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Friday, February 09, 2007

BFF: Brent & Harlow

So happy together, looking like new BFF's, here's Brent Corrigan and escort Harlow Cuadra a few weeks ago in Vegas.

I adore my Curious Readers. I really do. I wish I could take them all home and have one big slumber party where we could stay up late making homemade ice cream, watching Basic Instinct and talking about this case for hours. I have them to thank, yet again, for digging up these curious photos. I've always said my readers are way more in the know than I, but who knew they were such incredible investigative reporters?

Not that these photos really prove anything, per se! Or even give us any information that we didn't already have. But if police are to study "body language," even something as minor as this adds fuel to the fire of mass speculation.

A few interesting points made by Curious Readers:

- The police seem in no rush to speak with Harlow if he's speaking with the papers claiming the authorities have not contacted him.

- In Bryan's murder, the clean slice to the throat from ear to ear indicates the job was likely done by a professional. The multiple stabbings could have been to create confusion, to make it seem like a crime of passion.

- Harlow has worked not only as an escort, but in gay XXX movies. I am trying to find out what name he worked under right now. I have uncovered, however, that he did submit an application to Falcon Studios recently, saying he was referred by Brent Corrigan.

- According to the time code in these photos, in the 53 minutes between the time these two shots were taken, we know that Harlow's bow tie managed to become entirely undone. LOL!

Stay Curious, readers! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Harlow goes by "Harlow" in streaming videos and DVDs available from boybatter.com, which is part of the Norfolk Companions / Norfolkmaleescorts.com operation Harlow works for and/or owns.

I joined boybatter.com for their 2-day trial period and watched the 3 porn videos they have of Harlow.

He's fucking hot.

Are you going to try getting Harlow and his pimp "Mark" on your KSEX show?

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dewayne added another important tidbit in the other thread, namely, that these photos were taken with Grant's camera.

So, Grant took these pics? Then, as a courtesy, emailed them to Harlow, so now they appear on his photobucket account? This would appear to be the case, indicating a certain LARGE degree of chummyness formed between these three at the AVN that night of Jan the 11th.


I said it before and I'll say it again: the alibi of Harlow, being with a "client," this REALLY needs to be examined closely!

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody in the gaypornblog.com thread claims to be a john who hired Harlow:

"Although hes violent in bed :-) ... best i have hired...hes the most gentle and kind hearted boy i have had the pleasure of hiring ..."


1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent and Grant are clearly trying to set Harlow up.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worried as I was when I read someone accessing the EXIF data on the pics my first thought was - as a previous scanner of Sean' blog - wonder if that is Sean/Grant's camera.

Sean had a habit of photographing himself in the mirror and therefore showing the Sony camera.

But why would he want a photo of himself and Harlow? I know Sean dislikes smiling in any photo but he does look unconfortable in at least the first pic.

I can understand Harlow wanting a pic with porn icon Sean but why would porn icon Sean want a pic with unknown escort Harlow ?

Does this makes matter better or worse for Sean that Grant may have taken the picture ?

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just keeps getting better, this is a twisted little story. better than Perry Mason. Kisses to all

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shit bag Harlow is the killer of Brian Kocis.....The police are giving him just enough rope to hang himself. Every statement he makes is one more nail in his coffin.

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He may be the killer but why ? What was his possible motive ? They were not next door neighbours so it must have taken some effort to get there.

If he did kill Bryan, he must be one stupid dumbass person to leave his photo and calling card on the hardrive.

He seems part of the web, but how far does that extend and whom else does it touch ?

This will make a great episode of Law & Order SVU and just to think a week ago I was freezing on the very staircase that they film the series on !!!!

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are talking risk and reward.

What had/has Harlow to gain from the death of Bryan?

I've never heard of his site and can't believe Bryan was some significant competitor.

Reading the reviews etc., it hardly sounds like Bryan could have compromised him sexually.

What personally could he gain, that would risk the consequences of discovery. I just can't see it.

Even if he was paid. Surely for such a high profle killing in the current dispute he would need a lot of money and then go abroad.

That he remains in the US and able to be easily contacted by the local papers suggest he is not the person that the police need to speak with.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Jack Judah Shamama said...

It's so obvious what really happened: Harlow killed Anna Nicole; Brent killed Daniel. Motive? They want custody of Sugar Pie.

I mean, have you seen Brent's dog?

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes this Harlow killed Bryan is an idiot.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack: roflmfao. thanx for that lite moment in this madness.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these pics are damning for Sean and Grant - just another coincidence? cummon people WAKE UP, if it looks like a duck...

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Harlow told the press he and Brent discussed doing a porn project together.

Harlow is a hot guy and Brent could easily have wanted to meet him to have sex or join forces with in porn.

Don't forget how desperate Brent has been to recruit talent and direct/produce porn for his site.

And it was Grant's camera; supposedly Grant taking the pics. Who's to say Grant didn't have an affection, physically and professionally, for Harlow and the photos were his idea?

Grant would HAVE to use Brent as Harlow-bait in order to involve himself with Harlow because Brent is the good-looking one.

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those pics seem to have shut up the Sean/Grant lovers - scratching their heads? even they have no theory for these connections. Sean and Grant must be going more nuts than they have been now these pics have come out.

How do we know it was Sean and/or Grant that gave out the original image of 'Drake'? All I have read is that it was an "associate" of Bryan that had the 'Drake' image.

If that 'Drake' image did come from Sean and/or Grant, this is more evidence against them - how could they not know 'Drake' is the same guy they played with a month ago?

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, those pics of Sean and Harlow shocked me, a cobra troll, as much as anyone.

Yes I would like to see Grant's arrogance and lack of any discernable value rewarded by the perp walk in handcuffs.

But it must come down to : are either of them really that stupid to think that after all their public negative comments against Bryan they would need anything less than George W Bush or the Pope to provide a credible alibi if he were killed.

Even I, a solid Cobtra fan don't believe they are that stupid.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a good point, 7:42. I just hope we'll all get to see what the Police have figured out soon.

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be really upset if Cobra is gone for good. I think their model Lance is the most beautiful boy alive. Do you think the Cobra Boyz are free of their contracts now?

8:10 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

I am pretty sure Bryan's heir will quickly learn the value of Cobra.

The problem is Cobra was Bryan.

Although the back catalogue will continue to be available there wil be no one to offer Bryan's unique product.

I tend to think Afton Nils is the closest to Bryan but would put money on Eurocreme as the purchaser of the catalogue.

Of course the unresolved issue of Sean's age will affect the extent of the catalogue available for purchase.

Bryan gave many of us a wonderful fantasy. I doubt anyone will continue it.

8:29 PM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

anons 2:27 and 2:42 what do all these pictures Prove? Nothing! Brent got his pic snapped with hundreds of guys at the AVN. Almost all taken by Grant which is the way it has been at any Per App I have attended with those two. A pic with Harlow hell I have pix with Sean & Josh Vaughn,Aaron King,The hosts of Q radio ,Jason & Bobby Trendy what does a pic prove. A hundred boys worked for Cobra probably as many MORE wanted to work With Bryan & a lot of THEM would have applied at BCO,Helix etc.You will probably find Harlow and a dozen or more Cobra wannabes on BCO Hard drives! They are all Chasing the same models! OMG! I HAVE SOLVED the Murder! Kieth Miller at Helix had Bryan Killed off and is framing Grant and Sean for the murder! With Cobra gone and BCO shut down, Helix is the ONLY Major Twink Porno studio left. Lets see where was Mason Coxx Wed the 24th He is VP at Helix now VERRRY Close to Kieth Miller(cue eerie music) In the interest of full disclosure I wish to point out a picture album where all the pics were taken by Grant or Me. The Pix show Brent posing with various suspicious characters like Twink Porn Stars,Fans and ME Any one of us could be a Suspect! http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/ddhsd/brent%20corrigan/

8:29 PM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

Sorry the URL would not paste. Just click on my profile name then "My Web Page" Its on My Space my latest blog entry,,weird everybody has been posting news articles here,,Jasons fault ;)

8:38 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

DeWayne while I agree that there are probably loads of pics taken by people hanging on to Sean, why did Grant take a pic of Harlow hanging onto Sean - twice - an hour apart and email them both to him ?

Most of us here are desperatly trying to find evidence to avoid any link between Sean and the murder.

When pics of the only name released by the police and Sean appear it is bound to raise more questions than answers.

I defy anyone to say that the pics of Sean and Harlow together reduces Sean's suspicion in this crime.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s a new thought. Could Harlow Caudra be the unnamed boy that Bryan got in trouble for corrupting?
This could explain why the violence in the murder. Now people can change a lot in 6 years especially 15Year old boys. This could also explain the business that he is in and the fact that he has so many different names.

I have a few questions to put out there for you all.
1) Do we really now how old Harlow is? He say’s 19 but let’s be real I don’t think so.
2) There have been reports that he was in the military, are these facts?
3) I have read that his age is 24 years, who can prove this?
4) He and Sean/Brent were seen in Las Vegas together (there are pictures) who took them?
5) Is this the same event that it was reported that Sean/Brent was seen hugging Bryan?
6) Who are the associates of Bryan’s who saw the pictures of Drake/Harlow?
7) If it was Brent/Sean and Grant why did they not correct Bryan with the true name?
8) Where were Sean and Grant on the day of the murder?
9) Was Harlow really with a “Client” on the day of the murder?
10) Who was the last person to speak to Bryan and what time was this?
11) Bryan was killed before the fire the autopsy proves that but how long before?
12) The fire was set to destroy evidence, but how long after Bryan was killed?
13) The report said that there were no accelerates used to start the fire this seems strange to me. The fire caused extensive damage and was reported soon after it started. How long was it before the fire department arrived?
14) What about the vehicle that was seen leaving the seen, a light colored SUV?
15) Does Harlow own a light colored SUV?
16) What about the family of the young man that Bryan corrupted?
17) What did Sean and Grant stand to gain from Bryan’s death?
18) What did Harlow stand to gain from killing Bryan?
19) Who stood to gain from Bryan’s death?
20) I read in a post that the camera was Sean and Grants. My question is who took the picture Grant or Bryan?
There are so many unanswered questions in this saga of death and intrigue that it just boggles the mind. I really hope the police have answers to the many other questions that we all have.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

20 questions. If only so few could provide a solution.

Reading them all, what you seem to suggest is that Sean, Grant, Hadlow or Bryan committed the murder. Since suicide seems very unlikely the usual suspects remain.

The only unique question is whether it was Bryan that took the picture. Which is an interesting point.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Cad said...

Ok so that was a quick response.

The accepted view is that the murder was either a crime of passion/rage or a professional hit attempted to be disguised as an emotional crime.

What is agreed by the lask of rear or defensive wounds is either Bryan was caught by surprise by an intruder or was attacked without warning by someone invited into his home.

There is evidence that Bryan remained alone up until at least 4.55pm. He was also still chatting on-line at 6.35pm.

It is known that Sean telephoned him that day.

What remains unknown is where Harlow, Sean and Grant were during the critical period.

It is suggested that following the settlement - that was completed - Sean would be better off with Bryan alive.

Therefore who else would benefit financially or otherwise - and maybe irrationally- by Bryan's death.

9:23 PM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

elmysterio said...
Here’s a new thought. Could Harlow Caudra be the unnamed boy that Bryan got in trouble for corrupting?///If he is 21
This could explain why the violence in the murder. Now people can change a lot in 6 years especially 15Year old boys. This could also explain the business that he is in and the fact that he has so many different names.

I have a few questions to put out there for you all.
1) Do we really now how old Harlow is?///He say’s 19 but let’s be real I don’t think so. 19 to 26 is what I have heard
2) There have been reports that he was in the military, are these facts?/// His profile says this, he is from Norfolk possible
3) I have read that his age is 24 years, who can prove this?/// His Lawyer
4) He and Sean/Brent were seen in Las Vegas together (there are pictures) who took them?/// Grant according to EXIF, Grant does almost all Brent Photos
5) Is this the same event that it was reported that Sean/Brent was seen hugging Bryan?/// Yes AVN on Jan 13/14 after the settlement conference concluded
6) Who are the associates of Bryan’s who saw the pictures of Drake/Harlow?/// Unknown Bryan’s Cobra was a one man show!
7) If it was Brent/Sean and Grant why did they not correct Bryan with the true name?/// What name?
8) Where were Sean and Grant on the day of the murder?/// San Diego confirmed!
9) Was Harlow really with a “Client” on the day of the murder? ///The owner says he was, the client can be contacted and most pay with a credit card, which can be verified!
10) Who was the last person to speak to Bryan and what time was this?/// Lee,, Grant & Seans senior business partner at LSG media
11) Bryan was killed before the fire the autopsy proves that but how long before?/// Who knows but Bryan was talking to Lee at 3:00 P.S.T. (6 E.S.T.) and the fire was reported at 8:30 E.S.T exactly 2 & ½ hours
12) The fire was set to destroy evidence, but how long after Bryan was killed?/// Does it matter?
13) The report said that there were no accelerates used to start the fire this seems strange to me. The fire caused extensive damage and was reported soon after it started. How long was it before the fire department arrived?/// Meaning Gasoline or lighter fluid was not used. A modern Home with furnishings will burn VERY explosively with No accelerates just ask any Fireman!
14) What about the vehicle that was seen leaving the seen, a light colored SUV?/// That is a description? Useless! On my street there are 5 light colored SUV’s (and no I drive a sedan),,Grant BTW drives a VERY dark Green SUV (Public Knowledge shown on Brents Blog)
15) Does Harlow own a light colored SUV?/// Unlikely he seems to go for sports cars ck his photo album
16) What about the family of the young man that Bryan corrupted? ///Big mystery no one knows but if the police have NOT talked to him they are derelict in their duties. I would be sympathetic if the Justice system betrayed him (and his parents) he would have some justification for revenge.
17) What did Sean and Grant stand to gain from Bryan’s death? ///Nothing! The settlement will be signed by Bryans lawyer acting in Bryan’s stead, this in fact complicates matters.
18) What did Harlow stand to gain from killing Bryan?/// Who knows I think Harlow is extremely unlikely to have done this.
19) Who stood to gain from Bryan’s death?// Damon Kreutzer! Well he says he inherits Cobra! Ok serious I don’t think anyone Gains anything except whoever BUYS Cobra on the cheap from the Estate,,,Eurocreme they made an offer 2 or 3 years ago???
20) I read in a post that the camera was Sean and Grants. My question is who took the picture Grant or Bryan?// Of who? Brent is almost always snapped by Grant,some times a webmaster or at events I attend Me, also a lot of online Photogs who make a living doing this. (Ipix, Photo Larry etc)
There are so many unanswered questions in this saga of death and intrigue that it just boggles the mind. I really hope the police have answers to the many other questions that we all have.// The Police? The PA State Police were heard today saying they would need a lot more evidence to travel to Norfolk to interview Harlow,,and this is their only “Person of Interest”!!! They also were going to interview Sean,Grant & Lee never happened! I think the PA Police have their own ideas and I don’t think it is anything we have discussed!
8:52 PM

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dewayne in SD - Harlow is NOT the only person of interest to the police.

State police said YESTERDAY "We have to be able to put the entire case together before we can do anything. So that's why maybe it's not as quick, but we'll have it right."

You can be sure when the time is right Sean and Grant will be seen by the police - as will many other I am sure. As far as Sean and Grant go, you only know what they want you to know.

You statement on porn and drugs is interesting, are you saying Sean was cracked out for every scene he did while working for Bryan - and Falcon too for that matter? It seems a wreckless thing to claim, comming from someone who obviously enjoys porn.

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for clearing up a few details. To tell the truth I really don’t think Brent or Grant had any thing to do with the murder of Bryan. They were too far away and stood to gain nothing. Harlow is an enigma. He has an alibi. But the newspaper have so many contradictory statements from him. It seems that he reveals more info in every interview. Is he a publicity hound? The pictures of him and Brent in Las Vegas were an interesting find, all most too easy. It does seem that someone is trying to point the finger at Harlow. The fact that Bryan was not in contact with anyone for about 2.5 hours except his killer. It seems to point to the fact that he had someone over to his home that he trusted. The wine bottle evidences this and the glasses, he was entertaining someone that he knew or was getting to know. The lack of defensive wounds shows that he was unaware of the attack or his attacker. Was Bryan drugged? Were there two people involved in his murder? It would appear that the fire destroyed most of the physical evidence. No DNA or fingerprints were reported to be found. The door of the house was left open and found that way when the officials arrived. There was a report of a missing vehicle from his home, a Masserati. There have been no further reports of the missing vehicle. The police seem to be dragging their feet on this, from our perspective. I have witnessed first hand that the police will put out false information on a case to let the culprit(s) hang them self. They will also withhold facts from the public as well. I’m not sure if this is the case but I hope it is. Since Bryan’s Business was a one-man operation and done mostly with computers the fact that they have his hard drive is invaluable. And I hope it has pertinent information on it to help solve this. The issue of Bryan meeting with Drake still has me puzzled. He shared the photo of Drake with an associate. We do not know who this associate is. The picture of Drake could have been the name he was going to use on the Cobra web-site. IE: Sean Lockhart becomes Brent Corrigan, Harlow would become Drake the newest Cobra-boi. This could explain the name that the police have. Now it has been stated that Bryan was to meet with a model the night he was killed. Let’s just say that there is another model that he was supposed to meet with and it is someone that the police already are watching. But they are keeping this info under raps until they can prove their case. There is a mystery boy out there with blood on his hands and he will be busted. It could very well be one of the models he already has used. There are countless scenarios that would cause one of these boys to snap. Who was Bryan dating recently? Could he be the jealous type and he snapped over the fact that Bryan and Brent had reconciled and would be working together again. It could happen. I can see the headlines now. “Jealous Twink Porn Star Snaps And kills Gay Porn Producer”.

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8.29 none of the people you mentioned are being looked at by the police - just Harlow. Good try at spin control though - you sound to me to be totally Sean whipped.

12:14 AM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

Anon 10:50 Harlow/Drake is the ONLY person who is a DECLARED "person of Interest" one they apparently can't be bothered with interviewing at the moment! Although I was amused at the "suggestion" that he could "make himself available at his expense" HA HA LOL thats like inviting the lamb into the slaughterhouse! A Gay escort/porn model shows up at a PA Police station(without a lawyer) when they have no leads in a juicy murder after 2 1/2 weeks! Just how STUPID do you think this guy is? They would have the "confession" beat out of him before you can say "GANG RAPE" Ohh don't think this happens in the good ole US of A? "One born every minute" BTW before this is over EVERYONE & I mean EVERYONE will be Questioned! Thanks to all the IDOL Speculation by the Pink Lynch Mob! I did not SAY Sean was cracked out! I was talking about the Gay Porn Biz/models, The rampant drug use is a FACT, just look at the models who have talked about it here at Jasons.What is wreckless about the truth? And how does this impact any ones "enjoyment" of porn? I am no hypocrite it happens, we all know it, and if you feel you can't watch porn because there might have been drugs used on the set,well best you gather your priestly robes about yourself and return to the monastery. anon 12:14 NO everyone I mentioned (8:28)is a possible suspect according to all the Anon's on HERE! Except for Kieth Miller at Helix I was being facetious since someone here said Damon could have done it. Spin control me? Impossible people here have this story spinning in so many directions Karl Rove would get dizzy and upchuck! ;) and he is the master spin artist!

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I did not say it impacts anyones enjoyment of porn - not all porn stars do drugs. Does Sean admit to taking drugs when he is working on a scene or with a client? Are you a client?

12:39 AM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

Anon 12:39 That is EXACTLY what you implied! And Yes MOST Porn Stars DO drugs because that is part of the party,circuit boy lifestyle. And you are a baiter you know perfectly well I did not name Sean or any other porn star as a user I was referring to the Collective group. I would never name someone directly. Client of Sean? Now you really sound like Damon he has a fixation with escorts (the only time he gets any)

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just gets better Here’s a little something I thought I would share with you all.

I read this on http://www.gaypornblog.com/archives/2007/02/few_leads_in_se.html#more
Perhaps the murderer sent the e-mail after he had already killed Bryan. This would make it look like Bryan knew who the Harlow was.//

Now this makes things a little more interesting maybe Bryan was already dead when this e-mail was sent.
Could this be possible?

I read the is on Julien’s Gay Rant Page here’s a link oh and check out the date the e-mail was sent.


Posted by: Sal at February 9, 2007 03:54 PM

-----Original Message-----
From: NME correspondence [mailto:stareyes23510@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 9:33 AM
To: (masked for his protection)
Subject: Hello to all our valued supporters from Mark @ www.boisrus.com

www.boybatterdvd.com!,...one that will ensure better
and more ease in shopping for our titles...speaking of
which...we have a brand new one

"Toys in Boys" and this one is chalk full of studs
playing with each other and 10 inch dildos..yes even
justin & mason could take it :-)

A HUGE UPDATE FOR XXX SITE www.boybatter.com is that
Harlow and Mark just returned from AVN awards in las
Vegas where we sat down with Porn Twink mega star
"Brent Corrigan" and discussed a partnership in
filming and collaboration in porn site efforts and dvd
distribution! WOW...so look forward to exciting
announcements as we follow down this unknown path with
some of the biggest names in our indusrty :-)

sensation Harlow is currently on duty in the field
with the marine corps but was able to take leave for
this important meet and will return to escorting soon

dvd title "Toys in Boys" for 30 bucks with free

simply forward your cc info ; cc # expiration date and
3 digit security code asap!

AS WELL please peruse our entirely new free preview
area and check for yourself!

See you soon


Interesting, so 10 days before Bryan Kocis' murder; Norfolk Escorts tells their fans that they intended to collaborate with Brent Corrigan for future products.


You can look up the name for Norfolk Male Escorts, Inc and find that the company is registered to a 26 y/o (not 19, after all) man named Harlow Cuadra. Oh, and it also says they haven't paid their license fee this year (naughty boys!)

A quick google search of that name shows a few forum inquiries about how to use digital video equipment to film in various settings. Hrm, that sounds like something he'd probably be interested in eh?
So who is "Mark?"
What's the real truth here?
Why does the previous solicitation email ask people to send their credit card #s through an unsecured email address?
How does someone get "temporary leave" from "active military duty" to attend a porn awards conference?
This story just keeps getting weirder.

ok now what are we to think about this whole thing. I'm with julien it just keeps getting weirder.

6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While all this speculation is entertaining and interesting, I hope the authorities make some real progress and release at least SOME information to the public soon. I know that's doubtful, but we can hope, right? :-)

I'm still impressed, however, with all the information and links the readers here dig up!

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6.02am GREAT FIND - the plot thickens AGAIN!!! "Harlow and Mark just returned from AVN awards in las Vegas where we sat down with Porn Twink mega star "Brent Corrigan" and discussed a partnership in filming and collaboration in porn site efforts and dvd distribution!"

Could Sean actually go ahead and do this with the new Cobra agreement? I think not. More lies and deception from Sean and Grant. It gets and looks worse for Sean and Grant with each passing day.

Will be interesting to see how Sean's fans who post here to defend him and make excuses for him spin this one.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Sean made an agreement with Boybatter at the same time he came to an agreement with Cobra, this is no great surprise - he is a thief, a liar, and a con artist. I pity anyone who is involved with this character.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See Harlow in action in this vid clip: http://www.boybatter.com/

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If nothing else, we're giving Harlow more free advertising than he ever could have hoped for! What a country!

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the criminal justice system there are two distinct yet vitally important components in bringing criminals to justice. The gay porn stars and gossip columnists who know the intimate details of suspected individuals, and the fans who help the speculation.

These are their stories.


9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that the settlement did not require Brent's exclusivity - he would have scenes that he was contractually required to shoot, but there was no reason why he couldn't be scouting for models himself (or as part of the deal with Cobra, which none of us know about.)

Brent uses models on his site, and approaching someone about working with him seems entirely likely. The fact that there was something going on before the murder raises more questions about this Harlow character than it does about Brent, in my mind, though I'm certainly open to any possibility here.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Could Sean actually go ahead and do this with the new Cobra agreement? I think not. More lies and deception from Sean and Grant. It gets and looks worse for Sean and Grant with each passing day.

Will be interesting to see how Sean's fans who post here to defend him and make excuses for him spin this one."

How do you know this is lies and deception from Sean and Grant? This was an email blast written by Mark and Harlow. Isn't it at least equally probable this is a lie and deception by Mark and Harlow? IF NOT MORE PROBABLE...WAY MORE!

We know of only one person, at this point, who is guilty of giving out inconsistant spin: Only one person said to the media his meeting with Brent "came to nothing." That same person also said, in this email, he was on the verge of a glorious partnership with Brent! Only one person...ONE! has been trapped in a lie at this point.

And that person is Harlow.

Say what you will of Sean/Grant, but every public statement they have made thus far has been entirely consistant. They said they had info about the boy in the pic Kocis was supposed to be meeting...and they weren't kidding! They spent at least 53 minutes of quality time with them in Vegas. Brent/Grant have been honest and forthright with all of us (to the extent they were legally able) from the get go.

No, the only liars and decievers we know of at this point are Mark and Harlow.

Like I said, we the police NEED to look VERY closely at this so-called alibi of Harlow's. The only person who has backed it up is...this guy Mark! LOL!

Will be interesting to see how the Brent haters who post here to trash him and make up lies about him will spin this one.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come Sean and Grant didn't let the police know that Drake was really Harlow Jim? That definately deceptive on there part. Until Harlow spoke up to let people know that he was the guy in the picture you would have thought that they didn't have a clue as to who he was.

On the surface Harlow seems to be way more truthful that either Sean or Grant. At least he said he met Sean in Vegas. Sean and Grant knew that Drake was really Harlow and it appears they said nothing. That's fishy to me.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How come Sean and Grant didn't let the police know that Drake was really Harlow Jim?"

We don't know what Sean and Grant told the Penn. State police, do we? For all we know they did tell them Drake = Harlow.

The police also had the tip off from the JC commenter here that Drake = Harlow...and even then, they did nothing with it...they let the NE Penn. press find and interview Harlow first!

Don't assume Brent/Grant did not tell the police all they knew. Remember, we are dealing with a police investigation that has been, to this point, a travesty of apathy, incompetance and indolence.

For example, accoring to there comments to the media, The Penn. State Police seem to believe it's the civic duty of suspects to fly themselves into the jurisdiction voluntarily for questioning...LOL!

I DO have to wonder whether the character of the victim is causing them to take a distinct disinterest in competantly investigating this murder.

For all we know, Brent/Grant DID tell the police all about their dealings with Harlow...and the police, in their indolence, decided to do nothing. As they did nothing when handed JC handed them Drake's identity on a silver platter a few days ago.

DON'T overestimate the competance of this police department. They've done nothing to this point to inspire any sort of confidence in their abilities.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok here's the deal the police said that they found a e-mail to one of Bryan's associates. They did not say it was Sean or Grant. we can not assume that they were the only people that Bryan was associated with. It could of been his Lawyer or another friend. that could explain why Sean and Grant lawyered up when the photo was posted on the web.They knew then that Drake was Harlow. I said in an earlier post that maybe that was the name that Bryan was going to give him for the Cobra site. I did some checking and its a 6 hour drive from Dalles,PA to Norfolk,VA so Harlow could have made the drive but he would not have made it back to Virginia until around 2:30 or 3:30am. Now I can not say if his alibi is solid or not but there are 2 reviews on the review site for the days following Bryan's murder. It is most likly that one of these people is his alibi. I'm thinking that this is just too convienant that all this information is so easly located. Can these boys really be that stupid. It just does not figure that Harlow would kill Bryan. Grant and Sean have solid alibi's they were in San Diego. Harlow was in Virginia. I think someone really did use Harlow's picture as a ploy to get to Bryan. I am starting to belive that it could of been someone who did not like the business he was in and the fact that he was vindicated on the child molestation charges. This could have been vigilanty justice. I found a really disturbing web-site that was discussing just that last night and Bryan's case was listed. now that is scary. Here is a link to the web-site http://sexoffenderissues.blogspot.com/search/label/Death now this is scary.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, let me see if I've got this correct.

Not only did Brent and Grant meet Harlow, the only announced person of interest so far in Bryan's death, in Las Vegas a little over a week before Bryan was killed, Brent was set to go into business with him and referred him to Falcon?!?!?! Why would Brent agree to go into business with this person and recommend him to Falcon after meeting up in Las Vegas for supposedly the first time? That's a busy event, lots and lots of people around and yet they were able to get to know each other well enough to go into business together. Why? How? What was said, what could possibly have been said between Brent and Harlow for this business venture to be established? Would Brent just go up to anyone at the expo that he'd never met before and start up a business venture? I tend to doubt it. No, there's more to this story, much more. Had Brent and Harlow met before? Who knows but it would certainly be something for the police to check into.

Not only that but this settlement that was supposedly drafted between Cobra and Brent and set to be mailed to Bryan the day after he was killed. A settlement with a man and company that Brent spent 14 months talking negatively about, day in and day out. A settlement that would have had them in a joint business venture for 3 years?

What on Earth is going on here?

There is NO way that this would have been approved by Brent and especially by Grant, who has spent the better portion of a year and half berating Bryan's name all over the internet. All of sudden, they'd just put aside their differences and partner up? Since it appears to be true then, every one, including the police need to be asking why. Why now? And what about EVERYTHING Brent said about how bad Bryan and Cobra was and treated their models and how his fans should never, ever buy a video from Falcon again. Was Brent just going to take all of that back? As though he never said it? Brent has lost all credibility with me, a longtime fan of his who read and believed what he said since he began his blog, and then to find out he had gone and set up a partnership with Bryan and Harlow, again, a person of interest in Bryan's death. This looks bad for Brent and Grant, very bad.

It's interesting to note that a good deal of the negative comments Brent made about Cobra and Bryan on his blog have been deleted. The sub-categories, Legal and Rumors, have vanished, as has his complete October 2006 blog "I tried my best," where he asked his fans for donations and presented his case about all he's been through with Cobra, his pay site and the reasons it was closed down. If memory serves, he went into great detail about his billing company being associated with Cobra, Bryan supposedly being the one behind the billing company dropping his site and on and on and on.

Wonder when they were deleted... Anyone know?

All of the above are important questions. Sadly, we're getting precious few answers from the police as of yet. It is an open investigation though and I understand little can be released in the way of info to the public at this time because of that.

It's true we have no idea if Brent and Grant have talked to the authorities about this. They've lawyered up apparently, based on the news articles we've read as well as Brent's blog on his site, so I would tend to doubt they've met with the police.

It's interesting that Brent has posted on his blog that he can't say anything about Bryan's death and then next thing you know, he posting about it again, this time in a comment to his blog posting of the trailer for his short film, telling everyone how he can't talk about it. Sort of reminds me how, in early 2006, he said on his blog that he couldn't talk about the lawsuit and his experiences with Cobra and then spent about 9 months talking about them on his blog. Perhaps if he hadn't done that and said the things he said and perhaps if Grant hadn't posted about his dislike of Bryan on various sites as well all this time, we, fans, former fans and other folks, wouldn't be so inclined to raise these questions.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excure me elmysterio but how do we know that Brent and Grant have solid alibi's. Maybe Brent does maybe Grant doesn't. Maybe they both do maybe they don't.

I know that Brent was at an event a couple of days later but I haven't read anything that state either way where he or his bf were at the time of the murder.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.32 very well explained, you wrote what many here appear to be thinking.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a response to Anonymous 12:14am. As to me being Sean Whipped that could not be further from the truth. I have posted what I have found on the Internet whether it was pro Sean and Grant or not. I believe in the truth and have done my fair share of digging to find it. And Anonymous 5:36pm as far as Sean and Grants Alibi on the day of the murder. If you read De Wayne in SD post at 10:12pm he states that they were in San Diego confirmed. I have no allegiance to either parties involved in this debacle and I hope that justice is done as does everyone of us with the acceptation of the guilty. I have also posted info on Harlow that does not show that I have bias in his favor as well. The only person in this whole discussion who can not defend himself is Bryan. Someone took that away from him. This what this whole thread is about who killed Bryan. It is not about how cute Brent is or how cute Harlow is. It is about who killed Bryan Kocis. But I will just add this , it would be hot to see Brent & Harlow go at it.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio said... "it would be hot to see Brent & Harlow go at it."

a link will probably show up in a day or two showing them going at it LOL j/k.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the news wrting
I'm Harlow client in the state he's from Idon't think Harlow would kill some sone he's the most sweetest guy i ever hired as an escort in mater in fact I have been seeing his for 6 years. Mark his manager knows is me If I call to set up to see Harlow I'm one of the regulars client. I think Harlow is being framed for something he didn;t do.


10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ,
I just raed about Mark and Harlow going Vegas for a award andhe took leaver from the marine corps go tot the award how weird when icall the services the recording said there at the west coast. mark stated here at the post Harlow will be back escorting i beginning to wonder about this if they lying which I hope there not I will be one upset client oh people who post for your information Mark is the owner for the services Harlow works for.

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my cooment is this I just found out norfolk male escort is at the west coast and mark on the recording said they will be back in the the area thy came fromI don't believe that at all this is very shady I trusted norfolk male escort especially Harlow now I'm haiving second thoughts about them Harlow doesn't imprees me anymore I hope youring reading this. markd and Harlow

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harlow is all about money you don't impress me anymore.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harlow was supposetly in the west coast filming a movie which sure he is but I'm no longer impress with him anymore.

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

something is not write about mark and Harlow and the agency id getting to shady and is not right.

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck harlow on your filming
your just a faded memory I hope your reading this

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I take that back
what I comment on please ignorant

11:44 PM  

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