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Friday, February 01, 2008

Chi Chi Says: "Safe Sex Is Hot Sex!"

Remember that new anti-bareback PSA of Chi Chi LaRue's I was telling you about earlier this week? Well it has arrived! And you can get more at her new site SafeSexIsHotSex.com.

I have some thoughts on this.

I'm no condom nazi, but the girl makes a damned good cheerleader here, that's for sure! LaRue makes strong points about how it's not just an issue of "personal choice," but moreover about how if bareback movies continue to make more money and take over the industry, the boys of the gay adult film world will be practicing unsafe sex just to be a porn star.

Another thing it made me think about: With Chi Chi being at the heart of not only the gay porn industry, but hosting and sponsoring so many major gay porn events, she is the hand that feeds many. And with her adamant "no barebacking companies allowed" stance, if there's one person in the biz who can stop the tide from turning in the bareback studios' favor, there's no question that it is going to be Chi Chi LaRue.

That's not to say that I personally agree in the exclusion of bareback companies. Personally, I think you have to allow people to make those decisions for themselves and not be bribed into it by refusing to appear or participate in or fund an event. But on the other hand, the refusual of someone like LaRue goes a mighty long way round these parts.

But even more than that, what this PSA does just continues to prove to me what a damned good director LaRue is. Did anyone notice that the out-of-drag/in-drag theme is a parallell of the words coming out of his/her mouth? Fantasy vs. Reality? We love when Chi Chi gets subtle in her genius!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your young and not everyone you ever loved is dead yet. Just give it time and they will be.
I suspect when you are Chi Chi and my age you'll look back and then it will dawn on you that all those friends you had in your twenties would be nice to have around in your 40's but they will be dead and you will be lucky to be alive.
Perhaps the readers that you reach will someday share with you the experience of the revelation of how fragile life is and that you too have a responsibility to lead this industry forward and realize that your public position on this issue is likely to kill more young men that just don’t believe it will ever happen to them.
I hope you wake up before it’s too late for you and your HIV- readers.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I’m not the most optimistic, sunshine-and-rainbows, everything-is-going-to-be-great kind of homo, but this whole topic is fascist. It’s one thing to like Chi Chi’s movies because that brand of fantasy appeals to you. It’s another to tell people that if they can only get off to something else (bareback, gay porn, anal sex, etc) they’re killers, poor examples, and disease ridden. This isn’t snuff or kiddie porn people. No kind of porn is danger free. In fact to listen too many of these performers the industry itself abuses them since they’re used like meat for a short period and then abandoned. Where does personal responsibility come in? If you bleeding heart liberal hypocrites care so much why don’t you go adopt an ageing porn star before they are forced to work for Treasure Island, or one of those. You don’t really care for them any more than they care for you, come on now... You just want to impress your will on others like people have impressed their wills on you…I get so tired of the misguided “just say no” crowd. Like that has ever worked. The focus should be on making sure that these sleezy sets make sure their models are disease free, and if there is negligence than they should loose their licenses just like any other business. If the performers, manufacturers, and customers want bareback video it should be their business and not yours. Someone said if a performer gets AIDS we all pay for their medication etc and that is a valid point. If a performer gets AIDS from making a video they should be able to sue. They knew the risk before they got screwed bareback so they shouldn’t get any tax money (no one in this day and age should get a dime for getting AIDS.) One of the reasons that America is loosing its edge is because the first answer to every problem is to make a law, deny someone a freedom, go straight into denial. Now we have less rights than most European countries (inc Canada on this continent), we don’t make crap anymore, and we still think we’re going to win the drug war. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Denial does not work it just morphs into more destructive behavior. I prefer the containment approach. It has worked for cigarettes in America, drugs & prostitution is many other countries. Don’t forget gay sex is against the law in many countries and it hasn’t done anything except make things worse, spread disease, and add to human misery. This is an example of the pendulum effect. Where people deny something for so long then the damn burst and the problem is totally exacerbated. If you want something that is unhealthy at least do it in moderation because if you deny yourself the subconscious will win eventually. That goes for everything alcohol, sex outside of a relationship, barebacking, eating meat, etc.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Shelby - What the fuck? I post the most anti-bareback piece I've posted in years and you wanna take issue? I posted the PSA and said she makes amazing points and talked about how brilliant it was and how Chi Chi could totally change the tide for the industry! The only thing I said to the contrary was that I still feel people should be allowed to make those decisions for themselves and that bareback porn should not be excluded from events, columnist's reviews, etc. when it is such a major part of the industry. You don't think people should have a right to choose for themselves? Then petition to make it outlawed. Petition to make it illegal to have any sex without a condom at all actually. That's essentially what you're saying you want. Or is there some line that is drawn between what is legal to do on camera and what is legal to do in life? Furthermore, who says I WILL be alive? I don't believe I have the corner market on mortality. See, I grew up in a generation that was already plagued with the threat of HIV so my generation is quite a bit different than your's. We never had that luxury of thinking "oh nothing bad will ever happen to us." I'm not living in what you seem to think is some kind of rose-colored haze that comes with being in your twenties. That must've been nice for you but let's not pretend either of us have ever walked in each other's shoes when we are living our sexual prime in very different times. And my "public" position is exactly what my public position is: that of someone who covers the adult entertainment industry -- and not just part of it. But all of it (that is legal) and especially that which is at its peak of popularity. I cover what's going on in adult entertainment. Since 1998. That's my job. xo L, J.

Mani - You are one smart fucking cookie. Seriously. Good points all around. All a-fucking-round. Kudos to you. xo L, J.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

I can't even believe I let that comment go through. To tell me that in time, ALL MY FRIENDS will be DEAD and then I'll understand. Classy. This is why I can't stand the condom nazis. They sound like fucking holy rollers. "You will all burn in hell someday and then you'll see and understand... There is only one way of life." Makes me so furious. You know, no one is living under a rock here. Everyone understands that smoking cigarettes can kill you. But there's a lot of people out there who would just rather smoke. And it's not my place to tell them they're not allowed. The only thing I have a right to do is not be around them so I don't catch the second-hand, ya know what I mean? But the anti-bareback community really needs to find a better way to handle their arguments or they may as well just join forces with the Phelps for all I'm concerned. There's great points to be made and yall are pathetic at making them. Chi Chi is the first to have done a great job at it with her PSA. xo L, J.

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So just how much risk is acceptable risk? I guess Channel 1 and Titan (two of the biggest anti-bareback companies) should be able to tell us, right? What do they have to say about the possibility of contracting Hepatitis from rimming? What do they have to say about the possibility of contracting Herpes from sucking a condomless dick? These are two DISEASES that you can't get rid of. What about syphilis, gonoreha, chlamedia? Are the last three okay because you can pop a few pills and get rid of them? HIV is NOT the only sexual predator out there - it's just the easiest to soap-box about because we know exactly how we get infected. All the other STD's are just invisable in porn because contraction isn't as visable...if there's no visable exchange of fluids well then we must not be exposing ourselves to anything, right guys??? Give me a fucking break. There isn't one fucking porn producer who can raise their hand and say, "We've never exposed our performers to; hepatitis, herpes, syphilis, chlamedia, gohnorrea, etc." No, to be fair, what they should say at the beginning of ALL their films is, "We regularly exposed our performers to; hepatitis, herpes, syphilis, chlamedia, gohnorrea, etc."

12:26 PM  

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