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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Brent Speaks!

The closest anyone's gotten to an on-the-record chat with Brent Corrigan since the murder of Bryan Kocis is Jody Wheeler.

Late Tuesday evening, Wheeler posted a blog regarding a conversation he'd had earlier in the day with quotes from Corrigan who claims his neighbors are receiving death threats and that "Harlow really fucked it all up."

Check out Jody's blog here: http://www.nakedwriting.com/archives/2007/02/two_pair.html

** POST SCRIPT: Brent has asked that Jody take down his blog as it is too close to being seen as an "official statement." Somehow, I had a feeling that would happen so I saved the text. Here is Jody's original entry and please note that it is NOT an official statement from Brent Corrigan:

Two Pair
February 13, 2007
Tuesday 2/13

We all go through shit.

Most of it is familiar. Common. Normal. We can relate because its happened to us. But as experienced as I am with the uncommon sufferings of the world -- 12 years as a counselor and social worker and you would be too -- what's happened with Sean Lockhart and Bryan Kocis is new, even for me.

Sean and I spoke a few times today. I messaged him yesterday that his home address was now public information. The MOU from his LSG vs. Cobra settlemen had been posted to the web. I do know how nutty people can be and I wanted him to have a heads up incase something serious came his way. Seems I was a little late.

According to Sean, his neighbors have gotten death threats or what ever it's called when some anonymous soul prints up flyers that say "If you don't want to die with your throad cut and 28 stab wounds to your chest, don't piss off the people [Sean and his partner] who live next door," and disperses them in his neighborhood. Sick? Cowardly?

"When people ask me how I'm doing, I don't know what to say," he said, his voice a bit lost.

We carried on: Sean was upset that the MOU had been posted to the web. "So much more has happened since that was written!"

I knew Sean and Bryan settled a while ago. Back around Christmastime, he flat out told me so -- with a little ambiguous "more or less" thrown in. For a bit after, Sean kept talking about all of the details that still needed to be sorted out. I didn't really understand what that meant until I read the posted MOU's bit about "...and other agreements, contracts, stipulations and / or releases to be negotiated and agreed upon as a package." For everyone to get back to work, for the 15 day clock also mentioned there to start ticking, the rest of the package had to be negotiated. That wasn't happening well into January. Too many chefs. Too much emotion.

In January, after the AVN conference, Sean rang up, more or less happy. He and Bryan had a couple of long talks, without lawyers or business partners, and had resolved things more in Sean's favor. Under the terms of his and Bryan's agreement, he asked me to take down anything negative I'd written about Bryan from my blog. (Pretty easy. I hadn't written anything.) He'd already done so from his. He grumbled a bit about having to "work" with Bryan again, but was relieved that any scenes he'd do for Bryan came either from what he'd already shot for BrentCorrigan.Com, or from anything new he filmed here in California. Bryan would remain on the East Coast.

There's two ironies here today. What follows here is the first: Given the amount of bad blood between them, Bryan did Sean a huge favor right before he was killed.

So many people have posted so many twisted conspiracy theories, creating elaborate scenarios involving Sean, his partners, his lover, the "Mob" and various hired hitmen colluding to kill Bryan. The only reason ever stated was because Sean or someone close to him hated Bryan. Silly, considering no one out there knew what Bryan did and the effect it had on Sean.

Sean hasn't been paid for any of the material he shot for Brent Corrigan.Com. While he owns a part of the company, he hasn't been paid for any work he's done for that company: not for the blogs, not for the photo shoots, the videos, even the late night meetings over what color certain pages were supposed to be. Even with a startup, there's usually a small amount of money set aside to pay the owners while they're getting off the ground. People have to live. Sean had been effectively working for free for the company, temping to make ends meet, and, as the principal asset, working to stay in shape. When Sean and I talked a few days before Bryan died, he told me that Bryan demanded that LSG pay Sean a monthly salary. As a new "partner" in the venture, he used his clout on behalf of Sean. Sean was thrown by Bryan's actions. After they exchanged so much mutual animosity, why do something so...nice? I could hear Sean working through the realization that no one is purely good or purely bad.

Bryan was murdered a few days later.

Back to today.

"Harlow and Joe really fucked it all up," he said.

Puzzled, he told me "Joe" is Harlow's boyfriend. Last year, before Sean flew to New York to film the -other- short, during either an IM chat or a phone call, he mentioned that a company out of Norfolk, Virginia wanted to pay him a huge some of money to star in their movies. While he was interested in the deal, he was also very skeptical. The money would've helped pay the attorney, but the kind of money the outfit was offering was pretty much unheard of. Too good to be true. Sean didn't mention anything more about it. I didn't think anything more about it until the police released a picture of "Drake" and "Drake" turned out to be an escort from Norfolk, Virginia, who turned out to be a Harlow Cuadra who owned an escort agency in Nortfolk, Va, who also owned an adult film company in...Norfolk, Virginia.

"Same guy from last year," Sean confirmed.


Now everything made sense. Cuadra spoke with Sean about doing films. Nothing happens but they stay friendly. Sean refers Cuadra to Falcon (according to Cuadra.) Sean and Cuadra chat at AVN. Snap pictures. Sean refers Cuadra to Bryan. Bryan winds up dead with a picture of Cuadra in his email. I think I'd get an attorney too.

Just to be clear, everything after the "Boom" in the above is me. The only other thing Sean said today about Cuadra is that Cuadra and his boyfriend are "on the run." When Sean said that, he and I both knew we were about to talk actively about the case, a big no-no. So I'll just stress again, the above is me figuring out a chain of events based on what I'd already heard over the last few months -- a chain of events any of us would be crazy not to bring an attorney into. Pretty damn crazy.

Though the agreements are still binding, I got the sense today from Sean that "everything" is on hold. The backers of LSG and the heirs of Cobra are trying to figure out what Bryan's death means for the business: Should more films be made? What is the market for Brent Corrigan videos now in light of all of this? Should Cobra buy out LSG, release the footage under its own banner, and put "Brent Corrigan" to rest forever? Everyone wants to know. Especially Sean.

Sean is a tough kid, but this a hell of a lot for anyone, of any age, to shoulder. Despite all of the quarreling, animosity, recriminations, and vitriol exchanged, Sean was ready to get back to work. No matter how favorable or unfavorable the final clauses and stipulations ultimately are, he just wants to make new Brent Corrigan videos. He really just wants to make his site successful. After all, his site, his company, really is his dream.

The second irony here is, for Bryan, wasn't Cobra the same thing?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I find this disturbing that someone is putting out flyers in Sean’s neighborhood. I found the MOU both disturbing and interesting. More so disturbing because of all the personal data that was revealed. Real names and addresses. I feel this could have been blocked out. If it were I sending it out I would have done so. Personal privacy is a very sensitive subject and I do not feel that it was treated as such. Now to the juicy stuff. So Sean met Harlow when he was in New York. I remember him talking about the trip and he looked so cute in the blue sweater. I think he made a reference about it this as well and he said it was to good to be true. Then Harlow shows up in Vegas (very interesting) as stated in an earlier thread someone said that Sean did not look very comfortable with him (very telling). Jason Curious you posted that Falcon had approached Harlow about working on one of their movies and then Harlow says that Sean referred him to Falcon. Why did he not speak to his original contact. I’m seeing a pattern here. He wanted Brent Corrigan and that is clearly stated in his email. It appears that Brent is the prize. So my crazy fan theory was partially correct. Harlow did not want Cobra; he wanted Cobras hottest property. I am not sure if Harlow knew about the signed agreement between LSG Media and Cobra LLC. Brent does not mention that they spoke to that subject. I find it very telling that Harlow posted the pictures of him and Brent on his photo bucket page. He lied to the press stating that he was not the owner of Norfolk Companions, Inc. As I am typing this I have a copy of official Virginia State Commissions document showing him as the President, Corporate ID 0607825. He also stated that he did not own Boybatter.com another lie, He poses as a 19 year-old male escort when he’s at least 26 years old. He has used various names and now it appears he is on the run. He claims he did not know Bryan Kocis but he was at the same party with Brent the night the pictures were taken. Does any one else have any pictures of the party that night? It looks like the police messed up on this one. There is so much damning evidence against this guy. Drake’s picture on Bryan’s e-mail and Drake turns out to be Harlow Cuadra. I can not say for sure if this is Bryan’s killer but it sure is looking that way.

2:19 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

I thought Jody's post was well balanced and rational. Jason, thank you for posting it.

As the person that posted the MOU, I can categorically state that I did not realise before doing so that it contained Sean's real address. In fact when I did realise that, after someone commented here, I thought it was better not to bring attention to it.

The document has been available to the public, elsewhere, since 9 January.

Something that did strike me about the murder is that if someone wished to make it look like a crime of passion/vengence by stabbing Bryan 28 times, then why attempt to hide that same evidence by burning the body.

I know nothing of pathology, but wonder how easy it is to distinguish stab wounds on a charred corpse.

Elmysterio, what I don't follow about your theory is if Harlow was unaware of the Cobra deal, as you suggest, then he would assume that it would be LSG that would prevent Sean working for him.

In that case wouldn't it have been Lee and Grant that would be the victims?

Also, it would appear foolish to post pictures of yourself and Sean on a public website, if your intentions were murderous.

As we have all said, let's hope the police are quietly working their way through all of this.

On a lighter note. A 26 y/o escort pretending he is 19 !! The entire industry would be arrested if that was a crime.

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basically Sean is now blaming Harlow for Bryan's murder with the help of this Jody Wheeler person corect?

Sorry I don't buy it. Sean Lockhard is a born lier. I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky is blue. What does "on the run" mean. Is he suggesting that Harlow can't be found? Well he sure made himself available to the news media didn't he.

We'll just have to wait and see.

3:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elm you say personal privacy is very sensitive, yes it is, however Sean and Grant gave no such thought to that while trying to beat up Bryan and Cobra on the internet = no sympathy from me on the MOU being made public.

do not forget Sean is a liar... again I say, way too many coincidences - if you cant see that you are blind.

Sean and Grant tortured Bryan on the internet, made his life hell, Bryan never gave up and fought back. Sean and Grant gave no thought to the information they spread about Bryan - they alone made sure everybody knew everything about Bryan - with their own ugly spin. Now Sean is bitching about some opf his info being made public and is crying the usual WO IS ME CRAP to get sympathy.

I want to add, I have never met any of these people.

It does not matter to me if Sean and Grant are involved in this crime. What matters is the truth be found out and the killer (s) be brought to justice.

I have only one word for Sean - KARMA. Sean can go into all the denial he wants - he brought this all on himself.

While I might buy that Sean had nothing to do with Bryan's death, I feel certain Grant did. It is known how much he hated Bryan. It is known he wanted Bryan dead.

4:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so Bryan worked out a deal where LSG paid Sean a monthly salary... hmmm... Grant was not able to do that, the King Cobra was moving back into Seans life with limited control too... we can only imagine what this did to Grant. Motive? Can anyone confirm if Grant met and knew Harlow? If what is being said about Harlow, he is as bad as Grant... birds of a feather ya know. Plenty of motive for Grant to get Bryan out of the way. did Grant finally find his hitman?

Interesting there was no mention of Grant in Jody blog.

4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harlow is on the run says Sean. What do the police say?

I suspect this is more lies from Sean. He'd not be privy to the investigation. In fact, Sean is probably a suspect, the police would tell him nothing.

Sean claims he was told to say nothing about this case. HA. As usual, Sean does what Sean wants to suit himself. His life in porn is over. A good thing really, porn is about fantasy, not the drivel Sean and Grant have spewed forth to everyone.

4:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only other thing Sean said today about Cuadra is that Cuadra and his boyfriend are "on the run.""


Right again, It WAS Harlow!!! HA!!! I KNEW it!!! Knewit knewit knewit!!!

Now, for those of you rabid Brent haters who are now clutching onto your last straw of hope "oh he must be lying" well HA! This FACT was backed up by one of the NE Penn. papers in one of their last news stories...saying Harlow could "no longer be reached for comment."

NOT that he refused comment..oh no..he could not be REACHED for comment!


And this certainly explains the slow police progress...they can't find Harlow! He and his bf "Joe" are essentially a couple of Andrew Cunanans' right now...driving around the country I imagine...they could be anywhere.

You know, in a way I feel kinda bad...because the reason Harlow and his bf managed to run is...well, us. By us being so efficient and finding him before the cops did, he got alerted and fled.

Oh well no use crying over spilled milk. But now, I can certainly see now how the police feel we "complicate" the investigation.

At this point, one thing I think would be useful is if we had a pic of this guy "Joe" to go along with our extensive pic collections of Harlow. Like I said, these two are now a couple of Andrew Cunanans' and they could be driving around ANYWHERE. No matter what city we live in, we need to keep an eye out for this pair!

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

despite you jim/grant who shares all your weird thoughts with us on several blogs an internet forums harlow simply doesn´t talk to the press. if i was somehow connected to a murder i would hardly speak to anyone but the police or a lawyer. this make him not suspicious but just careful.

how can sean know harlow is on the run. did harlow tell him?

6:15 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

Jim, I wish I was drinking the same water as you. You do seem to over-react and take any comment, from any source that fits within your paradigm as fact.

I too think Harlow is involved somehow but I also consider it possible that Sean or his cohorts are also involved in some way - however innocently.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim: where did Sean get the information that Harlow is on the run with his bf Joe? as someone already said, did Harlow call him and tell him he was on the run?

Calm down, words coming from Sean mean nothing. That nasty little fuck is getting a taste of his own medicine it would seem - not that I agree with it.

Again, Grant is involved somehow with this Harlow dude as is probably Sean. He is not "off the hook" yet and may never be.

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harlow is not commenting to the press BECAUSE NO ONE CAN FIND HIM!

Oh God, it's Andrew Cunanan, all over again...except this time there's two of 'em...

You think I'm wrong/exaggerating? Fine, proove me wrong. Someone call up Norfolk Male Escorts, ask to speak to Harlow. Failing that, try to set up an appointment with him.

Then come back here and share your results.

HA! I was right! I nailed it! :)

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim: in your dreams, what exactly are you smoking? there is NO official or unofficial word whats going on with Harlow. All we have is a comment made by a known lying whore named Sean Lockhart. Get over it.

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I too think Harlow is involved somehow but I also consider it possible that Sean or his cohorts are also involved in some way - however innocently."

Cad, I will acknowledge that possibility.

However, I do have to point out:

1) Harlow and his b/f Joe are on the run;

2) Brent/Grant are not.

Draw what conclusions from that as you will.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

again jim, harlow has no obligation to talk to the press or anyone like you and me.

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it! I knew Sean would not be able to hold back on talking about Bryan's death, the same as he was never able to hold back on talking about the civil lawsuit. If you recall, Bryan posted once on his blog on Feb 2, that he was not able to discuss Bryan's death in any way. Three days later he's posting about it again, once again stating he cannot talk about Bryan's death. And now, eight days later, here he is again talking about Bryan's death to Jody Wheeler, with this "on the run" statement. He just can't keep his mouth shut, can he? Apparently, he doesn't feel the need to take his lawyer's advice and say nothing.

So, if we're to believe Sean, Harlow and his boyfriend are "on the run." As another poster asked, just how would Sean know this? Did Harlow ring Sean up to give him a daily update on his whereabouts and who's with him? I tend to doubt it.

If everyone here would like to take Sean's words as fact, be my guest. I'll stay here, firmly based in reality where a lying porn star's words are taken with a grain of salt and where the words and actions of the police are taken with more credibility.

In the end, more of the same from Sean. Blaming everyone else for all his troubles and never taking an ounce of responsibility for himself. Funny though, no mention of Grant. Wonder where he is in all this?

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim: please show a link to any official source that CLAIMS Harlow is "on the run".

The fact Sean and Grant are not on the run does not mean or prove innocence of these two evil monsters.

Even if they wanted to go "on the run", they cant, do you know why? no? let me tell you why, cause they are both broke ass low life bitches.

7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean said on Feb 2, 2007: "I have been advised by my attorneys and law enforcement officials in charge of the investigation not to make public comments or statements regarding this very sad and senseless crime."

HA! more LIES form darling innocent little Sean. His front hole is as big as his back hole, he can keep neither of them shut!.

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the only known connection between Harlow and Bryan? SEAN LOCKHART and GRANT COBRA KILLER ROY.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This statement by Brent of Harlow being "on the run" was posted late last night, on Jody's site. Then, a bit later, here.

I'll tell you what's going to happen next. The real media will pick this up, then start asking questions. They'll try to call Harlow (like I suggested), they'll ask the state police "are you unable to locate Harlow" and THEN we'll get official confirmation.

And when that happens, all you out there who are hysterically doubting this...


7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elmysterio, you present a plausible theory and raise important questions for the police to ask. We have to remember though, that the police were notified who the person was in the photo found on Bryan's computer very shortly after it was released to the public. For unknown reasons, they chose not to contact or track him down for questioning, even though the newspapers did. This tells me that the police did not feel tracking Harlow down for questioning was an imperative thing to do. Why? I do not know but it could be that other evidence found at the scene took the investigation in another, unknown direction.

Another thing, being President of a company and owning a company are two different things. As you mention, after research, you found out that Harlow is the President on record of Norfolk Companions, Inc. That does not necessarily mean he owns the company. Just wanted to point that out.

7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody says on his blog "According to Sean, his neighbors have gotten death threats or what ever it's called when some anonymous soul prints up flyers that say "If you don't want to die with your throad cut and 28 stab wounds to your chest, don't piss off the people [Sean and his partner] who live next door," and disperses them in his neighborhood. Sick? Cowardly?".

Yes it is sick, yes it is cowardly, but no more so than what Sean and grant did to Bryan by making all his private information available at various locations on the net.

Karma baby, karma. Anyone got a scan of these flyers? cause till I see one, I will assume it is more BS from Sean.

BTW if any of my neighbors were involved in a horrid crime such as this one, i'd want to know. the same way Sean wanted Bryans neighbors and the world to know about him.

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim as your so hell bent on having someone contact Harlow, do it yourself.

None of this takes the heat of Sean and Grant. Just coz lying whore Sean says Harlow is on the run, does NOT make it so.

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim said: "This statement by Brent of Harlow being "on the run" was posted late last night, on Jody's site. Then, a bit later, here."

Uh-huh, I believe we asked for a credible source for that info. We know what Brent said to Jody. Tell me, have you found, over time, all of Brent's statements to be credible?

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody, that flyer clearly is not a death threat. It is information, nothing more, nothing less. It is irresponsible to suggest/mention it as being a death threat.

Grants public wishes of Bryan being dead and Grants now known attempts at finding a hitman - Bryan is the one who is dead. Only Sean would attempt to turn it around and make it all about him.

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those flyer's are very disturbing and graphic, indeed. Surely, something so graphic would be presented to the police in Brent's city. Surely, the police would begin an investigation into death threats. And, as a result there would be police logs and there would be articles in the local papers. Anyone seen anything like that? If not, I see no reason to believe what Brent says.

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what, no way did Sean see any of this blog stuff coming since Bryans murder. I hope it continues till the killer(s) are caught.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jim as your so hell bent on having someone contact Harlow, do it yourself."

I would, except all the unhinged Brent-hating trolls here would accuse me of lying about the results of such a call.

That's basically their modus operendi on any information that comes out leading away from their fixed conclusion of Brent being a murderer: "its a lieeeeeeee! waaaaaaa...liar...its a lieeeee!!!"

Repeated over and over, like a broken record, LOL! hehehehheheee!

HAHA, you Brent haters must be all on the verge of tears about now... :D

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7.42 the flyer did not contain a death threat from the quotes made by Jody. It is more spin to gain sympathy for Sean. If I lived next door to Sean Lockhart and Grant Cobra Killer Roy, I'd want a copy of the flyer.

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing that up, 7:49am. Yes, the spin sure seems to be continuing from Sean and company.

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As 7:19 AM stated. The only KNOWN connection between Bryan kocis and Harlow Cuadra is Sean Lockhart and Grant Roy.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, dont be such a chicken shit, here is the number for Harlows escort services 757-717-0233. Be sure to lets us know how you make out :)

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet again, Jim, you fail to answer any of the questions I pose ro you. You never hesitate to present your theories, no matter how wild and out there they may be and you never fail to question any of us who raise other theories. But, apparently you're not able to answer simple questions.

So, once again, I'll ask you two:

Have you taken, over time, all of Brent's statements made on his blog, here on Jason's site and now to Jody, as fact?


Did you donate to Brent in October 2006?

Fairly simple questions, I'd say. Can't wait to hear your answers.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, they are both kinda stupid questions, but if you want my answer, ok:

No, and no.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

OK hands up all those wannabbe stalker types that Google Earthed Seans address.... Damn am I the only one.

Anyway, looking at the layout (I won't say any more) you have to be a proper nutter to post anything on lamposts or into people's houses nearby.

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cad you are bad boy ;-)

i just wonder, do i see a light colored suv there?

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering Jim and thank you for offering your wonderfully insightful opinion that my questions are "kinda stupid."

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, just ADMIT that you're Grant, because your posts are really getting on some people's nerves. You're obviously out of your mind and most likely YOU had a lot to do with this descusting murder.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

Anon 8.25 -

Yes, a white SUV in the driveway; isn't that a coincidence.

However, if it is anything like the Google pic of my house it was probably taken many years ago, but it did make me smirk.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

el mysterio:

Again, with all due respect, until we know that Sean, Grant, and Harlow are cleared - we don't know if those flyers actually went up or Sean is trying to paint himself as a victim.

He's got a great smile, a great ass, but I think any seasoned person can tell he's also a master at persuasion. Until we see a flyer, or it pops up in the news, or the police confirm it, we can't take it as truth.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, nw!

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot, thats the other tactic of the Brent haters here (besides repeating "its a liieeeeeee!" over and over again): anyone not a member of the Brent-Haters of America who dares to post a comment...accuse him of being Grant!


You guys think I'm "getting on your nerves" now? HA! Just wait 'till for confirmation on this Harlow things starts rolling in, from both the media and the police...I will be positively INSUFFERABLE then! :D You'll all be on the recieving end of a gloat-fest that'll leave you sobbing in misery, praying for delieverance! :D

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cad 8.15 your so right. i do not see that story being true at all.

the power of the internet.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim how'd u make out with getting in contact with Harlow?

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Anon at 8:47. Take it from me, I know how persuasive porn stars have to be. Some master it as art, and some simply learn it as a necessity.

Whether you believe it or not, Sean is - frankly - one of the best players of the game I have ever seen. You guys see a very innocent image being portrayed. You must always remember that behind every image in porn, you must find the real person. Some are genuine and some just play the game. I don't know which Brent is. Some sources have told me it's the latter.

For instance: The Brent Corrigan Legal Defense Fund? C'mon. Let's be real here. Clubbed baby seals need legal defense funds. President Clinton needed a legal defense fund. Brent Corrigan? That was a masterful marketing move meant to further endear him to an already enamored audience. Some of you guys are raving fans and consumer loyalty is everything in this business. Every move he's made has, whether calculated or not, brought you as fans closer to him. You are part of the Brent Corrigan experience -- the good and the bad parts. Whether he knew he was doing this or not, I don't know. But the fact is it was a powerful marketing mix.

But you have to respect it whether it was a business plan or pure social acumen. It sure would be a shame if he collaborated on this murder. That kind of potential would have gone so far in the business. If he is involved, then I do hope he's fully exposed and prosecuted, regardless.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harlow logged onto his myspace account today, so he's not too worried...

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree, nw. As a Brent fan I can see how he has marketed himself well, and without this situation that has arisen, I would probably have continued to be blinkered to his manipulations - I'm sure he would have been able to spin that settlement somehow to his advantage.

I'm not saying that a lot of what he said wasn't genuine, and maybe that legal fund we all contributed to was intended to go to legal costs eventually (I believe there was some balls up with Paypal keeping the money, but who knows if that was true or just a way to encourage people to send a check, therefore minimizing deductions), however we have to acknowledge that Brent played his fans very well on his blog, and his ability to market himself was greatly enhanced by his continued sob stories. That he's continuing to paint himself as a victim and spinning a sob story makes me very sceptical.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

Great phrase NW

"The Brent Corrigan Experience" I would copyright that before Universal or Disney use it in a theme park.

Of course the "TBCE" would be restricted to those over 18. You would have to show ID before being allowed on. But after you've enjoyed the ride you can tell the park operator that your ID was fake and therefore you should have your money back.

Any better ideas for the TBCE ride ?

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone over 9" can ride this ride. And you must sign a waiver stating that you cannot hold Brent Corrigan responsible if you are injured or killed after.

HEY! Don't hate me because I'm right. ;) I'm still impartial (notice I didn't assign blame in that joke). And I didn't joke about Bryan being killed.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, Jason -

Here's a Sharon Stone reference for ya.

Arnie's wife in Total Recall. You figure out who plays whom. ;)

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree as well, nw. As a longtime fan of Brent's, I donated to both BrentAid as well as this past fall, when he asked for donations again. He presented his case each time, with a sad story about how he was the victim in all this and it was everyone else's fault that he has all these problems. He could turn around any story with just a few words and I, along with many of his fans, would buy everything he said. He's an expert with words and spinning stories to fit how he wants to be perceived. I agree, I don't think Brent was all that concerned about fan reaction. Maybe a bit but I'm sure he would have come up with a story which presented the settlement working in his favor. No, in fact, I'm sure he would have and truth be told, I probably would have believed him. What he did not count on was the MOU being brought to his fan's attention, even though it is public record. He did not count on fans being made aware that the money we donated in October 2006 was not used to cover any legal expenses. He most likely thought he'd just continue to pull the wool over his fan's eyes whenever it suited him. Well, I sure hope he now realizes that will no longer be the case. He lied to his fans, time and again, it seems. He lied to the people who supported him and stood up for him all through these times. How can we believe anything he says in the future? We can't.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we now should ask Jason a question -

Jason, in light of all this, when are you going to request an interview with Sean Lockhart/Brent Corrigan? He could use it to explain everything, promote whatever, to his fans.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question, nw. Since it appears that Brent doesn't seem to mind ignoring his lawyer's advice and talking about all this, now that he's gone ahead and talked with Jody, an interview could perhaps be requested. I feel Brent owes his longtime, dedicated fans some truthful answers, for a change.

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BFD Brent speaks, and?

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, that's true at this point. If he's going to talk to a blogger despite his attorney's advice, and say "have at it" to publicizing it, why can't he talk to you? The only difference between you and a blogger to Sean is that he can pick and choose what he reveals to a blogger. Well, that, and you're adorable.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also - one question...in addition to Jason's comment section, are there any other blogs exclusively or quite a bit covering the Kocis murder?

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nw, unfortunatly not. the brent cobra story was covered at juicygoo a year ago. but now all things are disscused here. while i apreciate jasons work and his talking with us, it would be better to have all the contributions in a forum like structure rather than as a blog comment.

maybe we start a google group or so?

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.27 Sean would not know the truth if it hit him in the face, let alone him speak it.

He is a con artist above everything else. He is a liar, he is a fake, he is a barebacking whore. How anyone could give him credibility even before Bryans murder is beyond me.

Now the 'game' is death threats, next it will be his life is in danger - he played that one before on juicygoo. Not once did he stop to think he was in fact putting Bryan's life in danger by making everything he knew public knowledge, Bryans real name, links to documents about Bryan and news articles that would make it easy to contact Bryan directly.

Sean Lockhart is a nasty evil little fucking WHORE with BLOOD on HIS hands PERIOD along with his cohort Grant Cobra Killer Roy.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought as much. well, i'm starting something to start keeping things in order. Jason's site will be featured prominently, if he's okay with that. he seems to have all the good dirt. people should still post at their favorite places - here, obviously, for me. i just want to start organizing things.

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.51 thats a good idea, we must keep this story alive till it is solved. I do not know how much longer JC will cover it and allow these comments to continue.

Now names for such a group? lets have some fun eh as a break from the seriousness of this murder.

I suggest GrantCobraKillerRoy, or SeanGiveMeYourMoneyLockhart, or InnocentSeanLockhart. Am sure you guys can come up with some good names.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would also be cool if we had a forum where polls could be taken.

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, well, whatever I put together for the most part will be unbiased, so...

anyway...if you want to have fun with names that's okay, but i doubt i'd use them. ;)

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason in fairness to Harlow you should try to interview him. Sean implies that he is Bryan's murderer. Maybe he would like a chance to defend himself?

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Jason would agree that "The Brent Corrigan Experience" has been the biggest magnet his site has ever seen, and resulted in the largest quantity of posts on one subject, ever. So, regardless of how you feel about Brent/Sean, it is a hugely popular topic!

I'm still a "Brent supporter", especially until some real FACTS come out about this Kocis murder, and I was one of those who donated to him on two occasions.

Incidentally, the freeze on his PayPal account was REAL, as I had some discussion with PayPal management about it. And I'm one of those who really didn't CARE what he did with my small amount of money. I consider it a small token of my appreciation for the entire "Brent Corrigan Experience". :-)

Your mileage may vary...

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the link to Harlows Myspace?

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we please not forget that Brent is still a kid? He has, in the past, acted in very immature ways, and he will again in the future. As smart as he tries to sound in his blog, so far, it's all words. Yes, he lives a very adult lifestyle. That doesn't change the fact that he's young and full of himself, thinking no one knows the pain he's been through, that no one could ever understand him. Thinking in that manner is part of growing up. It means that he's young and stupid. Not that he's a murderer or someone who's even knowingly involved in a murder. He's proven in the past that he's extremely gullible. When he grows up and gets a little more life experience (and stops depending on the "father figure" boyfriends he devotes himself to), he'll realize all the things he did wrong these last few years, including all of the public tantrums he had about Cobra and Bryan. Right now, though, he's still under the impression that he's the victim.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


yes he did log into his myspace today, so much for being on the run.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.11 LOL what a poor excuse, he is no kid, he is a lying cheating whore bag who caused much damage.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that Sean had his post taken down from Jody Wheeler's site. Typical Sean.

Did anyone copy what was written? Can they paste it here? I wish I did but didn't think of it at the time.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.11 tell that to the dead mans family.

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't say he wasn't a liar or that he didn't cause a lot of damage. He most likely did bring this on somehow, whether he knows it or not. But do the math. He's a stupid kid. I 'm thinking back to when I was 19 or 20 years old. I acted the same way he does, albeit to a lesser extent. If someone did me wrong, I did my best to drag their name through the mud. Brent just had a bigger outlet with his blog and interviews.

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saved Jody's page.

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was not just sean. the most hate was spreaded by grant and he was an adult. i even doubt that sean posted much on his blog by his own.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A family member of my own was stabbed to death and then burned (my grandmother during a car jacking), so I think I know very well how the dead man's family feels. I'm just trying not to point any fingers right now when all anyone has is speculation. Maybe it was Brent. Maybe it was Grant. Maybe it was a bitter family member. Maybe it was George Bush. Maybe it was Oprah. Maybe it someone who wanted revenge.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

I don't see what an interview with Sean would add to the debate.

This blog has been at its best when it has identified reliable third party evidence - eg the pic of Harlow and Sean. I doubt Sean's contribution would be universally welcomed or believed.

He is unlikely to admit that he was in any way connected with what happened. If he simply restates his innocence then again we are unlikely to give it much credence on his word alone.

Perhaps Sean's strongest card is that so far as I am aware he does not have a public alibi. You would have thought that if he was going to arrange a murder he would also arrange a high profile public alibi - like dancing at Donkey punch - for the night in question.

It has been posted without substantiation that Sean, Grant & Lee were in San Diego on 24 January. Nothing more specific has been said and not even his most vociferous fan has claimed to be with them at the time.

Maybe they were robbing a bank or just working their shifts at Blockbuster. lol

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i have from the jody post is this:

"According to Sean, his neighbors have gotten death threats or what ever it's called when some anonymous soul prints up flyers that say "If you don't want to die with your throad cut and 28 stab wounds to your chest, don't piss off the people [Sean and his partner] who live next door," and disperses them in his neighborhood. Sick? Cowardly?".

word for word. no changes made. wish i had the part where Sean told Jody Harlow and Joe are on the run and this is a direct quote: "Harlow really fucked it all up.".

The stupid little fuck is even more stupid if he thinks coz it is taken down it will go away. Typical.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the post was removed, but I have saved it. I think Sean is watching us.

Hi Sean! :)

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know enough about Grant to even speculate.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.17 i was not a back backing whore, i did not hang out with old men. he made his bed, now he MUST lay in it.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's impossible to have a civil conversation with some people here.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things -

1 - who is Lee? Can someone give me the complete skinny?

2 - Who is Joe? I want the complete skinny on that.

To work, my little pretties! I agree with CAD - the best work product we've produced has been 3rd party.

Now all we need is a muse, and we're all set! Hotel room at the Four Seasons anyone? (Got ya, J ;)

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sean Lockhart and Grant Cobra Killer Grant of (full address in MOU) San Diego, hows things? Bryan being murdered in that horrid way, wow, what a bitch eh. You can hide all you want. The truth WILL come out.

I do need to correct you, you said to Jody "Harlow really fucked it all up." No Sean, YOU fucked it all up.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sure Sean's reading what we say. Hence, him asking Jody to remove the post once he saw the response to it from those of us on this blog. Glad you saved the post, nw.

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be wonderful to be so brilliant that you already know who commited a murder that you know very little about, aside from what has been reported in the media. Bravo! Have you thought about taking your talent to the police force? Or maybe the FBI?

11:35 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

NW to avoid all this going over old ground I suppose you would really need a forum with sub-forums on each character,event or even murder theories.

That way if all someone wanted to do was be negative and hateful to Grant they could post away and leave wider speculation to others.

The more I think about it and the structure the more daunting and unimately pointless/thankless a task it may be.

As someone that finds the personal vitiol unhelpful it would make a nice change though. Goodluck.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Interesting theory, Jim and Howard. But haven't the coroner's office stated that the murder was likely done by a male in their 40's? Do you guys honestly think this horrendous murder is the product of a scorned twink? Young guys kill people every day. But they don't kill them like THAT! Unless.... they've been trained to kill in the armed forces. Because we've agreed this sounds very much like a professional job, no?

7:42 - You make a good point. If there are such flyers, they should be handed over to the police immediately. This is San Diego, not Silkwood.

NW - Brent has told me he is unable to speak with the press, do any interviews or make any public statements at this time. Naturally, I was a little shocked at Jody's post. I'm sure Brent and I will sit down for an interview again, but it won't be until he's good and ready of course. I don't have much control over that. I have tried interviewing Harlow as well but to no avail.

10:57 - So you're all gonna LEAVE me after letting you all rant as much as you wanted here?!? lol Thanks a heap! You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. I had requests from Camp Corrigan to take down the comments linking to those documents, but I told them I have a steadfast rule: My readers don't censor me so I do not censor them.

And yes, I do have the Jody Wheeler page saved. I don't usually do that, but I just knew the second I saw it up, "Brent's gonna ask that it be taken down tomorrow." I will be adding it to this post.

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saved the entire page. I think, technically now, it is evidence. :) Safe with me.

I have thought about joining the police force, if only for a little hot uniform action. As for the FBI? I am quite striking in a suit. haha.

Look, no one has the murder figured out. Don't get all agitated. Yet.

I think it's good that we're agitating certain people. I mean, who would actually say to people "quit talking about that murder" unless they want things to die down? That's suspect.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Cad said...

I did try to remove the MOU from Rapidshare to replace it was an edited version, but there does not seem to be a delete option.

If no-one accesses it for 45 days it will auto-delete. If anyone knows a way to delete it before then please advise.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean Lockhart said "Harlow really fucked it all up."

Exactly what did Harlow fuck up? their plans?

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question 12:04. I hadn't really thought much about that quote from Sean. Hmm, just what exactly was he referring to with that statement?

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In the Rapidshare FAQ, it says:

Q: Can I delete my uploaded files?

A: Sure you can! After your upload, you will get two links. The download-link, which you give to everyone you want, and a delete-link, which you keep for yourself. Just click on the delete-link and your file will be deleted immediately.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

probably harlow has an alibi for the wrong time ;-)

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I understand Brent C. wants to make a career in porn and wants to make more movies but seriously ... has all of this been worth it ? Isnt there a moment where he has to stop, move on and try to build another kind of life ? Why does he insist on pushing further into porn where nothing is working for him ? it is not like it s the only option ?
See thats my problem. Everyone always talks about how Brent c. is intelligent and mature. Well, someone mature would understand there are other careers out there and there is a moment where all the drama, bad blood and financial losses have to be put a stop to.
I love him as a performer but I am sooooooooo tired to hearing gossip about him and all that it is really turning me off altogether.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC - seriously, thank you for allowing us to post here uncensored. Thank you for NOT doing what the Sean camp requested.

When I started following the Brent Story on here way back I actually had not so nice thoughts about you - everything was so one sided back then. You do not play into the one sided story anymore. You have gained my respect and credibility of late - if you care. Anyway, thank you for being fair here and letting all sides voice their opinions.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cad 11.56, even if you could remove it, its now already out there.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the story repeats. as long as the sean/brent camp can use a forum to distribute their side of the story the things are ok. in the moment when their statements are disputed they react first with blaming everyone for beeing brent-haters and then try to shut down the discussion

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12.21 your so right, those days are over. That must REALLY piss of Sean and Grant, they finally lost control with sites/blogs such as this.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

What was one-sided about things before? I asked him questions and I printed his answers. And I gave him a forum to tell his story because it is marketable and he's a good writer. That's all I did and by giving him a chance to do so everyone thought I was one-sided. I don't get that. I never once said that I was on anyone's side. I was not ON the Cobra mailing list. Bryan would not grant me interviews and yes, he did try to sabotage appearances Brent made with me, so I didn't have anything really to report to the contrary.

I hope when Brent and I do sit down for an interview again, people think twice before labeling me as being one-sided just because I'm giving him a platform to speak.

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC at the time it really came across as if you totally supported Sean against Bryan. I no longer think this having stuck around on here of late.

Take the freakin compliment :)

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I read the forum posting. I don't think JC was against Bryan by giving him a forum. In fact, I wonder ...would JC have given Bryan a forum as well if he'd asked for it? I suspect he might, but maybe not because he doesn't look as good naked as Brent. ;)

12:42 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

LOL - no, no... I appreciate the compliment, I do. And I'm not complaining. I would just like to know how I could've prevented that from happening honestly. Always looking for ways to do my job better. xo L, J.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC your doing your job very well. I think at the time Sean somehow managed to use your name as back up to all his claims on his blog and in other forums. Thinking about it now, it was really nothing you did.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC would you be willing to share your impression of Sean? you know him, you have spent time with him.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


this is a good question. i would like to know it too, jc please

1:03 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

I'm not changing my tune from my first impression of Brent way back when I first met him. I called him "a veritable Catherine Tramell" and that is exactly what he is. He has an insatiable appetite for sex, he loves anything that involves risk, he is frighteningly intelligent for his age and incredibly manipulative. And those are all qualities that mdae Sharon Stone's character in "Basic Instinct" one of the few villains we actually ROOT for no matter what they do. *shrugs* That was my first impression and it's still my description of him today.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry King gets all the good interviews first for a reason...Jason is a smart guy and he will find his niche ($$$$)

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim and Howard Beel may very well mistake me for a "FORMER Cobra Boy [who] has been smearing Brent & his BF all over [Jason's] pages under an assumed name!"

I'd certainly love to know who Bryan's boyfriend is and what he has to say about the whole murder.

How does Howard and his "source of innuendo" know Bryan had a boyfriend? Why haven't we heard him speak out in the press? What is the boyfriend's name, at least his porn name?

It's incumbent upon Howard Beel and his "source" to name and accuse the suspect.

Otherwise, don't waste our time!

I can assure you I'm just a porn fan who's followed Brent's blog and bought from Cobra. I live in a Heartland State far away from Pennsylvania OR California.

I've called and spoken to both Pennsylvania state troopers and the Luzerne County District Attorney’s Office, giving them tips and leads I discover on the internet.

So if they suspect me, they know all the ways to get a hold of me.

I can also assure you that I'm way too ugly to be a Cobra model OR Bryan's boyfriend — besides, Bryan only fucks teenagers and I'm 31!

Some anonymous posters have written a lot meaner stuff about Grant and Sean than me here, calling them worse names.

And if I'm such a Brent-hating, boyfriend of Bryan's trying to vengefully "smear" Brent and Grant, why would I also badmouth Bryan, calling Bryan names and bringing up so many damning details about Bryan?

I defy you to show me one Cobra model as intelligent, eloquent and expertly spelled as me. Any of the words I write over three syllables long would leave a Cobra model in the dust!

If you're unwilling to acknowledge that Bryan Kocis, Grant Roy and Sean Lockhart are all snakes guilty of extreme greed, underhanded tactics and deceit, then you're dishonest.

So let's find out the name of Bryan's most recent boyfriend.

By the way, Howard, I loved you in NETWORK!

5:20 AM in "We Need Answers" wrote:

"Bret, your lack of trust that the FBI would investigate and prosecute child pornography claims is alarming."

No, your naiivete and blind trust that the FBI is perfectly efficient and will immediately resolve whatever is important to YOU is alarming.

You're not Alberto Gonzales, you're not Robert Mueller, you don't speak for what the FBI WILL or WON'T do.

"Four videos were produced and released to the public while Sean was under the age of 18, if we're to believe Sean's claims."

Where do you get off suggesting the FBI would believe Sean's claims? On whose authority?

"I realize the videos were pulled from the shelves but that child pornography was still produced and still out there and had been sold to countless people, thus making Cobra a producer AND distributor of child pornography, even though as Sean claimed to Jason, Bryan wasn't aware that he was underage at the time of filming. I daresay it is you Bret who is naive if you don't think the FBI would have taken action about this ..."


Neither you nor I can say why. But Sean started the underage pornography allegations HIMSELF regarding deeds HE ELECTED TO DO and while admitting he was the one who AGE-DEFRAUDED Bryan himself with phony I.D.

These are extremely suspicious circumstances. It was obvious Sean was just trying to manipulate the F.B.I. and Bryan into spoiling and sabotaging Bryan's video library so Bryan could no longer profit from some videos featuring Sean!

Given that nobody was hurt, Sean himself consented to the porn work, Sean was unwilling to prove his age or any of these allegations and Sean was just a disgruntled Cobra employee manipulating the F.B.I. to spite an ex lover/boss, THE F.B.I. SHOULD NOT HAVE PROSECUTED THE MATTER.

elmysterio @ 2:19 AM wrote:

"I found the MOU ... more so disturbing because of all the personal data that was revealed. Real names and addresses. I feel this could have been blocked out."

No, it could not have been blocked out when Bryan, Sean and Grant chose to take their private squabbles into a public court.

When private citizens call on We, the People to settle their disputes, We, the People have to know the names.

It's Bryan's, Sean's and Grant's faults for violating Everett's privacy. Freedom of speech, Freedom of Press, Public Information Acts and transparent government are fundamental rights and necessities in our way of government.

It's not so "interesting" that Harlow and Sean showed up in Vegas at a standard trade event their whole industry shows up to.

"someone said that Sean did not look very comfortable with [Harlow]"

Does this look uncomfortable to you?


"Jason Curious you posted that Falcon had approached Harlow about working on one of their movies and then Harlow says that Sean referred him to Falcon. Why did he not speak to his original contact?"

Sean could have forwarded Harlow's pics to Falcon without Harlow's prior knowledge or approval, just to ingratiate himself with Falcon, take credit for giving Falcon a terrific lead on a hot guy and impress Harlow by finding a top-notch job for Harlow. Sean could have been playing "Mr. Connection."

Sean could also have done it WITH Harlow's prior approval, playing "Mr. Arbiter." Maybe Sean convinced Harlow that working with Falcon is actually a good idea and that Harlow was too quick to reject Falcon last summer. Maybe Sean was trying to rebuild a bridge for Harlow.

Either way, I can see Sean involving himself between Harlow and Falcon to make himself important and kiss their asses.

"He wanted Brent Corrigan and that is clearly stated in his email. It appears that Brent is the prize."

That doesn't mean Harlow wanted Sean all to himself. That doesn't mean Harlow was intolerant of Sean working for Sean's own company, Cobra, Falcon, or any other company IN ADDITION TO BOYBATTER.

And it sure as shit doesn't mean Harlow killed Bryan Kocis. LOL

The consequences vastly outweigh any possible benefits for Harlow. LOL!

You don't know how much false or contradictory information about Harlow is an intentional lie on Harlow's part versus a misunderstanding.

There could be several reasons for Harlow to lie that have nothing to do with Sean, Bryan, etc. For instance, "He has used various names" because he's an escort and a porn star.

Almost ALL porn stars and escorts use false names! Almost ALL want to remain anonymous because prostitution, homosexuality and pornography are still hated in our society; openly engaging in these things brings stigma, isolation and rejection from society at large upon people like Harlow, Brent, Bryan, etc.!

Prostitution is also illegal — you really have to ask why most guys like this "lie" about their real name on escort sites?

Not to mention the "fantasy motive"— why escorts and porn stars falsify their backgrounds and ages!

Harlow is not "on the run." He's been totally forthcoming with the press; available and known to the police.

Harlow fessed up to being the guy in Bryan's e-mail photo. He didn't have to do that, and risk incrimination like that! Unlike "the Lockhart parties," Harlow and Mark have publicly declared their innocence, publicly declared their alibi and that they can prove why Harlow didn't murder Kocis. Harlow has given interviews, whereas fucking Sean, Grant and Lee are "on the run" from their fans, the press and lawyering up against the police!

You and Sean can't bullshit us about who's "on the run!"

So long as you, elmysterio, remain unwilling to consider "the Lockhart parties" guilty of any wrongdoing whatsoever, I will consider you a biased, dishonest broker in this discussion that nobody should take seriously.


"Can anyone confirm if Grant met and knew Harlow?"

The electronic details of the photos depicting Sean and Harlow together indicate the photos were taken from Grant Roy's camera, as claimed by DeWayne at 11:36 AM in the "Male Escort Says He Never Met with Kocis" thread.

That doesn't mean Grant Roy took the photos or met Harlow himself, NECESSARILY, however.

But Grant Roy's attorney told the press Grant Roy "had information" about Harlow immediately after Bryan's murder, so it's safe to assume Grant knows who Harlow is:


Dear "I WAS RIGHT!!!! Right again, It WAS Harlow!!! HA!!! I KNEW it!!! Knewit knewit knewit!!!" Jim,

You're so drunk on yourself that nobody else can be. Your contributions here are just dishonest, moronic masturbation.

If Harlow is "on the run" because he can "no longer be reached for comment," what does that make Sean, Grant and Lee?

They don't return messages or e-mails to questions from the press, either, which is easily what "can no longer be reached for comment" means.

You don't have a provable fact to stand on. You're a desperate clown. I'd like to ignore you from now on unless you prove facts or find us outside information links.

7:42 AM wrote:

"Jody, that flyer clearly is not a death threat ..."

But it's clearly libel and defamation at this point; it could also be considered harassment or vandalism. It claims Sean and Grant are certainly guilty of the murder.

We don't know that.

9:31 AM wrote:

"Whether you believe it or not, Sean is - frankly - one of the best players of the game I have ever seen ..."

Oh, yes! His career moves and wallet have become a smashing success, haven't they?

He's just skyrocketed to wealth! He's so adored by his fans! His website is so operational!

He's just as brilliant, talented and independent as he's always claimed to be!

Yeah, right. The only thing Sean Lockhart has succeeded at is fame. Infamy!

He's backed himself into desperate corners, spent every dime, burned every bridge ever opened to him; he's a "person of interest" in a murder now.

What porn company wants to work with him given how much fraud, treachery and contract-breaching he's so publicly committed?

Sean Lockhart is the STUPIDEST "player of the game" I've ever seen!

There's nothing professional about him.

Just because a cute face can con thousands of pathetic porn-fans into blind loyalty and out of money Sean spends faster than he can take in through "fundraisers" doesn't mean Sean Lockhart is "smart" or a "great player" — it means some of his fans are ridiculously gullible!

I've followed Brent's career and blog, too, but I've never given him a penny because he's never given me anything in return, i.e. THE PORN HE PROMISED HE'D MAKE.

nw 10:45 AM,

The Kocis murder is all over the gay net, from Brent Corrigan yahoo groups, to gaypornblog, to timandromablog, to gay.com and more.

But Jason Curious's threads are the biggest source of discussion and info exchange of the Kocis murder I've found.

11:11 AM wrote:

"Can we please not forget that Brent is still a kid?"


Sean Lockhart is not a "kid."

Even when he was a kid, there was no porn or gay sex point where he was a victim!

Sean Lockhart is a user, and like many good-looking people, he'll probably always be a user.

I sympathize with Sean Lockhart in no way other than that he's gorgeous, I enjoy watching him fuck and I would fuck him.

Unless it's proven he's involved in the murder, which would be a real buzz-kill!

11:30 AM:

I already gave you a pretty damning profile of Lee at 11:16 PM in the "With A Plot As Thick As Harlow's Dick..." thread.


Read the damning news stories about Lee Bergeron, LSG's "majority interest partner" of Sean Lockhart's and Grant Roy's here:



Cad @ 11:56 AM you're not liable for disclosing public documents and you won't ever be able to control what the public can access as easily as you did.

Stop apologizing for the fact that Brent Everett's real name was in there — it's not your fault, it's inevitable; no amount of personal "editing" on your part will ever prevent the truth from being available.

Each time you apologize for the truth or hide it or try to control it, you take the blame, when you're not blameworthy!

12:35 PM,

I never mistook Jason Curious as "one-sided" or "supporting Sean against Bryan" just because he interviewed Brent and let Brent write a column here.

Jason Curious stood up to Brent last year and asked to see his I.D., trying to keep Brent honest.

Jason @ 1:10,

You're wrong to characterize Sean as "intelligent."

He's talkative, he's manipulative; he's arrogant. He describes himself as "intelligent" and "mature," but he is also a liar.

Sean Lockhart most definitely cannot remain loyal, he cannot see any big picture, make any successful career moves and has no street smarts.

He's dumb, talkative and conceited. That's it.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bret, why don't you tell us how you really feel? HA! ;)

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Bret, you might want to find a hobby.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Bret, very well written. I do agree with most of what you say.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

Anon 12.09 thanx for that about rapidshare. Strange I didn't find that when I looked, but I am new to it.

It's close to midnight here so I will try to figure out what to do and delete it Thursday morning.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness Bret, don't hold back.

You say "No, your naiivete and blind trust that the FBI is perfectly efficient and will immediately resolve whatever is important to YOU is alarming."

Bret, that is your interpretation of what I said, not what I said. By the way, your interpretation is wrong.

"You're not Alberto Gonzales, you're not Robert Mueller, you don't speak for what the FBI WILL or WON'T do."

True, I "don't speak for what the FBI WILL or WON'T do." And neither do you.

"Where do you get off suggesting the FBI would believe Sean's claims? On whose authority?"

I suggest nothing of the sort, Bret. You must have missed the word "if" in my statement. IF we're to believe Sean's claims.


Ah, name calling. How mature. Didn't you say you were 31? Could've fooled me.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason -

I don't know that anyone has seen the full coroner's report on Bryan Kocsis. But from what details have been published on the newspaper(s), there were no defensive wounds, 28 stab wounds to the chest, and his throat was cut significantly - carotid artery, jugular vein, trachea, and even part of the spinal column severed by the murder weapon.

The likely cause of death was the knife wound to the throat. The tell is that it would take a person, likely male, over 25, and significantly muscular to make a wound of this depth/magnitude in a single cut so the throat wound would be incapacitating.

There was no mention (published) of drugs or other incapacitating substances in his bloodstream/stomach, so Bryan was likely conscious during the initial attack.

Also the papers have said the fire was started in the living room near the body, was significantly engaged before the arrival of the fire dept, and no accelerant was used. (gas, alcohol, paint thinner, etc)

BTW, armed forces personnel who are trained specifically to kill with a sharp object don't normally go for the throat. They might, but there are more sure single strikes that are guaranteed to kill immediately --without a chance for the intended victim to struggle.--

There are specific wound patterns that will be obvious in the autopsy if someone with that level of professional training were to have done the deed.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I’m back no news but just to chime in on Jason, I have read you off and on for a while now and I have always found you to be honest in how you report your news stories. You ask the hard questions and I think Brent used you to get his whole under-age thing in the media. Which is just fine and good. Bryan declined you request for an interview. I find that telling on his part if he truly felt like he did nothing wrong.

Yes we can put the whole Brent Corrigan age thing to rest. He is 20 years old and there are a lot of things that can prove it.

I read Jody’s “interview” with Sean. All I got from it was that Sean confirmed that the guy “Drake” in the picture was Harlow Cuadra. Any thing after the Boom is speculation on Jody’s part.

Now everything made sense. Cuadra spoke with Sean about doing films. Nothing happens but they stay friendly. Sean refers Cuadra to Falcon (according to Cuadra.) Sean and Cuadra chat at AVN. Snap pictures. Sean refers Cuadra to Bryan. Bryan winds up dead with a picture of Cuadra in his email. I think I'd get an attorney too.

I just have one question did Sean refer Harlow to Bryan? If so did Harlow keep his appointment?
Harlow say’s he never met Bryan (could he mean in person) If Harlow’s alibi holds up then we need to look in another direction.

Where is the proof of that, Harlow also said that Sean referred him to Falcon as well? But that it was proven that Falcon had approached him.

I am not taking sides here but if I were Sean I would want that removed as well. It just makes it look worse for him now that we have read it that it was removed. Also some of the more interesting posts on his blog have been removed (as per the request of Bryan) that now would shed some serious light on all that has happened. I really think that if Sean had been more forthcoming about the possibility of LSG Media and Cobra LLC that no of this would have happened.

When Sean makes this statement "Harlow and Joe really fucked it all up," What I get is that he is referring to the settlement between LSG Media and Cobra LLC. Too me it just seems like Harlow needs to come forward and talk to the authorities and clear this mess up. The longer he stays away the more guilty he looks. As I stated in my earlier post on this tread it really looks like Harlow had his eyes set on fame and fortune and he wanted to use “Brent Corrigan” too get it.

The other thing that has me a little curious is the fact that Sean is quoted as saying that Harlow and his boy friend Hoe “are on the run”. Now this has not been reported in the press but the fact that Sean is close to the case he may have been contacted by the police and asked if he had heard from Harlow.

From all that I have read about Harlow it seems that he likes to live large and maybe he got in over his head financially and was hoping to score a big deal by using Brent Corrigan. As we all know he is on of the most “notorious” stars in twink porn. And from what we have gathered Harlow had a “big hardon” for Brent Corrigan, a lot of people do.

Falcon saw it and loosely based a story on his career. Lets face it Brent Corrigan has made what 6 or 8 videos and he’s a (gay) household name. We all say that he should have just given up the name and moved on but the reasons for keeping it are quite compelling. He will only be a twink for so long and as we all know the gay community is very fickle. If none of this happened he would have been yesterdays news last year.

Yes we all know about the rants from Grant (ooh good blog name) and the fact that he made it perfectly clear that he did not like Bryan but lets get serious. If he did kill Bryan he would be the first one the police would look at. And he would loose Sean for sure and they don’t allow gay conjugal visits in jail. Well they kind of do, but would he really like Bubba.

I am still leaning towards this being a professional hit made to look like Bryan knew his Guest that evening. It just does not make sense that LSG Media would do this. It would just set them back in terms of being able to make a profit. Harlow’s only motive would be to work with “Brent Corrigan” which was possible under the new agreement. But everything would have to go through Cobra LLC. Sean could work for Boybatter.com but not as Brent Corrigan for Harlow to make the big profit. The fact that Bryan is dead does not release any of the parties from the agreement. So to kill Bryan would be stupid on Harlow’s part.
This is assuming that he knew about the agreement between LSG Media and Cobra LLC. So where does this leave us (scratching head) I just don’t know.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

Tut, tut you slipped that one in......

"Yes we can put the whole Brent Corrigan age thing to rest. He is 20 years old and there are a lot of things that can prove it."

Sorry Elm, there is only one thing that will prove it for me.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it amazes me what some of you think is 'proof'.

CAD am sorry your planned visit was unable to take place.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio @ 3:54:

Don't lament the loss of "some of the more interesting posts on [Sean's] blog" removed.

Any of Sean's thousands of fans or Google could have cached everything Sean and Grant originally posted.

Plus, the authorities will be able to recover EVERYTHING they've ever posted on brentcorriganonline.com or JuicyGoo or anywhere else, should they need.

If Brent and Grant's posts are relevant to this case, we will probably read them again one day :).

"Too me it just seems like Harlow needs to come forward and talk to the authorities and clear this mess up."

Harlow has done that to the press. So far, the authorities don't want to speak to Harlow, or neither party is telling us that they did.

Sean and Grant are the ones yet to address their fans, the police; the public. They haven't even declared their INNOCENCE or ALIBI yet!

"Harlow had his eyes set on fame and fortune and he wanted to use “Brent Corrigan” too get it."

No, Harlow already has more accomplishments and money than Brent Corrigan.

SEAN needs HARLOW and anyone else who'll give him the time of day to get ahead! Sean is much more desperate.

"From all that I have read about Harlow it seems that he likes to live large and maybe he got in over his head financially and was hoping to score a big deal by using Brent Corrigan."

If you think Harlow is in debt and that made him kill Bryan Kocis, then pay for a credit history report on Harlow Cuadra of Norfolk, VA.

Doing a combination Credit History and Criminal Background check on Harlow Cuadra would greatly benefit everyone here:


Who says Harlow is "notorious?" There's never been crime, arrests, court cases, scandals or fueds through the media with Harlow before Brent. He was obscure until this murder happened. I don't know any fans who knew about him or boybatter.com until this investigation.

"Lets face it Brent Corrigan has made what 6 or 8 videos and he’s a (gay) household name."

I don't accept that at all. Most of my friends don't know his name or have seen his videos. Don't get as drunk on Brent Hype as Brent is. You're overestimating his influence.

"If he did kill Bryan he would be the first one the police would look at. And he would loose Sean for sure and they don’t allow gay conjugal visits in jail. Well they kind of do, but would he really like Bubba."

Oh, I guess you're not making any far-fetched conclusions at all. Case closed, right?

No. Be prepared for a long prosecution involving Grant Roy.

"It just does not make sense that LSG Media would do this."

You're a biased player in deep denial unwilling to consider a "Lockhart party" responsible. Nobody should take your blind, starstruck fanboyism any more seriously than those lame straight girls who think Clay Aiken is het and fans who think O.J. is innocent.

Your desperate, fan's devotion is pathetic. Have some self respect and respect for true possibilities, plus respect for a man who was cruelly murdered.

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right fucking on, Bret. It's about time someone brought it to people's attention that many of you need to really watch how much foolishness you're spouting in regards to this case. Brent Corrigan is a product, he's a product of twinkery that is being sold to an audience and the audience is willfully taking everything he says and believing it as fact. I'd like to go on record of openly and flat-out accusing Jody of doing the same thing. Jody and I met on wikipedia last year and I started writing about the Corrigan/Kocis drama as a result. Jody would revert everything on Wikipedia that I wrote to his spin on the facts in this saga. He left a rather nasty comment on my blog the other day (julienpdx.blogspot.com) claiming I was reverted due to failing to cite my sources. This was not true, I was reverted for attempting to use language on the Brent Corrigan article that was neutral. Using words such as "claims," "asserts," and "alleges," rather than "is." Jody is friends with Brent Corrigan which already makes what he has to say very suspect. The very fact that Corrigan bit his former boss in the ass so humiliatingly when he was profiting from the porn and popularity immediately set off alarms in my head about how much I should believe him about any topic. Does this make me a Brent-hater? NO! Does this makes me a Kocis-lover? NO! I am simply a person who tries not to let blind faith or my attraction to a person who is telling a story sway my objectivity. Many of you should try it.

Anyway, I'm glad there are people on here are who are the voices of reason. I was the first person to report on the MOU and the legal case files; I downloaded the entire dossier and spent a few bucks to do it. I did not post the MOU because I wasn't sure how legal that would be and because there was information in that file that was unnecessary that if I revealed it, would have put Sean Lockhart at danger.

I assume there is a charge to access that information for a reason and showing the information wasn't something I was sure I had the right to do.

Regardles, the speculation isn't helping. I'm glad some of you have theories but they aren't helping and are causing an image to be created of those of us interested in the case as a bunch of morons.

Jason, thank you for your hosting comments on the site.

7:54 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Bret, I’m tired of playing bitch with you. You have not added one constructive thing to this forum at all. The only thing coming from you is vicious attacks on all the posters who would really like this case solved. You seem to have an unnatural hatred for all parties involved in this sordid mess. I have not posted recently because I am tired of all the same crap you and your minions keep posting. The same old crap over and over again. Get over your self, the loader you yell and the more name calling you do does not make you right. It shows your severe lack of good communication skills.
Some people would rather stir shit up than figure out how to get rid of it.

When I used the word “notorious” I was referring to Brent Corrigan .

As far as Harlow having money fine, maybe he does. But before any of this happened did you know who he was?

Sean and Grant are not required to give you or I any statement. It would be nice if they did but it’s not required.

Why don’t you get this information from http://www.intelius.com/ then maybe you would have something constructive to add to this thread.

You and all your little fans just try to discredit any and everything that anybody say’s on this thread but you do not seem to add to it.

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, elmysterio. There's a group of people on this forum that has decided they know exactly what happened with this case. At this point, we should all be a neutral party, seeing as how we have NO idea what happened in the hour and a half before that fire. To place the blame on anyone without evidence is narrow minded and shameful.

If you're not at all open to other perspectives or opinions, then your negativity really isn't needed here right now. And to spend two hours typing up replies in which you call people names and make assumptions, well, that's just sad and you really need to go get your mind on something else for a few hours.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get the feeling this guy might be Joe. http://www.norfolkmaleescorts.com/trent.html

If you read the reviews on him (http://www.daddysreviews.com/area.php?loc=61460-0-7-10&who=trent_norfolk) one of them mentions his older reviews being under the name of Joe. Plus, the reviews mention him and Harlow doing threesomes with customers.

Now this guy? He's a little intimidating.

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, second link didn't take, sorry. Go to: http://www.daddysreviews.com/ and by location, look up Virginia. You'll find reviews for Trent and Harlow.

1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with that I said the same thing about 7 days ago on another thread. He looks really intimidating.

2:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah he looks like a man not like an innocent baby face twink. that makes him dangerous. i see. the permanently lying sean can harm nobody. yeah sure.

3:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:18 We were making a observation. we were not stating fact so argue with some one else.

Oh yeah, spouting your Sean hatred is of no use here. We are trying to find the truth not just throw blame around. No one knows who is responsible for Bryan's death but the killer. So go ahead and make your cute remarks all you want but they are not helping. I have read the prlimnary autopsy report and who ever did this had to be really strong to almost cut through the bone on Bryan's neck. Kinda rules out a twink, ya think.

3:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio, just read your first posting here again and tell us what you think is an observation or a stated fact

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just re-read my post and most of tthe statements are speculative. there is nothing that is stated as fact that can not be proven. If you have a question about something in my post just ask.

4:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone have a copy of the thread from juicygoo that was deleted last year?

5:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a few obvious KNOWN FACTS in correct order as they happened.

FACT: Sean and Grant set out to destroy Bryan/Cobra - see e-mail Sean sent to Grant when he was living with Bryan.

FACT: Grant wanted Bryan dead - CobraKiller.com, various blogs, asking around for a hitman as reported on JC.com by a friend of JS.

FACT: Sean and Grant know Harlow - Sean admits this, also see photos of Sean and Harlow taken by Grant.

FACT: LSG settled with Cobra on Bryan's terms. See MOU.

FACT: Bryan was brutally murdered.

5:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

has anyone noticed that the Sean camp do not reply to known facts? they bring up something else in an attempt to go off the original topic. Lets see how they - if they dare - spin the above post.

6:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is my response to anonymous @6:01 am

A few obvious KNOWN FACTS in correct order as they happened.

FACT: Sean and Grant set out to destroy Bryan/Cobra - see e-mail Sean sent to Grant when he was living with Bryan.

RESPONSE: I read the e-mail and yes it was damaging. Who found it and how did it get released?

FACT: Grant wanted Bryan dead - CobraKiller.com, various blogs, asking around for a hitman as reported on JC.com by a friend of JS.

RESPONSE: I can not say that I read about any death threats but I did see a few of the entries on those blogs before they were removed does anybody have copies?

FACT: Sean and Grant know Harlow - Sean admits this, also see photos of Sean and Harlow taken by Grant.

RESPONSE: I was one of the people who posted the link to the pictures and forwarded them to Julien’s blog here is a link http://julienpdx.blogspot.com/

FACT: LSG settled with Cobra on Bryan's terms. See MOU.

Yes I have a copy of that document . I first read about it on julien’s blog see above link. This is also the same document that if you read paragraph 3 states that Sean is to make a statement that says Cobra Video was not aware of his forged documents IE: Sean was under-age when he shoot the first 4 scenes for Cobra Video. In paragraph 1 is where they ask for a certified copy of his birth certificate so they can sell the other videos.

FACT: Bryan was brutally murdered.

RESPONSE: Yes and it was Brutal I have a copy of the preliminary autopsy report and it tells how brutal his murder was. He was almost decapitated, now that is sick. He was burned beyond recognition and he had to be identified by his dental records. It also states that there were no defensive wounds found the victim. That the fire was started behind the couch that they found Bryan’s body on. And the rear door of the house was open leading them to believe that he knew his killer.

I was also the one who refereed everyone on the thread on Julien’s site about the email that Mark from Boybatter.com sent out on the 14th of January 2007.

I have searched all over the Internet to get information on this and I post it or point people to it no matter who it is about.

So if you think I am choosing sides get real. I have always stated that I wanted to get at the truth. I do not care who did what to whom. I really think that all the infighting and name calling on this thread has made a lot of people who may have something of value to add stay away.

It seems we all know the basic facts. What we need to do is sort out all the information that has been posted in a manner that will make some since.
Your post is a small start in a "I dare you kind of way".

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"FACT: Sean and Grant set out to destroy Bryan/Cobra - see e-mail Sean sent to Grant when he was living with Bryan."

The reverse is FAR more accurate. After Sean decided to flee for his own safety rather than continue to submit to Bryan's constant threats he keep his underage status a secret, Bryan emails "Traitors will be dealt with." Later Cobra emails continually refer to "traitors" and Cobra's subsequent history is a nonstop sequence of harrassment, both legal and physical (ie, sending hired goons across country to sabotsage events) aimed at destroying the "traitor."

"FACT: Grant wanted Bryan dead - CobraKiller.com, various blogs, asking around for a hitman as reported on JC.com by a friend of JS."

False, False and Woefully Unsubstatiated. I know of no blogs where Grant advocates Kocis' murder. CobraKiller refers to an inanimate object...the video company known as Cobra. An unnnamed shit-stirring friend of JS (his description) reputedly said this, making it hearsay on hearsay.

"FACT: Sean and Grant know Harlow - Sean admits this, also see photos of Sean and Harlow taken by Grant."

Well, duh. Sean's provided this important clue to the murder to authroities from practically day one, as soon as the photo of "Drake" went out in the media.

"FACT: LSG settled with Cobra on Bryan's terms. See MOU."

Subjective, and in any case, irrelevant. The murder did not stop the settlement, hence is no basis for a motive.

"FACT: Bryan was brutally murdered."

Oooh good one there, Sherlock. Next you'll be telling us FACT: The sun rises in the east.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The reverse is FAR more accurate. After Sean decided to flee for his own safety rather than continue to submit to Bryan's constant threats he keep his underage status a secret, Bryan emails "Traitors will be dealt with." Later Cobra emails continually refer to "traitors" and Cobra's subsequent history is a nonstop sequence of harrassment, both legal and physical (ie, sending hired goons across country to sabotsage events) aimed at destroying the "traitor.""

You know, as I read this, it does paint a picture of the Kocis fellow as being an evil, horribly vindictive fellow.

I think that is why this murder is so facinating to many. There is a certain air of poetic justice to it.

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio, how did you get that autopsy report and is it available somewhere?

7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone goofed at a news paper back east and posted a link to it in a pdf file but I dont know how to upload it.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you know what? From now on, standing rule on the JC threads that I'm going to use in regards to this case - unless you use a moniker of some kind other than anonymous more than once, I'm not listening to you.

Someone earlier (Julien?) said that all these theories are making us look like fools? I think that the theories aren't making us look like fools (I say go ahead and post them) but the arguments and fighting over theories and utter bitchslapping is what is making us look like fools.

I say this: we are still gathering information and we should continue to share theories. I like the fact that someone just found a possible "Joe". I like hearing theories. What I don't like is the snatchfest that occurs when one theory collides with another or someone's like or dislike of Brent.

Brent is what he is. The murder is what it is. Everyone should continue to share ideas, information, etc....because soon enough, the truth will come out.

Love - NW :)

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GET THAT AUTOPSY REPORT AT ALL COSTS. And then publish it! I want to see it.

Good work, JCSleuths. ;)

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elm the e-mail showed up on a blog about a year ago. I have no clue who posted it - though I suspect it was Bryan himself. I never said YOU were taking sides.

7.05 if Sean FEARED for his safety, why did he stick around Bryan at time of e-mail? if Sean feared Bryan, why did he agree to settlement putting him in a partnership with Bryan? - if you fear someone you'd get away ASAP and have nothing to do with that person ever again.

By all accounts Sean DID betray Bryan, Sean set out to get Bryan along with Grants help re the email from Sean to Grant. Sean went public with many truths and many lies.

Bryan = Cobra, Cobra = Bryan.

Where does it say Sean provided the Harlow/important clue?

So you know the sun rises in the east - well done!!! Some facts can not be ignored eh.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7.11 if Sean did lie about his age, Sean clearly says Bryan did NOT know in the MOU, Sean signed it, Grant signed it and Lee signed it, it is a legal document. Are you saying Sean and Grant lied yet again on an official document?

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if I owned a buisness and some lil whore twink tried to fuck it up, i'd fight back too.

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s a link to the preliminary autopsy report
You have to join the group to get it though.


7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous@7:45 am 7.05 if Sean FEARED for his safety, why did he stick around Bryan at time of e-mail? If Sean feared Bryan, why did he agree to settlement putting him in a partnership with Bryan? - If you fear someone you'd get away ASAP and have nothing to do with that person ever again.

He might not of had away to get away.

By all accounts Sean DID betray Bryan, Sean set out to get Bryan along with Grants help re the email from Sean to Grant. Sean went public with many truths and many lies.

This is not denied.

Where does it say Sean provided the Harlow/important clue?

In the story this post is based on.

Anonymous @7:50am if Sean did lie about his age, Sean clearly says Bryan did NOT know in the MOU, Sean signed it, Grant signed it and Lee signed it, it is a legal document. Are you saying Sean and Grant lied yet again on an official document?

It would appear so. They were facing a million-dollar lawsuit and Bryan was facing jail so I think it was more of a compromise. Mind you this document were never supposed to be public knowledge. It just got posted because LSG Media could not pay their attorneys fees.

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elm: Bryan bought Sean a new car, he could have left at anytime - indeed Sean did leave when he was ready to do so.

Bryan was facing jail for what? I have seen official or unofficial nothing that says Bryan was facing jail.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MOU was a compromise?

sucks to be LSG Media - no money, lying owners.

LSG Media is over before it even began - the now owe big amounts of money. will not be too long till LSG Media, Sean, Grant and Lee get sued for unpaid attorney fees and what ever other bills they failed to pay.


8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kocis dead.


8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting comment regarding Trent (the ex-marine) and Joe being the same dude from Norfolk escorts. I have followed that agency for a while; both Trent and Harlow are the two that have been there the longest. I suspected Joe was also involved in the agency, but thought he might be that "Mark" dude who answers the phone,since their newsletter indicated both Harlow and Mark met Sean in Vegas.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Sean speaks now, does he? And the truth supposedly too, huh? I'm sure it's probably redundant but let's go over his track record for "truths" anyway, shall we?

Sean's lie #1:

Sean presents at least one, but according to this interview video of Sean from Cobra, currently on You Tube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6072WwyhDI
two ID's to Cobra stating he is over the age of 18. Through Sean's lawyer's in September 2005, he says those ID's he presented were fake and that in fact, he was under the age of 18 when he filmed his initial scenes with Cobra, thus making those scenes child pornography.

As we know, Sean never made these claims until long, long after he filmed these scenes. In fact, he seemed to have no problem with it, contuing to film scenes for Cobra, lying to fans, the models who filmed scenes with him and to Cobra.

Sean's lie #2:

On January 11, 2006, Sean posted a blog on his site entitiled, "Legal Offense Fund" stating "Also, I’ve compiled a list of people who have donated. Those who have will get to be the first to see the member’s site when we go live. They will have initial free passes; I haven’t sorted out the details yet. This is a small token of my appreciation. I’ve always been the kind of person that will do whatever he can, no matter how great or small the task."

This is in reference to his legal defense fund for which he had asked for donations. As he stated, he'd be offering initial free passes for his membership site when it went live. It finally did, in the fall of 2006. As someone who donated to this initial defense fund, either my free pass got lost in the mail or Sean did not honor his fan's with what he said he'd do. An example of Sean saying and doing anything to get what he wants, no matter who he has to lie to in the process.

Sean's lie #3:

Sean posts a blog on October 12, 2006, entitled "I tried my best," yet again looking for donations. This time though, instead of just saying he needs the money for his defense fund, he says he can't pay his rent and doesn't have money to put food on the table. He says in an E-mail to those who donate that "This money will be used to get my attorney back on this case. It will be used to file an opposition to Cobra's faulty trademark in Pennsylvania. This money will give me, my webmaster, and Grant the insurance that even though everything is very tight right now, we will not have trouble eating or paying things like the electric bill (which keeps the internet on and the computers working so I can maintain the site)." We found out in the MOU that he hadn't paid his lawyers a dime since July 2006, despite their requests for payment. Brent and his partners had racked up a $38,000 bill in legal fees.

Sean lied about putting the money his fans graciously donated towards his legal fees. Where did the money go that we donated to him? Not a clue. While the blog was deleted from Sean's site, it was reprinted on queerclick.com and someone else posted the link in another comment. However, the replies from Sean's fans in the initial thread on Sean's blog were deleted. There were many of them and many donated to him at that time, including myself.

On October 20, 2006, Sean posts another blog and once again asks for donations. Reading the comments to that blog, we see folks donated for a second time. Again, NONE of that money went towards legal fees.

Here's a few more issues which are questionable.

On October 14th, Sean held a live chat with those who had joined his pay membership site. In the chat, he stated that CCBill, the billing company, had dropped them. Sean then stated that CCbill's and Bryan's attorney were one in the same. Sean would have us believe that a company as large and as wide known as CCBill has only one attorney, something I tend to doubt and that one attorney also happens to be Bryan Kocis' attorney. What are the odds? Folks in the chat, including myself, asked about alternative billing companies. We were told CCBill is it. When we pointed out that wasn't the case and there were others, Grant then responded that they had tried "ALL" other options and the subject was then changed. Hmm, okay... Something felt off to me at that point and it was at that point, I began to wonder about all this. It was then I took a step back from being a fan and looked over all this with a fresh perspective and finally began to realize there was something not right about all of this. Something very fishy.

In late October 2006, Sean states that in the early morning hours of October 26, he was arrested for underage drinking at a party that had more than "300 people" going in and out. I have seen no police log, no newspaper article, no arrest log of any of this so all we have is Sean's word, which, as I've established, is less than reliable, to put it politely.

Sean stated in his talk with Jody Wheeler in the article on Jason's site that neighbors of his have receieved "flyers" which state, "If you don't want to die with your throad cut and 28 stab wounds to your chest, don't piss off the people [Sean and his partner] who live next door." Now, I don't know about anyone else reading this blog but if I received something like that in my mailbox or whatever, my first stop would not be bringing it to my neighbors attention, it would be dialing 911 or heading directly to the police station. If these "flyers" do exists and Sean's neighbors have been receiving them, there would be police reports, police logs and newspaper articles about them, I would imagine. This wouldn't be something a neighbor would just brush off, I wouldn't think. As of yet, I've seen no scan of this "flyer." I've seen no police log and I've seen no newspaper article discussing this. Until that happens, this latest comment from Sean Lockhart is filed under "lies."

He also throws in an off the cuff remark with no substantiating evidence that "Harlow and his boyfriend are on the run" and that "Harlow and his boyfriend really fucked it all up." Enlighten us Sean, if you will. What exactly did Harlow and his boyfriend "fuck up." And how exactly do you know that they are "on the run?" Or, could these be more of your lies, Sean?

To recap, Mr. Lockhart has lied to his fans since day 1, he's lied to those who donated to his legal defense fund, he's lied to those of us who donated to BrentAID, he's lied to those of us who've donated to his October 2006 call for assistance, he's lied to those of us who have supported him throughout all of this on both his site and blog and elsewhere on the internet.

I don't know about anyone else, but I for one am sick and tired of Mr. Lockhart's lies.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8.40 tell it to bubba :)

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Sean flew to California. I read somewhere that Bryan shipped his car out to California. It was in some legal thing I read. I can’t remember where though. But it said that Cobra was suing him for breach of contract, Cyber-squatting and fees for shipping out his car.

If Sean had produced his birth certificate and made it public it would have looked very bad for Cobra video. Not 2 years prior had Bryan been accused of corrupting a minor. The charge was originally child molestation but it was reduced because it was stated that the boy had lied about his age. This would have caused Bryan major problems. As we can see it did anyway. He had to pull 4 movies of the market and he lost a lot of money in the process. All of this brought some a lot of scrutiny on his business. Which made his distributors pull out. And the authorities were probably not far behind. 1 time a mistake 2 times could cause serious problems.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Sean had produced his birth certificate and made it public Bryan most probably would not be dead, he'd be in jail for making kiddie porn, or be out of buisness at the very least - assuming Sean was telling the truth with his claim that he was underage.

Do you fine folks really think the FBI would have done nothing if Sean was able to back up and provide proof of his claims?

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason can you contact Sean and Grants neighbors or the local police dept for comment on the flyers Sean claims were posted around the area?

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elm 2 times would cause serious problems - if it was the truth. as nothing happened, i assume it was yet another lie from Sean.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is paramount that we look beyond all the prevarications of both parties and focus on the main issue. There has been a homicide and no one has been charged with it. It appears that Sean Lockhart has mastered prevarication. But so did Bryan. Bryan is not here to answer to the wrongs he did. Sean on the other hand is still with us and he can tell the truth and take the consequences of all his actions. And then and this is a big maybe people will slowly regain their trust in him. We all have read what has been said by both sides and some choose to take sides but this will not solve the bigger issue.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, this is an interesting point 8:43 brings up, concerning CCBill:

"Folks in the chat, including myself, asked about alternative billing companies. We were told CCBill is it. When we pointed out that wasn't the case and there were others, Grant then responded that they had tried "ALL" other options and the subject was then changed."

What are, if any, the alternate billing methods besides CCBill?

And if they exist...why in tarnation did not LSG use them? Seems to me this would have solved the "pay the lawyer" problem they ran into quite nicely. So, I'm like ? at this point...

I'm sure there are people here who can provide the 411 on the intracacies of interent billing...anyone care to give an informed commentary on this?

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:18, you're a prime example of the frustration of posting here. You are so unwilling to accept anything other than what you decided happened. Did I say that man did anything? No. I was stating that he is also known as 'Joe', a name which Brent mentioned with Harlow's. I made a statement regarding his intimidating physical appearance, which he has compared to Harlow. If you look on the escort site and the review site, it says the two often 'work' together. Those are the things I said. Actually, I think that looks a lot more suspicious than anything Brent has done, but whatever. I'm not counting Brent/Sean or Grant or anyone out yet because you know what? WE HAVE NO IDEA WHO DID THIS. So get your head out of your ass and accept that you're not special. You don't have all the answers and neither do we. We're all working at a common goal here and that is just to try to make some sense of what happened.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't get over the sheer closed mindedness of people here. They get a thought into their head and never deviate from that. If lying makes someone capable of murder, then so does that. Maybe the cops should check on you a little bit. Find out what YOU'RE hiding.

(Note: That last part was not intended to be serious. It was just to show you how absolutely ridiculous you sound.)

Hm. Harlow seems to be online a lot. I'm willing to bet that he's posting here.

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:38 that was pretty much what I said earlier. I'm in total agreemnt with you there.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9.38 there are several online billing companies who handle billing for porn sites. the billing company gets %, 20% is standard. you need to pay up front a certain amount - i think it is around $1500 which is kept in an account. this money is to cover charge backs and the like. you get that money back when you no longer using the billing company - the wait time for the money going back to you is 6 months.

it is very simple, and very easy to set up.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two questions come to my mind:

why was bryan killed shortly after the settlement was signed but before it was enforced somehow?

why was he stabbed 28 (twentyeight)times?

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:45am - I never said lying makes someone capable of murder. I do wish you wouldn't put words in my mouth. Not all posters of this blog have been longtime readers of Sean's blog and as such, there is no way they would know some of what Sean said on his blog since December 2005, now that anything dealing with Bryan and Cobra has been deleted, unless they did a cache search of it.

Jody initially presented comments from Sean a couple of days ago and I am simply saying, given Sean's track record of telling lies to his fans, I think before anyone takes his words as fact, we should all take a step back and wait for coroboration in some form substantiating what he presents as fact.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:59am - Both good questions. I've wondered what the significance is, if any, of Bryan being stabbed 28 times. If he was already dead, as the Autopsy report states, after the initial cut to his throat, why stab him at all, let alone 28 times?

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:17 PM wrote:

"Well said, elmysterio. There's a group of people on this forum that has decided they know exactly what happened with this case ..."

I have never claimed to know exactly what happened with this case. I have repeated that we don't know who is really guilty. I have helped explore motives for the murder in all the parties we know about publicly, and the strongest motives for killing Bryan Kocis lie within "the Lockhart parties."

That's helpful and "constructive," contrary to what elmysterio says.

I was the one who dug up articles on Lee Bergeron; I was the one who originally posted the Virginia Department of Business website to discover the true ownership of Norfolk Male Escorts, before the Pennsylvania papers used it and printed the results. My contributions are "constructive" while containing name-calling, too!

This murder poses ugly truths and possibilities that elmysterio, jim and others here can't handle. I'm sorry the truth hurts and you can't deal.

9:17 PM wrote:

"We should all be a neutral party."

I am neutral in convicting anyone or calling anyone a murderer for certain, as we haven't seen much evidence or had due process in a court of law yet.

But I will not be neutral about the wrongful, truly shady or vindictive deeds Bryan, Sean AND Grant have committed thus far in the saga that we DO know about. You shouldn't be neutral, either.

I will judge Bryan Kocis poorly for being oppressive, unusually exploitative and vindictive. I will judge Sean Lockhart for breaching contracts, betraying every business partner he's ever had, lying, age fraud, arrogance, incompetence, false advertising, exploitiing his fans charity by preaching for a year what an evil, irreconcilable bastard Bryan Kocis was, begging and spending fans' donations then secretly reconciling with Bryan and returning to Cobra. I will judge Grant Roy for being just as greedy as the other two, threatening, jealous, possessive and incompetent as a porn business man. I will judge Lee Bergeron for being a charlatan, a fraud, an incompetent businessman himself and a cheat, based on his Altitude experience.

If you think everyone should be morally "neutral" about these people based on what we know from their constant court battles and blogs, you are mistaken.

They're bad people. Brent is sexy, Cobra videos are worth buying, but their characters are sleazy.

Dear 1:06 and 8:40 AM

I have a feeling you're right about "Trent" being "Joe," and "Joe" might possibly be "Mark" the pimp and co-proprietor of Norfolk Male Escorts and Boybatter.


The man pictured in the profile you brought up can be seen in a few Boybatter videos, but he's also HOLDING THE CAMERA, GIVING DIRECTION during the Harlow and Mason Duo video. You can see his reflection in the mirror!

So Trent may have some kind of authority at the Boybatter operation.

Which would explain why he's the only model who's not young, hung or especially hot! LOL

anonymous @ 7:05 AM:

What you call "Sean decided to flee for his own safety rather than continue to submit to Bryan's constant threats he keep his underage status a secret" is Sean's propoganda.

What really happened is that Sean wanted a bigger piece of the pie and better terms, Sean knew he was Cobra's biggest star and was sick of Bryan getting all the money, they were both greedy and uncompromising, Sean used the age fraud as a threat to destroy Bryan's profits, which Sean later fulfilled and Sean's "flee for his safety" was really a breach of contract and purely selfish act. If Sean didn't like Bryan's terms, he should never have committed to them in writing. Bryan's terms did suck and Sean was naiive, but Sean thought he could break and threaten his way out of his own, signed promises after the fact. Sean was wrong.

You are under the spell of a seductive manipulator, Sean Lockhart. When I count to three and snap my fingers, you will wake up.

"CobraKiller refers to an inanimate object."

You can't kill an inanimate object. Sorry, honey, you're in denial. We all know damn well whom Grant Roy was referring to "killing" on CobraKiller.com, whether it was a joke or not, it was a thinly veiled jab at Bryan, with nothing but personal slurs against Bryan. Grant Roy wanted to harm Bryan's reputation and profitability if not life.

8:43 AM:

If you doubt the validity of Sean's underage drinking arrest, you need only call the San Diego courts or pay for a background check to verify the record yourself:


"If these "flyers" do exist and Sean's neighbors have been receiving them, there would be police reports, police logs and newspaper articles about them, I would imagine."

The death threats were allegedly on the phone, not the flyers. There may well be police reports — just because you haven't seen a news report of death threats or police reports doesn't mean either hasn't happened! But who is to say Sean isn't behind anything himself?

It's the Boy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome — Sean's constant lies make it impossible for anyone to believe him.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-eight check tis out and see if it makes scense to any of you.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the "28" wiki article:

"It is also a Keith number, because it recurs in a Fibonacci-like sequence started from its base 10 digits: 2, 8, 10, 18, 28..."

The Fibonacci sequence! Aha! Now we are getting somehwere...

Clearly Bryan Kocis was killed by someone seeking to proove (or conceal?) the fact that Jesus Christ has lineal decendants.

We know Bryan like to collect cars...how about artwork? Any DaVinci's? Did they survive the fire? Was there any writing on them?

NOW we're getting somewhere!

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from wiki:
"In neo-Nazi circles, twenty-eight indicates Blood and Honour (28 = BH - B - second letter of the alphabet and H - the eight letter)."

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, 10:16, now its all starting to make sense...

And Brent must be...the Sangreal! The direct decendant of Christ on this earth!

No wonder Bryan, Grant and others have been fighting over him!

OK we are making real progress now!

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Brent + Harlow!

Wow, Coincidence? I think not!

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone was hired to kill Bryan...why would they stab him 28 times..unless that was the specific instructions in the contract?? The BH correlation is scary, but why would Harlow want Bryan dead? Supposedly, he didn't even know him?

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It also could be the 28th model pictured on the Cobra wes-site his name starts with a B

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the fact that he was stabbed 28 times could be a bilical refference. proverbs 28 now that is a little a scary. www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?passage=Proverbs+28%3A22 -

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The number 28 has a lot of meaning behind it just did a Goggle check and all kinds of stuff came up from it being a perfect number to neo-nazi groups to judicial codes to biblical references like proverbs 28. Maybe a whacked-out crazy person did this. Some splinter group of religious fascist who were doing “God’s work”. Guess what they all have a recurring themes “Evil”, “deviants”, “sex-crimes” and “stingy money hoarders”. And 28 is also representative of a hexagon.

Now don’t get me wrong but I was just checking out what is out there and this is what I found so the above statement is pure speculation on my part. I just thought it was interesting how all these things came up under the number 28..

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks el for bringing this up

i was really curious why 28.

this all speculation for sure. but there are no other news anyway and before we start to flame again.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a ptreety interesting link to the number 28 www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sup_01_28.html

12:14 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Yeh, I'm going to call up EVERY ONE of Brent's neighbors. Today. In my free time. All of them. Everyone in a five mile radius of his home. And I'm gonna ask them about some flyers. LOL... Now, come on!

The "flyers" is yet another detail that people seem to be picking at instead of focusing on the murder and the settlement. I understand you're trying to establish someone's character, but fibbing about flyers ain't gonna do it one way or another. Doesn't make someone a murderer or accomplice even if he is so let's move on from silly stuff like that. I don't mind us discussing "to believe or not believe" here, but don't start calling up his neighbors. Please. For the love of God. LOL

As for the number 28 being linked historically and biblically to "deviants," "sex crimes" and the like, this is why I am a Kabbalist! ;-)

Numerology plays a huge role in the study of the Kabbalah and while it may seem outlandish that someone would stab him with such a judicial code in mind, they didn't neccessarily need to have it in mind for it to bring us closer to the truth. If you are any sort of spiritual person you probably believe there's "a reason for everything" and if you truly believe that, you have to carry it through to the number of times he was stabbed. Wether the person intended it to be a clue or not, it is.

I usually save this sort of shit for KabbalahCurious.com, but since you brought it up... just wanted to give my two cents and say that although the killer may not have had any of this in mind at all, there is no such as a "coincidence" in this life.

If there are past lives and we've been here many times before, we aren't even aware of some of the "habits" we have or the knowledge we still retain from those lives subconsciously.

We have no idea how deep the little things we do actually goes.

Fascinating research. Thanks for sharing.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but the link in my previous post is bad. do a search on judicial code 28 and the check out the rules of evidence section.And see what crimes come up.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

I can shine some light on the CCbill problem.

What actually happened was Cobra approached VISA not the individual billing company. Therefore even if LSG found another billing company, VISA would not allow their cards to be used to pay for material that breached Cobra's asserted copyright.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bret 10.07 where did it say the death threats were made on the phone? if this is true, obviously they came from someone who had the correct number to call. did caller id show up? surely the number can be traced one way or another, unless the story a lie.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

Bret at 10.07 you suggested using Intelius.com to validate Sean's background and in particular his underage drinking conviction.

I did as you suggested.

The only Sean Lockharts listed for California are aged 28 and 38.

Has anyone else tried a background check ?

Incidentally, the inteligence made available to Bryan at the time of the October incident suggested that the arrest related to possible narcotic use rather than underage alcohol consumption.

Given the large number of twink types at the party and Sean being the only person arrested; this may be credible.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Cad, for clarifying the CCBill issue with Brent's pay site. Despite asking for clarification from Brent at the time why CCBill cancelled them, I never did receive a clear answer.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got done reading the pdf of the lawsuit filed 02/07/2006 - it is on a yahoo group along with the coroners report - if Sean is lying about his age, he is beyond fucked, Grant too.

The age story has always bothered me, it never once has rung true.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cad: i think you suggested this once already... nobody really knows if his real name is Sean Lockhart.

I suspect the arrest 'story' was made up to give credibility to his "I lied about my age" story.

I have always had a problem with the age story - I always will, till it is proved one way or another.

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

usa people serach has an sean lockhart 20 in san diego

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone know if Sean Lockhart paid taxes on his earnings from Cobra?

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

his social security number is in the file.

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seans social security number is listed on one of his cobra contracts in the lawsuit file. i dont know if its his real ss# or a fake one though.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sucks to be sean lockhart, he wanted fame, he is now getting it.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cad said (login not working again)

Thanks anon 3.08

Strange that Sean lockhart 20 is on USA search and not on Intelius.

But after I entered all my card details to obtain a report ($40) it came back saying - unable to provide report, please telephone...

Could be just my UK credit card.

I did try.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:23 PM:

My mistake. Nobody thought there were phone death threats but me. Sorry.

I probably misread or remembered "'death threats or whatever it's called when some anonymous soul prints up flyers ..." as "death threats called when some anonymous soul prints up flyers ..."

In any case, nobody said there were phoned death threats.

Jody Wheeler misrepresented a warning allegedly posted to Sean's neighbors that they could get murdered if they crossed Sean and Grant as a "death threat," when it's really just a warning or libeling of Sean and Grant.

The alleged flyers don't threaten anyone's life — they claim somebody else might be a threat.

That's libel, defamation, vandalism or harassment, at least, but not a direct death threat.

IF Sean is telling the truth and they're real! I wouldn't be surprised if Sean just made up the flyer sob story just to make us all feel guilty for discovering, reading, posting and publishing his embarassing, damning MOU.

I don't. Sean's the one who should feel guilty for not having the balls to face the press, level with his fans about the charity money betrayal, the MOU, Bryan's murder plus his assurance of innocence and his alibi.

cad @ 2:27:

Public records access in the U.S. varies between states, cities, counties and jurisdictions.

California might be a state where you have to call up the courts in San Diego and ask their recorders for transcripts and other documents. Or they might have it all online. You would have to give them Sean's name at least. I may try that along with other research I'm doing.

A credit check on all these characters would be fun, too, since there's no character mentioned who hasn't been accused of being broke, in debt and desperate.

Most of this research costs money, so I'll have to wait until next week when I'M not broke! LOL

3:07 PM wrote:

"nobody really knows if his real name is Sean Lockhart."

I doubt the courts would accept pseudonyms. I doubt they wouldn't verify Sean's identity in all these cases and documents.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like everybody ran out of steam tonight.

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was the discussion of the # 28...and also there isn't any new news. Is there?

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, kind of quiet on the news front tonight. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

If any of you guys haven't checked out the February 2006 lawsuit from Cobra against Brent, it's posted in the file section on the Yahoo group:


Makes for some interesting reading.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything I try to look at at that group is unavailable. Is that just my wacky, unreliable internet connection or a group thing?

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lawsuit and the coroner and Search warrant pdf's are in there. They were available when I checked at 10:30. BTW reading the contract details Bryan & Cobra were so GENEROUS! The initial Exclusive contract paid a total of 225.00 a month (cell phone + cash) during a time in 2004 -05 (according to Distribs) Cobra earned nearly 2 million off Poolboy and 3 and a half Million off of Schoolboy Crush & Bareboned Twinks. In July 2005 he transfers a car & goods worth 20K + a signing bonus. During this time Bryan was buying property worth nearly a million in cash, an Aston Martin Vanquish & a Maserati. Brent Corrigan the Boy who made it all possible gets a 15K used car. Yes Bryan was SO GENEROUS a fucking DADDY FLINTBUCKS! p.s. It was getting much too quiet here we need some more personal animosity,hatred and general Bitching to keep everbody happy ;)

12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gentleman ;0 Sorry to leave you hanging about Bryans New/Old BF, the one I mentioned Tuesday Night in the "We need Answers" thread. The boys name on the Cobra site is Aaron he was according to my source & old BK emails Bryans "flavor of the month" back in late 2003. My friend was very surprised to see him on Bryans arm at GayVN in mid January. Alas the dolt ;)(my friend)failed to snap a pic but that was because Bryan GLARED at him when he tried to take one. So I made him go thru the whole Cobra site until he found him. Not hard there are only 2 Cobra Boys who wore glasses. Maybe "Cad" can fill us in on Aaron. Bryan certainly mentioned him in 2003,,as I recall.(yes I admit it I am an old Cobra customer) Would love to include a picture but don't know how to do that on Jasons. Sure hope someone posts some pictures of Bryan and his Boy at GayVN ,,Hmm a lot of posts in 2 days! The Muckracker from Sun City" Howard Beel

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard I found this Boy, the only one by the name of Aaron on the Cobra site. I uploaded to my photobucket here http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s89/kylekarter/Bryan%20Kocis/ Howard let us know for sure then maybe somebody might have seen Bryan and this Boy together. WOW rereading your post in We Need Answers you think this Aaron might be a jealous BF who Killed Bryan out of rage that Bryan had signed a deal with Sean,,,That is Sureal but this whole case is out of the ,,Twilight Zone!

2:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Blogger http://s150.photobucket.com/albums /s89/kylekarter/Bryan%20Kocis/

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Cad will clarify when he's next on but I seem to recall him mentioning Bryan did not have a boyfriend at the time of his death.

3:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle @ 12:10am - All that tells us is what Cobra was contractually obligated to pay Brent Corrigan. That does not necessarily mean Brent wasn't paid more than that during his work for Cobra. Plus, Brent signed the contracts. If he didn't like the terms of the contracts, he shouldn't have signed them.

3:57 AM  

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