David Awards Contoversy Spawns Barebackers vs. Condom Nazis Debate

What might be more fascinating than the articles themselves though are the comments. Among many others, I engaged in what Raging Stallion producer/director Chris Ward and I agreed was a very healthy and educated debate between us about the topic in regards to responsiblity, freedom, inner industry unity and safety.
So check it out in the comments section of the stories at GayPornTimes.com! As it is here, the comments are often just as amusing, if not moreso than the articles themselves. ;-)
Hi Jason.
Frankly I couldn't care less whether they film bareback porn, as long as myself don't do it. Got STD once 5 years ago, it was during my depression and wasn't really thinking so i did bareback. So that's my lesson.
I think you can criticize me on this but if there are studios that are so believe in short-term of making barebacking film that brings them profit, fine, let them learn their lesson. No matter how hard Ms. LaRue and Mr. Ward pushes for condom-must work scene, we're pretty much the minority, I felt. Sometimes I just think may be we should just shut our mouth, do our own healthy but dirty thing, and let people learn lessons. (I sure for one did learned it) Why you can criticize me is because this is a totally selfish thought. It's like I just need to take care of myself today and that's it, who gives a fuck to others. But the real fact is, it's those people who cared themselves only and don't give a fuck.
I admit bareback scenes are hot, but unlike hollywood movie, porn is a mixture of real life stories and fantasy. us the adult audiences should have the brain what is right and what is not, what is fantasy, what is reality. may be i'm just too naive and wrong.
Why I titled "irrelevant " is because, recent deaths of porn stars, drug related and all other messed up aspects in their life. My conclusion is, after reading the debate and gave few thoughts, you just can not simply blame in on the industry. Someone is trying to provide healthy environment to work with. They care about their models. Chichi does, and Chris (based on the debate) does. I think and you probably are aware there may be some models just have condoms on during the film just for the work sake. They bareback in private life. Does the studio have that much time and attention to focus on their private life? doubted. Same with their private life and even the drug use.
looking forward to see your various gigs. audience for Jason Sechrest show on ksex perhaps? I might bring the whole show down but I sure would like to be the panel of "Ask Jason" judges :P
took few pics recently, may be i should forward it to you and see.
ps. listening britney's new album, I would give B+/A-
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