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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Evidence Against Him

Most of you know by now that Harlow Cuadra was moved to Pennsylvania today. He has been arraigned and there will be a hearing in two weeks.

Cuadra is still maintaining he is innocent and asking for donations to help with his legal defense at FreeHarlowCuadra.com.

Though I, and perhaps anyone who has worked more than two hours in the adult entertainment industry, do find the idea completely ridiculous that Bryan Kocis's murder was so that Cuadra and partner Joe Kerekes could shoot a scene with Brent Corrigan, that does seem to be the motive the police are sticking with here and according to this recent write-up from Court TV, they do have quite a lot of evidence lined up against the pair:

Investigators believe Cuadra and Kerekes killed Kocis because they wanted to work with Kocis' lead actor, Sean Lockhart, 20, known in the adult entertainment industry as Brent Corrigan.

According to police, Cuadra wanted to make a film with the "Every Poolboy's Dream" star, but because of pending litigation and contractual obligations between production company LSG Media, Lockhart and Cobra Videos, the plan could not move forward.

Regardless of those obstacles, on Jan. 11, the pair met with Lockhart and Grant Roy, a partner with LSG Media, at a convention in Las Vegas to discuss a movie. At the meeting, according to police, Cuadra alluded to killing Kocis if necessary to secure the movie.

"What if Bryan [Kocis] left the country?" Cuadra suggested to the group, according to the documents.

"Harlow knows someone who would do anything for him," Kerekes allegedly quipped. Roy told police he knew this meant Cuadra could have Kocis killed.

After that meeting, investigators say the plan to kill Kocis was put into motion.

On Jan. 20, Cuadra ordered a background check on Kocis, which he paid for with his credit card, according to court documents. Then, Cuadra bought a prepaid cellphone, which was first activated near his house. The only phone calls made were to Kocis. The last call made was a hundred yards from Kocis' home the day after the murder.

Cuadra also created a new e-mail address, dmbottompa@yahoo.com. Police say the e-mail address and the cellphone were solely for use in the murder plot.

In the days leading up to Kocis' death, Cuadra e-mailed the executive, pretending to be a model named Danny Moilin. Cuadra sent the Kocis his own headshot and asked to set up a meeting at which, presumably, the two would have sex, according to the court documents.

"Umm, can we please be alone ... at least this first time," Cuadra wrote in an e-mail, according to court documents.

Kocis made plans to meet the model on Jan. 24 at 7:15 p.m.

Cuadra, 25, and Kerekes, 33, rented a gray Nissan Xterra SUV and a hotel room for their stay in Dallas, Pa.

The day before the murder, surveillance cameras show Kerekes and Cuadra entering the Superior Pawn and Gun Shop and purchasing a lock blade folding knife, a revolver and ammunition. The knife purchased by Cuadra is believed to be consistent with the knife that killed Kocis, according to court documents.

Police believe Cuadra showed up at Kocis' home on schedule, but quickly became nervous that the porn executive recognized him. Shortly after Cuadra's arrival, there was a knock at the door, according to conversations police later intercepted.

Minutes later, an unidentified witness called 911 to report a fire at Kocis' house. That person said the gray SUV that had been parked in the driveway was no longer there, according to the court documents.

When the fire department arrived, they found Kocis dead in the living room. They noticed several computer towers missing, although the monitors and keyboards remained. Several video cameras were also later reported missing.

The next day, police say, Cuadra called Lockhart and told him to visit a television station Web site, where he found a story about Kocis' death, according to court documents.

"I guess my guy went overboard," Cuadra said, according to documents detailing police surveillance of the conversation.

In the days following Kocis' murder, police intercepted conversations between Kerekes, Cuadra, Roy and Lockhart. Court documents did not explain why police initially suspected the pair, and Pennsylvania State police would not comment.

In one conversation, Roy asked Kerekes and Cuadra if Kocis had felt any pain.

"Don't worry, he went quick," Cuadra said, according to the surveillance.

The foursome were also recorded having a conversation at a nude beach, in which Cuadra talked about being at Kocis' house during the time of the murder, discussed taking some of the porn executive's computers, most of which he said he later destroyed, according to court documents. When police searched the home of Kerekes and Cuadra, they found video cameras with the serial numbers filed off, which they believed to be stolen from Kocis' home.

"Actually seeing that f---er going down, it's actually sick, but it made me feel better inside," Cuadra said, according to the documents. "It almost felt like I got revenge and I know that sounds f---ed up."

Kerekes and Cuadra maintain their innocence. The pair has created a page on MySpace called "2wronglyaccused," and Cuadra continues to blog from jail by phoning and mailing messages to his friends.

"I just know in my heart that i am innocent and i did not commit this crime and then when i go to trial this will all come out and THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!," Cuadra wrote in his blog.

Both men were charged in Luzerene County, Pa., with criminal homicide, conspiracy to commit criminal homicide, abuse of a corpse, robbery, burglary, theft and two counts of arson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree with you 150%.

The motive the police are sticking with is absurd.

I'll say no more.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

CAD and I hve agreed the motive is stupid. That does not in any way suggest these two idiots are not.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Albert - Do you think one can be stupid and savvy? xo L, J.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Jason Sechrest said...
Albert - Do you think one can be stupid and savvy? xo L, J.

9:52 PM

Albert says, Yep.

Love from Texas, Albert

11:01 PM  
Blogger Rob said...


Not stupid, but naive and unsophisticated. There is a very big difference.

11:13 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

I think this whole case is bullshit and most people know this by now. The motive is taken straight from a speculative post that I did right here on this blog in February. The fact is that Sean could have worked with Joe and Harlow if he wanted to and Bryan would have no say in the matter if they did not use the name Brent Corrigan just like when he worked with Falcon. Bryan's death did not benifit Joe and Harlow. If you look at this case really close you will see who did benifit from the death of Bryan Kocis.

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you look at this case really close you will see who did benifit from the death of Bryan Kocis."

Humanity as a whole benefitted.

Unfortunately, using this as a guide creates an unduly large pool of suspects to look at; hence this advice of yours is not much help as a crime-solving tool, Elm.

That's right...I'm baaaaaack! : )

I, jim, the one and only! Who, as most of you all know, FROM DAY ONE ***correctly*** deduced Harlow and Joe as the murderers! While others here were duped into becoming public relations flaks for them, I WAS NEVER DECEIVED!

Humbly, as always, at your service.

I am out of semi-retirement today, for a couple of reasons. One is I opened my maibox a few days ago, and my shiny new copy of Out Magazine had a mini-interview with none other than Brent and Grant! It's part of their big story on bareback porn.

That got the blog commenteer bug stirring within me, once again. For better or worse!

THEN I noticed Court TV picked up the Harlow and Joe trial! Oh gawd, will they televise it?

And with that, the blog commenteer itch became irresistable. So, here I be. Sigh. I know. I am weak. I admit it!

Anyhoo, more comment on the Out interview later in the other Brent thread.

But for now, what were we talking about? Oh yes, the murderers Harlow and Joe! And their supposed lack of motive.

To which I say: LOL!

OK, first of all, when you have the accused actually describing how they commited the crime into a police surveillance tape, not to mention a MOUNTAIN of other evidence, uh....that renders any subjective opinion you might have about motive rather moot, dontcha think? : D

Second of all, when you consider that the two actually flew from Norfolk to San Diego (when and where those surveillance tapes were made, BTW) with the notion to conclude a video deal with Brent, hence IN FURTHERENCE OF the motive you think is "absurd" well...hmm, how to phrase this...

Don't you think it's absurd to think a motive is absurd when the supposed absurd motive is actually acted upon by the subjects?

Well, I think thats absurd. This is jim and I'm out. ; )

8:03 AM  
Blogger Rob said...


Thank you. Very astute observations and to the point. Your version makes the most sense out of this tragedy.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Voch said...

Thought I'd add my $0.02 - I have always thought the official motive was bullshit, but do agree with Jim (and Rob, among others) that Harlow & Joe killed Bryan. I also think there is more to this story than any of us know.

Time will tell.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There may well be more to this, yes.

For example, I suspect that one or both were sexually attracted to Brent in a fan-obsessed, stalker-ish sort of way; the burning desire to "partner" with them being both in the business and pleasure sense.

If just one, and I had to guess, I'd say the obsessed one was probably Joe.

If my hunch is right, this will fill the "motive gap" so many of you out there seem unduly hung up on quite nicely. Early on, a leading speculation was that maybe Kocis was murdered by an obsessed Brent fan. Remember? In fact, this was one of the first if not THE first theories propounded here.

My other motive-related hunch is that the both of them are serious meth addicts.

Now, I know what I'm talking about here. I know what this drug does to you. The feelings of invincibility, living for the current moment only, delusions of grandeur, etc... There have been SEVERAL occasions where J & H did something that made me thing "What kinda CRACK are these boys on?!?!"

Classic example: "Drake Menendez." When I first heard of this...making a PORN MOVIE mocking a murder victim, whose family had only just buried him days before...well, first my jaw hit the floor.

Then I said to myself: "These guys are crackheads; no doubt about it!" Only an 8-ball-a-week pair of crackheads could come up with an idea so ill-advised and tasteless at the same time.

More examples you want? Oh, how about the story (posted here) of Harlow going to a dude ranch in Montana with a Republican Senator? Or the tale of Harlow at Disney World with the eccentric millionaire? Or the fable of Harlow and the rich Virginia tobacco aristocrat? Or...and this is my favorite...Harlow having an understanding with cops in Norfolk to allow their prostitution operation to continue unmolested.

LOL! Boy that last one sorta turned out to be juuust a wee bit untrue, didn't it! : D

Each time I read one of these whoppers here, posted by "Mark @ BoisRUs" I said to myself...crackheads. NO doubt about it. Only someone on meth could come upo with delusions like these, and expect people to believe them.

(Ironically though, some people here DID actually believe these...snicker! I won't say more, you know who you are...LOL!)

Anyways, yeah, just looking at them, their white trash background, etc etc, it all fits, and leads me to Motive Hunch #2. Meth addicts. They fit the profile, completely.

This hair-brained murder plot is just the sort of thing a pair of sketchy meth addicts would plan.

I would not at all be surprised if either of these hunches got revealed during trial. Not one bit!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

I can't remember where we discussed this before. Maybe it was just D and I talking but the Meth was clearly a factor. Harlows sex performances in his films screamed of Cialis and Tina. The porn star cocktail.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, well the "Elm" theory of the crime is out, on his blog.

It was a conspiracy between Aaron and BB and Brent and Grant! They all teamed up, all four of 'em! And murdered Kocis, and framed poor Harlow and Joe.


Well, what shall I say to this?

And I must say...

I agree.

Yes, it's all clear to me now. Elm's theory makes perfect sense. I believe he is correct. The scales have fallen from my eyes; I now see Harlow as innocent as the pure driven snow.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But NO!

Up there, my post above, agreeing with Elm? It's a LIE. Yes, I LIED. That is NOT my real opinion. In reality, I think Brent and Grant did it, and Harlow put them up to it.

Everything else is all smoke and mirrors.

Why did I lie? Well, the deception was necessary. I had to get to the truth.

And sure enough...for at least 5 minutes no one posted a thing! And you know what that means? My deception worked! Yep, that told me exactly what I needed to know.

More on this NECESSARY but CLEVER deception in my next post...

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, you know that post I just posted above? Yep you guessed it a lie.

I'm back once again to Harlow and Joe did it, alone.

And on top of that, I think Elm's theory is loony, even by Elm's standards. It would take a team of experts at least a week to enumerate every logical inconsistancy it.

Now I know I should not have lied. And lied again. Etc. And I was warned it might affect my credibility. But I HAD to get to the truth! A clever ploy, n'est pas? Oh and Cad was in on it too! Right Cad? And mj and Albert and bb too! I got the emails to proove it! : )

8:52 PM  
Blogger Albert said...


Welcome back. ;)

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killing Bryan Kocis so Boybatter could immediately use Brent Corrigan with that trademark name is a perfectly plausible and likely motive.

Harlow and Joe could have been ignorant of the fact that Cobra and its heir would retain Bryan's rights to the "Corrigan" name and the next 6 videos-worth of any porn work by Sean.

They probably thought killing Kocis would immediately free Brent Corrigan for their own use and remove Bryan and all his court victories as an obstacle once and for all.

Porn profit competition was certainly a factor.

Harlow and Joe, like Sean Lockhart, probably knew they would MAKE LESS MONEY if they didn't get to use Sean's star name of "Brent Corrigan."

Elmysterio doesn't grasp this again — he's slower than molasses as usual.

Not to mention that 6 more Sean videos from Cobra would FURTHER DIMINISH Sean's profitability. Porn stardom is a fast burn and audiences get sick of the same people quickly. If Harlow and Joe had to wait until after six more Cobra videos exploiting Sean, Sean's commercial appeal could be MOSTLY PLAYED OUT!

When porn studios (even Hollywood studios) have a hot star commodity, they naturally want a MONOPOLY on that person and his services. Why do you think so many studios encourage stars to sign exclusive contracts?

Furthermore, SHARING Sean between Cobra and other studios would also diminish Sean's profitability. Harlow and Joe stood to gain more by keeping access to Sean's porn work all to themselves — not sharing and overexposing Sean with competition. It's worth it to Falcon and other porn producers to share actors from time-to-time, especially when Sean's obligations to Bryan were in legal limbo with much doubt overhanging.

But producers can be of the jealous, monopolizing variety like Bryan Kocis, too.

And Harlow and Joe were — they wanted Sean to themselves, using his famous brand name of "Brent Corrigan," before Cobra could exploit and play Sean out any further; before Sean and Grant Roy could get their broke, incompetent asses in gear and produce their own material.

So Bryan Kocis WAS commercial competition Harlow and Joe very eagerly wanted to get rid of.

They stood to gain hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.

What separated Bryan Kocis from the competition of 10,000 other porn studios and amateur sites?

Bryan Kocis was the only one as determined to use Sean Lockhart as Harlow and Joe!

Lockhart himself and Roy were just as determined, but not nearly as able. They expressed willingness to work for Boybatter immediately just for the cash, because they are broke and don't know how to deliver porn yet.

Sean Lockhart may not be the "face that launched 1,000 ships," but counting Kocis, Harlow, Joe, Grant and Lee Bergeron, Sean Lockhart launched at least 5!

A financial empire worth over $1 million was made mostly off him.

And Bryan Kocis was the porn producer who had decisively won the legal right to use Brent Corrigan, with that name, for the next couple of years.

Knowing that Sean Lockhart hated Bryan and would have willingly turned to Boybatter instead must have further encouraged Joe and Harlow to kill Kocis.

Sure, Harlow and Joe used methods that are spectacularly stupid and Cobra's new owners could still easily put the kabosh on any new porn work by Sean outside of Cobra.

But it's believable. The motive for Harlow and Joe adds up.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bleieve 150% that Harlow Cuadra and Joe committed it. The had ample motive, opportunity and means.

6:18 PM  

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