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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Road to Arrest

Brent Corrigan and partner Grant Roy seem to have been involved in helping the police gather enough information to arrest Harlow Cuadra and Joe Kerekes. The Times Leader reports that investigators recorded the conversation between Corrigan and Cuadra during the now famous nude beach talks wherein Cuadra tells Corrigan he was present at the time of Kocis's murder. The Times Leader released a quote from the recording, claiming Cuadra said, "Don't worry, he went quick."

Cuadra and Kerekes will appear before a judge on Wednesday at 8:00 am for counts of criminal homicide, criminal conspiracy to commit criminal homicide, liability for the conduct of another, robbery, burglary, theft, tampering with physical evidence, abuse of corpse, criminal conspiracy to commit burglary, and two counts of arson.

UPDATE: Virginian-Pilot has the 54-page affidavit that cites the motive for the crime as money: "Cuadra and Kerekes ... believed Kocis to be their main rival in the lucrative gay pornography business, and they wanted Kocis out of the way so they could form a relationship with Kocis' main pornography star, Sean Lockhart, who is known in the gay film industry as Brent Corrigan."

Further evidence in the document includes a vehicle matching the one at the scene of the crime being rented and a knife being purchasedby Cuadra and Kerkes just days before the murder of Kocis. The two also paid for a hotel room close to Kocis's residence. Authorities also claim to have found a camera from Kocis's house at Cuadra's home.

Wow. That's a lot of evidence.

But is it really a lot of motive? Who would kill someone just because they were a "rivaling gay porn company" and wanted to work with Corrigan? And wait, wasn't that the plot of The Velvet Mafia?! (Chris Steele's mother, who penned the script, must be a prophet!) I mean, the motive is so ridiculous it was spoofed in a gay porn! They'd have to be utterly insane to have killed Kocis for that reason and that reason alone. And for two insane people to find each other... I don't know, I get the feeling there's more motive here than we've been told.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Isn't that quite a drama. May be Hollywood will make a movie out of this in the near future.

12:40 AM  
Blogger Albert said...

We got passed the movie idea a long time ago. Brent's story will have to be a mini-series. Of course I am just referring to the first 20 years.

3:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

must give a shout out to the police and all those involved in this investigation.A job well done.I can't wait to see where this story leads in the weeks and months to come and if harlow cracks and sings like a canary if at all we find out sean & grant had any knowledgement or involment in this plot to kill bryan.Time will tell but i won't be surprised if we find out they had some involvment or made some kind of deal behind closed doors with the police.Sean and grant especially grant of all people who hated bryan working to help with the murder investigation maybe totally innocent but still hard to believe sean makes a quick deal with bryan than harlow comes into the picture from out of nowhere and they have this now famous meeting and shortly after bryan turns up dead.Sean then says harlow fucked things up and thinks he is on the run etc.Then it turns out sean and grant of all people help the police in getting harlow to confess at the famous nude beach get together.Harlow is either really stupid or he thought for some reasons he really could trust sean to actually confess to him the murder of bryan and why do so to sean of all people when their relationship since that meeting has been rocky at best.Im glad for byrans family and friends they now can have some closure and peace i personally am looking forward to the future news to find out if sean and grant are totally innocent or if more news and other things are yet to come out.time will only tell until than hope harlow enjoys his new bareback buddies in prison.

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "motive" the police give for the crime doesn't make sense to you because you know something about the adult video business. The jury in Luzerne County won't be experts on the Adult Video industry.

If you really look at all of the "evidence" against Harlow, it is all "paper trails". No one has been alleged to have SEEN Harlow in Luzerne County. Take particular notice of the following:

Harlow and Joe did not swip her health club membership cars on 1/23 and 1/24.

THIS TELLS ME that the Police can't place Harlow and Joe in Luzerne County via eye witnesses, they can only show that someone used Harlow's and Joe's credit cards to rent a car and to rent a hotel room. I would point out that there are more than 40,000 trained killers in Virginia Beach/Norfolk making shit money (i.e. enlisted men).

Given that Bryan Kocis was the only person on his block running a gay porn studio in his basement, it is very strange that no one had their eye on Kocis' house and that so far there are no alleged eye witnesses who can place Harlow and Joe in Luzerne County.

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The motive does seem a little weak to say the pair killed Kocis to get closer to Corrigan when at the time Corrigan and Kocis were involved in a big legal battle. And if there was so much money involved why was Cobra operating from the basement of a house?

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...so far there are no alleged eye witnesses who can place Harlow and Joe in Luzerne County."

Wrong. This just in (from http://www.timesleader.com/news/20070516_16kocis_arrests_ed_ART0.html)

"Cuadra and Kerekes drove to Luzerne County, where they checked into a room at the Fox Ridge Inn in Plains Township on Jan. 23. Kerekes used his Virginia’s driver’s license to check into the motel, where they stayed until Jan. 24, the criminal complaints say. "

Note that a DRIVERS LICENSE was used to rent the room.

I presume most of the staff at the Fox Ridge Inn in Luzerne Cty have fully functioning eyeballs.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movie has already been made...It is called "L.I.E." (Long Island Expressway....in video stores almost nowhere! I saw it at The Palm Springs Film Festival about 10 years ago.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to offer a slightly different perspective on all of this which you can read about on my blog.


11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im somewhat confused here anyone else? Jason reports it appears sean and grant have been helping the police i didn't take the article the same way as he had read it.according to the timesleader as i read it appears they were talking in the past basically it says grant had told police back when they had that meeting in las vegas harlow and his partner was asking questions about what if bryan wasn't around or went to canada what i took was when the police talked with grant and sean whatever point that was grant i took it told police that harlow and his partner at that meeting was hinting about murder.reading the timesleader it goes on to say they had learned about the new meeting that took place recently in san diego which the article doesn't go into much depth on how they learned of it but it says the investigators electronically intercepted conversations the two men had with sean and grant in san diego.investigators recorded a conversation near a hotel in SD on the 27th where roy asked if kocis felt any pain and cuadra leaned toward sean and said don't worry he went quick.then on the 28th at the blackbeach near san diego harlow admitted to being in byans home at the time of the murder.the article really doesn't go into much depth on how they learned of this new meeting or if sean and grant were involved in helping set up the electronically intercepted conversations.I wonder if they were involved in setting up harlow or they had the conversations without sean or grant knowing this was taking place.i just wonder why harlow would admit to anything when he repeats his total innocence especially when asked questions like he feel any pain from someone that may have not known he was the murderer to me that would have drawn a red flag.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys i was checking around various sites on the arrest of harlow tring to gather more info and piece things together and came across the citizensvoice so check it out and read it.it had one piece of information the other articles i read didn't which i thought was interesting.it reads at the meeting in vegas when the question was raised by harlow and his parter about what if bryan wasn't around hinting of murder the subject was quickly changed but according to the article it claims a confidential informant later told police a verbal agreement was made at the meeting for sean to begin working with cuadra once bryan was gone.

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Brent Corrigan still a suspect?

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are some really long posts with neither caps nor punctuation. I don't think I'll read them.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Is Brent Corrigan still a suspect?"

Nope! The police have just officially spoken on the matter, and he is being hailed by them as an INFORMER:


"...They bugged informants who recorded conversations with suspects. One allegedly recorded Cuadra saying he was there when Kocis was killed. "

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jim, the wved link does not work without being a member .-)

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh thats odd...I think there is a good link to it over at Julien's page tho...

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm try this one:


4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

strange..julien´s link works hm.;-)

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK its not typing in here correctly, probably cause its too long...its link 14 over at Julien's Rant Page : )

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did police hide a bug on Brent Corrigan and record the conversation with Harlow if the two were walking on a nude beach?

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the sunglasses?

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said all along from the start...........Brent is innocent. To all those who bashed the hell out of Sean....I sincerely hope you now have the decency to make your apology to him public here on Jasons site!!!

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all...I have been watching this thing as its progressed with Big K and I am really happy that after everything thats been said and done to and by Sean that he is vindicated...I for one am very happy he helped solve this crime. So...whose with me in giving 3 cheers for Sean....

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow me to be the first, Sean if you're reading this: HIP HIP HOORAY, HIP HIP HOORAY, HIP HIP HOORAY!!"

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll hold my applause for Sean till a few more details are answered and we find out if he and Grant shared their suspicion that the dinner conversation between Harlow, Joe, Grant and Sean on January 11th in Vegas contained a possible murder plot as spoken by Harlow and Joe, with the police or Bryan BEFORE Bryan's death, as opposed to after he was already dead.

According to the Citizen Voice, Grant and Sean changed the subject during the course of the dinner conversation that evening when they suspected what Harlow and Joe were discussing was a possible murder plot against Bryan. Sean encountered Bryan two days later in Vegas and again a few days after that to work out the settlement. Since he suspected a possible murder plot was being discussed by Harlow and Joe just days prior, I sure hope Sean shared those concerns with Bryan, the man he was going into partnership with, during one of those meetings. If he did not share his concern and instead didn't say a word about his suspicion, I'll have to think twice before applauding any of Sean's subsequent actions.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As reported, it just doesn't make sense that Corrigan either didn't know or didn't strongly suspect that Bryan was in danger. I mean, at worst, he was in on it but didn't actively participate (like he knew what Harlow was thinking, and passively went along), or at best, he suspected and told Bryan nothing - and both ways, he let it happen.

Why say, months ago after this happened, that Harlow and (whatever the other guy's name is) had screwed things up. It seems to indicate he knew they were involved - and did they screw things up by simply killing Bryan, or did they screw things up by not doing it the right way?

I still think Corrigan was well aware of what was going on. I think he was in on it, even if he wasn't there at the house that night. I mean, Grant and Corrigan had been bitterly fighting with Bryan. And all of sudden, they were back in business? Then they meet another bareback producer on the rise? Then Bryan is murdered? And Corrigan is immediately pointing the finger at Harlow? All in short order.

Corrigan has been known to be manipulative. Grant hated Bryan. At this point, it kind of looks like they pulled it off - manipulated Harlow into getting rid of Bryan so they could have Corrigan for their productions, and once that albatross was gone from around their necks, they fingered the guys they got to do it.

The bad guys are going down, just not all of them. Yet.

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll see what's in the affidavit.

These days, if I hear someone say they are going to murder someone, I assume they are either kidding or wildly exagerrating, and soon forget about the incident. That's common human behavior.

Now I'll give you an example of extraordinary human behavior.

Extraodinary human behavior is agreeing, as an untrained civilian, to place you body in harm's way as part of a police investagation.

Extraordinary human behavior is wearing a wire to tape the conversation of two people who, if you are discovered, are demonstrably capable of slashing your throat and stabbing you to death in a rage...before you or any nearby police can react.

Other words for this sort of behavior are courage, and bravery. This is the sort of behavior we give civilians medals, public honors, and citations for.

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not make Corrigan some hero that deserves a medal.

I mean, how did Bryan get hooked up with Harlow anyway? Did they establish who told the police that Bryan was supposed to be meeting with Harlow that night? If it was Corrigan who pointed the finger that way (and maybe it wasn't - but if it was), then Corrigan knew Bryan was meeting with someone that had suggested murdering him. Someone Corrigan knew wanted Corrigan to himself for his business.

Maybe there is an explanation for all the major coincidences surrounding this case that leads one to reason or suspect that Corrigan was involved, but they haven't been explained yet. And maybe they never will - maybe the police have the people who did the deed and aren't going to explore all the possible connections.

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Did they establish who told the police that Bryan was supposed to be meeting with Harlow that night? "

I believe I know the answer to that burning question. : )

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


While that may be true and those statements may be taken in jest in some instances, this situation was different and anything but ordinary. Sean and Grant, by their own accounts, had never met Harlow and Joe before. During the course of their very first encounter, they suspect a murder plot is being discussed by the people sitting across the table from them. They have no idea if Harlow and Joe are "kidding" or not. How could they? They don't know Harlow and Joe well enough to know their sense of humor. Let's say you were Sean or Grant in this instance: Do you take a chance and say nothing? Or do you do the smart thing and at the very least, give a heads-up to the intended victim of the possible murder plot, especially since you see that individual in person multiple times in the days following the dinner?

If Sean and Grant did the sensible thing, the right thing, and notify Bryan and hopefully the authorities at some point in those thirteen days between the dinner conversation and the murder, and then assisted the police in securing solid evidence for an arrest and conviction, then my praise will be extended to Sean and Grant. Short of that, I'm afraid I have a problem with their lack of action in this matter.

Any discussion of a potential murder plot made by acquaintances you do not know well against someone you know quite well, with whom you have a tumultuous personal history and are going into business with in the near future, would raise red flags and grave concern, I would certainly hope, from any human being of sound mind.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As I recall there were some dealings between H/J and B/G before Vegas. Constant email perstering by H/J to do business with Brent, followed by a brief meeting in NYC between Harlow and Brent, IIRC.

Brent was very clear about his impression of H/J. A couple of charletans, making offers too good to be true.

This is all from the once-removed Jody Wheeler interview, BTW.

I think Brent and Grant in Vegas viewed them more as con artists rather than potential murderers.

When someone I think is a con artist tells me something, I'm apt not to believe it.

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But come on, what do you think Grant and Brent are? They've proven to be vindictive and manipulative. You are saying THEY were taken in by con artists?

Come on. Brent worked with Bryan, was involved with Bryan, used Bryan (as much as Bryan used him, granted) to get things he wanted, and when someone else came along that Brent was interested in- someone I suspect helped convince him he could do better on his own - Brent quickly turned allegiances and expected to walk away without honoring any of his existing agreements. And when Bryan wasn't amenable to that, Brent pulled the 'truth' out - not to do good and expose a bad man, but to lash out and to get out of his obligations - all so he could strike out on his own and make his own fortune at the expense of destroying the man that brough him that far.

This led to months and months of bitter feuding that with a snap, disappeared when all of sudden, Bryan and Brent were working together again. Seriously, did that make any sort of sense to anyone at the time? I honestly wondered what was really going on, what angle Brent was working. And weeks later, Bryan was dead. And Brent and Grant were pointing the fingers at a guy that just happened to be a rival up and coming competitor of Bryan's - who, coincidentally - Brent and GRant had hung out with weeks before Bryan was murdered (something Brent didn't mention until pictures surfaced).

I'm not saying Bryan was a good guy. Far from it. But Brent is no angel either and everything leads to him being involved on some level. After all that has gone on, asking me to believe that he and Grant got innocently taken in by some con artist and that by gosh, they had no idea what was going on - it's strains credibility.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please i won't applaud sean he is a snake and always will be.According to the citizens voice their was an confidential informant later tell police their was a verbal agreement that sean would begin work with harlow once bryan was gone.So to tell me he thought maybe he was joking is BS why agree to work with someone that could possibly be a killer someone who would even joke like that.As for being a hero bryan is dead no changing that so to little to late in my mind.Lets face it bryan is gone harlow off to jail it all benifits sean and co.Their not innocent and not sure if they will walk away free or not but before they count their chickens before they hatch as they saying goes the last big players in all of this is harlow and his partner.Now that their busted and im sure once harlow knows theres no way out of this one like sean he will say anything which means talk and try to bring down anyone else he may with him especially sean if he is guilty in anyway and knowing now sean help set him up.Aww the revenge factor.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wha?? Wha you talkin bout???

I never said Brent got conned by Harlow. The opposite! I said Brent SAW Harlow as a con artist, and didn't trust a word he said.

THAT was my point. Exactly the opposite of what you just said.

Hence, when B/G hears Harlow hint at murder, they does what I'm sure 99.99999% of all people would do in this situation...figure it was all blowhard posturing from a known buffoon, chuckle to themselves, eat another bite from their $750 plate 'o lamb, and forget about it.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I'm saying is a manipulator knows a manipulator and knows when they are being conned / kidded with or if there is some seriousness there. I believe like found like that day and the rest is history.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, I guess that all depends on who you'd like to believe.

Neither Sean nor Harlow appear to be all that good with the truth so it's really a toss up as to who's version of "how we first met" you'd care to believe. Personally, I think there's a bit of truth in both of their stories.

In any event, for now, we'll have to stick with what the news items say and they say that Grant and Sean felt the Vegas dinner discussion with Harlow and Joe was centering on a potential murder plot of Bryan and they changed the subject. This is what they felt, which they must have relayed to police. When they did so is an important question which as of this writing, we do not know the answer to.

It doesn't matter what we think Sean and Grant felt as a result of that dinner conversation because we already know. Sean and Grant felt a possible murder plot was being discussed. Whether they felt Harlow or Joe were con artists or experienced killers is irrelevant. What matters is what they took from the conversation and what they did in the days afterward. To whom they shared their feelings about the dinner conversation with and more telling, to whom they said nothing.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The motive that is being broadcast in the news doesn't add up.

Harlow apparently asked something simple like what would happen if Kocis were in Europe? He didn't mention "murder" yet according to Corrigan and Grant they "changed the subject" because they suspected a murder plot? How convenient.

It was also convenient that just days before the murder Brent Corrigan started telling people he had reached an agreement with Kocis to settle. How convenient to publicize the settlement of what could be your motive.

Cuadra and his boyfriend started up a pretty successful website. It doesn't make sense that they would murder someone simply to film a movie with Corrigan. That's a very weak motive. But it could be the one the police want to put out there so they can flush out the truth if it is different. If there is another motive that will more than likely come out later on. It's not unheard of for suspects to be charged with murder only to find out they were hired or offered money to commit murder by the very people who helped get them arrested in the first place.

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sean and Grant felt a possible murder plot was being discussed. Whether they felt Harlow or Joe were con artists or experienced killers is irrelevant. "

I have to disagree. It's extraodinarily relevant. It has to be considered relevant that they were not taken seriously.

Furthermore, look at Jason post. He's wraps up by saying "They'd have to be utterly insane to have killed Kocis for that reason and that reason alone."

And of course, Jason is correct. You would, indeed have to be insane for this to motivate you to murder.

Yet, we have a Mount Everest of physical evidence against Harlow and Joe.

So, what are we to conclude from this?

Obviously, that Harlow and Joe are indeed that insane.

Hard though this may be to accept, the physical evidence forces this conclusion upon us. Still, even with the full benefit of hindsight, Jason still finds it hard to believe...and who can blame him really? Such insane idiocy as Harlow and Joe posess is (fortunately) rare in this world.

Now, take Brent and Grant in Vegas. You telling me, that WITHOUT any of hindsight mentioned AT ALL, they are are supposed to immediately whip out their cell phones, dial 911, and scream "HELP! We're in a banquet hall at the Bellagio with two REALLY INSANE men, and they offered to send someone we know to Canada, which reading between the lines here, might mean MURDER! Send a SWAT team right away!!! Heeeeelp!"

Methinks you expect to much.

Obviously, B/G were stunned by the level of insanity possessed by H/J, much as Jason (and others) are currently stunned (even with the full advantage of hindsight...which I note was NOT possesses by B/G at the time).

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it appears to me that Harlow and Joe were the ultimate sock puppets.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I should say this, but way back in February on the day police released Harlow's picture to the media seeking his identity, I was the one who called police and told them he was an escort based in Norfolk, VA. While I did not know the accused or the victim and have only followed the case casually since I gave the tip, I am glad to see I was able to point police in the right direction. Due to the brutality of the crime, I believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty.

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should apply for the reward $$. If you have not done so already.


Good job and well done! : )

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

duh. of course brent was involved. why would harlow talk openly about the murder to someone who was not involved in it and in on it from the beginning?

11:36 PM  
Blogger rob in oz said...

yes ... if B/C was not involved then it apears strange that he has made no comment - unless he becomes a wittness for the prosecution... and i don't think he would mention that.... - i have to think that Grant and Sean knew or at the least were told of harlows plot even if they didnt believe him

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with others the movtive just makes no sense.the reasons money and to get rid of his competiton which was bryan and to get the ability to work with brent.lets see it seems harlow did well in the money factor so doubt it was money.Secondly i don't see how bryan was his competition only way would be the common link brent but to say he couldn't work for anyone else until a agreement was made is false.He worked with Falcon and he was able to work with anyone he choose to as long as he didn't use brent corrigan as his porn name.lasly harlow is more into videos on his website were you pay to subscribe to his website to watch his downloaded videos.He did have some videos for sale but not to many.Bryan made all his money on his video sales and some on various sites you could watch the video online so to say he was his competion is fabricating things.The police are either tring to brush off the rest and make harlow and his partner the total fall guys or perhaps there is more yet to come to this story.I find it hard to believe brent never met harlow but out of the blue when a contract settlement is near.they have this meeting and not just a meeting but a $750 plate meeting and some how murder is implied.Harlow could be insane but i don't think he is that insane to run his mouth about murding bryan to of all people brent unless he had some reason to trust him in the first place.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i keep thinking what are the odds and how would Harlow be able to time things just right that he gets in contact with Sean about working with him at the time Sean & Bryan are in contract talks.Supposedly it was in the works but kept seceret and know one supposedly knew of this but the parties involved Bryan,Sean Grant not even Seans fans were aware of this.You have to wonder does harlow just have bad timing or is there more to this story.I tend to think theres more to the story we are not being told.Sean lies as does Harlow so i tend to believe theres some truth but hidden lies lie beneath the surface.

4:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grant is an arrogant, controlling fool and Sean continues to live in a fantasy world.

Those of you who paint them as heroes (Jim) have abandoned all logic, sense of fair play, and critical thinking regarding these two sad specimens.

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are NOT the person who alerted the police to his identity. I was the one who gave them the link to his escort ad AND Jason can verify this with proof via e-mails and the authorities are aware that Jason and I supplied them the information about "the person of interest" they were looking for. So dude c'mon.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Erik - Actually, this is true. WM was the first to give me the information. When I called them, they said they had not received any leads and that the number/profile was complete news to them and offered the reward should it lead to arrest and/or conviction. xo L, J.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Substitute "wm" for "erik" in my post above!

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harlow was running scared when I spoke with him for nearly 2 hours on Monday. He asked me to help him and support him "if the shit comes down on me and Joe". I told him I would continue my profiling and investigation and see where it led, and that the investigation was about to break due to ONE critical piece of information provided by a confidential source. Harlow said he had nothing to hide and was staying put, and that's exactly what he did, making no attempt to run.

I believe that Harlow Cuadra and his boyfriend are NOT stupid, crass, or knowingly self-destructive, yet we are asked to believe the murder of Bryan Kocis was all about a website turf war and the desire to film a rather ordinary 19 year old who lacks chemistry with his co-stars, and that Harlow and Joe "unintentionally" left a trail of evidence a mile wide.

Just too easy, too predictable, WAY too "open and shut". The crucifixion of Harlow Cuadra and Joe Kerekles is well underway but those with discerning minds will observe the problems with the stated TIMELINE of events especially regarding Sean Lockhart and the 1/11/07 $3,000 lamb dinner at Le Cirque in Vegas AND the many holes in the prosecution's case.

Now that Harlow has allegedly offered to turn state's evidence to avoid the death penalty, things are about to get a LOT more interesting.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Tonight, an overview and analysis of Cuadra with comparison to the career of BRENT CORRIGAN to date."

Harlow Cuadra: In jail.
Brent Corrigan: Not in jail.

LOL! Oh my sides hurt! : D

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you. Some people will just lie. I felt I did the right thing by telling Jason that I suspected the escort ad I had seen was who they were looking for.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Calling me a liar? It didn't seem the officer I spoke with had any clue what I was talking about, so it's quite possible they didn't follow through on my lead. They did take my name, telephone and address, however. There's likely a record of that and I plan to call and see. I do read an AP wire service multiple times a day though and called just hours after that story was released through The Times Leader in February, which I believe was a Saturday. That's the only reason I have been following this case. If you want to call me a liar, that's fine. As God is my witness, I don't need anyone else's affirmation.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erik, Wm, you probably both approached them with the information at around the same time.

They also aren't in the business of shutting a potential source down, so they'll go to great lengths to make you think your insights are key to solving the case -- without really giving up any information in return.

At least that's what I used to do...

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Jody.

Wm resorting to personal attacks and calling me a liar was just totally in poor taste. Perhaps he called before I did. All I know is, I did my civic duty, even though I was really apprehensive about calling the police an acknowledging that I knew the individual pictured was an escort.

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E, whether you were the first or the fifty-first person to call, you did the right thing. By the police department's own admission, finding out who "Drake" was was key to cracking open the case. Hearing that Drake was Harlow from several people made their jobs that much easier.

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, would you please lace this thread with some tits, ass and pussy pics of some of your girls so that the straight cops that are using this site to put there case together wont feel completely uncomfortable with our gay little online CSI episode here. Maybe Jenna will volunteer to do a fuck seen on line for the boys in BLUE!

And in trade, perhaps the COPS will share with us were the recording device was hidden at Blacks Beach. I'm thinking it was in those ugly glasses Sean was wearing...Am I correct?

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kent/Damon
They do not crucify murderers in PA they use lethal injection. Please continue to take on the police in PA. Shall we forward them your fraudulent information you used in the housing court in Brockton when you swore that you lived in a mailbox and showed them a fake lease? You remember when your 83 y.o. mother was evicted from her subsidized senior citizens housing because you lived there and allowed her to be thrown out on to the street? Oh great powerful and wise one raise your profile PLEASE. Shilling for accused murderers is obviously not below a 56 year old man that allows his own 83 YO mother to be evicted from a home she had for 17 years because he was a LOSER. Why doesn't an important a person as you do an on camera interview somewhere? We will even take up a collection to get you a front tooth. If you think you are going to fool anyone think again. One would have thought that you would have more decency but then a person that abuses his own mother would feel at home shilling for alleged murderers. Oh by the way yes we shall share your info with all concerned.

9:05 PM  

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