Blake Riley Retires

Blake is currently involved in a relationship and has been telling friends he's "over the whole porn thing" for a while.
Though he does not intend on shooting any more movies at the moment, Blake remains under contract to C1R and much like when Benjamin Bradley took a break from the biz for a while a couple years back, Blake will always have a home at the studio should he ever wish to return.
During the time Blake enjoyed the industry, he was always a pleasure and absolute sweetheart. We have his final live interview, a two-hour episode of "Bottoms Up!" available to our members where Blake strips naked to show us some crazy gymnast positions he can himself into and even does some naked cheerleading! Check it out!
Most people seem to think Shifting Gears came out at a bad time, when PROP 8 was just being passed, and the backlash had something to with that, I think had he not made SG and bragged abot being bi or his new found love of pussy, he'd still be a big star today, no question.
Also, Jason, I wonder, if you knew if another Blake, Blake Harper was bisexual off camera, rumour has it he loved the furry cup too.
All gay porn performers love pussy; that's just a given.
Yep, "Shifting Gears" definitely hurt him, but he had no one to blame but himself because of the way he handled it. Also, his performances with guys always lacked real passion, so you could tell he really wasn't into it.
I wish him the best, but his departure is no big loss.
There is no evidence that "Shifting Gears" had anything to do with Blake Riley's retirement.
Maybe all the judgemental queens who savaged him for doing nothing wrong contributed to some discouragement.
But Riley never claimed to be straight, he never "bragged about being bi," he always maintained his gay orientation and has perfect gay credentials, he is in no way a closet case or a traitor to gay people and there's absolutely NOTHING WRONG with a mostly gay-oriented man having sex with a woman for business OR for pleasure!
The intolerance from gay trolls on the internet is astounding. You knee-jerk, bi-phobic, narrow-minded, woman-hating, politically motivated assholes SET HUMANKIND BACK and the GAY MOVEMENT BACK with your intolerance, your judging and your ignorance.
LEAVE BLAKE RILEY ALONE. What you like can't be forced on everyone else!
Well, I was wondering when Chris Crocker was going to make an appearance.
You known something fuck Blake Riley, and fuck you Gavin, and fuck Jason Seacrest, who probably won't publish this comment because he is a fascist and only publishes comments that he agrees with, and agrees with his pr pay pack.
Riley fucked up his career, they promotion for Shifting Gears was homophobic and Riley played along with it. So I'm glad he has finally got the message and fucked off.
And I dare to publish this comment Jason.
Boy, whomever said, "Hell hath no fury like a woman or bitter gay queen scorned.", sure called it. You guys are NUTS! All of this bitching b/c a hot guy-with whom you didn't have a chance in hell with anyway-expanded his sexual boundaries? Get over it. He doesn't "owe" you his sexuality. How PATHETIC can you "guys" be? Trying to correlate his bi film with the current political climate is just a JOKE. IT'S PORN, for cryin' out loud!
You bitch about feeling "discriminated against", yet, have no problem spewing biphobic epithets. Lovely. I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning. You guys are a pathetic joke to the rest of us b/c you make yourselves that way at every opportunity by focusing so much time and energy on the most ridiculous things...and you wonder why the world see you as less than men...
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