The New & Improved Erik Rhodes

But I told you so.
I can't begin to tell you how many people contacted me after I booked Falcon exclusive Erik Rhodes to help launch the new format of my Wednesday night show at Here Lounge, all of whom told me, "He's going to flake. He never appears for anything."
My response?: "I understand that he has a reputation for that, however he has NEVER flaked on anything I have personally booked him for and I don't expect him to let me down now."
Sure enough, there was some question right down to the last minute -- but Rhodes showed up and with a huge smile on his face beamed, "Jason, only for you!" to a sea of people who had come out to see him.
Over 200 people were in attendance include such industry celebs as Andrew Rosen, Chris Seele, Ross Canon, Angel Benton, Mario Cruz and many more.
Rhodes was joined by fellow Falcon exclusives, real-life couple Aden Jaric and Jordan Jaric. Rhodes and I gave away DVDs, the Jarics danced the midnight hour away getting dirty with the hottest go-go boys in town and everyone had a chance to meet the stars during the autograph signing.
The Jarics actually started as dancers and I believe still dance frequently so they were on top of their game and felt right at home. They really have got to stop wearing similar outfits though because everyone kept asking me if they were boyfriends or twins, having the same last name!
The real shocker of the night though was that Rhodes was 100% sober and remained so throughout the entire evening. He was gracious to his fans, spent lots of time with them and drank nothing but Red Bull all night.
Here I'd thought I should start drinking at 2:00 in the afternoon to keep up with what I was sure was going to be another wild ride of a night provided by Erik Rhodes!
But alas, our Rhodes is growing up.
And he's wearing it really beautifully.

Come to see the Porn Star of the Week at Here Lounge's GARAGE every Wednesday night from 10:00 pm - 1:00 am.
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