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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Male Escort Says He Never Met with Kocis

Well, the male escort police referred to as "Drake" is now revealed as Harlow by the Times Leader, claiming he's never used the name Drake and never met with Bryan Kocis on the night he was murdered, though he had met with Brent Corrigan weeks earlier in Vegas.

The escort says he has known people to use his photos passing them off as their own, as is typical of the gay sex industry, and says he fears he may be the victim of "a sick joke or something."

He also says he has not been contacted by the authorities. Guess they're either not looking for him anymore or not looking too hard!

Full story here: http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/16650141.htm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jason how much you want to bet, this cutie gets signed to a video deal by this time next week. He is good looking and has done at least one jack off video. Kind of surprised the PA Police have not "contacted" their ONLY "Person of Interest". You know reading up on some old case material from the 2001 BK case (the initial deposition by the 15 yo)I would think he should been interviewed. He would be 20 or 21 and surely Bryan would have recognized him BUT maybe he used Harlows pix to get Bryan to talk to him & invite him over. Then when he got there who knows what happened, still Bryan invited whoever IN. I guess its possible after 6 years he may not have recognized him but if I were PA Police He would have been the first guy interviewed (He was drugged & raped after all) His own family refused to take this to court(prob ashamed of their little gay boy) as a victim of Male on Male rape myself I would suggest that kid has a lot of Rage(and the justice system failed HIM BIGTIME)Just a thought,,,

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you seen Harlow's videos?

He's done a lot more than jack off — he hoists a twink around his hips and bare-fucks him in the shower on boybatter.com. Hot!

Harlow SHOULD be a big porn star and get the fuck out of Hickville, VA! I want to book him as an escort, that's for sure ... I'm a new fan.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 12:27, 1:29 from the "Brent's Musical Short Pending Release" thread and others who suspect Harlow of being a hitman,

Seems real unlikely. A gorgeous, 19-year-old model, porn star and escort who moonlights as a professional killer?

I doubt even Brent has the physical and emotional strength to have conducted the murder himself.

It would be interesting to see Harlow's background; whether there's any crime there. He seems like an affectionate, nice guy in his videos; not that a video captures a person's offscreen abilities.

But what could a popular, well-paid hottie in Virginia gain by murdering Bryan Kocis, who he's never been involved with, to our knowledge?

It seems much more likely that the true killer would steal Harlow's identity to gain entrance to Kocis' house or to throw off the investigation.

Harlow, his John and "Mark," his pimp, are all witnessing that Harlow was in Norfolk at the time of Kocis' murder, and that Harlow never knew of Bryan Kocis or had an appointment to meet him.

So somebody was stealing Harlow's identity, if they're telling the truth.

I totally believe Harlow and Brent could meet innocently at a porn trade show in Vegas. I totally believe Brent would flirt with him or approach him to model for BrentCorriganonline.com.

What's truly mysterious is how did Brent Corrigan and Grant Roy know about Kocis' plans to meet "Drake," the faker of Harlow's identity?

Why did Grant and Brent tell police immediately, at the latest 3 days after the murder, that "Drake" was to meet Kocis that night?


How did they know?

Did Brent and his attorney refer to him as "Harlow," the model's true porn name, or did Brent and his attorney refer to him as "Drake," a name the boy has never used before and never heard of?

Because surely Brent would have known him as Harlow or his real name, NOT 'DRAKE,' if they had met in Vegas last November.

Why didn't Brent and Grant correct Bryan Kocis or investigators as to "Drake's" actually used name, Harlow, if they were in communication as "partners" with Kocis as Cobra insiders and cooperating with police at the time of his murder?

Just when and where did this name "Drake" come from, and how did Brent and Grant refer to him to Bryan Kocis and investigators?

Maybe "Drake" is Harlow's real name, that he won't reveal to the press.

But why do the police believe "Drake" was from Allentown or Philadelphia?

I wish I knew what the police knew, but I'm not putting much faith in them.

12:47 and 1:18 from "Brent's Musical Short Pending Release," you're probably right about the police.

They are dragging their feet, we and the press are moving the investigation faster than they are.

I think we care more than they do.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pennsylvania law enforcement thinks Kocis was evil just for being gay and a pornographer, so they're glad to be rid of him and won't rush to prosecute someone who did society a favor in their book. They could think Kocis got what was coming to him for lying down with snakes.

I don't know for sure if that's what's in Sergeant Gary Thomas's heart; all I know is that he's OFF THE BALL.

Dear 2:59, 5:23, "Brent's Musical Short Pending Release,"

You're right — Brent's absolute rejections of Bryan Kocis to his fans plus all the money begging and taking he did supposedly to GET AWAY FROM KOCIS and become independent does seem sleazy in light of his "reconciliation."

Brent will manipulate anyone for money and say or do anything to take as much as he can get from anyone.

In the last year, he hasn't even delivered porn OR independence from Cobra in exchange for all the money fans have given him.

He's a shameless user who will take advantage of his fans without explaination, apology or conscience.

Brent Corrigan is loyal only to himself; everyone else is just to be used and betrayed at whim (Kocis; fans' charity).

What a creep.

2:59 from "Brent's Musical Short Pending Release" wrote:

"I spoke with Bryan on the day he died. He told me that Sean had telephoned him earlier in the day and their conversation suggested that the settlement was not some arms length contractual nicety but a real creative partnership."

This fits with the theory that Grant Roy engineered the murder of Bryan Kocis.

A renewed relationship between Brent Corrigan and Bryan Kocis seems romantically and professionally incompatible with Grant Roy.

It's likely Grant Roy was involved in negotiations; it's possible Bryan, Brent and Grant all agreed to be equal partners.

But it's highly improbable. Only one Old Troll is required to front the money, hold the camera, edit and market the videos. There's not a porn chore in that league one man can't do himself, and Kocis was excellent at it. Why would Bryan Kocis or Grant share the porn money or Brent's affection when ONE can keep all the money and Brent to himself?

Neither Grant Roy nor Bryan Kocis ever displayed a willingness to share with each other.

They only shared with Brent because they need Brent's fine ass.

So Grant Roy may have decided to take Bryan Kocis out of the picture, keeping everything to himself, as originally plotted between Brent and Grant.

Do you see how Brent's loyalty to no one but himself is untenable? Brent's selfishness may have cost him his own future and dreams of cash.

Arrogant fool.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But why do the police believe "Drake" was from Allentown or Philadelphia?"

My guess is that's where the IP address of the emails from "Drake" to Kocis originate from.

Like I said in the other thread, if Harlow's alibi is busted, then it looks like Sean/Grant hired Harlow to kill Kocis. Mmmmm crow.

IF however Harlow's alibi is true...the someone (here?) is trying to FRAME Sean, Grant and of course Harlow. NOT surprising given the tone of some of the comments here.

Looks like back when I wrote "...I see the dark soul of a murderer..." I may indeed have been RIGHT!

Where do I apply to get my $2000?

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should get Harlow and his pimp Mark from Boybatter.com and Norfolkmaleescorts to appear on your KSEX talk show!

Will you try?

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now it's all about the sad death of Anna Niclole Smith....It so sad...

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle Karter, I like your theory. With the case being back in the news mid-06 with the change in conviction it may have opened old wounds.

Is the deposition on-line (PACER) ? I would have thought the records would have been sealed.

We have no idea about what the then 15 y/o does or looks like now. He could be a career crminal with a history of violent crimes and or arson.

The single death blow followed by 28 ceremonial thrusts just shouts revenge.

The dropped knife suggest shock in the murderer's mind at what they have just done.

The only nagging doubt is where Drake/Hadlow comes into this. It seems quite likely that Drake assumed the identity of Hadlow.

Is it just wild coincidence that the killer chose the persona of someone that had met Sean only a few days earlier ?

Also I wonder if "someone" took it upon themselves to contact Bryan's victim, stoke up the coals a bit and facilitate their reunion. MMm I wonder who would do something as potentially threatening to Bryan as that. LoL

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim: I hardly think anyone in their right mind would use this blog to frame Sean and/or Grant. It would be too obvious if that was happening. Lets not get into "because he is so sure Sean/Grant did it, he did it and is framing them" type of thing. That would be to easy. Besides it would have to be someone in the 'know', I have not really seen any of that here.

We all have our own thoughts and ideas - and share them here with each other.

I suspect (and would certainly hope) the police know way more than what is being said right now.

Maybe they have not contacted Harlow coz they already know who did it and are in process of putting a case together - I certainly hope this is the case.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KK I like your theory too - the one point that busts it for me is this Drake/Harlow Sean/Grant connection. How do we know the police did not interview this guy already? I read somewhere a while back the boy and his family moved away - would be interesting to know how far away these folks moved and if the guy has an alibi.

To me it still all points to Grant/Sean. There are too many coincidences. The latest being Sean and Harlow having met and had "chats". I assume Grant met Harlow too.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

state police said today " "We have to be able to put the entire case together before we can do anything. So that's why maybe it's not as quick, but we'll have it right."


State police say the man known to them as "Drake" is a person of interest. Harlow Cuadra of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said the picture of "Drake" is his picture but he has never gone by that name.

According to court papers, Cuadra works at an escort service. He also works in gay pornography. Records show he is also known as Mardson Queiroz or Mardson McQuay.

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, the Police are back to square one. It coincidence that these two young men met at the gayavn? I thinks it strange, brent and kocis are kissing and hugging, the next moment, hes dead. Im sure that Brent and Grant had him bummed off so they would not have to pay a settlement.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just did an Internet search for “Harlow Cuadra”. It appears that someone using that name owns “Boybatter.com” and was looking for a new webmaster. http://boards.xbiz.com/showthread.php3?s=325da0f7fb7f217621d1980a3e1da6fe&postid=285143#post285143 That could explain why he was in Vegas. It appears that he and Bryan Kocis had competing operations. He stated in the interview with. http://wnep.com/Global/story.asp?S=6059652 that he never met Bryan kocis. But he had discussions with Brent Corrigan while in Vegas. He also states that he was with a client for 3 hours in Virginia when Bryan was killed. I just find it strange that the profile of drake was on this website http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/search.asp?cmd=view&id=134894&Login=YoungHottienVa1and was linked to the Boybatter.com web page and now it is gone. He also states that “his picture has been used by other people before”. How convenient that has happened on several occasions. I still feel that all of this is a little convoluted and suspect. The theory of the young man that caused Bryan all the trouble before (the 15-year-old boy) coming back after all these years does make some sense. It would stand to reason that if Bryan did drug the kid and have sex with him that he could harbor some anger. The fact that Harlow/Drakes picture was used could be mere coincidence. As stated by another poster the alleged victim would be around 20 or 21 years old now. If he were planning this murder he would have been aware of all the controversy surrounding the Bryan/Brent case. And used this as his cover to commit this crime. Create a smoke screen per say. Pardon the pun. He could have used Harlow’s picture to fool Bryan. I feel that Bryan would have let him in because the boy did state that he lied and that had Bryan’s charges reduced. So it very well could be the young guy who got Bryan in trouble in the first place. That would explain the violent nature of the crime. And the fire to cover up his shock at what he had done. The police should check with the DMV and see if a light colored SUV is registered to that family.

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys I was discussing the Kocis murder with an online contact. He asked me a little bit about the corners report. I pulled it up from the various news account's repeating to him what the corner said about the vicious nature of the crime slitting the throat,the 28 stab wounds and the fire. I was shocked at the conclusion he came to. My friend said we know Bryan invited the guy in. He knew him or was comfortable with him.(Obvious he was not a stranger) They had a wine bottle & glasses on the coffee table. We know the "contact was due at 6:00 p.m. the fire was reported at 8:30 p.m. YES YES!We know that I told him. Well my friend said the murderer was in no hurry.(2 1/2 hours)From the corners report Bryan was found on the couch. The report states his neck was slit "ear to ear' the blade cutting all major arteries & Veins + severing the trachea & a bone in the vertebrae! My friend pointed out what he thought should be obvious. This is the way our elite special forces are trained to kill. They come up behind the enemy and make a quick slice,DEEP. A Fatal wound always and severing the trachea prevents vocalization. I told my friend the stabbing seem to indicate Passion or revenge. He said YOU ARE MEANT to think that they were done for effect. Bryan was killed by a Professional not an Amateur, The stabbings were done after he was dead. A man inraged would have rushed BK stabbing in the chest then continuing to do so. The neck wound screams PRO! I am surprised no one has noticed this I m afraid Kirk it could not be the boy from 2001 unless he has been in the service which in my mind would make him suspect. BTW my friend is retired and was in the Frogs in Vietnam (they preceded the Seals) I think he knows what he is talking about. I know more idol speculation but the FBI is a firm believer in profiling and I believe this crime was Cold and Calculating. I would love to hear what others think but rest assured we are not dealing with Twink murderers or Rank Amateurs.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cartman: after reading your thoughts, I am now asking myself could Grant afford to pay for a pro hit?

If Sean and Bryan were seen hugging let alone kissing by Grant - based on all his (Grant)internet threats and ramblings towards Bryan - I can see that pushing him over the edge - way over the edge.

Sean and Grant always thought they were smarter than everyone - not so, look at the trail they both left behind in blogs and forums.

Right now in my mind Grant is still the prime suspect based on his own actions and words since this affair began. Lets not forget, one of JasonCurious friends reported to him - Grant was looking for a hitman - JC removed that blog, it was the first blog on here where he reported the murder of Bryan. JC made that blog go away fast, I wonder if Brent asked him to remove it.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 10:35 PM... maybe Grant didn't pay for a hit, maybe Harlow took a liking to Brent/Sean and just decided to take care of business himself to help out. This is all theoretical of course.

Here's another page found when you google Harlow and boybatter:


It's from xbiz where he's looking for someone to design a video logo for the company. It also has other links to photobucket with what seems to be Harlow's personal pictures, including two pics of him with Sean/Brent, probably in Vegas for the convention.

So boybatter.com is the online porn presence of Norfolk Male Escorts comapny with Harlow Cuadra apparently being the owner.

Another escort site has Harlow's personal profile listed:


in which it says:
"I am your typical bad boy all american kid! I am in stellar physical shape working out 6 times a week & I lifeguard & wrestle at ODU (my college in Norfolk) also I am in the Navy and am a corpsman, so i think you will like my entire package..."

So following the information put forth by cartman... Harlow IS in the Navy... hmmm... interesting.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:52 & 8:03:

If you guys want to continue exploring the "Molested 15-Year-Old's Revenge" Theory, you should wait until police or the news media report his involvement.

The identity of that boy is verifiable in court records. The police with a warrant can know who he was, even if that ID is sealed to the public, which is unlikely.

The whole world can probably find out who that boy is and verify the boy's feelings toward Kocis plus his whereabouts on the night of the murder.

But once you account for the fact that Kocis' sexual relations were consented to and invited by the gay 15-year-old and that the gay 15-year-old lied to Kocis about his age, you're not likely to find someone who was murderously enraged at Bryan then or 6 years later.

You should dig up his name in court records and go ask him about Kocis or let the media reveal his involvement before chasing that fat chance.


Harlow has told 2 media sources the police have not yet contacted him.

To elmysterio @ 8:03 and 11:18:

Harlow Cuadra, the model and "person of interest" in the murder, is probably not the owner of boybatter.com or Norfolkmaleescorts.

He is probably just boybatter's and Norfolkmaleescort's hottest property, actor and worker.

1) From http://www.wnep.com/Global/story.asp?S=6059652:

"According to court papers, Cuadra works at an escort service. He also works in gay pornography. Records show he is also known as Mardson Queiroz or Mardson McQuay."

A WORKER, NOT the owner.

2) Harlow's escort reviews, possibly posted by the owner himself, describe "Mark" as the owner of Norfolkmaleescorts and boybatter.com:

"Anybody visiting VA should definitely check-out Mark''s incall facility and his stable of very hot, young and goodlooking models specialy Harlow ..."


3) He's way too young and probably inexperienced! If he's so hard-up that he has to prostitute himself for a living, what are the chances he was wealthy or experienced enough to start-up that "boidello" and porn site himself? Why is "Mark" directing everything in the videos and on those sites?

4) The ownership of any private company is easily verifiable by any member of the public from the state and municipal governments that issue business licenses!

You can find out who really owns boybatter.com and Norfolkmaleescorts by a public records search.

Many private, online companies can dig up boybatter's public documentation describing ownership, or you can call up the Virginia Department of Business and ask them yourself.

Any of the above may charge a fee, however :).


So why does someone calling himself "Harlow" claim to be the owner of boybatter.com and place Help Wanted ads on the internet for a new webmaster and video designer?

Why does the advertiser post his profile with pictures prospective employees can peruse?

To entice more people to apply for the job — especially gay men who would be more enthusiastic to work for boybatter and less demanding with terms if they get to be involved with guys like Harlow!

Mark the owner probably posed as Harlow just to seduce applicants.

Harlow could have the job of recruiting new talent himself and be fibbing in that ad about ownership.

But I think it's likely that Mark is behind those ads.

P.S. You don't think people steal identities, steal hot models' pics from the internet and pose under fake profiles? Then you must never spend time on gay.com, manhunt.net or craigslist LOL.

Hot guys are constantly having their pics stolen by imposters online. It's happened to me, and I'm not even a pro model.

The murderer could have easily impersonated Harlow online, especially if Bryan's only contact with people was through the internet until scheduled meetings.


I assume you mean "coroner" and "coroner's report." A "corner" is the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet. As in, "snakes attack and murder when backed into a corner."

11:18 wrote:

"Maybe Grant didn't pay for a hit, maybe Harlow took a liking to Brent/Sean and just decided to take care of business himself to help out."

That's one of the more far-fetched ideas.

Mark and Harlow's John both witness that Harlow was in Norfolk, Virginia at the time of Kocis' murder.

And maybe SOME people's "liking to Brent/Sean" borders on the psychotic, but I honestly don't think Harlow the escort/porn hottie with a well-paying job is so desperate he would need to murder an enemy of Brent's to impress Brent. Brent already found him interesting and flirted with the idea of a project together at the Vegas porn trade show in November. Harlow doesn't need Brent at all.

And you really believe Harlow is "in the Navy and am a corpsman" from his fucking escort profile?


"I'm straight! I'm a Marine! I'm a Cowboy! I'm a direct descendant of Apollo, Greek God of the Sun!"

LOL! My friend is the escort Steve Stacks from San Francisco. "Steve" has claimed to be a "sophisticated student" for 8 years now on his website, despite the fact that he's 38 and never set foot in a college classroom.

Remember when PLAYGIRL did a photo spread of Billy Brandt and described him as a hockey player?

Just ask Sean Lockhart and he'll tell you that stuff in his Cobravideo.com profile about being a student at Arizona State is all bullshit!

Quit being naiive. Porn peddlers and escorts admittedly use false names and sell you a fantasy, not the real deal.

If you have to be 18 to enlist in the Navy and Harlow is only 19 now, how could he have learned to be a bloodthirsty, professional killer plus become the crown jewel of a porn and escort fiefdom within 1 year?

It's possible he's enlisted and training now, but long and experienced enough to easily slay Bryan Kocis?

All this gay sex, gay escorting, gay porn work and attending Porn Expos in Vegas is NOT conducive to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Harlow would be seriously risking disciplinary action and a discharge if he is enlisted.

Why don't you check Harlow Cuadra's background, now that we have his last name. Does he have any arrest record or violence on his permanent record? I doubt it:


Get real!

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Law-enforcement officials remain interested in talking to a Virginia Beach male escort whose photo surfaced in the investigation of last month’s murder of gay porn producer Bryan Charles Kocis.


4:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bret it appears that you are truly blinded by your hatred for Brent & Grant. I really do not know or care what he has done to you. In my post I simply stated that from the web site that I listed that Harlow stated that he owned the web site Boybatter.com, not the agency he works for. I also said that the profile for Drake was listed on http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/search.asp?cmd=view&id=134894&Login=YoungHottienVa1
And it has since been removed there was also a link to the Boybatter.com site attached to that profile. If you read the articles about the boy who lied to Bryan he said that he was drugged. I was not there so I can really not attest to that but that is what was reported. I don’t think that you give young people enough credit. There are plenty of young entrepreneurs on the Internet. If the boy is making $200.00 an hour then I think he might have enough money to own Boybatter.com. It really does not seem like a huge operation. This is the first that I have heard of it. All you need is a camera and some editing software and a computer to create a video web site. It’s really not that hard. Maybe I will start my own company. As far as any of this goes on this blog it is just pure speculation on who killed Bryan Kocis. None of us knows unless they did it. As far as Brent and Harlow go, they have met there are pictures of them together here’s a link http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e46/harlowrcuadra/ It does not say when they were taken but I would say from Brent’s haircut they are recent. As far as the whole picture theft thing it does happen a lot. There is no disagreement there. I read the article on Harlow not speaking with the police on two different web sites. I believe the police have spoken to many of the parties involved and are deliberately not revealing more information than necessary. I have witnessed how the police operate first hand and they will not show all their cards until they are certain that the have a solid case. As far as Grant goes maybe he did have Bryan killed. Neither you nor I know for sure. I also find it strange that the name Drake was not corrected in their conversations with Bryan. If they were sending e-mails and having phone conversations surely that would have come up that the picture of the person was not named Drake but in fact was Harlow who Brent had just meet a few weeks ago in Las Vegas and took pictures with. This is where I have a point of contention with the police. I believe that they misled the public with the name Drake. It was far to easy for anyone to find out his real name. Oh and yes I checked on the other names that Harlow uses and they belong to a rocket scientist here’s a link http://www.xmission.com/~tbrlaw/mcquay.html maybe it’s his father? Oh and is there a specific age to be a hit man, I think not. Kids are killing kids all over this country and in Iraq. Just because he is hot does not rule him out as a cold-blooded killer. The fact of the matter is most murderers are attractive. Andrew Cunanan, Scott Peterson, Timothy Boham (Marcus Allen) to name a few have all killed people. So that rules out the theory that because they are hot does not mean that they can not kill. As for the whole military thing I agree with you on that issue. But you state and I Quote “He's way too young and probably inexperienced! If he's so hard-up that he has to prostitute himself for a living, what are the chances he was wealthy or experienced enough to start-up that "boidello" and porn site himself? Why is "Mark" directing everything in the videos and on those sites?” then you state “but I honestly don't think Harlow the escort/porn hottie with a well-paying job is so desperate he would need to murder an enemy of Brent's to impress Brent.” If his job is so high paying why can’t he be the owner of Boybatter.com. I never said he was trying to impress Brent. I said it could be an obsessed fan of Brent’s who could have used Harlow’s picture or the 15-year-old boy that lied about Bryan who’s to say the kids parents did not make him lie to the police to make it all go away. They moved shortly there after.
I never said he owned the Boidello. I just reported what he said on the link that I included it in my previous post. Oh and if your in Virginia and feeling a little horny call (757) 717-0233 and ask Harlow up for a date, and we hope you live to tell about it. And if you think the police have ruled him out guess again I think that all parties are still under consideration for this crime. Also you should learn to be nice to people you seem a little combative.

5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even as a "Cobra troll" (5.52) I do still like the corrupted boy theory.

Even if Harlow owns Boybatter and realistically it would cost so little operate I don't see why not, then he would hardly see Bryan as competition. There must be 10,000s of other such sites.

I do find those pics of Harlow with Sean spooky. The lighting is poor but it may even indicate two seperate meetings.

Even if Harlow was in the navy reserve I doubt they teach them deadly techniques; more like a bit of lake sailing.

I don't go with the pro killer idea. I assume such people have their favourite weapon and don't treat it as disposable. The lack of densive wounds must have meant that for some portion of the encounter Bryan was at ease with his killer.

There are just too many options out there. Yes there are prime suspects and I only hope the police are considering each of them in turn.

It is frustrating not to see a higher profile investigation with a few arrests to stir things up.

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio posted a photobucket link to a pic of harlow and sean together...now i think think this is significant! like i wrote earlier, there are two possibilities, 1) harlow was hired by sean to do the killing; or 2) someone in vegas saw harlow and sean together, saw tham snapping photos together...and thought "what a great way to FRAME Brent for the murder im about to commit!" and sent the pic of harlow to kocis, setting up the interview in which he killed him.

I can tell you the photobucket pic was quite possibly taken 1/16/07, check out the EXIF data on the pic:

File size: 210121 bytes
File date: 2007:01:16 14:34:34
Camera make: SONY
Camera model: DSC-S500
Date/Time: 2007:01:12 00:00:46
Resolution: 405 x 449
Flash used: Yes (auto, return light detected)
Focal length: 5.4mm
Exposure time: 0.025 s (1/40)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO equiv.: 160
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: program (auto)

...so assuming the camera time/date stamp is accurate (NOT always a good idea but i see no reason doubt it here) this would be the date of the photo.

here is the direct link to the one im talking about:


9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no wait let me correct myself...the FILE DATE is 1/16/07 (?), which is probably the date the photo was transfered from the camera; the DATE/TIME is 1/12/07. at just after midnight (?)

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..and between the 2 pictures is a time difference of about 1 hour. what did these guys do at that time ;-)

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is the EXIF data on the second Brent/Harlow pic; as you can see it seems to have been taken only a few minutes before the other one:

File size: 150603 bytes
File date: 2007:01:16 14:34:33
Camera make: SONY
Camera model: DSC-S500
Date/Time: 2007:01:11 23:07:31
Resolution: 400 x 300
Flash used: Yes (auto, return light detected)
Focal length: 5.4mm
Exposure time: 0.025 s (1/40)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO equiv.: 160
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: program (auto)

direct link to photo:


9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...heh, ok, it was 53 minutes, so yeah close to an hour...

and harlow's bow tie came undone during those 53 minutes with brent, so let your imaginations soar... :)

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm harlow seems quite the car enthusiast...

9:38 AM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

Possible suspect Dewayne in SD(I was FUCKING my Alibi!)chiming in with an observation JIM. The EXIF data on the pix with Sean & Harlow indicate a camera used by Grant(I have pix from the GayVN and know what cameras they use)So tell me ANYONE why would Grant snap a Pix of Harlow & Sean then email it to Harlow. Yep sounds like a good plan, snap a pic of the Guy(with your BF) you want to hire to murder a rival!(cue Twilight Zone music) I have been reading Jasons for the last 2 weeks I don't think I have ever had so much FUN! BTW Bret (Bret hates DeWayne can't imagine why) the 15 yo in the 2001 case told police in his INITIAL encounter with Bryan he was given a Pepsi & passed out minutes later. When he woke up he had been "penetrated".(Don't know about YOU but that sounds like RAPE to me!) It was when his family worked out a "deal" to keep this out of court the kid changed his story to "consensual" That is what is in the Court records, the police interview is "sealed" but was freely reported in the Timesleader & Citizen Times before the Plea deal! I always wondered how much BK paid the family for their silence. I do know he filed for Chap 11 6 months later with debt in excess of 265K I like cartmans "theory" yeah it sounds like the murder was pro not an amateur but I just wonder if it was Bryan's "Crystal Connection" LOL yeah how do you think Bryan got so many of those middle class college boys to fuck on camera (it sure as hell wasn't the cash) Boys on Tina have no inhibitions! Yep the dirty little secret in Gay Porn is exposed Tina is the Directors little helper!

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeWayne, thanks for that. As an informed insider could you tell us in which Cobra films did Sean use "Tina" and which of his partners in those films also required this "helper".

12:08 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

10:35 - I never removed anything from my column/blog. After a certain date, everything is moved to the archives for members only. ;-) xo L, J.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

WOW! You guys are awesome! Those pics you dug up are incredible. How crazy to see them looking so "chummy."

I have always said my readers are waaaay more "in the know" than I am -- they give me half my information! But I never knew you were all such incredible investigative reporters as well! lol

Bravo! :-) :-) :-)

Have a great weekend everyone! xoxoxo


12:16 PM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

12:08 LOL Let he without "crystal up his nose" throw the first stone. In the case of our Gay community I'm afraid we are left STONELESS!

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeWayne @ 11:36,

"BTW Bret (Bret hates DeWayne can't imagine why) "
I don't hate you or know you.

Albert threw your name out on the "Brent's Musical Short Pending Release" Thread at 12:25 AM when he wrote:

"The simple fact is that Brent Corrigan and Grant Roy are no more suspects than DeWayne and I are, or Jim and Bret for that matter."

I only defended you when I informed Albert why Grant and Brent ARE more suspicious than you, me, Albert or Jim.

So tilt at some other windmill or imagine yourself the center of somebody else's universe LOL

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeWayne as 12.08 my comment was not facetious. I just thought that Cobra movies looked pretty clean compared to others.

If it surprises you, then this gay man, apart from a few poppers years ago, has always been chemical free and enjoying it.

My question was/is genuine.

2:00 PM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

Ok Bret there may be someone else using the name Bret,I was told a week ago that someone here(name of Bret) had posted that "a crazed fan could have killed Bryan and Dewayne the defacto leader of Brents online community was as good a suspect as any" So it may not have been you & that thread is now on Jasons member site. And I WOULD NOT call myself that anyway! Anon 2:00 No I was being truculent sorry! Yes Cobra looked cleaner than a lot of vid company's but the time period I am talking about was pre Brent 01 to 03 that is when a lot of the stories first came out about drug use. And the fact some of the early models showed signs of it. And I know what to look for! Remember Cialis & Vigara (which Bryan was known to use ) takes care of Tina's Dick! As for any later Drug use on set No one is talking & Bryan did get more "professional" as he went along

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dewayne - sorry this is becoming a personal dialogue - what first attracted me to Cobra was the guys were hard. I never understood how young guys - even straight - could be so flacid in sexual situations. See BelAmi as a classic example.

In some early Falcon stuff, I have, the guys are clearly on another planet. Having never taken crystal meth I suppose I don't know the obvious signs to look for. All the Cobra guys seem aware, non hyper and lucid - apart from Armand.

If Bryan was hit by his drug source it seems strange. Presumably such things occur when people can't pay - unlikely in this situation.

I am a pro-Cobra person and tend to go for the 15 y/o victim scenario.

3:24 PM  
Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

Anon 3:24 Crystal if used in a controlled way will let you have sex for hours & with the use of Cialis you can stay hard for hours. Both very important on a porn set. Believe me people in this biz will give you dirty looks if you talk about it. Some of our most famous porn stars have had very real problems with Crystal. Something so prevalent with gay youth, should we really expect our porn stars to be any different. I am not being judgmental just pointing out the unpleasant reality,,and yes I have everyone of those early Cobra videos I think we were all Fans! So who did Bryan in I would say my first thought again is that kid from 2001 but cartman has a point about the "cool,calculated" nature of the murder. Where is Mr.Poirot when you need him ? He always solved these messy murders so quickly!

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeWayne thanks. Whatever side of the "fence" we are on I hope no one would like to see this dreadful crime go unsolved because of homophobia within the police, the media or public at large.

At this point I really don't care about what either Sean or Bryan did or did not do. One of our community has been killed and we need to ensure he is treated in the same way as everyone else.

The more we are divided the less pressure there is to find the true culprit.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly agree with 4:16 PM. We can debate on who did what to whom all we want. But the real deal is that this murder case needs to be solved and justice done.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC I stand corrected - Sorry and thanx.

4,16 - well said.

7:17 PM  

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