Zeb Atlas Bones Adam Killian (And I Could Care Less)

Zeb Atlas shot his first scene fucking a guy up this ass last week for Falcon Studios and the dude taking it was none other than Playgirl model, famed go-go boy and frequent gay porn industry cameraman, Adam Killian, in his own XXX debut.
I'm sorry, I'm not that excited. I'm kind of over the whole thing at this point really.
I love Zeb. He's a cool cat. Really. Sweet guy. Good person. No joke.
But there's been just too much fuss made over him doing his first hardcore scene.
First it was splashed everywhere that he was doing it. Then everyone had an opinion that the first blowjob scene was with Zeb getting his dick tickled by Jake Cruise's daddy white beard when it was supposed to be for Falcon. Then Falcon shot their scene with Matthew Rush which didn't quite go as planned and turned out only to be an oral. But hey, they got a blowjob scene out of it at least! And we got a bunch of at-home-video-chats from Rush breaking down in tears crying about how upset he was to not be the first and something about getting a parasite from licking Zeb's butt (which is impossible, by the way) that was shades of those voice mails Mariah used to leave for her "lambs" ala the Glitter phase on her web site. As if that wasn't ridiculous enough, Falcon threatened to sue everyone if they didn't take the videos down, making the story even bigger than it was before -- and making all those journalists that posted it (I was not one) pissed off and not in the least anxious to promote anything Falcon related anytime soon.
Now Zeb's puttin' it in Adam's vagina.
I dunno, I'm just done hearing about it. It had better be the most award-winning scene of the freaking year for how much everyone from David Forest to Zeb Atalas to Matthew Rush to Falcon Studios has made out of this.
And not for nothing, but what the hell was Adam Killian thinking?
That man already has a huge fan base. People have been waiting for him to make the XXX plunge longer than Zeb. And after all these years, with companies vying to shoot him forever, he finally makes the leap to gay porn -- not with a jack-off scene, not with a movie written around him so that he becomes a huge superstar (which was offered to him, by the way, by another director!) -- but playing the bottom bitch to a gay-for-pay mass of muscle.
Where does Adam Killian go from there? He could've been a major superstar and milked his career like Zeb has. Did he really just want Zeb's dick in him that bad that he'd shoot himself in the foot? I just don't get it.
Anyway, I'm tired of talking about it. What do you guys think?
Ever since Todd Montgomery left Falcon I have been waiting for the Big Turnaround, and I am still waiting.
I couldn't care less when it was Atlas and Rush, how am I supposed to care about this?
Not a fan of Zeb's, but do loves me some Killian! He probabyl did it knowing that it would be everywhere. And it is, even here Jason. So, where does he go from here is the real question? I'm sure he didn't do it for the money, so EXPOSURE is all he is after and he's getting plenty of it. Now's the time to book him for one or more of your shows. Book an interview show and we'll ask him. :)
Happy XXX Wedensday,
Adam's a cool guy... hope he got what he wanted from being a part of this "affair". :-)
Wow. For someone being SO sick of it all you sure did spend some valuable time (and space) pontificating about it. Adam Killian is probably getting exactly what he wanted - exposure, scandal, attention - he's no dummy. So c'mon sicko's comment so Jason can be MORE sick of it all and perpetuate his pain. I love it!
Gee. What a hot topic. This has already been discussed ad naseum on at least 3-4 other sites. I guess it's never too late to be - late.
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