We Define America... Today!
It's a sad irony that the day after celebrating those who have fought vigilantly for this country, our government -- meant to protect us -- would invade our very bedrooms. Where we once seemed an intelligent nation, more and more we find other countries making us a laughing stock when it comes our own hypocrisy claiming the soil we stand upon represents that of freedom and equality.
United we stand, divided we fall. If we do not offer every person regardless of sex, race, sexuality, age... the same rights, the super power we know as America today will soon crumble around us.
But you can change this.
It has happened time and again throughout the history of this wonderful country, people's voices rising up to change our government's policies when they do not uphold the ideas of what America was founded upon.
Tonight at 7:00 pm, I will be protesting at 647 N. San Vicente Blvd. in West Hollywood.
For information on a protest nearest you, click here.
If nothing else, today I ask you all to look into the mirror and define the word America. What does it mean to you? If our government is not upholding the definition of the word, do something, anything, to change that. Every voice in the chorus counts.
As much as I love my job, I couldn't go forward working on updates about adult entertainment today before calling attention to this atrocity and asking you to join me in doing something about it. Thank you.
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