Rain on Their Parade: Harlow & Brent Reconcile

Being accused of murder by the public can't be easy for anyone, much less a couple of young boys who were just looking to live out their wild fantasies of having sex on camera for a living.
Unfortunately, Harlow Cuadra and Brent Corrigan have not been afforded that luxury like the rest of our talent pool here in the gay porn biz.
Harlow writes, "Brent looked like one sad little puppy. Depressed and just down." Then after a lunch therapy session followed by a brief moment of fun in the sun on the beach, Harlow says "the proverbial clouds dimmed his sunshine. The same hype that got us together to film is the same that soured the moment. ...Basically reality set in. We both have been through a lot. Brent especially. Lots of things are going on in that boys life. a lot of it is too personal to post. I have slowly been getting better. But Brent has a bit more to do."
Though the two did not shoot a sex scene during Harlow's trip to San Diego, they did manage to reconcile and spent a day bonding. Perhaps there will be more to follow or as Harlow suggests, "Maybe it was just not meant to be."
This is just getting ridiculous. I mean, these poor kids! I'm seriously sitting here ready to cry over it today for some reason.
Look, for all the joking and taunting and sleuthing my readers and I can do here for shits and giggles, the fact is that if these two had absolutely nothing to do with the murder of Bryan Kocis, this whole thing has just been one devastatingly sad ride for them that will take a very long time to get over.
Also, I know there is a lot of talk on the last story's comment thread about Harlow "exploiting" or using this controversy to his advantage. I say, if the boy is innocent, let him! One of the healthiest ways to combat destruction is through creation. Might as well turn the lemons to some fucking greenbacks.
Read Harlow's blog at: http://www.harlowcuadraonline.com/blog/
Hey Jason I liked you post. I also read a nice on on Elmysterio's blog about Boybatter I was funny and insiteful at the same time. talked about pretty much the same thing you did.It appears things are a little bit rough for all involved.
How do you know neither one had nothing to do with Bryan's death? Have the police found the murderer(s)? Has anyone been cleared? Until this mystery is solved (which I doubt will ever happen, unfortunately), both Sean and Harlow will always be associated with Bryan's murder, regardless of whether they were involved or not. I do find it disgusting that Harlow, a high-priced escort, is using this to his benefit. Before January 27, no one ever heard of him. Let's hope he disappears as quickly as he showed up.
i dont think there is a chance of that happening though because unless you get the wings to heaven like Bryan got, anyone associated with Brent Corrigan usually is around for a lonnnng time. And since Harlows noteriety extends far beyond porn, this ensures his legacy. o well
Jon what is your problem? Do you think Harlow sat in his room one day and said I need a scandal so I can make some cash? I don't think so. He was thrust into the public view and he has just made the best of a bad situation. plain and simple when life gives you lemons you make lemonaide. so as far as his escorting goes if it works for him than it should not bother you. We have to understand that we all have the abilty to live our lives as we see fit and you nor I have the right to tell someone that their choices are unacceptable.
Hearing Sean is working with Harlow comes as no great surprise, considering Sean himself was an escort way back when... hm, wonder if his clients knew he was underage at the time??? Will it surprise any of us when it becomes known that Sean has become Harlow's exclusive West Coast escort, working for the San Diego branch of Norfolk Male Escorts? I think not.
Jason, be real. As Jon says:
"How do you know neither one had nothing to do with Bryan's death? Have the police found the murderer(s)? Has anyone been cleared? Until this mystery is solved (which I doubt will ever happen, unfortunately), both Sean and Harlow will always be associated with Bryan's murder, regardless of whether they were involved or not.".
Pffft. You cashed in on this story from the start. Your the one who told us about the "hitman" incident.
Can you guys be any more ignorant? You are a bunch of hateful and evil queens who have nothing better to do than berate these poor guys. BB or is it Caleb you sick shit disturbing drunken bitch you were the one who told Jason about the hit-man with your little toy poodle Tyler the liar Mason so you need to shut the fuck up. Jon what Harlow gets paid for you wish you could give away so get over yourself. As for Brent being an Escort that is a blatant lie. So you can spread your rumors and lies over at Damon Kruezers web-site where lies are the standard fare. Here’s a link bitches http://www.kruezeratnight.com/
it is no lie that Sean is/was an escort. we have all seen proof. rant to someone who gives a rats ass.
you must give a rats ass otherwise you would no have posted
it appears brent will shed light on a great many things to us all today! look at his most recent blog entry. I cant wait to hear him update us on his love for harlow LOL
That about all Sean does these days... shed light... always in the wrong places... always about promoting himself... he needs to shut up and go away... and take his cohorts with him.
CC oops I mean BB
Brent was turning tricks when he was 16 with his then BF. Fact. Stop speaking nonsense out your ass.
uh dears I do not think the boy (Brent) has ever "denied" being an Escort. I like Escorts, some of my best friends have been Escorts. Party on Brandon Baker! The only people who have a "problem" with escorts are people so scary looking that even the professionals wont "do them"
Anonymous said...
Hearing Sean is working with Harlow comes as no great surprise, considering Sean himself was an escort way back when... hm, wonder if his clients knew he was underage at the time??? Will it surprise any of us when it becomes known that Sean has become Harlow's exclusive West Coast escort, working for the San Diego branch of Norfolk Male Escorts? I think not.
5:52 PM
5:52 you said Sean used to be an escourt. I remember seeing his and his old bf Chris's escourt page posted on some site but can't remember where I saw it. What agency did he used to work for? Do you still have a link to his old escourt page?
Brent never mentions the fact that he was an underaged escort. Now either he was underaged as an escort or he's alot older than he is telling us.
I remember reading one of the reviews , it said that Sean and Chris came over Sean was a cute twink and Chris was his chubby hispanic bf and something about how they were more into each other than the guy who was paying them or something like that. I used to have the link but I don't have it anymore.
anon 2:33 PM,
sean never mentioned the fact that he was an escort at all.
he just claimed being underage while doing the first shots for cobra.
i have seen this review too. but i don´t remember whether on a webpage or just as a copy in one of the blogs.
I seem to recall the review was on men4rent.com. When it was first mentioned on JG it was still on the site.
Sean has never mentioned, at least on his blog, that he was/is an escort. If memory serves, he's specifically stated he never has been. That, in and of itself, doesn't hold a heck of a lot of weight considering Sean's history of telling lies. But, without evidence supporting that statement that he was/is an escort, I'm not so sure I'm willing to buy that at this point. Can anyone provide any more details about this or better yet, a link to an old site or webpage?
Hey Bitches, Could you be any more petty. You make it seem like it’s a big deal that he escorted for a minute. So what if he did bitches. Would you go around telling everybody you where a teenage whore?
I didn’t think so bitches. What gave you the fuckin right to get all up in his mix and spill his private shit? You are a bunch of petty bitches who go around bashing people as anonymous whores. Bet it makes you seem like you have some power. But all you really are is a bunch of little dicked jealous bitches. Life is bad enough sometimes and then you have to deal with bitches like you all and you know who you are.
Look it's a bird It's a plane, No bitches it's Flaym Thrower defender of Bitches and whores every where.
flaym thrower,
the problem is not whether sean was/is an escort at all.
but the fact that he could have been an underage escort before or around his work for cobra. with doing so he would not just exposured bryan to a illegal activity.
Given the life choices that Sean has already made I cannot see what difference it makes whether or not he was or is an escort.
It is not as if he is aiming to be the Pope.
Well flaym thrower, you certainly are vocal about this matter. Please permit me to clarify. As I said, I do believe Sean has stated on more than one occasion on his blog that he has never escorted. It doesn't matter, at least to me, if he was/is an escort. If he was one while underage though, then that would be a very large problem. Not only would this be in contradiction to statements he made on his blog but it would also be another illegal activity that he had participated in. Again, if he was an escort while underage. And Sean has enough problems on his plate to last a lifetime. I certainly hope it doesn't turn out that he was an escort while underage. At any rate, that is the basis of me asking this question to those who have stated that he was an escort in the past. I hope that clarifies things, flaym thrower.
I think people shouldn't be so hard on either guys. None of us knows the real story. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
As usual Sean's latest rant is all about BLAME for his failures. it is not his fault, it is not his cobrakillers fault - it is Lee's fault. it is Jeremy's fault, it is your fault, it is my fault.
Sean has had it rough this past two years, no question about that. Who is responsible? Sean. He did it to himself. His lies and playing people backfired in a way he did not foresee. Now he asks all to not believe anything that does not come directly from himself. Lets face it, he and his cobrakiller have done nothing but spew lies to anyone who will buy into them. Many times they got caught out in those lies - yet he is still in denial, he still expects people to believe in him.
So he wants to be a serious actor? roflmao. Chi Chi wont touch him, does he expect a fucking sitcom on FOX? He is beyond help.
BTW it has been confirmed several times Sean was turning tricks before he hooked up with Bryan. Not that it really matters. It is the denial that matters. It shows a very clear pattern of how his life is. He has had and still does have - many chances to redeem himself. It will never happen. I suspect that is due in large part to his cobrakiller.
Sean has made his bed. Now he is dealing with the consequences. I have no sympathy. It is and always has been his choice, no matter who he tries to blame for his failings.
As usual with Sean, it is the same shit - different day.
BB, it's not good to hold your feelings inside. Go ahead an vent. Let us all know how you really feel.
THE SINGLE LARGEST XXX MOVIE EVENT BOYBATTER HAS EVER PRODUCED...will be shot this Saturday in beautiful Va Beach on the strip/boardwalk with/starring Troy Hunter , a HOT 19 year old jock super twink ripped , EXOTIC, and full of cum! Hes a multi millionaire from a wealthy family in Va that owns several HUGE Cigarette companies including interest in Richmond based Phillip Morris. This local Richmond/DC/Norfolk celebrity has been hounded by scores of Top Rated studios world wide BUT chose to contact boybatter's own Harlow to film his debut in duo BAREBACK sex with STUDWONDERHARLOW!!! He says he does not want the money (although he will be well compensated) BUT wants the famous Harlow to plunder him with his Wonder :-)~~!!! and reap the benefits of "instant fame" since Harlows Press has thrust him into Gloabal spotlight!
As our filming with Brent Corrigan is a delayed & complicated Project involving Murder accusations, Police, Lawyers, Press, and many emotions, WE have decided to release this Massively important work with Troy Hunter NOW! to tide you over :) So, Hang on tight as we introduce Troy Hunter to the World FIRST!!! brought to you by Boybatter's Harlow!
"... a delayed & complicated Project involving Murder accusations, Police, Lawyers, Press, and many emotions..."
Well, it's certainly nice to have confirmation police investigators are still on the job, and still focusing their attention where it needs to be directed.
O jim, its also nice you had nuthin negative to say about this project of harlows, thats a change.
What ever happened to Sean's promise to shed light on things?
Did I miss something, because I didn't read any explanations only the same litany of blaming everyone but himself.
Why doesn't Sean just edit the website himself?
At this rate of under-achievment Sean is likely to be the first porn star to move from twink to bear with nothing in-between.
Yes, it is good news to hear that the police are allegedly still on the job, trying to solve Bryan's murder.
bb - It would have been lovely if I has "cashed" in on this story. Unfortunately, memberships have not increased. Until Drabboiz started linking to me a couple weeks ago! I LOVE them! LOL... Everyone go to their blog! See link on our right-hand frame. xo L, J.
Marc - I agree! I have been saying, "What happened to innocent until proven guilty?" from the beginning. Just because I have thrown every bit of information I could get my hands on up on the site during a very serious investigation doesn't mean that I have been anti- or pro- anyone involved here. I mean, I do think that Brent has an obvious problem with taking responsibility and throwing pity parties -- but these are not things that make him a fucking killer or a fucking conspirator. Nor have I ever said that they are! And the bottom line is, the amount of hatred that is being thrown around is getting ridiculous. The police are on it, peeps. They'll take down whoever needs to be taken down. Let the boy make some good porn and get back to some semblance of a normal life. xo L, J.
10:10 am - I thought the same thing. I read through that entire blog last night, nodding up and down, going, "Yes, yes... right-o. Good point. ... Mmm hmm!" and then got up, walked away from my computer and stopped dead in my tracks -- "Wait a minute... that boy didn't say one god damned thing. I just read an entire post... about absolutely NOTHING!" LOL I feel for him though. It sounds like he is dying to vent and he can't. xo L, J.
By the way... that is definitely NOT Caleb Carter posting under a fake name. Trust me. But many of us behind the scenes have found it very humorous that you all continue to think he is that crazy. lol xo L, J.
P.S.: Everytime I hear Tori Amos's new song "Teenage Hustling" I think of Brent. lol... It's a good track. He would like it.
I know, I know, my Tori obsession has got to end. I LOVED Brent's Neko video though! Love me some wailing red heads like Neko and Tori. xo L, J.
"O jim, its also nice you had nuthin negative to say about this project of harlows, thats a change"
Which project are you referring to? The one with the supposed Virginia tobacco plantation aristocrat? Or the one just cancelled because (according to Mark) the police, criminal attornies, and investigative crime journalists are all over their asses?
i dont think it was cancelled there JIM just still in planning stages LOL, cummon we know you want to see them fuck! :-)~~
even in harlows blog-which Im sure you have read, he says, scenes were filmed for it already! just have to be shelved till its finished.
hey harlow...you posted in here before, please come on in and let us now when this thing will be finished LOL
Ah you're right, it says it was merely being "delayed" due to all the continuing murder suspicions and police investigative attention they've been recieving, not "cancelled."
I stand corrected!
when sean will ever give us a conclusive not self contradicting explanation.
he doesn´t have to say anything. but when he says he does i expect more than saying nothing with many words.
Jason you fucking liar hypocrite the first thing you did after Bryan's murder was come on your show on a Friday and accuse Sean and more specifically Grant of being envolved in Bryan's murder. You said Sean was like the character from Basic Instinct or something. For weeks you moved speculation Grants way by asking questions of guests like Chris Steele and saying things that an anonymous sourse told you about Grant wanting to hire a hit man.
Don't get you you high house now and claim you have clean hands in all of this speculation. Those of us who think Sean and Grant are envolved thought so before you ever opened you mouth but it's an insult to come hear now and claim you didn't jump on the bandwagon. I expected better of you.
Oh and don't act like it was all a big joke either.
Didn't Sean post on his blog earlier this year that Harlow and Mark/Trent "fucked everything up" and that Harlow was "on the run"? Now all of a sudden they are one big happy family, wanting to make tons of money on a production that most people won't buy? I have no idea who killed Bryan, but it's obvious Sean, Grant and Harlow's hands are not clean.
Sed - I said said Brent was like the "Basic Instinct" character Catherine Tramell -- loooong before the murder ever happened -- and merely stood by that comment and laughed at the irony therein after it happened. As for the radio show, my getting on the air and screaming, "THEY'RE KILLERS!" ...is really just making fun of some of the people on my forum. Yes, Chris Steele used the word "psycho" when referring to Grant and yes there was a source who mentioned the hiring of a hit man. These are not things that *I* said. They are things that I reported on. There is a huge difference and that seems to be something many people -- including Brent -- is confused about. xo L, J.
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Jason LOL that won't work trying to squelch the BB is CC talk. He has been exposed. Beside EVERYONE knows 1.Caleb Carter has you in speed dial on his cell! 2. Caleb has been personally screaming his head off how much he hates the "Cobrakiller" since October. Caleb talks too much ,then forgets who he talks too! And are you aware the drunk forgot himself and accidentally posted on Elmysterios blog yesterday as Caleb Carter,,,or is "BB" claiming that was not him.LOL
Jason you said out of your own mouth that you thought Grant was envolved in the murder. I know what I heard and I know what I saw.
Jon - Sean said those things to Jody Wheeler, who then posted a recap of the conversation on his site back on Feb 13th. In the recap were exact quotes by Sean to Jody, according to Jody. The whole post was removed the next day, at Sean's request.
I agree with you in that there's something fishy about them now "working" together, if that's in fact what is going on. As is evident, at least to me, from the pics Harlow posted of he and Sean taken just the other day, Sean is clearly uncomfortable in them. He does not look well at all in those pics.
Jason, why Elm started this bb is cc stuff is beyond me. it amuses me. however it does concern me that Sean and the CobraKiller think I could be CC. It concerns me coz I truly believe they are involved in the murder of Bryan.
If anyone can assure those 2 monsters that bb is not cc, it would be you. Last thing anyone needs (Elm excluded) is another murder.
This also leaves me with the conclusion Elm is involved somehow with Sean and his CobraKiller. All ranting stuff aside, Elm as far as I am concerned has put the life of CC at risk. Very sad, very dangerous, but mostly pathetic.
oops last post by BB.
OMG You people are officially OFF the reservation! LOL... Caleb Carter is NOT bb and ElM is not a co-conspirator in the fucking murder! I mean, really now. This has gotten out of control. How much coffee are you all drinking?!?! WHERE do you come up with this stuff? You're just pulling these theories out of your asses now! OFF the reservation. Gone. Off it. xo L, J.
Jason I was not and did not suggest that Elm is a co-conspirator. I do believe he is someone in the so called 'sean camp'.
Elm needs to be careful what he says about others as the murderer is still out there.
He can go into denial all he wants - he started this who is BB stuff with his blog about it. That is where the BB is CC surfaced. He encouraged it.
If you do not think that was irresponsible of him, well... I really do not want to flame you.
BTW tell CC I for one think he is a cutie :)
Thanx for addressing the bb/cc issue.
BB, take your pill.
It will make the voices go away. Promise.
Okay Jason I admit it I started the BB is Caleb Carter. I had good reason to believe this was the case. Caleb's Antipathy for Brent & Grant is well known. He likes to use several terms that BB uses like "Cobrakiller" & there is a similarity in writing. I have been informed by a "reliable source" that BB is not Caleb so I can accept I may have been wrong. Maybe, I am well aware of IP spoofing and the like. As for BB I do not retract my opinion that BB is seriously disturbed & a Grant Roy hater. He has a PERSONAL vendetta from some kind of PERSONAL contact. I do not believe it is from Juicy Goo online that is simple bullshit. BB is in or connected to porn or he could very well be a close friend or ASSOCIATE of Bryan Kocis. As for Caleb Carter, Jason YOU know full well Caleb had a nasty change of attitude toward Brent when Grant refused to hire him last summer. Caleb blames Grant. Caleb also talks too much & forgets who he has talked too. My opinion about Caleb & Tyler being "shit stirrers" HAS NOT CHANGED. So is this an Apology? No just an admission that I may have been mistaken about BB's identity MAYBE. Do I apologize to Caleb absolutely not I am well aware of HIS Issues with Grant & Brent and everything I have said (and a lot more I held back) about CC is true. As for BB I could care less WE WILL eventually know BB's identity online. This is a FLAME WAR & an ONLINE VENDETTA and I have over 20 years of experience guys. I know how to play this YOU attack me or my friends and I WILL expose you. Anonymity is NEVER ASSURED! As for my identity Hell if Brent and Grant have had there Privacy violated, I can stand the same BUT CAN YOU BB? OR Caleb? OR Tyler? Watch who you play with guys.
DeWayne, you are pathetic. You "may" be wrong??? How about taking off those rose-colored glasses of yours when it comes to Sean & Grant and join the rest of us in what we like to call "reality".
Sounds to me like dewayne is trying to hide something.
grant the first person who referred to himself as the cobrakiller. now he is stuck with it.
anyone else who uses that same term automatically has something to hide according to the sean camp.
worst case at spin i have ever seen.
dewayne goes on to say "watch who you play with guys". dewayne that advice would have been better directed towards the self proclaimed cobrakiller.
dewayne your threat has been noted... and recorded.
What is the big deal, I made a post asking the question “Who is bb and why is he so angry”.
It was in response to his fanatical rants about Sean and Grant. In that post I never referred to bb as cc that was done by the readers of the thread. I will admit I participated in it and I thought it for a minute that they could be one in the same person but if this was really CC no one in their right mind would have anything to do with him. So I do not believe that bb is CC and you heard that from me. And to clear up my involvement with the “Sean camp” never met him and have had no contact with him and that is a fact. So bb aim you lies somewhere else.
Somewhere.... smack dab between the land of dewayne and the land of bb..... live Elm and JC as next door neighbors. xo L, J.
howdy neighbor
bb said...
Sounds to me like dewayne is trying to hide something.,,,,,,,,,,,,Hmm like what BB? dewayne your threat has been noted... and recorded. Which threat is that BB? To Expose your identity, where you live, who you work for. Not a THREAT BB That IS A PROMISE. You better have your tracks covered because just as Brent and Grant had their Home address published by Cad PURPOSELY putting their lives in danger if I get wind of who you are I WILL PUBLISH IT I GUARANTEE it! As for records I have every post From Jan 25th 2007 Saved and archived with all comments.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Elm and Jason hope we haven't mussed your hair! Now you know what the neighbors down in the holler thought about the Hatfields and the McCoys,,jeeze get outta the line of fire ;)
Damn bitch, I betta duck, you bitches play rough.
What is shocking is that a young guy that no one has met (oh, except DeWayne and Sechrest - how good for you) has caused (and continues to cause) such furor. Do we all get off on watching Brent Corrigan in action? Is this what this is all about, when you tear away all the lies and stories and bullshit? It's simply about a guy that gets us off. Believing someone to be totally free of imperfection or wrongdoing merely because of overwhelming physical attraction is as fallacious as it is stereotypical. And don't try to argue that some people "know" the real Sean. You may believe you do, or have convinced yourself you do. But you really don't.
dewayne your a disgusting old creep. your true colours are glowing as are your values and virtues. but hey, i'll give you credit for being straightforward - you want to put someones life a risk. not a threat but a promise now.
your clearly as dangerous as those you attempt to protect.
i do take your promise seriously. CobraKiller made same threats to Bryan... we all know what happened to him.
your clearly as dangerous and deranged as the one's you are trying to protect.
sean and his CobraKiller put the life of Bryan in danger with their online rants and revelations. nothing can or will change that.
too bad their private info was made public. do feel sorry for this? hell no. would i have made this info made public myself? probably not.
again, your promise is noted and recorded. you are an evil monster. i now know why you keep the company you do. sex, lies and murder. hmmmm.
HI GUYS!!! if anyone is within 100 miles of va beach today!!! come to 31st street & Atlantic avenue on the beautiful va beach oceanfront and look for the bright yellow 535 horsepower 2006 Dodge Viper as StudWonder Harlow introduces "Troy Hunter" and all of his exotic hotness to us all!!! you can be an EXXX-tra and in the VID, they wil be there from 1-4 filming behind the scenes frolicking in the sand, surfing and sensually applying thick layers of lotion of each others smooth HOT bodies. :-) anyways come say HI to them if you like! and look on boybatter.com tonite for the first preview pics and the entire HOT bareback movie on our site by the end of the weekend!!! Stand in awe! as they film 25 floors up with ORAL and more on the balcony!!!
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