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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Larry Flynt Gets Restraining Order Against Nephews

In the latest development of the family feud, Larry Flynt of Hustler Video and Flynt Publications has successfully obtained a restraining order banning his nephews Dustin Flynt and Jimmy Flynt II from trading on their surname alone in the adult video market, as is the case with their current company name Flynt Media Corp.

The order does state, however, that should they use their full names to differentiate the product per Larry's original request, ie. "Dustin Flynt Media Corp." or "Dustin & Jimmy's Pussy Cafe" ...they should be just fine.

Why didn't they just agree to do that in the first place when Larry asked them? Because Flynt Media Corp. sounds and awful lot like Flynt Publications and could be easily confused with their uncle's brand name, instantly bringing them infinitely better distribution deals, and, let's face it ...more money for crack and more pussy at the cafe!

In other Larry Flynt news, the man in the golden wheelchair recently made a bid for a percentage of our government's bailout money to go towards the adult entertainment industry, showing figures that proved adult entertainment has suffered as much of a decline, if not moreso, than some of the corporations that have been given the bailout money.

At The AVN Awards last Saturday, Flynt made a statement from the stage. "We have the solution to what they're doing," referring to the foundering adult production companies, "and it's called bankruptcy, [but] m
y good friend [AVN Publisher] Paul Fishbein asked me if I would come out and say something positive to the industry. Well, if you remember a year ago when I spoke, I said about a year from now, half the companies that were in this business would no longer exist. I think that was right on the money. But I think this industry does have a strong future. We can no longer function the way we did in the past. Can't get a camera and a couple of models and go shoot a loop, put it on tape and expect it to sell. You have to create a quality product. You have to have quality performers, quality directors. The only thing that's gonna save this industry is the quality of the products it produces, and keep that in mind. As long as we remain excellent at what we do, we're gonna be around."


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