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Monday, February 05, 2007

Brent's Musical Short Pending Release

Director Ryan J. Davis is cashing in on the Brent Corrigan controversy of late, having rushed a trailer for the stud's indie film debut in the musical short, Didn't This Used to Be Fun? The short is about a "trust fund baby" who lives a life of total indulgence only to find himself empty nearing the end of his run.

Corrigan is billed under his real name, Sean Lockhart.

Check it out! And congrats on some good news, Brent!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate people who were born into money and don't have to earn their place in life.

Like that filmmaker LOL

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about tasteless and tacky timing

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like fun....

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, you should get the guy to screen it in LA if it's ready. I would bet it would be a huge draw and be very helpful to young Sean's image...He could use a bit of a pep talk right now, since thats not possible, perhaps filling a theater with people to see him on the big screen would help him, the film and the producer.

I remember him talking about this on his blog and the trailer really looks decent...

It may be just what he needs right now....A HIT FILM....

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent is a lying little slut.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What Brent Corrigan needs right now" is to tell the world exactly where he and his boyfriend Grant Roy were on the night Bryan Kocis was murdered, with the proof and witnesses to back it up.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what Sean needs to do is find a small crawl space - go there - and stay there. Sean is and has been nothing but trouble, Sean will continue to be trouble to anyone who knows him. He is an evil nasty lying whore. Anyone recall his escort ads from a few years ago? he offered his services along with someone else = whore.

What he did to Bryan was wrong - plain and simple. If Seans actions were not wrong, he would not have come to an agreement with Bryan. He really is a nasty piece of scum - it amazes me that anyone would stand behind him and support him - can some really be cock whipped that bad? I guess so. I go based on facts - the facts are ugly. Anyone who has been following this sage from the beginning knows exactly what I mean.

As for Grant, he is nasty, evil and disgusting, he uses Sean to try make a name for himself - he is good for one thing = causing trouble, and lots of it. It is well know he uses Sean to get young boys into bed. Disgusting old pervert.

These two give gays a bad name with their actions. Do I hope they are behind this crime? YES. Why? They need to both go away period - jail is perfect for them, they would learn so many lessons locked up with bubba and the like. Sean can sell his ass real easy inside - let Grant treat bubba like he did Bryan - we know what would happen then.

Wake up people - someone is dead, and it is very likely to do with the events of tyhe past two years with Sean and Grant. Grant has shown time and again what he thinks and feels about Bryan, often wishing him serious harm in his many ranting posts over on juicygoo - that thread was deleted along time ago as it was beyond nasty and vicious. This whole affair is very sad indeed. So far the only one who has suffered is Bryan - god rest his soul.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, after just reading 7:00pm's latest long, turgid, unhinged (and of course, anonymous) rant against Sean/Grant, I have a new theory as to who might have killed Bryan Kocis: One of Cobra's business partners and/or close business associates.

My theory is that not everyone at Cobra was happy with the settlement. I think it's clear now that at least a few members of the Cobra team wanted (for whatever selfish, personal reasons) for the legal fight to continue to the bitter end, and would do anything to stop the agreement from being entered into... Including murder!

So, the VERY DAY before the settlement was to be signed (coincidence? I think not!) this/these Cobra affiliated person(s) murdered Bryan Kocis. In cold blood. And, being business associates of the victim, were able to strike with COMPLETE surprise (thus fitting the no forced entry + no defensive wounds facts we know).

"Drake" is just a distraction created to mislead the police.

The police need be asking the wherabouts of all of Kocis' close business associates and business partners the night of the murder. Particularly those that may be holding views like anonymous 7:00pm.

As I re-read 7:00pm's screed...I must say, I see the dark soul of a murderer.

I wonder if Blogger logs the IP address of commenters in any way? If so, it might be possible for the police investigating Kocis' horrific murder to track down Mr. 7:00pm, and haul him in for questioning? I think it would be VERY productive to the search for justice if they could do so.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7.56 roflmfao.

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7.56 I read your rants as a LAME attempt at steering any investigation away from you. It is certainly worth looking at by law officials - even if only to rule you out. Be a nice day.

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, next you'll be saying Bryan did it to himself to make it look like murder thinking GRANT would be the main suspect - if so, he'd be right.

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I don't think Bryan stabbed himself 28 times. LOL!

However, a member of the Cobra Video inner circle makes COMPLETE sense as the murderer. Consider the three elements: Means, motive, and opportunity:

Means: A Cobra business associate could enter the Kocis residence without forced entry with EASE, and attack with total surprise.

Motive: EXTREME HATRED OF SEAN/GRANT, AS EVIDENCED ON THESE VERY COMMENT BOARDS!!! Would obviously do anything to prevent Kocis from signing the settlement agreement the next day, including MURDER!

Opportunity: Resides within easy commute of the Kocis residence/Cobra studio, where they worked.

The way I picture it happened, disgruntled Cobra worker knocks on door the night of the murder. Kocis lets him in. Disgruntled Cobra worker PLEADS with Kocis to reconsider; "Don't form a business partnership with that lying twink!!!" he says!

Kocis says no, deal is done, get over it.

Disgruntled Cobra worker, last minute persuation not working, goes to Plan B...whips out a knife, stabs Kocis in the neck by complete surprise...and 27 more times as well.

Disgruntled Cobra worker then burns house down.

Disgruntled Cobra worker then goes hog wild on various message boards, trying to pin murder on Sean/Grant.

And there you have it...means, motive and opportunity. CASE CLOSED!!!

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is the disgruntled Cobra worker? which posts are made by a Cobra worker? why are you determined that it could be nothing to do with you and/or Sean... er I mean Grant and/or Sean? why would you bash someone "As I re-read 7:00pm's screed...I must say, I see the dark soul of a murderer." who posts their opinion? to disagree is one thing, to say they are a murderer is another - very much GRANT syle.

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I have to remind you that Grant even had a blog called "The Cobra Killer" which he removed recently. I can't imagine anyone else but him being the main suspect for this. He's obviously a lunatic. And you might have noticed in the past that all Brent and Grant ever did was try to make Bryan look as bad as possible. They seemed obsessed with hating him.

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"nobody u know said...
who is the disgruntled Cobra worker?"

Well if I knew that exactly, I'd be $2000 richer right now.

But based on the hate-filled rantings here against Sean/Grant, I'm now convinced the murder was an inside job within Cobra...to torpedo the settlement agreement with Sean to be signed the next day.

Maybe someone who knows can post the names of the main Cobra insiders, partners, employees, and business associates...so we have a short list of prime suspects to discuss here?

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're the absolute worst at conjecture and conclusion-jumping.

You don't even start with a fact before you convict someone in an elaborate theory!

Based on what factual, publicly witnessed evidence or event would you assume it's a Cobra employee?

How do you know Cobra even has employees or partners?

I would assume Cobra was a sole proprietorship with Kocis owning and doing everything — what he does only takes one person.

Who else works there and what did they do, that can be proved, that would give them anything to gain by murdering Kocis?

You're obviously a Brent/ Grant partisan. You've never seemed open to the possibility that those two innocent angels could have done anything wrong.

And what's all this about an internet "screed" making poster 7:00 pm a murderer?

I guess every blogger is a murderer.

And by the way, 3:22, Brent is not a slut.

He's a whore. There's a difference.

Brent takes money for getting fucked on camera, if not off-screen.

Not, that there's anything wrong with that.

I approve of lovable whores.

But murder is a real turn-off.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bret you are absolutely right, this is all conjecture...but then so are all the accusations here against Sean/Grant.

Why are mine bad, theirs good?

And this theory is NOT elaborate! Quite the opposite in fact...Cobra insiders hate Sean/Grant with a passion bordering on the pathological (ample evidence of this fact on these boards), so they kill Bryan Kocis to prevent them from benefitting from a lucrative settlement. It's pure, simple, fits all the facts and is devoid of any contradictions.

"Based on what factual, publicly witnessed evidence or event would you assume it's a Cobra employee?"

Already stated! See my "means, motive and opportunity" post above...IT ALL FITS!

"How do you know Cobra even has employees or partners?"

I don't. That's why I'm asking for potential names to be posted here, so we can begin discussing them as suspects...as people have been doing thus far with Sean/Grant.

Since people have been doing this the past few days with Sean/Brent, I don't see in any way how this could be wrong.

"You're obviously a Brent/ Grant partisan. You've never seemed open to the possibility that those two innocent angels could have done anything wrong."

Actually, I'm open to all possibilities. But I do see the need to add balance to this discussion.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim - seems to me a Cobra employee would gain nothing with Bryan gone.

I think so many think Grant because of his own actions - from "The Cobra Killer" blog to his online threats and rants towards Bryan. At the same time many became aware of Grants own action of having sex with twinks he meet through Sean, his online profiles with his horrid naked pics. The fact is, Grant is/was all the things he often accused Bryan of being. More than enough to make him the prime suspect.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim you say "Cobra insiders hate Sean/Grant with a passion bordering on the pathological (ample evidence of this fact on these boards), so they kill Bryan Kocis to prevent them from benefitting from a lucrative settlement."

Who are the Cobra insiders on these boards? what makes you think they are insiders? How would anyone benefit from Bryans death besides Grant?

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The body that washed up on the beach in Norfolk, VA, as pointed out by 1:06 in the "Have you seen this stud?" thread, could not have been "Drake."

They identified that man as a 48-year-old Virginia Beach police officer:


12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jim writes:

"I think it's clear now that at least a few members of the Cobra team wanted (for whatever selfish, personal reasons) for the legal fight to continue to the bitter end, and would do anything to stop the agreement from being entered into... Including murder!"


"Cobra insiders hate Sean/Grant with a passion bordering on the pathological (ample evidence of this fact on these boards), so they kill Bryan Kocis to prevent them from benefitting from a lucrative settlement."

But then he writes,

"'"How do you know Cobra even has employees or partners?'

"I don't. That's why I'm asking for potential names to be posted here, so we can begin discussing them as suspects."

You've contradicted your own claims. Your theory is fabricated, based on imaginary people and motives that wouldn't logically gain from killing Kocis.

"but then so are all the accusations here against Sean/Grant [heresay].

Why are mine bad, theirs good?"

Because, jim, the Sean/Grant theories all deal with known, provable people with known, documented and provable motives.

We, the public, have witnessed first-hand a bitter feud between Kocis, Brent and Grant that included court appearances, threats of violence, declared disputes over proveably large sums of money and potentially greater sums of money, witnessable contracts, witnessed, declared hatred between all parties that can all be re-witnessed by reading contracts, bank accounts, court documents, web pages and talking to witnesses.

You're not even extrapolating theories from people, motives or histories that are real.

That's why the Sean/Grant theories are more credible than yours.

If you're so desperate to prove Sean and Grant's innocence or you're convinced some "Cobra insider" did it, you need to produce that person's name, witnessable proof and get the media to report on it and investigators to look into it.

But you're grasping at thin air to distract from Grant and Sean, and I wonder why.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have suspected for a few days now that Jim *IS* Grant - Grant has played this game many times before in forums, pretending to be someone else.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, I've already explained the motive for a Cobra insider to have committed this murder...I don't know how to make this any more clear: They wanted to derail the settlement! Why? They hated Sean/Grant. Why? Well...you just told us! All the bitter legal wrangling...that hate flowed in BOTH direction, you know.

Thus making my theory of the crime equally as valid and plausible.

"If you're so desperate to prove Sean and Grant's innocence or you're convinced some "Cobra insider" did it, you need to produce that person's name, witnessable proof and get the media to report on it and investigators to look into it."

LOL! I'm not trying to PROOVE anything! I'm engaging in theory and speculation!

Why is it OK to theorize here against Sean/Grant, but not against any others? As I point out, my speculation is every bit as good as your speculation. If not better! My suspects don't live 2000 miles away, for example.

Seems to me like you people here are trying to keep the focus on Sean/Grant, in order to distract attention for more likely suspects.

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim said: "Seems to me like you people here are trying to keep the focus on Sean/Grant, in order to distract attention for more likely suspects."

distract attention from who? who are these more likely suspects? names please. You also claimed earlier that a Cobra partner/employee would gain from Bryan being gone, gain what? and how? who are these Cobra partners? I know of none. Name names. The only two names right now are Grant and Sean.

Grants motives a clearly obvious as mentioned here in several posts. I have named my prime suspect and gave reasons why, can you do the same?

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC nobody is interested in Seans musical short, I do not think anyone will be interested in anything to do with Sean other than the Cobra murder. Once that is resolved, who knows what interest there will be in him.

Some would have closed the comments section at what is being written, I for one am glad you are open to allowing free speech here, no matter how ridiculous it can be at times. Just wanted to thank you for that.

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to answer a few of the questions asked, Cobra was one-man operation, Bryan did not have any partners. From what I have read from Brent and the attorneys the deal was done. All parties had signed the documents and Bryan was to receive his copies. There have been several people who said that they had contact with Bryan on the day he was killed and that he was expecting this young man at around 7:oo PM. Bryan was dead a hour after that. The police have the phone records and the e-mail records as well as a picture of the young man “Drake/Harlow” who is wanted for questioning. I have a feeling that the culprit could be a deranged fan of Brent's, and he did this to show his undying love for Brent. Who is to say that the killer to get to Bryan used the pictures of “Drake/Harlow”? If you ever read his blog you can see that he has some pretty "devoted" fans. As far as Grant goes he did not like Bryan that is stated fact. He had a blog called Cobrakiller that has since been removed. But this does not make him a murderer. People say that they hate people all the time, we all have but how many of us has killed some one in a cold blooded fashion as this. The man was almost decapitated. Maybe Grant used OJ’s hit-man. The method of the killing is very similar. There was no sign of forced entry to Bryan’s house so the killer either had keys or Bryan knew them and let them in. The fact that Brent/Sean used to live there would mean that he had keys at one time. Did he give them back to Bryan? Did Bryan get the locks changed after Brent/Sean moved out? Only Sean/Brent knows the answer to that question. All the old posts that referred to Brian on Brent/Sean’s blog have all but been removed for the most part. Maybe it's just me but this seems to be the case. I have a bad feeling about this and I really think that Grant and Brent/Sean should be very careful when they are out and about. If there is a crazed fan out there killing people Grant could be next. If they had any thing to do with this, which I’m not saying that they did but it could happen. Then that would explain their silence on the matter. It seems from the reports on the case that Bryan was getting more and more paranoid I think he was afraid for his life. And being in the business he was in he could have just been a sitting duck to a crazy pretending to be a model on a mission of revenge. Yeah I know this sounds like a good plot to a movie (Art imitating life) but I just say to all involved is be careful. All of the info on the Internet is not that conclusive they have a picture of the guy who was supposed to meet with Bryan the night he died and he was a “rentboy”. I find it strange that his profile has been removed from the sight. http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/search.asp?cmd=view&id=134894&Login=YoungHottienVa1
there is another profile for him under the name Harlow. It might still be up
http://www.norfolkmaleescorts.com/harlow.html as well as this one. "Drake" at: http://www.boybatter.com Who is to say that this guy was a drugged out hooker. He also had a partner that he worked with named Trent you can also see him on the site as well This looks like the guy the police want to question. Maybe Trent and Drake/Harlow went to the audition together and tried to do a shakedown things got out of hand and Bryan got killed and in a panic they burned the house to destroy evidence and stole the car. That could explain the missing Masserati. Find the car find the killer.
Maybe Trent killed Bryan and Drake/Harlow and is on the run. It could happen. And oh it does have movie plot written all over it.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to clarify that there are no Cobra partners,employees, insiders etc.

Bryan was very much a one man band and only used some help for order fulfilment and his website management.

Retail sales were through a distributor.

He had a pile of lawyers who advised him but the settlement that was agreed, signed and effective was negotiated by him and benefited/disadvantaged no other person than himself on the Cobra side.

The only Cobra connected people that lose out from the settlement are his lawyers. Although their work is just beginning in some respects.

The only business associate Bryan complained about was his distributors who he felt didn't support him enough over the DVD recalls. It was he that was the disgruntled party though.

Therefore, it is a red herring to think the murder was committed to stop the deal. To address some of the mis-guided speculation I posted details of the settlement on 26 January and stated it was signed and complete. Sean confirmed this fact in his blog comment a week later.

Also, "Drake" was known to the police on 26 January, when they spoke with me about him.

I have restricted my postings to correcting facts. However and wholly personally, I cannot see how a complete stanger could have the anger and passion to commit the murder in the way it happened.

From my information, Sean stood to gain more from Bryan being alive than dead.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I forgot to address in my 2.52 posting is the removal of anti-Bryan material from Sean's site.

The offensive material was removed in late November 06 as part of the Memorandum of Undertaking negotiations to show good faith on behalf of Sean.

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.52 wrote: "Sean stood to gain more from Bryan being alive than dead."

I agree with that. What about Grant? As I see it he would gain nothing and stood to loose everything if Bryan was able to get Sean back where he wanted him (I think in his bed) - is that a risk Grant was prepared to take? based on Grants all to public actions over the past 2 years, I think it is a risk he was NOT prepared to take.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that clarification is appreciated. I seem to recall Cobra being an "LLC" which naturally led me to believe there may have been shareholders or silent partners...but since you seem to be very knowledgable and certain that it was a "one-man operation" then that does force me to re-evaluate my theory somewhat.

BTW you are also very well versed on the settlement terms...and a question on these came up earlier here: Did the settlement do anything regarding the age issue of Sean? In other words...what ID would Cobra keep on file under the agreement - the one that says he's 20, or the one that says he's 21?

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Sean's blog: # Brent Corrigan Says:
February 5th, 2007 at 4:55 pm

Jack, and all of the rest of you . . . You need to understand something. If you guys understand this, you can help everyone else understand it.

I CANNOT TALK ABOUT BRYAN’S DEATH. If you guys thought it was strange that I couldn’t defend myself publicly in regards to the lawsuit, then you’ll surely not understand this situation. It’s not that I’m not communicating myself. I CAN’T.

This isn’t my fault, this situation is not because of me. However, despite all that, I must protect myself from any possible future harm. Please try your best to understand that fact and do me a favor and spread the word about my stance on all of this.

Thanks guys and girls!

Much Love,

He says "This isn’t my fault"... god forbid Sean take responsibility for his own actions. He will never change. Sean is nothing more than a whore with NO CREDIBILITY. His actions a proof enough.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:32 wrote:

"based on Grants all to public actions over the past 2 years, I think [murdering Bryan] is a risk he was NOT prepared to take."

What public actions would those be?

Repeatedly threatening Bryan with violence on the JuicyGoo forums, and threatening that he would have done physical harm to Bryan's agents if he were in attendance when the agents pulled that "capture a pic of Brent Corrigan with Cobra's latest DVD release" stunt.

Here's what Grant Roy wrote that's still publicly observable at the Sean_Paul_Lockhart yahoo group:

"It is bullshit! The OBSESSED BRYAN KOCIS HIRED A LOWLIFE PRIVATE EYE TO POSE AS A FAN AND STAGE THE DVD DISPLAY. He approached Brent as a fan the when his assistant was ready to click the photo, the pathetic loser pulls out the "Child Molester's" discusting dvd and they snapped the picture. He's lucky I arrived late... VERY LUCKY!"

Then Grant's antagonizer on that group, presumably Bryan Kocis posing as an outside "pornstarlover2005," fired back:

"I got an email back from Cobra and they said you might be charged with assault and battery from your actions last Thursday, I guess you really can't keep your composure."

If this is true, the private detectives working for Bryan Kocis who staged that photo ambush of Brent Corrigan will be able to testify in court as to Grant Roy's violent nature.

Grant and Brent are also stupid to think they can hide what they've blogged or e-mailed from the law.

Everything typed anonymously is identifiable with a search warrant.

Google caches most public web pages for all to see, long after they've been removed by the publisher.

Plus, every server, e-mail and web provider has records of what was transmitted, by whom, from what computer and what account in what location and when.

Sean and Grant's private e-mails plus their public blog tirades against Kocis, and anything ever posted on brentcorriganonline.com or JuicyGoo will come out no matter what they try.

They also might be charged with Obstruction of Justice if they keep trying to hide or delete things.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bret, re read my 3.32 post, Grant had everything to LOOSE, something he is NOT prepared to do.

As you say Grants actions are well documented, he certainly has/had motive to get Bryan murdered. The prospect at the possible loss of Sean going back to Bryan being the biggest loss he could face.

Grant is a pathetic creep and in my view VERY capable of being behind Bryan's murder.

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant find the Sean_Paul_Lockhart yahoo group, can you please post a link? thanx.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"based on Grants all to public actions over the past 2 years, I think [LOOSING SEAN] is a risk he was NOT prepared to take."

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, re.your comment on the age issue in the settlement. Someone asked the same question somewhere else, but I can't recall the forum to just post a link. Sorry if this is a duplication.

As a general point my knowledge of the settlement comes from what Bryan told me himself. We spoke or chatted on-line most days. I had no commercial interest and we discussed the matter as friends; so I never went into financial details with him.

Anyway, the last time I discussed the age issue with Bryan was in late November. It appeared to me that he had cooled about the subject.

But he said to me that " number one on the list " of settlement terms was a certified birth certificate. I don't know if this made it through to the final settlement so can't be certain.

The document was only signed on 20 January and so we didn't have much time to talk about it before his murder.

What I do know is that Bryan invested a lot of effort to obtain a certfied copy of Sean's birth certificate - which he never achieved.

From the many hours we talked about Sean, I felt that the entire legal dispute was Bryan defending his reputation (and feelings) rather than money. In which case proving Sean was of legal age was paramount.

It remains a live issue for any purchaser of the Cobra catalogue.

Oh, and yes Cobra was Cobra Video LLC, but that was just a corporate vehicle.

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5.44 very interesting report, thank you for sharing.

With the new agreement they both came to, what would have happened LEGALLY to Sean if he lied about being underage?

Would the new agreement be null and void if proven Sean lied about being underage? would Bryan still have been able to sue Sean? At the very least I think a court would have eventually awarded Bryan all legal costs from Sean.

Sean has had many chances to put the age thing to rest, yet he NEVER did, Sean probably never will.

It is VERY interesting that Bryan NEVER got the certified copy of Sean's birth certificate, why would Bryan sign an agreement with Sean without getting this? Something is not right with this.

Lastly can you clear something up for me... was the agreement actually signed by both of them? if so, was it legal and binding? what was the scheduled hearing for?

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re Sean age issue: from Seans site: "Proof of age and other pertinent records required by Title 18 USC sect. 2257 and Title 28 CFR part 75 with respect to the content of this site are kept by:
G. Roy
2303 Union Ste 4
San Diego, CA 92101"

Is this a po box? if so it is not legal to use that as an address for these documents. This could be the reason their CCBill account is no longer active.

Interesting that their attorney no longer is keeper of records - something really STINKS here.

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blast from the past - anyone recall this:

From: abortive_love@... (Sean Lockhart)
To: Groy@... (Grant Roy)

Thanks Babe!

I really appreciate doing all this for me. You're the only person
that would ever do these things for me. Thanks so much!

I've decided to stay here all summer long. Only this time, I'm
going to milk the sucker for as much as I possibly could get. I'm so
pissed off right now, I can hardly see. Then, when I come home,
we're going to start up this company and blow the fucker so far out
of the water, he'll never know what hit him. are you ready?

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this threat was made on July 2nd 2006 by Grant:

Re: Sean Working For Cobra Now?

fan the when his assistant was ready to click the photo, the pathetic
loser pulls out the "Child Molester's" discusting dvd and they snapped
the picture. He's lucky I arrived late... VERY LUCKY!


I'd say he is very capable of doing away with Bryan.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, let me see if I got this straight: Kocis sends hired goons to the other side of the country to sabotage a public appearance by Brent. And Grant verbalized a perfectly normal degree of outrage, given this incredibly provocative act.

I think the only thing this example prooves is that while he was alive, Kocis had a capacity to be an extraordinarily petty and vindictive person. A REAL pain in the ass.

In my experience, people with that capacity for negativity tend to make not one enemy, but LOTS of enemies during one's life.

Of course this does not justify Kocis' murder...but it does certainly make it more understandable.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the "links" section of the group Grant has posted the following article links; "Dallas Township man pleads guilty to sexual abuse of a child (15 year old boy)",
"Jason Curious verifies Brent's age!" and "Dallas Township man charged with sexually assaulting teen".
And in the photos section he's dedicated a folder with extremely rare photos of Bryan which probably belonged to him or Brent. With captions such as "Breedy Eyed Pervert" and "Guilty As Charged!".
Grant was obsessed with trying to make Bryan look bad. He was obsessed with keeping Brent safe from him. I've never been sure of anything more in my life. Grant murdered Bryan. End of story. I hope the Police realise it as well.

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Grant was obsessed with trying to make Bryan look bad."

Like I said in my previous comment, doesn't sound like he had to try very hard.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryan was never pled guilty to "raping" the 15 year old boy. The boy lied about his age. Did Bryan deserve to be murdered because of that? I think not. Grant is in no way a better person than he was and he had no fucking right to take someone else's life. (If it was in fact Grant who did it.)

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

having just looks at the pics and captions of Bryan on the yahoo group,i wish i saved the images of Grant that he used on porn websites for hook ups - the naked pics - coz i'd plaster them all over the internet. DK posted them on his site a long time ago. oh well *sigh*.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, Bryan was a better person than Grant could ever dream of being period. Bryan built a good money making porn biz for himself, I assume he paid his share of taxes too as his biz was a legit one. What has Grant done to be proud of? did he pay taxes on all the times he sold Seans ass? Grant is nothing more than a glorified pimp - the type you'd see on springer.

Tell me Jim, what will you say if it is proven Grant did this?

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people need to stop with this child rape stuff - it NEVER happened - the true events are well documented.

Sean and Brent were grasping at straws with that lie. Everything is well documented. The best for information and the worst Grant used for attacks was deleted at juicygoo about a year ago - too bad, it was FULL of useful information. I hope the police were somehow able to see a copy of the contents. Grant was beyond nasty to Bryan on that one.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tell me Jim, what will you say if it is proven Grant did this?"

Let justice be done.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@9:30 pm:
>What has Grant done to be proud of?

co-owner of "C.A.R. Transport, Inc, TX US"

And what have YOU done to be proud of?

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.59: does not matter what I have done and do to be proud of, I am not the nasty evil twink loving pimp involved who people think is capable of murder.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, whether the kid lied about his age or not, the fact of the matter is, Bryan pleaded guilty to 'sexual abuse of children' originally and received a year probation for it.

The guilty plea may have changed to 'corruption of minors' later, but the fact remains that people don't look beyond the wording of that initial plea. He slept with a 15 year old and was convicted for it. He was no saint as people here are making out, and though it seems to me pointless to compare Bryan and Grant, all we have factually about Grant's misdemeanors are his threatening blog posts against a man he had a very public battle with.

So, Grant has not committed a (proven) crime. Bryan did. Therefore this undying praise of Bryan, and this extreme slander of Grant, is completely boggling. Oh, sure, every anon here is someone that *knows*, but until I see some kind of real evidence of Grant making anything but empty threats, I remain unconviced. It seems to me that Brent and Grant have been full of hot air and empty threats all along.

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, 2:16, finally another poster here with a grain of common sense!

You know all these breathless renditions of "angry Grant" verbal "threats" are really quite silly. They don't show anything except the normal reaction of a normal man to extreme provocation.

Let me give an analogy: I walk into a cattle enclosure. All of a sudden, a bull puts down his head, and charges me. Now, can we say this bull has violent tendencies? Yes, in this case, probably.

Now, same facts, except I enter the enclosure, and then start waving a red cape at the bull. The bull charges. Is this an unusually violent bull? NO! You HAVE to factor in the red cape! This was a NORMAL bull reacting in a NORMAL bull way. No story here people, move along, move along!

Every one of these "angry Grant" postings dealt with Grant's reaction to some extreme and outrageous provocation by Kocis, in Cobra's jihad against Brent Corrigan...a jihad begun in retaliation for Brent going public with his true age, despite threats by Kocis to Sean to keep silent about the matter.

You know, I'm just LOLing hysterically that people here are citing the sabotaged public appearance incident, as proof that Grant is worse than Kocis! LOL LOL and LOL! Here, let me paraphase your argument; basically you're saying:

"Bryan Kocis hired goons, and sent them 2000 miles away to sabotage a public appearance by Brent, which they did, successfully...all in his Ahab-like quest to destroy Brent. Grant got mad. Therefore, Grant is the bad guy in this situation."

LOL! I mean, do you people realize how objectively RIDICULOUS you are sounding here??? LOL LOL LOL! :D

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryan was no angel and had more than his share of human weaknesses - I say that as a friend.

He liked smooth young men, but he did not like boys and was not a child molester. Does any twink porn director say to an 18 y/o model; sorry you look too young ?

I tend to think that Grant saw too much of himself in Bryan.

It may seem like splitting hairs but the actual conviction for " activity likely to corrupt a minor" is miles away from "sexual assault". It is not just a matter of words.

However, it is difficult to differentiate his actions that came from malice and those that were part of his legal strategy. I did not condone the DVD signing stunt and told him so at the time. It seemed petty and vindictive to me.

Sean has plenty of self-destruction capablility and I thought he could fail without any help from Bryan.

Bryan was comprehensive in maintaining copies of things like the Juicygoo forum. All of Grant's contributions are on file, but we all make threats.

Yes, it seems that there is a web of intrigue that may link Sean and Grant, even quite innocently, to Bryan's demise.

The longer the killer remains unknown, the stronger will be the temptation to make easy connections.

To think, a few weeks ago someone commented to me "what will we talk about now the settlement is concluded" !!!

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion that Jim is a moron.

He's definitely a Brent & Grant partisan; he definitely has a bias.

I was hoping people would use this forum to objectively construct theories based on publicly provable facts and experts as they are revealed in the news.

But Jim is here to defend Brent and Grant regardless of the truth or likelihoods. He's incapable of considering Grant or Brent guilty and he's fabricating any nonsense to take the heat off them.

His reasoning is ridiculous.

"Angry Grant" verbal "threats" ... don't show anything except the normal reaction of a normal man to extreme provocation.

"Let me give an analogy: I walk into a cattle enclosure. then start waving a red cape at the bull. The bull charges. Is this an unusually violent bull? NO! You HAVE to factor in the red cape! This was a NORMAL bull reacting in a NORMAL bull way."

By Jim's logic, everyone in the United States is entitled to start violence or threaten violence for any grievance.

Don't like the amount of cappucino foam Starbucks denies your assistant to bring to you? Starbucks shouldn't have provoked it!

Go charging into Starbucks like a bull, yelling, screaming and threatening the manager that "He's lucky I arrived late... VERY LUCKY!"

Then assault and batterize the manager, just like a bull to a rodeo clown or a red flag! Right?

Bryan said on Sean_Paul_Lockhart (yahoo group) the private eyes he hired for the admittedly low - BUT LEGAL - photo capture were PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED by Grant Roy's and Brent's party.

They had it coming, right? It is legitimate for you to threaten violence, assault and murder anyone you disagree with, right?

Wrong. Not in America. Grant Roy should know in every state that violent speech, inciting or threatening violence, is illegal speech not protected by the First Amendment and grounds for Disorderly Conduct.

Brent and Grant should know it is illegal and illegitimate to resort to violence against people who don't do what you want — unless Bryan were to have PHYSICALLY attacked Brent or Grant, in which case physical self-defense is legitimate.

But Bryan didn't do that. Bryan took a legal photo and advantage of Brent's air-headed naiivete again. It was NOT physically provocative.

The maniac Grant Roy took it to the violent/threaten violence level.

And, of course, Jim does not account for the fact that Brent provoked all the hate himself, in the first place.

Brent was the one who lied about his age and used phony I.D.s. Brent is the one who breached his contract with Cobra Video — abondoning work commitments the little shit made in writing to Bryan, then trying to steal a porn name BRENT CONTRACTUALLY AGREED TO LET BRYAN OWN.

Brent is the self-centered, stupid, contract-breaching, foul-playing little shit who provoked and started EVERYTHING. It's ALL HIS FAULT.

It saddens me that so many fans in online forums turn a blind eye to foul plays just to score brownie points with a good-looking porn star.

And Grant Roy blindly and manic-obsessively rushed to Brent's defense so he could get Brent's ass as a companion and all the money that comes with the brand name "Brent Corrigan" that BRYAN owned, despite Brent's stupid inability to know and negotiate better terms and Brent's inability to honor his word or contracts.

What's all this BULLSHIT about "normal" violence?

YOU, Jim, may be a charging bull. Gorging another human being for a waved red flag may come naturally to YOU and Grant Roy. Violence and threats of violence may be a NORMAL reaction in your's and Grant's NORMAL way.

But that just means you and Grant are MANIACS.

Because I'll be damned if that's how a NORMAL PERSON reacts to disagreements or the former employer they screwed over by breaching contract.

Normal people DO NOT assault or threaten assault when they don't get their way. It's illegal in our society.

Was Bryan Kocis a nice guy or an enlightened employer? No. He was exploitative and exacted unusually oppressive terms. He lied and misrepresented himself in online forums; he resorted to low but legal photo-capturing tactics.

But he played by the rules, he obeyed the laws, he honored his contracts and he got consent from stupid, dishonest Brent for EVERYTHING he did.

He made stupid risks going after teenage boys, but Brent and the 15-year-old he slept with were both consenting and misrepresenting their ages.

Bryan Kocis, Grant Roy and Brent are all SNAKES. Kocis was just the smartest, most legal-behaving one.

Jim's desperate, moronic apologies for scum like Grant Roy and Brent Corrigan make him seem like either a crazed, blind Brent fan or Grant himself.

Jim, you are wrong.

YOU ARE the rodeo clown.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bret and others - you might find your arguments more convincing if you didn't constantly use derogatory and ugly names for the people in question. Can't you make your points without calling Brent and Grant names like whore, snake, maniac, stupid, shit, nasty, evil, pimp, pathetic, creep, violent, disgusting, scum and slut. And those are just the words used on this page. Frankly, if you have to use words like that to get your point across to disparage someone, your argument is pretty weak.

I stand by my comment at 2.16. I still haven't seen anything that convinces me of Grant's guilt. He may have threatened violence, but who here can honestly say that they haven't ever engaged in physical violence or threatened physical violence? If you can, well done, that's impressive. I can't and frankly that doesn't prove me capable of murder.

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm convinced Bret is a moron. He is obviously a blindly faithful Cobra partisan, unable to see past his own biases. A rapid Brent hater, who was probably at one point romatically rejected by Brent and is now out to seek revenge at any cost.

Grant and his party did not physically assault the hired goons sent by Kocis. In fact, security was called and they managed to run away. This is all clearly explained in the GayWebMonkey article reporting on the incident. Clearly Kocis (and now Bret) are lying.

"Bryan Kocis, Grant Roy and Brent are all SNAKES. Kocis was just the smartest, most legal-behaving one."

He's also the only dead one, which in my book kinda contradicts the claim of him being smart. Darwin's theory holds that it's the smart and the strong who survive.

"YOU ARE the rodeo clown."

Hey rodeo clowns are essential, life-saving personnel, who risk their hides to save fallen comrades...I'll take that as a complement! THANKS!!!

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We interrupt this bitch-fight between, Jim, Bret, and 72 anonymous people to bring you this BREAKING NEWS:"


Man in picture found; says he never met gay film producer Bryan Kocis
By EDWARD LEWIS elewis@timesleader.com
WYOMING - A male escort said he is the man in the photograph that investigators believe was scheduled to meet gay porn film producer Bryan Charles Kocis the night Kocis was killed inside his Dallas Township home.

Harlow, who refused to give his last name, said he didn’t know Kocis and has no idea why investigators want to talk to him. He was surprised to learn that his picture is linked to a murder investigation.

“That picture they are using, I’ve used everywhere,” Harlow said on Wednesday. “It’s my cover picture.”

Harlow said he was with a client for three hours in his hometown when Kocis was killed on Jan. 24.

For the complete story, read Thursday’s edition of The Times Leader

1:23 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

WOW! So does this mean he HASN'T spoken with police yet... but he did with the press?! Weird.

I'm waiting for tomorrow's full story before posting an update.

Also, is it just my computer or has anyone else noticed that BrentCorriganOnline.com is gone?

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, amazing isn't it? The press found Harlow/Drake and interviewed him before the police, apparantly.

Yep Brent's site seems to be currently down.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I would weigh in here on another possible point but I've had business handling with Sean and Grant, and they were totally unprofessional and dishonest, frankly they cheated me out of some money I had coming to me. Anyway, I don't know if Sean has ever claimed they he NEVER escorted in the past, but that's simply not true. How do I know this? I have proof.

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to add something to my last post. Sean states that his birthday is October 31, 1986, right? Well if that is the case then correspondences relating to escorting dated January 18, 2004 and February 2, 2004 and February 27, 2004 would make him 17 years old at the time- not turning 18 until October 31, 2004. So then he was escorting at 17 years old yet claims that he didn't know the full weight of what he was doing performing for Cobra also professing to being underage? Hmm. Weird.

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mark", the owner of norfolkmaleescorts.com, is talking too. How interesting: http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=17822927&BRD=2259&PAG=461&dept_id=455154&rfi=6

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 12:12,

My arguments are convincing with or without the namecalling.

Namecalling doesn't make my arguments invalid — just funner!

And you're intellectually dishonest if you deny the rational substance of my arguments because it came with "ugly namecalling" that happens to be true.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Brent, Grant and Kocis have/had ugly characters.

But, for your information, I still haven't seen anything that convinces me of anyone's guilt, either, which I've repeated numerous times.

I don't threaten physical violence and haven't engaged in any since I was a child.

Just because you or Grant traffic in violence or violent threats doesn't make it right or legal. It's a crime.

Dear Jim,

Just because Bryan Kocis was murdered doesn't mean he was stupid or that Brent and Grant aren't stupider than him.

The murderer may have a higher tolerance for risk — and murder is a highly stupid risk to take.

But the murder isn't necessarily smarter than Bryan.

I think the smarter and stronger do survive more often — which is why you see that stupid shit Brent Corrigan fail to steal the porn name owned by Cobra or even get his own website up and running.

Cobra and Falcon own the most profitable pornos that Brent Corrigan will probably ever star in — audiences get bored with porn stars very quickly and porn stars fade.

And porn stars can't produce if they're stupidly getting arrested or going to court like Brent all the time.

That's why Brent Corrigan and Grant Roy have been begging for money from their blog — they're not fit to survive.

And you can spin the upsides of rodeo clowns all you want, but nobody is going to turn to you and your rodeo clown friends for just reasoning and due process in the prosecution of a murder.

Out of consideration for the other readers on this site, I will try not to dignify "jim" with any more comments or a cunt-off.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For everybody's information:

"Harlow" / "Drake" is hot as hell.

He should be a big porn star. I joined boybatter.com just to watch him, and he's well worth it.

He's young, supposedly a former high school wrestler, gorgeously muscled, hung like a donkey and lifts a twink straddled to his hips in the shower to bare-fuck his ass.

White. Hot.

Apparently, all the guys on boybatter.com reside in a "boidello" in Norfolk, Virginia, available for anyone to rent as escorts, too.

Damn. I may have to book a trip to Virginia LOL

The sex would have to be extra safe ...

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stinking mess since August 2005 obviously became much more foul a couple of weeks ago.

I happen to believe that Sean was 18 during all his time with Cobra. Clearly other people, who have considered the same evidence believe he was only 17.

Everything else stems out of this basic mistrust, disbelief or faith.

There may have been certain commercial reasons why Sean has witheld his consent for his birth records to be made public.

However with Bryan being unable to benefit, regardless of Sean's true age, now would seem the appropriate time for Sean to grasp the initiative.

Reviewing a number of pro-Sean sites there is a widespread disquiet about the thought of him working with Bryan again. Many people sent him money believing that this was the only way for him to free himself forever from Bryan.

What Sean should do is arrange for an umimpeachable source to certify his true age. I would suggest he approaches Bryan's attorneys as the most independent source if it is to prove he was only 17. They could attest into the court record that is accessable to all through the PACER system.

Proving to all, beyond doubt, that he was 17 would enhance his credibility,re-commit his fan base and silence most of his critics.

Of course, should he continue to avoid proving his age we all may continue to question the truth of what he says.

It is true that a man is innocent until proved guilty, but Bryan has already provided his copies of Sean's ID to the court and it is Sean that it making the accusation of Bryan - without having provided any credible evidence. Indeed Sean has actively prevented Bryan from obtaining the evidence that could condemn or exhonerate him.

On that basis Bryan should be considered innocent.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with 3:56, at this point there is no longer any good reason for Brent to withhold his true ID.

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

again I state I think Jim is Grant or is posting here for Grant. Jim, say what you like - it does not take away the known provable facts to date. Bryan never made threats of violence - Grant often did and sometimes even worse by wanting Bryan dead - he is a prime suspect because of his big mouth. God forbid Grant takes responsability for his own actions.

Now that Drake claims he never knew/met or had plans to meet Bryan, it is clear someone went to a lot of trouble to murder Bryan.

Where was Sean and Grant on night of the murder? Sean says he can not talk about the case, bullcrap - if he had nothing to hide he'd be blabbing all over the place I think. The Drake thing as I thought was a red herring - this is not good for Sean and/or Grant.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim what pills are you on? lol

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 days after the murder Sean was seen out in public working, dancing, drinking, enjoying himself. Grant was not seen that same night.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent's blog at http://www.brentcorriganonline.com/blog/ is working fine for me.

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason Sechrest said...

WOW! So does this mean he HASN'T spoken with police yet... but he did with the press?! Weird.

JC the police obviously know more than any of us - if they thought 'Drake' had anything to do with Bryan's death I am sure they would have spoken with him by now.

I have a feeling their main focus is Grant and Sean.

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Man in picture found; says he never met gay film producer Bryan Kocis
By EDWARD LEWIS elewis@timesleader.com
WYOMING - A male escort said he is the man in the photograph that investigators believe was scheduled to meet gay porn film producer Bryan Charles Kocis the night Kocis was killed inside his Dallas Township home.

Harlow, who refused to give his last name, said he didn’t know Kocis and has no idea why investigators want to talk to him. He was surprised to learn that his picture is linked to a murder investigation.

“That picture they are using, I’ve used everywhere,” Harlow said on Wednesday. “It’s my cover picture.”

Harlow said he was with a client for three hours in his hometown when Kocis was killed on Jan. 24.

For the complete story, read Thursday’s edition of The Times Leader."

From http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/news/breaking_news/16645198.htm

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"The man police want to question in connection with the brutal slaying of a Back Mountain man is a male escort who was working in Virginia the night Bryan Kocis was slashed and stabbed to death, according to the owner of the escort company.
The man known as "Harlow" never met the 44-year-old Kocis, said the proprietor of norfolkmaleescorts.com, who would only identify himself as Mark. State police distributed Harlow's image last week, identifying him as "Drake," a model Kocis had an appointment to meet the night of the murder.
For the complete story, read tomorrow's edition of The Citizens' Voice."

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 5:50 wrote:

"- it does not take away the known provable facts to date. Bryan never made threats of violence - "

From the Wiki entry on Brent Corrigan:

"In a July / August 2006 GayWebMonkey magazine interview, Corrigan stated that on several occasions he tried to explicitly state to this producer that he was underage, but the producer was not interested in hearing the information or in having the information publicly disclosed. Brent states that "[The Cobra producer] hinted very strongly that if I was underage now or when filming the videos, I’d be the one in trouble, not him." [5] Corrigan also stated that this Cobra video producer emailed him after the public disclosures to say that "traitors would be dealt with accordingly" and to expect lawsuits, embarrassment, and financial ruin. [5]"

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Straight from the boy himself one year ago as to why HE REFUSED to release his ID or Birth certificate to Cobra. Surprised you smart bois haven't figured this out before! "Brent Corrigan Says:
January 20th, 2006 at 2:54 pm
For all of those who still don’t seem to understand.
As I have said over and over Bryan does not have my valid ID on file as required by 2257. Cobra’s release of ANY adult product containing images or footage of me through any medium is ILLEGAL. If he has in some way obtained a copy, then he has done so illegally without my authorization or consent. Therefore, Bryan Kocis is deliberately violating Federal Law. Look it up, if you still don’t understand." I think for the really OBTUSE here what Brent was doing was uh withholding his ID so Bryan would have to SETTLE(Pay Up) or he would have to withdraw ALL Brents videos. Indeed in recent months it has become harder to order Cobra from online retailers, TLA dropped them.You can be sure Falcon has his ID & LSG.Cobra had squat so they were not 2257 compliant simple as that Why anyone thinks Brent should have turned over his I.D. to a company that was trying to destroy him financially is beyond me! Funny how you have to keep explaining the obvious in this case. Most figured it out last year! BTW Bryan sometime before he died UH corrected Brents age on his Cobra site to guess what? 20 yep thats right Bryan SAYS Brent is 20! Here is the link http://cobravideo.com/index2.htm Click see Cobra bois then Brent. So why would Bryan do this BECAUSE THEY HAD SETTLED! GEESH!

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So these 2 hookers knew each other: "Harlow said he doesn’t know of anyone by the name of “Drake.” He is familiar with Cobra Video movies, and admitted to meeting Sean Lockhart, an actor who appeared in several of Cobra’s films, during a recent adult film convention in Las Vegas."

Interesting connection. Sean knows something.

Full story here: http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/16650141.htm

12:19 AM  
Blogger Albert said...

First, Jim, thanks for keeping the last two remaining Cobra Trolls busy. I would have liked to help out more but I also have a job, a family and a long distance relationship that takes it's own toll on my time. Bret and anonymous, you two guys crack me up some times. The simple fact is that Brent Corrigan and Grant Roy are no more suspects than DeWayne and I are, or Jim and Bret for that matter. Brent, Grant, Lee, and even DeWayne were in San Diego Wednesday afternoon. There are a lot of people that had reason to kill Bryan. The investigators have their job cut out for them. They have been instructed by their attorney to not talk. That is standard stuff. No big surprises.
Brent's blog went down,.... then came back up. Your point is? Look, their host company does not accept auto-bill so sometimes they are shut down and don't know it, then pay the bill and it is back up. I remember the weather shut them down at least once this last year.. Try to keep your thinking human. Shit happens.
One writer that actually seemed to have been a friend of Brent expressed some concern about the deal with Kocis. I do not see it that negative. I have represented in both civil and criminal court. I prefer criminal court. Both have some real problems (see OJ Simpson) but civil court is such a crap shoot. You have to factor in crap like, did the judge drink too much last night. This settlement is very close to what I believe most mediators and judges would have come to anyway. That does not mean that I think it is right. I am too much a Brent partisan for that. It is just that time in court is so limited. Will the judge really get into all the facts and rule on the law? Not always. Too often mediators and judges will try to find a compromise that they imagine will work for both parties. That is what this agreement did. I myself urged Bryan to do this back in October. I wrote an open letter to Bryan and Brent published it on his blog. You do not seem to have any concept of how expensive a civil case can be. They can go on forever. A final ruling from the court is just the beginning if you have the money to keep fighting. just keep filing for amendments. This settlement, which can still go forward without Bryan of course, gives Brent clear title to his name. In the end Cobra backed down.
The "working together" phrase that has been tossed about does not in any way imply Brent has changed his view. There was no expectation that he would be in front of a camera that Bryan was holding. Grant could hold it just fine in San Diego. Brent has two much older business partners. This is business. His partners are fronting the money. Brent is the face. Give the kid some credit for listening to his elders and finally give all of them some credit for coming to an agreement out of court. In the end the lawyers lost the most. A plump case that could have gone on forever.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Nothing really came out if it,” Harlow said about his discussions with Lockhart.

Did Harlow meet Grant I wonder? Very odd this connection, very odd indeed.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting intolerant! I want to see the police start arresting!

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fresh breath of clarity, Howard. I tried explaining this to the Brent haters here before, but the Underage Denialists among them are a stubborn lot.

Wow, the Cobra site is still up? I never thought to check it, as I assumed the estate would have taken it down, but...it's kinda eerie clicking around it...yep, there it be! Brent Corrigan, age 20!

See, I KNEW I was right about this!

Looks like the Brent haters here who claimed Brent lied about being underage have some serious crow-eating to do...HA!

12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Barry Taylor, a Virginia Beach attorney who represents Harlow and the escort service, said they haven’t been contacted by investigators from Pennsylvania."

OK, the fact that Jason, an alert commenter on this board, and a couple reporters have managed to make more progress in this investigation than the police is quite simply...mind-boggling! :o0

And yeah I wanna know a bit more about this meeting in Vegas between Sean and Harlow...that they were both in Vegas for the porn thingy is not too surprising, given their professions...Harlow is making it sound like it was no more than a meet-and-greet handshake but...hmmm, an interesting coincidence, to say the least. I want to know more.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert, name calling posters here is not a good thing, you can easily make your point without bashing. If you know of so many who wanted Bryan dead, go into detail, contact the police too.

Jim, I have had to eat crow before - not pleasant, but when I am wrong, I am wrong. Till the truth about Seans age come out via legal channels - then I will know what to do.

Now to the matter at hand, what are peoples thoughts about Harlow and Sean knowing each other? There are too many coincidences - we know Grant on many occasions talked openly about wanting to hire a hitman to take out Bryan - Bryan is brutally killed at time of settlement - Sean and Harlow know each other - these are a few of the known facts. Coincidence? I think not.

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim: “Nothing really came out if it,” Harlow said about his discussions with Lockhart." a discussion is a quick chat - discussions is something else. They had to be a few for Harlow to say "nothing really came of it". This should be a concern to anyone who wants justice in this case - which is all I want to see.

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert, I agree with probably 60% of your post - in so far as it reflects the reality of litigation. It was obvious that the matter would never be heard by a jury but both sides adopted strategies that protracted a settlement.

However, as someone that spoke with Bryan nearly every day during the negotiations I think your painting a rather unbalanced view of what was achieved by both sides.

The fact that Bryan and Brent would be working together in ANY capacity is a major affront to many of Brent's fans - especially those that paid him money - just have a read of their websites.

I spoke with Bryan on the day he died. He told me that Sean had telephoned him earlier in the day and their conversation suggested that the settlement was not some arms length contractual nicety but a real creative partnership.

Yes, Brent has use of BC; but that was the whole point of the settlement and it didn't come for free and was hardly Bryan "backing down". He only owns the trademark after 3 more years of working with Cobra until then he effectively only has a licence to do so.

On that old chestnut - the age issue - I would be astonished if Bryan knew Brent was/is 20 and then took active measures such as updating the website to reflect this. Unless someone can provide a cached version showing an age of 21 I assume it was simply never updated last October. The fact that Ethan - a Cobra original - is still stated as being 18 suggests this may be the case.

Of course the real issue now is to apprehend Bryan's killer. The Drake thing seemed a bit too easy.

I do no for one minute believe Sean killed Bryan but it doesn't make things easier for him when Drake/Harlow admits meeting him just a few weeks earlier in Las Vegas. There is a web of intrigue at the very least.

2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further to my comment at 2.59 I had a proper look at Brent's Cobraboy profile.

If the profile marks some coming to terms for Bryan then it would seem inconsistent to change Brent's age to his "true" age but then not also amend the disparaging remarks about Brent "Blogging on lame websites",him disliking "Not getting my own way" and also his habit of "keeping secrets".

Also, how likely is it that Bryan would so openly concede such a fundamental point when, before Bryan's murder Brent had not even hinted on his own blog that he and Bryan were in settlement discussions. Surely there would have been some reciprocal disclosure plan.

Sorry, I think the "20" is sloppiness not proof. But if anyone has the cached 21 it would be interesting to view.

I won't defrost the crow pie yet !!

3:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert nice try, your claims are way off.

5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert if SEAN'S partners are fronting money, why oh why was SEAN begging for donations?

No way did Cobra back down. Sean does not own the name Brent Corrigan, right now Cobra owns it.

SEANS true age still remains an issue for many. As is pointed out, Cobra probably did not update which is why it still says SEAN is 20.

You say give the kid some credit for listening to his elders... how can you refer to an escort/porn model as a kid? Says more about you I think... SEAN has never and will never respect anyone period. SEAN is nothing but trouble period.

5:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert says "I would have liked to help out more but I also have a job, a family and a long distance relationship that takes it's own toll on my time."

None of this is about you, get over yourself.

Albert says "I wrote an open letter to Bryan and Brent published it on his blog."

This has what to do with the murder of Bryan?

If your open letter was as full of BS as your post here, I would assume Bryan trashed it. SEAN prints ANYTHING that suits HIM.

You think SEAN is a kid, this tells me where you mind is REALLY at. Hey if it gets you into SEANS pant (assuming u have not already), GO FOR IT DUDE - its not that difficult, at the end of the day he is a proven whore.

5:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now to the matter at hand, what are peoples thoughts about Harlow and Sean knowing each other?"

Well, I gotta admit, I'll tell you what it looks like at first glance...lets call this Scenario One: Sean/Grant meet Harlow in LV. They hit it off. They hire him to kill Kocis...a murder-for-hire exactly like the Brent haters here have been claiming.

If Scenario One holds up...well what can I say, it's gonna be skeptics like ME who are gonna be eating crow.

HOLD ON THOUGH. Harlow claims to have an airtight alibi, being with a "client" the time of the murder. Hmmmm. OK, this brings up only one other possible scenario...

Scenario Two: Real murderer who hates Kocis (and maybe Corrigan too) attends porn convention in LV. Sees Sean and Harlow chatting, openly and publicly, in front of many a witness. Real murder thinks "Aha! A chance to kill Kocis and FRAME Sean/Grant for it!" Real murderer sets up phony appointment with "Drake" using Harlow's readily available escort photo. Idea is to set it all up to look like Scenario One! Real murder kills Kocis.

Scenario Two is a nice plan, but it runs into a major problem if Harlow manages to fortuitously have an airtight alibi at the time of the murder...which looks like what might be the case here!

So: Everything now turns on Harlow's alibi. If the cops (when the FINALLY get around to actually doing their job) bust the alibi...Scenario One holds! Grant/Sean/Harlow go to jail, jim eats crow. Lots of crow. On a bun.

HOW-EV-ER: If Harlow's alibi holds up, then Scenario Two holds...and we know Sean/Grant are innocent, and that someone (here?) is desperately trying to FRAME them for the murder. jim gets to gloat mercilessly on end.

Those are my thoughts. NOW, lets wait and see what is determined about Harlow's alibi...

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Albert @ 12:25 am:

Assuming or declaring me a "Cobra Troll" because I criticize Brent is no better than Republicans declaring me a traitor because I criticize George W. Bush.

My opinion of Bryan Kocis is not flattering, and I've badmouthed him plenty of times in this forum, too. Brent and Grant are simply worse.

I've rented from Cobra video, it's true. Because of the other truth that I find Brent Corrigan hot.

But I'm not a blindly loyal, unconditional disciple of a frivolous, lying, contract-breaching porn twink like Brent Corrigan. Are you?

My true bias is that I'm a filmmaker myself, and I lost $8,000.00 when the lead actor flaked out of the project and disappeared. Yes, I have a grudge against hot actors who don't honor their contracts and those who would coddle and apologize for them.

You won't convince people that I, Jim, DeWayne and yourself are "no more suspects" than Brent and Grant, because none of us have the history, the documented, violence-threatening feud or the money to gain as Brent and Grant have.

Brent and Grant may not be guilty, but THEY ARE "more suspicious" than me.

And your insight on the Cobra/Brent reconciliation deal is worthless.

You don't know what was in the contract! You can't judge!

Don't tell us you "do not see it that negative" when YOU DON'T SEE IT AT ALL!

Post the entire contract as finalized between Bryan Kocis and Brent Corrigan. We'd like to read the PDF. Post the transcripts of every e-mail and telephone conversation that Bryan, Brent and any other party had in coming to that deal, so that we may judge the intent and concerns.

Show us the fine print if you expect anyone to take your analysis credibly.

You haven't even read it! You're talking out your ass, buddy!


Is making Brent Corrigan's life easier and doing his P.R. more important than uncovering the truth?

Wouldn't Brent coming forward with details, proof and witnesses of his and Grant's innocence put his fans' minds more at ease than obstructing that knowledge?

Brent shouldn't have to, unless he's indicted, but it would be wiser P.R. than Brent's public evasion and "no comments."

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Albert @ 12:25 am:

Assuming or declaring me a "Cobra Troll" because I criticize Brent is no better than Republicans declaring me a traitor because I criticize George W. Bush.

My opinion of Bryan Kocis is not flattering, and I've badmouthed him plenty of times in this forum, too. Brent and Grant are simply worse.

I've rented from Cobra video, it's true. Because of the other truth that I find Brent Corrigan hot.

But I'm not a blindly loyal, unconditional disciple of a frivolous, lying, contract-breaching porn twink like Brent Corrigan. Are you?

My true bias is that I'm a filmmaker myself, and I lost $8,000.00 when the lead actor flaked out of the project and disappeared. Yes, I have a grudge against hot actors who don't honor their contracts and those who would coddle and apologize for them.

You won't convince people that I, Jim, DeWayne and yourself are "no more suspects" than Brent and Grant, because none of us have the history, the documented, violence-threatening feud or the money to gain as Brent and Grant have.

Brent and Grant may not be guilty, but THEY ARE "more suspicious" than me.

And your insight on the Cobra/Brent reconciliation deal is worthless.

You don't know what was in the contract! You can't judge!

Don't tell us you "do not see it that negative" when YOU DON'T SEE IT AT ALL!

Post the entire contract as finalized between Bryan Kocis and Brent Corrigan. We'd like to read the PDF. Post the transcripts of every e-mail and telephone conversation that Bryan, Brent and any other party had in coming to that deal, so that we may judge the intent and concerns.

Show us the fine print if you expect anyone to take your analysis credibly.

You haven't even read it! You're talking out your ass, buddy!


Is making Brent Corrigan's life easier and doing his P.R. more important than uncovering the truth?

Wouldn't Brent coming forward with details, proof and witnesses of his and Grant's innocence put his fans' minds more at ease than obstructing that knowledge?

Brent shouldn't have to, unless he's indicted, but it would be wiser P.R. than Brent's public evasion and "no comments."

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 12:27, 1:29 and others who suspect Harlow of being a hitman,

Seems real unlikely. A gorgeous, 19-year-old model, porn star and escort who moonlights as a professional killer?

I doubt even Brent has the physical and emotional strength to have conducted the murder himself.

It would be interesting to see Harlow's background; whether there's any crime there. He seems like an affectionate, nice guy in his videos; not that a video captures a person's offscreen abilities.

But what could a popular, well-paid hottie in Virginia gain by murdering Bryan Kocis, who he's never been involved with, to our knowledge?

It seems much more likely that the true killer would steal Harlow's identity to gain entrance to Kocis' house or to throw off the investigation.

Harlow, his John and "Mark," his pimp, are all witnessing that Harlow was in Norfolk at the time of Kocis' murder, and that Harlow never knew of Bryan Kocis or had an appointment to meet him.

So somebody was stealing Harlow's identity, if they're telling the truth.

I totally believe Harlow and Brent could meet innocently at a porn trade show in Vegas. I totally believe Brent would flirt with him or approach him to model for BrentCorriganonline.com.

What's truly mysterious is how did Brent Corrigan and Grant Roy know about Kocis' plans to meet "Drake," the faker of Harlow's identity?

Why did Grant and Brent tell police immediately, at the latest 3 days after the murder, that "Drake" was to meet Kocis that night?


How did they know?

Did Brent and his attorney refer to him as "Harlow," the model's real porn name, or did Brent and his attorney refer to him as "Drake," a name the boy has never used before and never heard of?

Because surely Brent would have known him as Harlow or his real name, NOT 'DRAKE,' if they had met in Vegas last November.

Why didn't Brent and Grant correct Bryan Kocis or investigators as to "Drake's" actually used name, Harlow, if they were in communication as "partners" with Kocis as Cobra insiders and cooperating with police at the time of his murder?

Just when and where did this name "Drake" come from, and how did Brent and Grant refer to him to Bryan Kocis and investigators?

Maybe "Drake" is Harlow's real name, that he won't reveal to the press.

But why do the police believe "Drake" was from Allentown or Philadelphia?

I wish I knew what the police knew, but I'm not putting much faith in them.

12:47 and 1:18, you're probably right about the police.

They are dragging their feet, we and the press are moving the investigation faster than they are.

I think we care more than they do.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pennsylvania law enforcement thinks Kocis was evil just for being gay and a pornographer, so they're glad to be rid of him and won't rush to prosecute who did society a favor in their book. They could think Kocis got what was coming to him for lying down with snakes.

I don't know for sure if that's what's in Sergeant Gary Thomas's heart; all I know is that he's OFF THE BALL.

Dear 2:59, 5:23:

You're right — Brent's absolute rejections of Bryan Kocis to his fans plus all the money begging and taking he did supposedly to GET AWAY FROM KOCIS and become independent does seem sleazy in light of his "reconciliation."

Brent will manipulate anyone for money and say or do anything to take as much as he can get from anyone.

In the last year, he hasn't even delivered porn OR independence from Cobra in exchange for all the money fans have given him.

He's a shameless user who will take advantage of his fans without explaination, apology or conscience.

Brent Corrigan is loyal only to himself; everyone else is just to be used and betrayed at whim (Kocis; fans' charity).

What a creep.

2:59 wrote,

"I spoke with Bryan on the day he died. He told me that Sean had telephoned him earlier in the day and their conversation suggested that the settlement was not some arms length contractual nicety but a real creative partnership."

This fits with the theory that Grant Roy engineered the murder of Bryan Kocis.

A renewed relationship between Brent Corrigan and Bryan Kocis seems romantically and professionally incompatible with Grant Roy.

It's likely Grant Roy was involved in negotiations; it's possible Bryan, Brent and Grant all agreed to be equal partners.

But it's highly improbable. Only one Old Troll is required to front the money, hold the camera, edit and market the videos. There's not a porn chore in that league one man can't do himself, and Kocis was excellent at it. Why would Bryan Kocis or Grant share the porn money or Brent's affection when he can keep all the money and Brent to himself?

Neither Grant Roy nor Bryan Kocis every displayed a willingness to share with each other.

They only shared with Brent because they need Brent's fine ass.

So Grant Roy may have decided to take Bryan Kocis out of the picture, keeping everything to himself, as originally plotted between Brent and Grant.

Do you see how Brent's loyalty to no one but himself is untenable? Brent's selfishness may have cost him his own future and dreams of cash.

Arrogant fool.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bret, the thing of it is that all you know about the case, all you know about the relationship between Bryan, Roy and Sean, and all that you know about the investigation into this call boy Drake/Harlow/Harlow Cuadra/Mardson Queiroz/Mardson McQuayis what you've read in the papers. You haven't demonstrated any real first hand information, just endless speculation, conspiracies, and rants repeated ad nauseam.

The details will be revealed as they are known. There's nothing any of us can do to expedite that release. In all your words over the last few weeks you have yet to -say- anything.

Give it a rest, okay?

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you, 3:19/ Jody,

I can know and prove that Harlow Cuadra is the owner of Norfolk Companions. I can know and prove his criminal background, address, credit history, military service and all other types of information through PUBLIC RECORDS.

So can you.

And the CITIZEN'S VOICE has done precisely that:


And why would somebody who ISN'T Harlow admit to BEING the man in the police's photo to all the media?

You're real ignorant and you can't compel people. Go give yourself a "rest" and stay off of these threads if you don't want to contribute constructively and responsibly to the speculation.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the real issue here is that Sean seems like a young, naive, somewhat...unintelligent...pawn in a game between Grant and Bryan who enjoys the attention and money he gets from being in the center of this battle. I have very little doubt that Grant had something to do with Bryan's death, given the profusion of evidence all over the web of Grants hatred and anger towards Bryan and the recent revelations that Bryan and Sean had 'made up' and planned to work together again. I can easily see that Grant thought he was losing his cash cow to his hated rival and orchestrated his rivals death to make sure he kept his claws firmly on Sean for the foreseeable future. Of course, this is all hearsay, but...it makes a lot more sense than some of the convoluted theories I've read here so far. Occam's Razor, after all...

9:07 AM  

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