you're telling the truth. Until then, everyone is going to assume otherwise. There's a difference between being HIV and working on camera (as so many porn stars are and do) and lying to people about it. I don't really care about your status or your barebacking. People are human and have flaws. What I care about personally are liars who can't own up to those flaws. And Kevin makes a good point too if he's right about the conjuring of tests, etc. BUT you told me and tell others you're negative -- which would mean ALL of this is unfounded to begin with. So if you're not lying, let me know when you're ready to settle it all. Until then, you're A+ in my book. And you can take that however you choose. ;-)
oh wait i just got it. a+ = ashton positive. lol blond moment
i said what i was going to say about this and i stand by it.
as or beau, My sites do very well, thank you. I dont know where you get your traffic reports from, but Porn Confidential, perfiction, dexxjones and the tickle sites get enough traffic so that MY car didnt have to be reposessed and Tass is still on a vacation to thailand, three weeks running now.
None of that has anything to do with my original point which was: Jason made light of a serious health issue, gave an obviously disturbed person a platform from which to contninue his pattern of lies and then had the brass ballsack to then turn around and lecture others on the subject.
also, whats with this anonymous shit? have the balls to stand up using an identiy people know, or shut the fuck up.
Also, jason showed at the very least, a reckless disregard for facts because a) Jason TOLD me he had RECEIVED ashton's letter from a few years back where ashton admitted to having HIV but made no mention of this on his show and pretended to be in the dark b) he also had the email from Eon (ion?) films rebutting the original nasty remark.
lets face it Jason, you thought you would take a wack at kevin as he was walking out the door. YOu thought he was an easy target and you thought yourself clever.
you didnt realize that kevin wasnt slinking away into the night, but moving to the next phase of his career (announcements later, this is not the forum for that) and is more than able to defend himself.
More and more people are going to stand up here Jason. Its not going away. The issue is twofold. A) whatever ashton ryan is up to and B) Your behavior. Kevin is focused on ASthon, but i am focused on you.
Why is everyone picking on my man? Can't everyone just leave us alone. I don't want my baby growing up thinking her daddy is a bad man! Please. Let us all just put this behind us. Like my big strong man Ashton puts it in behind me and fills me up with his A- seamen. And then smacks my ass and calls me a dirty tranny whore! Love you baby
Dexx - Wow. There is some serious confusion here. I never told you I had received an email from Ashton claiming he was positive. If I had, that would've pretty much put an end to all of this wouldn't it??! I said I had HEARD that he HAD done that years ago -- before I was even involved in the gay side of the business! But I sure as hell didn't receive it. And I don't know what all this bullshit is about some retraction from EON either. That email never crossed my box. Not that I would've printed it if it HAD! I was waiting for him to go to AIM thinking that would pretty much be all anyone needed to say or know. All this other shit is incidental.
Get him to AIM. Questions are answered and truth is discovered. That's all I've had on my mind.
And why would I want to take a kick at Kevin on the way out the door??! What on earth benefit would that bring me, Dexx?! Like... just -- WHY??? If anything, I have helped his cause and you two seem to be the only people who can't see that. Even ASHTON sees it for God's sake! lol All I did was finally say that his long email diatribes about Ashton for the past few years have been ridiculous -- which I still say they were, regardless of their validity (still not proven either way) there are better ways of handling the situation -- and I received emails from three fellow columnists THANKING me for saying it!
And you worrying about my "attitude" has really got to go. Who the hell are you?! It's a free country. Start your own column! Call it the We Hate JasonCurious Today Because We Disagree. (I'm SURE that's already in the works! LOL) What are we? Five? If you're upset by what I have to say, stop reading it!
I'm sure the subject will NOT go away, but I personally will not be commenting any further. I have nothing more to say about this until someone gets Ashton Ryan into AIM because until that happens no one should believe anything they hear from either party. Unless of course, you're Kevin or Ashton and have lived through the situation with them. As for me, I have nothing left to say about this. Debate it till the cows come home for all I care, but you won't be doing it with me.
Really, Dexx. So we disagree on how the situation should've been handled. Big deal. I still like you. Is this how you handle people who have opinions different from your own? Thanks for the various personal attacks today though. Those were big of you. Ouch. You hurt me. Happy now? Cool.
10/4, over and out here.
who is dexx jones?
Enough is enough. I am the young man from Palos Verdes who was infected by Ryan years ago. Ryan's insistence to continue to disregard his status in having bareback sex with other humans is downright immoral and in many states criminal. I have spent the last 6 years watching countless lives ruined by the lies that he tells, and the subsequent actions he has taken. As for Kevin Clarke, he has been nothing but supportive to myself over the past 6 years and instead of dispelling hope for the future, he reminded me that life is worth living. Having HIV something that requires one to be responsible for his sexual actions, and to deliberately have sex with someone without disclosure is downright wrong. Jason, I have sent you a private email to verify myself and hopefully put a stop to the nonsense that spreading HIV is a-okay. Ryan, you can stop lying right now.
Dexx has a bunch of sites. He is starting to sound more and more like that Kruezer guy he hates though.
If you think you can run from this you are sadly mistaken. I have given you ample opportunity to ascertain the facts from people who know the truth. You have chosen to not do so. There are real people, with real families, with real pain here I will not allow that to go on for another second.. The truth is out there. It is beneath contempt that you keep using words like when the truth is known. He is using a fake HIV test and by his very own words having unsafe sex with models he is lying too. He will never go to Aim because he has HIV. I will not allow you another breath to impugn my word on this subject. You cannot simply say get a test as he will never take one. However the madness of all of this is that he has told hundreds of people himself that he has it. They will not lie for him, and this idea that I am lying stops here. You know full well he has lied in the past and used you to promote those lies. Again for the record here is the email Rocky sent you.
From: []
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 7:25 PM
Subject: Eon Films formal Retraction
Importance: High
In a recent article on JASONCURIOUS.COM, Eon Films, LLC. model Ashton Ryan alluded to a potential film project. Ashton stated that this project would be a story based on the relationship between him and his former producer. He further stated that it would be a three (3) part movie which he would have liked to title Trapped. He goes on to say that this movie would be shot in Palos Verdes and would be directed entirely by him. Eon Films would like to make it clear that there is not, nor was there ever any plan to make such a film. Further, Eon Films would like to formally express that the views, comments, and opinions of Ashton Ryan are not necessarily those of Eon Films, its investors, shareholders, and/or employees. Eon Films formally apologizes for any confusion, offense, or inconvenience this may have caused. We at Eon Films are dedicated to providing our customers, fans, supporters, and members with quality entertainment. We are not in the business of misrepresenting projects, nor do we partake in anything that could potentially be insulting to others in the industry. Please accept this as a formal retraction, and once again we are sorry for this error.
Thank you,
Gerald R. Brown
Eon Films, LLC.
You never retracted that story and have enabled him to lie ever since. If you think you can poke the hornets nest and walk away consider for a moment that these are real people you are hurting. Let’s make this as clear and concise as possible. Ashton Ryan has HIV. Ashton Ryan is using a fake HIV test to lure in people to his business. Not only did he on your show admit to sleeping with a model and cumming up his ass all night long but the model corroborated it as well. At least a year ago Ashton Ryan decided to start lying that this was a story that I made up to hurt him. Well in the immortal words of the late Ann Richards the former Governor of Texas (whose hair was the same color and almost as fabulous as mine) that dog won’t hunt! You poked the wrong hornets nest. I will gladly take this from this forum to a wider audience. You will not do another moment’s damage to Alex or anyone else by saying that we are all lying and the truth will only be found by something Ashton Ryan will never do. Let me be even more concise. This ends now, not another moment will I allow you to hide behind words that are offensive beyond all decency and offend the hundreds of people who know the truth. His lie will go no further, and I will not allow you to proxy his lie by giving it a shred of credibility. There are not two sides to this. There is indeed sub-human behavior going in here and every time you refuse to ascertain the facts and try and make it seem like a situation with two equal sides you put salt in the wounds. You poked this hornet’s nest and these hornets will decide when you get stung. One thing is for sure if you think you can walk away you are wrong. Stop for one second if there is a decent bone in your body and contemplate why there is all this anger here. Think about what it means that he is lying and you by saying that countless others are lying you are giving him credibility while doing great damage to people who have suffered enough at the hands of this lie. When you give even a moments doubt to a pathological liar you in my view are as guilty as he. My Irish Grandmother used to say “Tell me who you go with and I will tell you what you are”. When the two of you laughed and joked about the joy of cumming up this boys ass and how great it would be if you could do it together stop for a second and think what that did to the people who were infected by him. Have you no shame? This madness, and that is what this is madness, stops now. By the way hornets sting. How can you in any decency say to Alex’s mother by the way the person that infected your son denies that he has it and that your son is a liar. This will not end until he is stopped from doing to anyone else what he did to Alex and others. They have every right to see that he does not, and they, and I, will see that he does not. Was that concise enough for you?
con·cise /kənˈsaɪs/ Pronunciation[kuhn-sahys]
–adjective expressing or covering much in few words;
i dont undesrtand why everyone is yelling at jason when he is the only person to ask ashton the question. he doesnt have control over his answers. he's not calling kevin or ryanm liars. he is just saying he does not know the truth because he was not there and giving the benefit of the doubt i am sure if u asked to go on his show kevin loike asthon he would have u. why not yell at the writers who never asked the question to him at all and stayed so silent
Jason Sechrest is nothing more than a coward who really needs a lesson. He has damaged the images of the likes of Brant Moore, Brad Star and now Ashton Ryan all in recent stories he has such a lame life that has to get a thrill out of bringing others down!
I say we all raise up our pitch forks and storm the Sechrest mansion! This vile villain must be brought down if the ever so squeaky clean image of the Porn world is to ever live on! I can not express the out rage I have at this dirty and evil man Jason for speaking his mind and not trying to sugar coat his stories for the general (and in general I mean sheep) public. DOWN WITH JASON!!!!! DOWN WITH JASON!!!!!
Why not go to his parents in Silvis, Illinois and ask them if Ashton is HIV+?
damn jason! why you gotta start so much drama!
Did anyone ever figure out whether it was Ashton Ryan that killed Rocky?
Rocky (RIP)
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