Jason Adonis Arrested

Outside a restaurant in San Francisco this weekend, Adonis assaulted a man who he claims was making deragatory comments towards his "business partners." Adonis was taken away by the police and charged with attempted manslaughter.
He is currently out on 40k bail with an arraignment set for this Friday.
How many states does this have to happen in before someone makes him take some anger management courses?
And why is it Jason Adonis is always in the news for either screwing someone over or beating someone up? Just once I'd like to write about Jason Adonis making a donation to charity or helping to better the face of our industry or even just a quote from someone with something good to say about him!
Once! Is that too much to ask?
It appears that there is a serious problem in the gay porn industry. 2 murders and a beating in the last 6 months. Quite telling I might add. I read on another post that this was bound to happen. Well I hope he is happy now. Attempted manslaughter that is a bit much. Wonder where he was on the 24th of January.
he is scum. he has always been scum. he obviously can't deal with his gayness.
Marcus Allen is in jail for murder, now Jason Adonis for attempted manslaughter. Too bizarre!
Wow, some gay porn stars just can't hold their steroid rage.
Jason Adonis is my favorite working porn star today — physically he's so perfect to me, if he doesn't get much bigger or pile on more tattoos.
But I'm always reading about his assaults or flaking out of professional gigs.
Gay people hate me for liking him just because he's straight-oriented.
I really wish I could like him purely.
This all happened while Jason was on a shoot for Falcon Studios.
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