Jeremy Bilding Explains It All For You

Like yesterday's post where he decided to tackle a controversy that's been debated somewhere in this industry nearly every month since long before I got into this business 12 years ago: The straight porn industry mandates that all performers be tested, but allows them to not use condoms. The gay porn industry does not require testing, but mandates condom usage. (Note: This is true for the majority of the companies, though there are exceptions along the way.)
J Bild doesn't gather any new bludgeons with which to beat this already dead horse, but his post is fascinating, the least of which is not when he enlightens us to what he refers to as his own "mind-blowing facts."
Mind-Blowing Fact #1 from J Bild: "There are NO HIV+ performers working in straight porn."
Mind-Blowing Fact #2 from The J Dog: "Over 50% of the performers working in gay porn are HIV+."
I'd just like to personally commend Jeremy Bilding for taking the time to not only write this piece but to personally test every performer in gay porn. He must be exhausted, but I think all that work he put into it is really worth it for us to have these "facts," which as we all know can be really dangerous things if they're false and passed around.
Jeremy also opines on why gay studios require condom use instead of testing: "It has to do with a viewer demand. The majority of the gay viewer community prefers to see the condom in their scenes."
This explains a lot. I've always secretly suspected those bareback studios just aren't making any money these days even though they're always at the top of the charts. There are probably way less people buying those bareback movies than those from studios that require condom usage (who's movies are hardly even distributed overseas anymore due to no one buying them at all). So let's just say Mind-Blowing Fact #3 is that the viewer demand for condoms in scenes is probably through the roof and at an all-time high!
Ah well, Jeremy is just a porn star doing his job to the best of his ability and voicing his opinions.
He ends his article saying: "I am Jeremy Bilding. I enjoy sex too much to stop having it, but will do what I can to keep it as 'Safe' and 'Clean' as I can."
He is Jeremy Bilding! He does enjoy sex! And click on the box covers below to view some of his incredible work.

You're absolutely right, I did not, nor could not have tested every performer. But what I know to be true, is that you cannot work in one industry and be testing positive, and the other does not require testing, and I have agents, performers and producers telling me that they know of 30+% of the industry being positive. With many of the performers REFUSING to be tested, you do have to assume certain things.
I do do know that companies do not require the test, and I'm fine with that. I'm not trying to push anyone out, just as I'm not looking for a witch hunt.
I am, however, having do defend myself when I was being slandered for thinking one form of sex was safer than the other. I was having to defend myself, when I turn a corner and people shun performers because "everyone in the industry has AIDS". I was having to defend myself, because my hadn't ever done anything prior.
When people scream and complain that the Gay Porn world is perfect and clean, I simply felt a need to share some of the facts.
I'm sure that bareback porn is hurting just as much as incest or mutual masturbation. I never said that it was hurting, or that viewer demand was the SOLE reason. Wicked does just fine with their condom mandate, I pointed that out too. But, just as viewers scream and yell more when a performer shaves, they yell more when a performer doesn't use a condom.
Love the slap in the face though, only posting my Bareback titles from Jake Cruise.
I know that in this I posted 30%, it's in concurrence with an article and comment left by the Sword on either unzipped or Gay Porn Times.
The 50% number was one that I've gotten from agents and producers.
jason honey you still do this sort of thing better than anyone else out there. amazing. after all these years the others still can not come close to being you when it comes to a story like this. congrats on all you have created for yourself.
I appreciate Jeremy taking an interest. More porn stars should. He just needs to get facts straight or not say them at all because they can be really damaging to the industry. The government will use posts like his in bulk to turn over to courts and say that porn needs to be regulated.
Jeremy is very well spoken and gutsy for speaking out.
But Marc Star is right. Jason is such a bitch and we love it! Posting Jeremy's bareback Jake Cruise videos after this post use one of Jason's words..."Brill!"
HAHAHAHAHA! Love the end part.
Wow, Jeremy.
Your additional comments made your case WORSE!
The point is not to use hearsay or make up "facts." You need scientifically methodical statistics from a credible source before trying to claim "facts."
And Jason's mention of bareback titles not making as much money as condom titles was totally sarcastic -- bareback titles ARE out-selling condom titles GREATLY, and here's just one credible source to back up that "fact:"
Jeremy wrote:
"I was having to defend myself, because my hadn't ever done anything prior."
Then TC wrote:
"Jeremy is very well spoken."
Uh ... no.
But don't take it personally, Jeremy. Being slow makes a guy all the hotter to me, and I'm here to take you under my wing. was really tired to post pictures of only his bareback titles. I don't think his blog post contradicts anything he's done. Certainly he must know we can look up his videos and find these videos among them. As an HIV Prevention Program Director and Research, I don't like folk playing fast and loose with numbers - so I will head over to his blog and register my concerns there.
"There are probably way less people buying those bareback movies than those from studios that require condom usage (who's movies are hardly even distributed overseas anymore due to no one buying them at all)."
This confuses me. Where is the data that supports this hypothesis?
How do we explain the explosion of bareback titles coming from Eastern Europe, and the continued success of studios like SX, Treasure Island, and Hot Desert Knights? Have you been to a video tube or pay per view site lately? Click on most popular - or most watched, and you'll find that most people are watching the bareback movies.
I just think we need to be careful that we use facts to draw conclusions.
I was being sarcastic, dear. Sorry for the confusion. Hence the stuff in the parentheses about how movies with condoms are hardly distributed overseas at all anymore. ;-)
Channel 1 would have been better off sticking to the policy of not casting models who have done bareback videos in the first place rather than selectively bending the rules for certain models.
The people who should be photographed with duct tape over their mouths are not supporters of gay marriage but models who have done bareback videos and are no longer allowed in condom required movies.
I guess using Jeremy Buildings method and numbers we have to assume he has a 50% chance of being HIV positive too right?
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