Who Killed Bryan Kocis?

And as he detailed this story to me, I rolled my eyes thinking to myself, "And so the idle rumors and accusations begin."
Now, is this unnamed and so-called "friend" just trying to stir the stereotypically gay pot full of drama or is he truly a concerned party? Who can say? But one thing is certain. He's going to be only the first of many with similar stories, be they conjured or authentic.
One Constant Reader left a comment on the story reminding us of how I have referred to Brent Corrigan as Catherine Tramell, Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct, consistently for the past two years. This is true. I have. He has every quality that made her one of the move lovable villains in cinematic history: He's overtly sexual, frighteningly intelligent, highly manipulative and he has an addiction to risk in seeing how much he can get away with. And yet, like Catherine, we root for him every time!
Suddenly Bryan Kocis is found dead in his home, the victim of multiple stab wounds.
Now I think that Constant Reader is just waiting for the papers to report that the weapon was an ice pick.
I have become relatively close with Brent and Grant over the past year or so and I would even go so far as to call them friends. I wouldn't like to think that either of them would ever be capable of involvement in such a crime. But I also know that when I take my personal feelings for the two of them out of the equation and look at this on paper, it doesn't look good for them and that worries me.
It doesn't look good at all, in fact.
Aside from the obvious factors being the lawsuit against Brent Corrigan and the February court date, what's most interesting to me is that Brent and Grant are now claiming they had reached a mutually beneficial settlement with Bryan that would even involve them all working together. Perfect alibi and smoking gun, right? But Corrigan told me by phone Thursday, "He knows a lot about the video production end of things and I was looking forward to putting all of this behind us and working together in the future."
Now a settlement I can understand. But working together? With a convicted child molestor? Brent Corrigan has become the poster boy to fight against everything Bryan Kocis. And now he tells me he was going to work with him again? If Brent was truly taken advantage of and as damaged by the Cobra experience as he has repeatedly claimed, how could he in good conscience work with him again?
Something smells rotten.
Still, Kocis had pleaded guilty to molesting underage boys in the past. It could have been any number of those boys who came back seeking revenge upon him. Or even perhaps one of their fathers, as the papers are claiming the murderer was likely male between the ages of 30 and 40. As another one of my friends put it, "You fuck with the farmer's son in Dallas Township and the farmer's probably gonna come after you with an axe!"
So there's any number of scenarios here, despite a boat load of motives and things not adding up over at the Corrigan residence in San Diego.
Whatever the case may be, I hope they find Kocis's murderer fast for the sake of Brent and Grant's reputations and career.
Because even in Bryan's death, he's still managing to bring harm Brent's name.
* CLARIFICATION 1/28/07: As of yesterday's article in the Times Leader, it has been brought to light that although Kocis previously pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a minor, this plea was ammended after the court discovered the boy in question was lying about his age. The court never even had Kocis register as a sex offender, in fact. So at this point, all talk of Kocis's history of child molestation is in fact mere speculation! Interesting. Thanks to the "Anonymous" who sent me the link to this story: http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/news/16559364.htm?source=rss&channel=timesleader_news
If you are 'friends' with Brent and Grant, then they certainly don't need enemies. You are rumour mongering and implicating them. Give Brent a chance to make a statement. If what you say is true about him planning to work with Kocis again in the future, he's got a lot of explaining to do to a lot of people, not least of all fans who donated money to his fight against Kocis. But seriously, what kind of friend puts this kind of gossip out there at such a sensitive time?
Anonymous - What disturbs me is our mutual friend's comment (who, though he may be a "shit stirrer" I have never known to lie about any of the shit he stirs) and Brent telling me he had plans to work with Kocis. Those things considered, I don't think I'm being unfair here. I'm just stating what is already obvious to most people -- that on paper this doesn't look so good as motives go. But I also offer the equally obvious alternatives. They are friends but if I were to let my friendships impair my judgment when it comes to my work, one could pretty much throw all my credibility out the window. xo L, J.
Jason, based on what we know Bryan Kocis DID NOT HAVE A HISTORY OF SLEEPING WITH UNDERAGED BOYS. Get your facts straight buddy. It was proven in court and the Judge and prosecuter agreed that the young man lied about his age. Every tape and piece of equipent that was siezed in that raid was given back to Bryan except for the film of the young man in question.
your backtracking on all your previous claims and full support of Sean and Grant - it is very obvious in your comments here.
you have your facts wrong, and you know it. Bryan did NOT have a history of "sleeping with underage boys". Your an idiot.
as for what disturbs you, who cares. if sean and grant had anything to do with this past weeks events, you will look like the big fool you really are.
Incidently, anonymous points out what is - for now since we dont have any reason to believe they were involved - the most shocking part.
Brent now claims he was ready to work with Kocis again which is a spit in the face of all the fans who sent him money to defend himself. Do you think he will return what he won't have to use in legal fees ?
Another thing. Brent C. is certainly pretty and a good performer but you are confusing "uses big words and can wax on philosophical BS" for "Highly intelligent". This would be the point in case.
From Willkes Times this weekend: Kocis pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of children when authorities recovered a videotape of him having sex with the boy. He was sentenced to one year probation in May 2002.
Anonymous - Nothing to backtrack about. I am simply calling it like I see it. Maybe you don't understand that this is my job, it's what I do for a living. This is not a part-time hobby. Just because I interview someone or give someone a forum to tell their side of their story doesn't mean I support what they have to say. Nor does the fact that I happen to think someone is drop dead gorgeous and a great performer mean that I agree with everything that comes out of their mouths. I have at various times over the past two years disagreed with Brent, confronted him on the air and told him to take responsibility for his part in all of this, told him I don't believe he or Bryan is telling the full truth, etc. And that doesn't mean I don't think he's a good person. Doesn't mean I don't think he's hot as hell. Just me doing my job. Not everything is so black and white in life, you know? You will find that I am never ever someone's biggest supporter or their worst enemy. I don't live in black and white like that. xo L, J.
From the Times Tribune timeline of events: January 2007: Mr. Kocis and Mr. Lockhart reach a tentative settlement through their attorneys that would put them in a joint business venture. The settlement was to be mailed to him Jan. 25.
i have been following this mess since it first began (very interesting to follow the "story")... it never once occured to me it would end this way... though i suspect this is not REALLY the end for the players involved. you have clearly been a huge supporter of sean's from day one, it is and was very clear in everything you wrote and said.
"the nameless pal began rattling off numerous instances where Brent's boyfriend and business partner, Grant, had mentioned wanting to "get rid" of Bryan, going so far as to ask said friend if he knew any "cleaners." - did you report this to the police/feds yet?
seems to me you are way caught up in this drama by your own doing and want to be involved even more with statements like that. though i must admit, reading between a few lines we are on the same page. any updates yet? do you know if Grant and Sean were in CA last week? Grant is a bigger snake than Bryan could ever be, you know that to be true. As for Sean, he is one of the biggest liars out there who will do ANYTHING for money, you know that to be true also. He is a gutter snipe, the gutter is where he belongs.
Anonymous - The person who told me is contacting the police himself. I don't have any new information. I have never thought of Grant as a snake (certainly not more snakey than a convicted child molestor) nor Brent as a liar as, to my knowledge, he hasn't yet lied to me. All's I'm saying is: It just doesn't look very good on paper right now, that's for sure. xo L, J.
I understand that Brent and Bryan signed an agreement to do a number of things:
1 - FMR and TILABB were to be retitled and released under new titles.
2 - All of Brent's unreleased Cobra footage would be released in time.
3 - Brent would return to Cobra Video for an undetermined period of time.
4 - In three years, Bryan was to sign over all trademark rights of the Brent Corrigan name to Brent himself.
Like Jason and a few others have written, such a 180 degree about-face by Brent is confusing and downright insulting to those who supported him financially in his legal fight against Bryan. Why in the world would someone like him, who basically tried to destroy Bryan's reputation (by bringing to light Bryan's past) and tried to destroy Bryan's business go back to working with a man he (and his partner/bf Grant Roy) hated with every essence of their beings?
Could it be that Brent was truly 18 when he first went to work for Cobra, that he did all of this because, as Jason says, he's manipulative and wanted to hurt Bryan (for whatever reason). And could Grant have gotten so angry over this new partnership that he snapped?
Those of us who know Grant Roy are well-aware of his feelings about Bryan Kocis. To say he hated the man is an understatement. If I were Grant Roy, I'd hire a good lawyer.
I just don't understand why Brent hasn't published some kind of statement. Even a simple "Grant and I are shocked by this week's events. Please be patient while we make it our first priority to cooperate with Pennsylvania investigators."
BTW, I assume he did not make his scheduled appearance at Rich's last night.
Jason I like you but your doing it again. YOur post makes it seem like Bryan had a history of having sex with underaged boys. As far as we know he didn't. In the post below Flora is the name of Kocis's lawyer and Tokach is the name of the prosecuter in the case.
Kocis was arrested in July 2001, after a then 15-year-old boy claimed Kocis raped him twice.
Most felony and misdemeanor sex offenses were dropped against Kocis because the boy lied about his age and didn’t want to testify, said Luzerne County Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Tokach.
Tokach said the boy was under a contract with Kocis to model for Cobra Video and provided two fake forms of identification that showed the boy was 18 years old.
This is the most important part.
In July 2006, Flora and Tokach agreed to amend Kocis’ guilty plea from sexual abuse of children to corruption of minors that prevented the boy from testifying at a Megan’s Law hearing.
Again. The Judge in the case wanted to make sure Bryan was not considered a child molester.
“There was a serious mistake of the boy’s age. Nobody really wanted to try this case,” Flora said. “Plus, I don’t think the boy’s family wanted to go to trial.”
The change was officially made on July 13, 2006, by Luzerne County Judge Michael T. Conahan, who hand wrote on the order, not subject to any Megan’s Law provisions,” according to court records.
Anonymous - Wow! What a tangled web! Thanks for the heads up. I changed "convicted of" to "pleaded guilty to" in my story. Despite the fact that he was not required at the time to register as a sex offender (a law that has since been changed I guess), he still pleaded guilty to the sexual abuse of minors. Right?
Oh and please understand, I'm not trying to combat you here. I'm seriously asking you! lol Because you seem to know more than I do about it. I actually had to read that article four times over before I could decipher what it was they were really saying to be honest! VERY confusing! lol xo L, J.
Oh no, wait!!!! I get it... !!!
He would've pleaded guilty assuming that the boy was telling the truth!
But upon finding that the boy was lying, that guilty plea was ammended.
God, so sorry. Slow today! LOL
I will make a correction.
That article in the Times Leader is all over the place! It implies that Brent is the 15 year old in question for a start, when that's not the case.
It also doesn't make it clear that Bryan *did* sleep with a 15 year old, but the boy lied to him about his age so it muddied the waters and he was able to change his guilty plea to 'corruption of a minor' (from 'sexual abuse of children') at a later date in order to avoid a court hearing, which the boy and his family did not want to go through. But, yes, he did plead guilty to 'sexual abuse of children' and received a probationary sentence for it. The plea was later amended to 'corruption of a minor' to avoid a Megan's Law hearing.
Very poorly written article that mixes the civil case and the rape charges to make a difficult to dicipher story even harder to understand.
Anonymous - AGREED! VERY poorly written and very, very confusing. It practically leaves room for the possibility that the kid wasn't even underage to begin with if they so much as went back to ammend his guilty plea! Messy article. Glad to know it's not just me. xo L, J.
Well, when the new owner of cobra video is announced and takes over, no one will get their trademarked names. It's on the will that Brent Corrigan will not get his name back. So if he did have something to do with it then it was pointless.
During Bryan’s last days he was very paranoid and worried that something bad was going to happened. I hope the truth is found and anyone and everyone that had part in this are brought to justice.
"BTW, I assume he did not make his scheduled appearance at Rich's last night.
3:41 PM"
Well, actually, that assumption would be wrong:
See the blog entry titled "Hard Candy."
It would seem that being a person of interest in a grisly murder investigation is not enough to keep him from honoring his performance commitments. Wow... Whatever else you might think of Sean/Brent, you gotta admire his work ethic!
hi, im Cody Lockheart, a now former model of Cobra Video, Brian Kocis, was a friend of mind and he was no child mollestor, he was a nice guy, and he was never charged as a pedophile. I highly doubt it was a guy that he once mollested or one of their fathers, because he didnt molest children. so however u got that into ur head, get it out. Brian was a respectable boss and a good friend.
If the rumors reported to Jason Curious are true, and Brent's boyfriend Grant discussed, planned or even mentioned murder plans with Brent, Brent is a party and an accomplice to murder.
Right now, I'd wager Grant is behind the whole thing — either murdering Kocis himself or hiring a "cleaner" hitman to do so.
Grant has the most to gain by killing Kocis.
Think about it: Both Brent and Grant are disgruntled former employees of Kocis. Kocis was a "sugardaddy" who used Brent as a lover as well. Grant became the "sugardaddy" and inherited Brent sexually when they both declared their independence from Kocis.
So their feud is not just about the million(s) Brent's movies rake in. It could also be about who gets to keep Brent's love — who gets to tap that sweet, star-tatted ass. Both a sexual and financial contest between Kocis and Grant.
If Helen of Troy's face could launch a thousand ships, Brent Corrigan's flawless body, ass-tunnel to heaven and thick dick must be worth at least a stabbing.
If Brent Corrigan truly was about to reconcile professionally with his old lover Bryan Kocis, it would threaten Grant the most. Grant would be the biggest loser financially in the deal — he simply wouldn't be needed or getting most of the MILLIONS of dollars anymore. And the possibility that Kocis and Corrigan could rekindle their romance would be an extra threat — Kocis and Grant both seem to require, coerce or eventually get sexual companionship from their models.
So Grant would have the most motive to get Kocis out of the picture, not Corrigan, because Grant has the least power. Grant doesn't bring much money, skill, knowledge or looks to the table. Basically just an apartment for Brent, a big dick for Brent's hole in private and someone to hold the camera.
And don't forget certain "master disks" were stolen from Kocis' house — something Grant and Corrigan would both want and know the location of.
I would find out exactly where Grant was at the time of the crime and find out who he phoned or e-mailed in the last month.
The detectives definitely need to know if Grant drives or rented a light-colored SUV.
They also need to find out what was on the "master disks" stolen from Kocis' house — if Kocis' master inventory no longer contains Brent Corrigan stuff, it looks really bad for Grant and/or Corrigan.
Furthermore, if the claims of anonymous @ 2:21 are true, and Corrigan's new contract with Kocis included, "4 - In three years, Bryan was to sign over all trademark rights of the Brent Corrigan name to Brent himself," then Brent is even stupider than I thought.
Brent's porn name and career will be worthless in 3 years!
Brent brags about how intelligent he is. All his fans swallow and repeat the same hype.
But nothing could be further from the truth. Brent Corrigan may be hot; he may be arrogant, he may be manipulative or talkative. But he's dumb as shit.
Brent Corrigan was dumb and naive to sign a contract allowing Kocis to own his porn name from the beginning — it was Corrigan's own, dumb fault.
And the contract anonymous says he was about to sign with Kocis shows Corrigan is STILL dumb — I don't see any clause for profit-sharing or accounting, and Brent Corrigan's porn commodity will be mostly depleted in 3 years.
Audiences will be sick after 3 more years of constant exploitation and exposure. Porn stars have a short shelf-life. Everybody wants to see a new face and new fuck all the time.
By the time Corrigan would have finally owned his porn name, audiences will have moved on.
Hence, Brent Corrigan is dumb. He's not this bright intellect he and his fans make him out to be.
Sean was out drinking and dancing on Friday night - two days after the murder - very telling is that, it shows him for the low life piece of shit scum he really is.
Cody, I agree with you, well said and very nice of you to post your comments. I know a former cobra model who has same thoughts as you. Spot on.
Bret, also very well said.
People are not as stupid as Sean/grant and JC think - they are the stupid ones. JC you buy into all the crap Sean spews to you, very silly of you indeed.
I have to say I agree with you 110%
Grant used to work for Bryan? doing what?
If I remember from Brent's blogs on brentcorriganonline.com, Grant was either a camera or editing technician for Cobra Video, and that's how he met Brent Corrigan.
I should probably scour Brent's blog archives to double-check ...
Sorry folks but Grant Roy was never an employee of Cobra Video, either directly or indirectly. Brent met Grant through a mutual friend - he and Grant were roommates (I think lovers as well) and Brent moved in with him. He then proceeded to "move in" on Grant, who was more than willing to fuck a hot twink like Corrigan. Grant and his bf broke up and he and Brent have been together ever since.
Grant Roy has posted online, particularly on JuicyGoo, of his true feelings regarding Bryan Kocis. In one particular thread (which is now gone from the JG web site), Grant consistently posted about wanting to see Bryan in prison (and punished) for what he did to Brent (what he did exactly is still a mystery).
Regardless of whether he did it or not, Grant Roy had the most to gain by getting rid of Bryan and the most to lose if Brent went back to Cobra Video.
My theory? Keep in mind this is pure speculation - Grant was adamently against Brent signing that settlement with Bryan, regardless of the outcome. His hatred for Bryan overcame him, and in a rage that can only be defined as animalistic, he murdered Bryan brutally, without remorse or regret.
Even if he didn't do it, Grant Roy is not upset nor disturbed by any of this. I think, when he found out, he opened up a bottle of cheap champagne and toasted to the murderer, thanking them for ridding the world (and Grant) of Bryan Kocis.
Grant Roy is a despicable animal who deserves nothing but misery and sorrow. If he did this awful crime, he should pay with his life!!!
Thats entertaining speculation, but does not quite fit the facts we know.
According to a recent news article I read, none of the many stab wounds on Kocis were defensive in nature (ie, on hands and arms). In addition, there was no sign of forced entry. On top of that, there was an open bottle of wine on a coffee table in the murder room.
Now, if Roy and Kocis were such enemies, what are the odds Kocis would invite him in, offer him some wine, and have his guard so low he could be stabbed to death w/o any defensive wounds? NOT likely I'd say.
Bottle of wine, perp let in by victim, no defensive wounds...um, let me offer a more realistic speculation: Kocis had what he thought was gonna be a routine "casting couch" session with some new twink porn star wanna be, opened some wine to get him drunk...and for reasons we are not aware of, this casting couch session did not go as the (no doubt) countless prior ones went...for some reason this twink slashed him to death, quite unexpectedly.
now i wonder if they have the death penalty in PA, i'll google it later.
"Grant Roy is a despicable animal who deserves nothing but misery and sorrow." yes i agree, this applies to Sean too IMO. he is a nasty little f*** who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. if he REALLY loved Grant as much as he claims he would have kissed Bryan/Cobra goodbye a long long time ago.
i assume Sean found out on Thursday about Bryan (unless he had prior knowledge of events), then goes out making a buck the next night. those actions are very telling.
If that's true, then it was My Bad for mistakenly remembering Grant as a Cobra Video employee.
Sorry all.
But that doesn't negate that Grant would still be the suspect with the greatest motive to get rid of Bryan Kocis, which 5:44 and I seem to agree on.
Not simply because of Grant's publicly documented, "intense hatred" for Kocis as 5:44 writes — the "intense hatred" is because Grant invested all his time and money into Brent Corrigan and Grant stood to lose a multi-million dollar porn empire by setting up a company with Brent himself.
Brent going back to Bryan Kocis would have cut Grant out of the picture. Grant would have to share his money and lover's time with Kocis at the very least. This would have killed Grant's future, intercepted power and money Grant thought would be his and risked Grant's romantic relationship.
If Grant thought murder was fair play, legitimate or acceptable competition, Grant was sorely mistaken.
If Grant was stupid enough to think he could get away with murder, even more so. Murder seems like a stupid and desperate risk for Grant to take, but a believable one.
Grant's posts and e-mails from brentcorriganonline.com reveal a very crude, unprofessional and naiive mind.
There's no evidence or rumor yet to suggest Grant carried out the murder himself, as thought by 5:44.
The rumor is that Grant hired a hitman.
So in addition to confirming Brent's and Grant's whereabouts at the time of the murder, the police detectives need to identify the content of the stolen disks, the driver of the light-colored SUV and find any communication connection between the SUV guy and Grant.
One question remaining: If Brent did not want or conduct any part of the murder but knew Grant was talking about it, shouldn't Brent get as far away from Grant as possible at this point?
Dumping Grant, moving out and informing the authorities of Grant's murder talk is the only thing Brent Corrigan can do now to look good.
Yet he's out dancing and working like all is well and he approves.
If I had the slightest suspicion about my lover being involved in a murder, I would have gotten as far away from him as possible. If I were a quasi-famous porn hottie like Corrigan, I'd have plenty of good people willing to take me in LOL.
If a close friend had ever mentioned trying murder around me, we wouldn't be friends anymore.
Any tolerance of a suggested murder plan on Brent's part proves that the "Make Love, Not War in Iraq" talk written by Brent on his blog is a bunch of bullshit to him.
Brent seems to approve of killing illegitimately.
Well, actually, his scheduled performance at Rich's was last Saturday night, not Friday night. So, he would have had all day Friday to grieve over the loss of Kocis. ;o)
Murder by hitman, huh. A twink hitman. Posing as a porn wannbee. Hmmm. Possible I suppose. Outlandish but possible!
Well, they are subpeona-ing phone records now, so if there is any substance to this theory we'll find out soon enough.
Wouldn't be surprised if Nancy Grace picked this story up, if it turns in this direction!
you people are all full of shit....
the guy was killed by street trade, it happens all the time to fags that try to use a video camera to give them some influence over troubled young guys...
This is ridiculous! Not only are you convicting Grant of the murder, but you are accusing Brent of being complicit in the murder. As far as I'm aware, no charges have been brought against Grant!
Furthermore, I think it's a sign of the maturity of their relationship that Brent hasn't dumped and run on Grant if he is indeed a suspect.
The problem with all of that "entertaining specualtion" is that people don't really hire hitmen outside of the movies. In real life, people ham-handedly seek out hitmen and always get turned in. Even if this was the rare case of an actual hired murderer, you wouldn't expect the hired gun to get so personal as to slash his throat to near the point of decapitation. It would be quicker.
As for the lack of defensive wounds, am I the only one who assumes that Bryan was drugged and either unconscious or very slow to react when the stabbing began? I don't think it necessarily means that it just happened too suddenly to react.
The question of whodunnit, though, goes beyond basic speculation. Very few of us actually know anything substantial about Grant or Brent or Bryan for that matter. I certainly don't.
As is to be expected with a drama that could have been so easily avoided at the outset; the Cobra/BC situation is being largely misreported through confusion, ignorance and suposition.
Then of course there is rumour festering into fact.
Over the past year I spoke with Bryan on the telephone and chatted on-line most days; including the day he was killed.
I was surprised when he first told me that he and Sean would be working together again. He did not underestimate the issues that would come up, which is why the settlement initially involves use of the video shot by Sean for his members' site.
He felt that the bigger problem lay with Sean. As other people have pointed out, how could he be seen to be in partnership with someone that he has denounced so strongly in the past?
With all the dynamics of the three way relationship, Grant was a difficult challenge for Bryan. Whilst Lee adopted a professional approach and wanted to sort things out and Sean seemed to have difficulty accepting the reality of his situation, it was Grant that produced the greatest problems and delays. He was also the least relevant to the business.
Noting that Bryan had hired a bodyguard to accompany him to the depositions in September it surprised me when he told me a couple of weeks before he was murdered that Grant had calmed down and was being quite subservient to him.
On that basis if Grant arrived at his house, he would, in my opinion let him in. But would Grant seriously drive 2,700 miles when he was in the same room as Bryan in Cali just a week previously ??
Bryan didn't pick up "street trash" and didn't use escorts of any type. He was quite a large man and was unlikely to be overcome by a smaller person while he was conscious.
Bryan had his share of human failings but I will miss him.
Sean's problems are not over and may even be increasing with a new Cobra owner who doesn't share Bryan's residual emotions for him.
In my opinon, given the situation Sean created in August 2006 and has done everyting to protract, whatever the outcome and who ever is found guilty of this crime there will forever be blood on Sean's hands.
OOps there is a typo in my last paragraph in 6.39am above. The whole thing started in August 2005 not 2006.
the nasty lying little scumbag sean does have bryans blood on his hands. i hope he gets what he deserves - grant too.
ok, it looks like the "outlandish" that i mentioned earlier just got waaaay more possible: http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=17787274&BRD=2259&PAG=461&dept_id=455154&rfi=6
according to this, grant/sean know who the killer ninja twink is...but wont talk to authorities until they get a criminal lawyer!
oh this is going on nancy grace for sure now...it has everything she'd love...sex, gay porn, revenge, money, murder by hitman...
or should i say "hit-twink?" lol!
btw, i cant fault grant/sean for wanting to get fully lawyered up before talking to police...thats certainly what i would do in thier shoes. and its their constitutional right.
Two individuals connected to the Dallas Township man who was stabbed to death are seeking a criminal lawyer before talking to police, another lawyer for the two men said Tuesday.
Sean Lockhart and Grant Roy, both of San Diego, have information about a man said to have met with 44-year-old Bryan Charles Kocis the night he was stabbed 28 times, said John Yates, a Los Angles-based attorney representing the men in a civil dispute involving Kocis.
The men had been in a federal lawsuit over the ownership of the image of Lockhart, who works as a pornographic actor and model under the stage name “Brent Corrigan.” A settlement to the federal suit was to be mailed to Kocis the day after he was found dead, Yates said.
Yates said he understands police want to question his clients about the mystery man said to have been scheduled to model for Kocis, a pornography producer, the day he was killed.
Prosecutors were granted a search warrant Friday to review Kocis’ telephone and Internet records.
They hope to learn Kocis’ “associates” and “activities” in the week prior to his murder because investigators believe he may have been in contact with his attacker or attackers.
An affidavit of probable cause filed with an application for the warrant stated a “folding-style knife” was found near the victim’s body, which was burnt beyond recognition, forcing medical examiners to identify Kocis from dental records.
Luzerne County Coroner Dr. Jack Consalvo determined Kocis died some time before the fire started, but Consalvo could not determine exactly when because of the body’s condition. The blaze also prevented Consalvo from determining whether the knife at the crime scene was the murder weapon.
“It was capable of producing those wounds,” he said, “but to say definitely it was the weapon, you’d need to get DNA off the knife, which is unlikely because of the fire.”
The affidavit states the fire originated near the living room couch where investigators discovered Kocis’ body stabbed in the torso and slashed across the throat. According to the affidavit, police saw no sign of struggle or forced entry. No accelerants were used to fuel the fire, Consalvo said Tuesday.
The Web site for Kocis’ pornography business, Cobra Video, was operating as of Tuesday night after appearing to have been taken down Monday night.
well DUH Sean and Grant have information, are you really shocked they know who the killer is? they are seeking a criminal attorney cause they are going to need all the help they can get.
The death penalty in PA if your interested:
How is the Death Penalty Applied in Pennsylvania?
The death penalty may only be applied in Pennsylvania in cases where a defendant is found guilty of first degree murder. A separate hearing is held for the consideration of aggravating and mitigating circumstances. If at least one of the ten aggravating circumstances listed in the law and none of the eight mitigating factors are found to be present, the verdict must be death.
The next step is formal sentencing by the judge. Frequently, there is a delay between the sentence verdict and formal sentencing as post-trial motions are heard and considered. An automatic review of the case by the state Supreme Court follows sentencing. The court can either uphold the sentence or vacate for imposition of a life sentence.
If the Supreme Court affirms the sentence, the case goes to the Governor's Office where it is reviewed by appropriate legal counsel and, ultimately, by the Governor himself. Only the Governor may set the execution date, which is done through the signing of a document known as the Governor's Warrant. By law, all executions are carried out at the State Correctional Institution at Rockview.
12:47 AM and 1:10 AM are hysterical fans or partisans of Brent Corrigan.
I love how they know what REALLY happened without any evidence.
1:10 accuses us of "convicting" Grant and Sean, but it looks like most posters here have used evidence and responsible language of "allegedlys," "ifs," "rumoreds" and "maybes," not convictions or claims of truth.
1:10 wrote: "As far as I'm aware, no charges have been brought against Grant!"
No shit, Sherlock! It's too early and most of us are just speculating and considering theories like the detectives — nobody knows for sure.
Contrast that with 12:47 who knows for sure it was "street trade."
How do you know, 12:47? Did you do it? Maybe the cops should visit you. LOL
"I think it's a sign of the maturity of their relationship that Brent hasn't dumped and run on Grant if he is indeed a suspect."
Whatever you need to sleep at night. You're either Brent Corrigan himself or one of his fans blinded by his beauty.
Do you know some fans still think O.J. is innocent, and that Michael Jackson and Clay Aiken are healthy, heterosexuals?
2:03 thinks an unqualified anecdote of "what people really do with hitmen" proves that Grant and/or Brent didn't use one. Sorry.
"You wouldn't expect the hired gun to get so personal as to slash his throat to near the point of decapitation. It would be quicker."
You can't say that for sure. Anybody might have stabbed that many times if they were on meth.
"Very few of us actually know anything substantial about Grant or Brent or Bryan for that matter. I certainly don't."
2:03 obviously hasn't been reading Brent's popular blog. Go to brentcorriganonline and read through all the archives — Brent is a narcissist who likes to share everything about his personal life, warts, arrests and all, and profits by doing so. Brent has described Grant, Grant's activities and their relationship a lot.
What I want to know now is how Brent or Grant knew anything about the twink killer/potential model who went to visit Kocis?
That does shock me, 9:44, because Brent supposedly hasn't worked for Kocis or at Kocis' house for nearly 2 years now, had publicly sworn Kocis off and waged a bitter, public feud with him in court.
How would Grant and Brent know the day-to-day workings, people and appointments of Cobra Video, on the other side of the country last week, if they weren't IN ON IT?
will Brent be seeking donations to pay for his criminal lawyer? - he'd b e stupid to let this money making opportunity pass him by :)
Hmmm.. lots of discussion about a porno scumbag (Kocis), a lowlife whore (Corrigan) and the whores dick man (Grant)... seriously, if they all dropped off the face of the earth NO ONE would miss them! Let's all get our fkn priorities streight!!
Jason, it is amazing all the speculation and name calling that goes on in these forums. With respect to Cody "Lockhart", a very fine performer in his own right, we actually do know Bryan slept with underage boys. More than one. That he also was willing to accept fake ID's is established. The later act does not excuse the former.
I would not discount the amount of money Bryan had to defend himself with. It should not be a surprise if the family of an underage boy did not want him to testify given the ability of Bryan to not only defend himself but to make their lives a hell as well. Contributing funds to certain elected officials could also make the public trail very uncomfortable for the family. In the end that family moved away from the area.
'Working together' on a couple of films over the next two years could mean a lot of things. Brent's contribution would not have to require direct contact with Bryan. In the end though, he would have had the sole ownership of the copyright. This agreement would have done what the courts might have required without having to pay the lawyers quite so much for their work.
If anyone was to bring these subjects up I am glad it is Jason. He try's to be fair. Later friend.
It wouldn't make sense for Grant and Brent/Sean to have had a hand in the planning of murder when they'd be the first suspects considering the animosity between them and Bryan for all these years.
What would be more likely is either a fanatical, psychotic fan of Brent Corrigan did it or someone similar who took it into his own hands to help Brent out. They probably even mentioned it to Brent in some sort of fan e-mail or something, not in detail of course, but enough to drop the hint that they'd be "helping him out" somehow...
Brent/Sean gets word about the murder... and he knows or has a really good idea who did it.
Just presenting a likely possibility . . .
This new person of interest that is now being mentioned in the news (Drake) is apparently a well know escourt and massage therapist. Check Jason's new entry for his men4men escourt profile.
Well if you read his reviews he seems to be someone with no history of violence and someone who's used to performing sexual acts. The motive in the killing didn't appear to be robbery so this is still pretty confusing.
What would his motive be to kill Bryan? I'm not saying that he did or didn't i'm just asking what his motive would have been.
I was expecting some inexperienced newcomer who was having second thoughts. Not some sex for pay vet who's been around the block.
I still think Brent and Grant are mixed up in this somehow.
This is exceptionally fascinating and I can't stop looking up information on it. Do I think Brent and Grant had anything to do with his murder, ABSOLUTELY NOT! All this lawsuit nonsense and everything was FANTASTIC publicity for both their businesses!! It kept people interested and kept their companies on the front pages. It doesn't suit either to let it drop and slowly slide into porn obscurity. I think the Brent camp and the Cobra camp had much closer dealings than people said, like two celebrities working with their PR companies to make things seem bitter when behind the scenes they are actually quite cordial. I am also tending to agree with some of the speculation that he may have been drugged first. With no defensive wounds and being as big as he was there's no way he was overpowered. Fascinating fascinating stuff1!
YO DRAMA QUEENS!, You are all putting people on trial and convicting them before all of the facts are known. This is what is wrong with this country and what is wrong with the gay community. No wonder we don't get and respect and proper acknowledgement. The only thing Brent Corrigan is guilty of is misleading his faithful fans. His two year rants of 'What a piece of shit' and 'help me in my defense', he sucked us all in. We gave him support and money to help him fight what we thought was the bad guy. Now we are being told that they had settled, made amends and are going to work together. I'm done, I am walking away. Brent Corrigan is a sham, I have lost all respect for him.
8:58, In talk radio they call your kind, 'seminar callers.' You clearly do not know what you are talking about. You do not read Brent's blog and you did not donate to his legal defense fund. If you had donated to BrentAid you would know that kid worked his ass off for his audiance. He was funny and charming and fascinating to watch. At one point he was holding a chat with 50 guys at once. He can type that fast. He kept that show going for 12 hours. He held another show the next weekend as a bonus. He did not have to do that. He has only twice come out and really asked for money for himself. He has been involved in several charity events. Maybe that is what you are so confused about. Not as you lied and said 'over the last two years.'
Who said they 'made amends?' You are clearly ignorant of the terms of the out of court settlement. In no way was Brent going to have to work with Bryan as a director. He never had to meet Bryan again to get his copyrights totally his without a dispute. That too is part of our legal system. He won and you are mad. You were never Brent's fan are friend. Go enjoy Cobra while you can. It is history.
albert LOL your so full of it, nice TRY though.
If I may, I would like to respond to some comments, as well as this whole situation. First off, Jason, I would like to thank you for allowing this discussion to take place and for allowing all of us to share our thoughts on this terrible tragedy.
My thoughts most certainly go out to Mr. Kocis' family and friends during this extremely difficult time.
Now, full disclosure; I've long been a fan of Brent Corrigan's, going back a good two years. I was an avid reader of his blog, since he started it up in late 2005. I was there for BrentAid, I was there while he was starting up his company, I was there the first day membership opened on his website and was one of the first people to purchase a membership, I was there for both live chats he held for members after opening his membership site and I was there when he asked for donations on his blog to help him in his time of need. I did donate, as I felt for him and his situation. I replied to his blogs when he was down and also when he had good news to share. He seemed like a genuinely kind person and I bought everything he said as fact.
It was only recently, shortly after I'd sent my donation in that it struck me. What exactly do I know about Brent Corrigan and his situation with Cobra Video? I only know what Brent has said. It was at this point that I took a step back from being a fan and looked at the big picture in realistic terms.
Brent Corrigan is good, he's very, very good at getting people to feel for him. Not feel sorry for him, no, just feel for him. He has a look of innocence about him. It draws you in and you just accept every word he says as fact, as though he could tell no lie. I saw it on his blog from other fan's replies, I saw it in his chats with members replies to what he said. Heck, I even saw it in my own replies to his posts.
But then you stop and think about what he has said. Okay, here's someone who knowingly lied about his age to a company, on more than one occasion. In effect, he lied to each and every one of his fans, for a very long time. And then, when he didn't like the direction his career was going, he decides to tell the "truth." While he's doing that, he makes Cobra Video and Mr. Bryan Kocis out to be monsters.
But at the end of the day, I guess what confuses and angers me the most is the total disregard of his fans who have been there for him since day 1. Every chance he got, he posted negative things about the company and Mr. Kocis in his blog. I know, I read each and every one. He advised his fans to never, ever, buy anything from Cobra Video again, as it's a terrible company who doesn't treat their models well, etc. etc. We heard it all. And it makes me wonder, why on earth would someone who is dealing with a large civil lawsuit spend SO MUCH time on his blog badmouthing the company and owner. It just doesn't make a bit of sense, as every other blog Brent would say how he cannot talk about it, yet would then dive right in for a paragraph or two and talk about it.
And then to read some of the terms of the settlement, if they are in fact true and then to have Jason say Brent told him he would be working together with Bryan again as a part of the settlement is beyond baffling to me and it should be beyond baffling to each and every fan of Brent Corrigan. Why on earth would someone who took it upon himself to let the world know day in and day out for over a year how bad Cobra Video is to suddenly decide to work with them again, in ANY capacity. It just makes no sense at all and is beyond disrespectful to his fans who have been there for him during this whole time. It's a real slap in the face, if you ask me. There is just something so, so fishy about all of this.
Mr. Corrigan lied to Cobra Video about his age and he lied to his fans about his age. How do we know, for sure, for certain, that he hasn't lied about everything else? We don't.
I hope whomever is responsible for My Kocis' death is caught, and soon. I have complete faith in the police to find the person or persons responsible.
..here is a lot of information which i know to be 100% completely true.
in a way i am somewhat in this crazy situation.
i know both sean [brent] & bryan
my main purpose of leaving any type of remark to this is to let others know the facts which i know. i hate hearing all this bull shitting back and forth.. and JASON, i know you are just doing what you do, which is all good.
let me start from the beginning.
a few months ago..back in october-ish i began talking to sean on myspace since we were friends on there. initially we never talked about porn. however odd it may seem, i didn't even know he was a real porn star. but eventually we got into that discussion and he was telling me i should get into modeling.. and so on. i never really thought about doing porn, but all of the sudden i had this growing curiousity. the porn i always watched when looking at some were some early videos done by cobra, corbinfisher vids, and some helix clips. i had not ever seen sean's. after doing a little research i heard sean's production was shut down pending a law suit. a friend of mine actually knew further details than i had (he informed me of the issues between bryan & sean.) for the hell of it one day i filled out an aplication for cobra modeling. bryan quickly got back with me and eventually messaged me on AIM. i told him i was not really serious at the time, because my intention was to model, not to do porn. bryan and myself continued to talk and not so much about porn. as the months went by a friendship did develop. at the same time i also still talked to sean via myspace & aim. i had never brought the other person into conversation. eventually bryan did open up to me about the law suit, just because i did know someone who was directly connected and told me information. then a couple weeks before christmas bryan asked me about modeling, and i finnally decided what the hell, at least i can say i did it.
my conversations with sean had always been him trying to convince me to model. if i mentioned many other things he would usually say something like, "i don't have time to get to know fans", and i would quickly respond with saying i'm not trying to earn someone else money. which would completely change his attitude back to asking me about music and so on.. he's a nice guy, but i've always known he lives his life for himself, and himself only.
four weeks ago i flew out to San Diego to shoot a video with Bryan. prior to being in san diego he had been in las vegas for some type of video convention i believe. while in las vegas he had gone to a club where some of the porn boys were at and drank with some friends. what he couldn't stop talking about was how while he was at this bar/club he had seen Sean. the time before seeing him in vegas sean mouthed "i hate you" accross the room and that was at a hearing for the fedral suit. however this time sean come over to him and hugged him. this was completely off the norm for him to do. he couldn't understand how just all of the sudden sean was over the hate part.
-- basically it was wrong for sean to leave cobra while still under contract. how i know it, is that sean met his ex-boyfriend Lee, who was currently working on the lawsuit on sean's behalf. Then from meeting Lee he met Grant Roy who he then started a relationship with. all of this really is not anyone's business, but at the same time is shows you what type of person sean is and what the relationship with grant is perhaps. i mean, sean basically dates sugar daddies. i don't think only for their money, but because he lacked care in his childhood. all of these things adding to how his self confidence is built up. sean didn't think he would have any concequences for just up and leaving the cobra contract, but i think most people know, when you breach contract you're going to have some reprocusion. bryan was pissed, obviously. his new top star not only leaving contract, but using the name which he created. so bryan became serious, got a good attorney plus had the help of a friend who is a top attorney. bryan did however attempt to make sean look bad however he could with the video titles and the unused images he had left.
--- sean basically brought all his emotion on grant telling him how bryan was only out to fuck him over, and so on and so forth. so if you're in grant roy's shoes...you're a average middle-aged (not exactly brad pitt) and have a top twink boyfriend who has many fans. he pretty much felt like he would do anything for sean.. from what i understand.
i'm not saying sean and/or grant had anything to do with this, but i can NOT get this gut feeling to leave me.
back to san diego..
while there for my video, bryan was also in town to go over somethings for the settlement with the brent corrigan productions. they had agreeded to a settlement and basically the things which one of you said are true :
"1 - FMR and TILABB were to be retitled and released under new titles.
2 - All of Brent's unreleased Cobra footage would be released in time.
3 - Brent would return to Cobra Video for an undetermined period of time.
4 - In three years, Bryan was to sign over all trademark rights of the Brent Corrigan name to Brent himself."
basically, sean was to continue to be known as brent corrigan, and only brent corrigan. he would continue work for cobra for a certain amount of time (not sure 3yrs was the exact amt.)
also, bryan was to look at the brentcorrigan.com work they had still in production, and certain videos he wanted, he was able to have for cobra.
there was also a certain % on which bryan would continue to get from the brentcorrigan.com site for a period of 3 months.
this was for sure streaming away from sean's original statements, of such hate and slander of bryan. this struck me odd how they quickly decided to settle.
while in san diego, bryan was to meet with sean, grant, and lee to view some of their material to see which he would like to take.
thinking bryan was alone, grant was set to meet bryan at our W Hotel room and bring over the material.
bryan asked me to come to the lobby with him and meet grant. personally, i was not interested in meeting him, but i still went. he said he wanted to show grant how much sean and i look alike.
being friendly i shook grant's hand, and what was weird was that he did not even look at me..i mean i could tell he was actually making effort to make sure he didn't. but i passed it off.
while in the other room having their discussion, i sat on the phone talking to friends. when i heard grant leave. bryan said he forgot his keyboad... he brought the whole apple computre, but forgot the keyboard.. also odd to me. i also thought he looked a little odd. i mean, he was manly, with a 6'2 bigger build. which to me was different whren looking at bryan, who looked like an average business man. not that it's all about looks, but i was thinking what does sean see in these guys..
anyhow, a short bit later grant was back with the keyboard. and they had their meeting for 20min or so.
after grant had left, bryan basically started telling me everything. i could tell he needed to get it out. he also mentioned that grant couldn't get the computer to work and left it there. they were set to meet the next night also, and this time with sean comming alone. sean wasn't there the first night because grant said he had a "friend" in town. bryan had asked me to stay another night so it wouldn't have been as awkward with sean and grant but i had to be back in town for orientation.
and before grant had left that night, brayn asked him who i reminded him of.. and he said he didn't look at me. then bryan came in to get me to say goodbye, and grant gave me an extremely weird look. for some reason this sticks out in my head.
there is so much more information i would like to explain, but this is taking a lot longer than i thought it would. and it's bring back weird feelings which i have tryed to ignore.
basically this is what i think is extremely likely.
if i had to guess who did this.. i would say grant. the amount of hate he had from bryan was to the extreme. he had actually threatened to kill bryan when the law suit first came out.
how he could go from wanting someone dead, to being friendly towards them in a day.. struck me as odd. i have this weird feeling about the night at the hotel when he didn't know bryan wasn't alone also. but it's just a feeling.
no stranger could have done this to bryan kocis. you do not just stab someone 28 times, slit their throat, and then burn the area their lifeless body is in. this is a crime of passion and deep hate.
like what has been said before, it could have been a parent linked to this past underage sex bryan filmed. but for someone to just blow up now, at such a specific time as the law suit. just does not make sense.
stabbing someone in that way is not just an easy murder. it's not like with a gun, you pull the triger and regret it right after. you have to physically witness the pain and suffereing you are placing. and starting the fire at the place of the body is a sign of disrespect the killer had.
if you read the news articles it does say not only was his throat slit, and he was instantly killed, but at the same time a bone in his neck was broken. it's obvious bryan knew them, for him to let whomever into his home. but to be behind a grown man and break a bone in their neck would take strength. i don't see slim 5'7 sean being able to do this. however, when i think of grant's size.. that's a possiblity.
yet, there is this news of bryan was schedulled to meet with a model known as "drake" the night he was killed. for him not to inform other models or friends of more information on this "drake" doesnt meke sense to me. he usually told his associates info about the models. and for some new model to have such a hate for a stranger doesn't make sense. and if it was an anti-gay murder, to be looked at you would have to have nude self photos of yourself, which is considered to be gay. this all is fucked up.
what i know is that the weekend after bryan's murder, sean was to be in dallas for a night club appearance. this makes him not in san diego ..
i really did get to know bryan and see how he is a very nice guy. he often spoke of how much he loved his family.. and spent time with them. i think we all need to respect their feelings right now.
i couldn't imagine how they feel right now.
i, myself, when i got a voicemail friday of bryan's murder i had to pull over because it made me sick. my first thought was "grant did it."
whomever did this needs to be brought to justice. this is a horrid crime. i still cannot get past it myself. i had actually talked to bryan via text message on the 23. which he told me he was so busy and couldn't get caught up with work. to me, that doesnt sound like he had time to shoot a new model.
i'm having a hard time dealing with this being possibly the last model shot, and spending time with him a little over a week before he was killed. i think we all need closure.
and i'm not saying sean did this, or had anything to do with it. but he def needs to be eliminated as a suspect so we can all get past it.
.. i'm sure i left a lot up. and this is written very shitty, but my mind is rushing with thougths.
. . . .
This is a RUMOR but given its source, I have to wonder if there might be some truth in it. I post this here to: 1) see if anyone else is getting the same story and 2) if there are any more details.
Kochis was a gay pimp (amoung other things) providing primo twinks to a select group of rich and powerful men.
This was all good until someone tried to blackmale a certian senior GOP senator and all of the sudden, people started getting dead and going to jail.
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