Michael Lucas Gives Us The Top 10 Misconceptions About Israel

Which got me thinking... what exactly ARE the many misconceptions about Israel???
I asked Michael for a list of the Top Ten Biggest Misconceptions About Israel. He was kind enough to take the time to oblige.
So get ready for one major lesson in world history and current foreign affairs from one of gay porn's greatest storytellers!
Misconception #1. Israel is a non-secular country that discriminates against the LGBT community as well as women.
"People think that gays, in general, have no rights in Israel. Gay people actually have more rights in Israel than in the United States, and forget about all the neighboring Muslim countries. Gay couples can adopt children. Israel recognizes same-sex marriages performed in other countries (something the United States does not recognize), and it's the only country in the Middle East and one of the few in Asia to do so. Since 1992, gays and lesbians are protected by employment anti-discrimination laws, also something that doesn't exist in the United States on a federal level. If an Israeli citizen marries a person of the same sex from another country, the partner is still able to receive Israeli residency. In Tel Aviv, gays and lesbian couples are granted discounts for municipal services, which includes day care and access to sports facilities. Gays and lesbians are invited to the annual Holocaust Memorial Day. In other words, Israel acknowledges the prosecution of homosexuals by Nazis. Lots of gay Palestinians received asylum in Israel, as a lot of neighboring countries homosexuality is punishable by mutilation or death."
"Not true in the slightest, as you will see in Men of Israel. As opposed to other countries in the Middle East, Israel is a beautiful, green country, with beautiful beaches and is bordered by a number of seas, like the Mediterranean Sea, the Dead Sea, the Red Sea, and the Sea of Galilee, which will surely enchant any tourist who visits. Israel has wonderful architecture, a great nightlife, and lots of sidewalk cafes and restaurants with delicious cuisines from all over the world. Israeli cities are very modern, and the shopping there is fantastic, with many American and European shops and huge malls. There are also incredible museums and opera houses, and also the Philharmonic, along with gigantic stadiums and movie theaters. It's just like any major European or American city."
"Also not true. People think that women in Israel have no rights. During the entire 61 year history of Israel (as this country is very young and was founded in 1948), women always have had the right to vote and Israel had the first female Prime Minister in world history, Golda Meir."
"This is absolutely not true. This ban was revoked 16 years ago in 1993 (I believe that the only countries where gays cannot openly serve in the army are the United States and all the Muslim countries)."
Misconception #5. Gays must live sad, secluded lives in Israel.
Misconception #7. Israel is a dangerous country where people should not go on vacation.
"There were several years when suicide bombers were blowing up buses and restaurants using women and children. However, since Israel built a fence between itself and Palestine in 2006, the suicide attacks have stopped."
Misconception #8. Filming porn in Israel would be a suicide mission.
"There was a law against pornography but it was overruled several years ago, so filming porn in Israel is absolutely legal. In fact, Israelis were incredibly supportive and every major Israeli newspaper wrote about my production, Men of Israel. We had several journalists come to the set."
Misconception #9. Israel looks like a country of war.
"The media shows Israel only when there's a war. Unfortunately, because Israel is the only democratic, civilized society in the Middle East, its Muslim neighbors are dedicated to destroying it. So what you see on television is actually not Israel, but the West Bank and Gaza, controlled by terrorist organizations like Hamas, and has nothing to do with what Israel is like."
Misconception #10. Everything you hear about Israel must be true.
"I always think one should go and experience something before talking about it and that is usually not the case with Israel."

Michael Lucas visits Israel twice a year.
Scenes from his movie, "Men of Israel," will begin being released first on LucasEntertainment.com July 6th, followed by the DVD release July 22nd.
Yayyyy I love Israel, have been many times. I hope people will open their eyes to this phenomenal country.
Wow. This iz reely powerful stuf and the guyz are HOTT. wehre do I get my tix to tel aviv? lol
It's true that modern Israel was forged and led by very progressive, European Jews with socialist and often communist tendencies.
From the immigrant kibbutzim communes around the turn of the 20th century to leaders who were even atheists, such as Theodor Herzl.
But great, progressive Labor Party leaders like David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir and Shimon Peres would NEVER, EVER condone the despicable, neoconservative policies and warmongering favored by Michael Fucking Lucas.
Michael Lucas and Benjamin Netanyahu, with their approval of imperialism, indiscriminate Arab/ Muslim slaughtering, Lebanese invasion and disproportionate retaliation and war provoking make Israel look VERY BAD.
Michael Lucas gives Israel a very ugly face.
So to speak.
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