Johnny Hazzard Kissed A Girl ...And He Liked It!

And not just any girl.

Both stars are now rumored to have said that if they were ever to do a bi movie it would be with each other.
Hmm... I happen to know Chi Chi LaRue is shooting a new bisexual movie very soon too.
But I seriously doubt DP would ever let Stoya out of her contract to do a movie for another company -- much less a bi flick!
I really do love the Playground peeps, but they are kinda like... how do I put it?
Well, they're the Titan Media of the straight porn world!
Meaing that they are controlling and sue happy right???????
After seeing Jason Ridge fuck a girl and not seeming to enjoy it, I guess I'm up for anything, bring it on Johnny!
When did jason ridge fuck a woman???
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