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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Brent vs. Jeremy

Our pal ElMysterio has a new post up over on his blog where Brent Corrigan's webmaster has some interesting things to say about "the truth" behind the updates or lack thereof on Corrigan's web site.

While Corrigan has blasted his webmaster for incompetence and claimed himself to be "creatively crippled" by the situation, hottie webmaster Jeremy (who used to live with Corrigan and his partner Grant Roy in their San Diego home) has said he hasn't received what he needs from Corrigan to do his updates and any attempt at communication to the porn star goes unreturned.


Well, first of all, I've met Jeremy. He' s a good kid. "Kid" being the operative word.

It's hard to be the best webmaster in the world when you're still a "student" of the craft.

And to my boys in the land of Comments, let's get something clear: Though Jeremy may have been nude in those pool photos, there was no nudity shown. ...And there's a good reason why! I won't go into specifics (for now), but I will say that I have hung out with Jeremy, he is a good guy and as readers of my "Diary" will attest, I'm not one to stand for "warfare" of any kind these days. ;-)

Another hint: When Brent Corrigan was asked at The X Show if Jeremy would be featured as a model on the site, Corrigan said, "No, you definitely won't be seeing Jeremy naked on camera anytime soon. He... um, yeah, let's just leave it at that."

Yeah, let's do. And let's stop putting people on blast while we're at it. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm the first to comment, yay

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont get it, why won't we see him naked? does he have an unusually small penis? or some other freakish... thing..? i'm also the second to comment

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol they are soooooo totally imploding over at camp corrigan....

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think someone else said it best all who wish to survive must run NOT walk to the nearest exit

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it the heavy hints mean that Jeremy was under 18 of course.

Just what we need another Brent Corrigan underage scandal lol.

Does anyone know if USC2257 allows underage models who appear to be naked so long as you dont see their dick ?

It hardly goes with the spirit of the law. Surely you couldn't have a shirtless 10 y/o boy in a pic with a 20 y/o naked man.

Isn't context everything ?

Will Jeremy use the Brent excuse of not being responsible for anything because he was/is just a kid ?

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 12:26 Exit They are all too busy rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic! Let it GO Sean it's OVER, save yourself! And Jeremy needs to wise up and walk if he is telling members they have New material to post at BCO and he KNOWS Lee will not be posting then Jeremy(Jonathon) Carson is complicit in FRAUD!

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which begs the question why hire a cute blond hot possibly underaged twink if your not sure he can do the job! I'll tell you why, because hiring Jeremy was not about the website it was about him being cute and I assume fuckable.

This is no reflection on Jeremy. I probably would have jumped at the chance to earn money in my choosen field but it does show more clearly what's really important to the members of LSG.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...especially when your underage webmaster is not allowed to see the material he has to put on the website.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grant and Sean are complete hippocrates. They hire a hot underaged twink to run there website and then blast Bryan Kocis for doing something similar.

2:28 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

People we need to understand a few things here. Yes the possibility that Jeremy is under-aged has been put on the table. We don’t know if he is or not, but just because he was naked in a pool does not mean all that much. We really should focus on the real issue here. What is going on at LSG Media and why is Brent bringing all the problems of their company out in a public forum. We have seen no progress on the site as of late with the exception of a few blog posts. These have been removed and re-posted a few times and that is pretty much it. I for one have posted on my blog about it and even posted Brent’s deleted post. Brent, Grant, Lee and Jeremy appear to be the only passengers on a sinking ship. They can’t seem to come to an agreement on which direction to take the company or even company structure. So as I see it this company is just going to fade away unless someone has the common sense to pull it together. Brent is the star of this whole operation and he is totally being wasted as a performer if they won’t let him work. What I have seen so far is nothing short of a disaster. It is really sad to see something that had so much promise come to a crashing end. There are just so many lies and deceptions surrounding LSG Media. With the murder of Bryan Kocis and the horror this has caused Harlow Cuadra and company I don’t see a happy ending in the near future.

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read someone said that Bryan Kocis only ran Cobra as a hobby cos he liked being around cute young guys.

Looks like BCO is run on much the same lines.


2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elm 2.26 said

"Yes the possibility that Jeremy is under-aged has been put on the table. We don’t know if he is or not, but just because he was naked in a pool does not mean all that much."


Looks like LSG are not the only people applying double standards.

elm = Hippocrit # 2

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"just because he was naked in a pool does not mean all that much"

On what planet ?

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel there has never been a plan by Lee to post new scenes. Lee is committing a FRAUD at BCO. Sean and Grant need to make a clear statement that is what Lee is doing. I bet Lee is giving them some revenue from the member site & stringing them along on promising to pay Sean for his video work (FAT CHANCE Sean)What Lee hopes to do is let Sean get the blame for the failure of the member site, when Lee has sabotaged BCO since billing went back online. I "wonder" if Cobra is getting their 20% share from BCO I hear they are not! hmm sounds like someone has "torn up" the settlement,,,as for Jeremy Carson I would not be surprised he is VERY immature and yet on the member site we were led to believe he was over 21.

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard. So you are privy to the LSG/Cobra remittance arrangements with CCBILL then ?

Pray tell more.

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and check out the pics on grant´s myspace

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Blog-Entry on BCO!

3:06 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

What I meant about Jeremy is that he is being used as a pawn in this whole mess. The fact that they have some pictures of him swimming in a pool with no cloths does not detract from the bigger picture here. The company is in dire straits right now and pulling Jeremy into the fray is just a distraction. We can all agree that this company is going through a really bad time and we all know why. So lets not let these distractions cause us to loose focus. Why don’t you try to find out why Jeremy no longer lives with Brent and Grant?
Or focus on why Lee is doing what he is doing. All the people throwing around the word hypocrite should step back and see if they are in fact the hypocrites themselves. I never signed up for Brent’s web-site Cobra video or Boybatter and probably never will. I have read his blog and various articles on him and have posted based on what I have read. I have not blindly defended him or any of the other parties involved in this whole mess. I think I have been pretty level headed with what I have posted. I will admit there were times when I said some things in anger but if I was out of line I apologized or retracted those statements. I have my opinions on this whole sordid mess and have been pretty consistent with them. So say what you want about me but it’s all in print and I will stand by it.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those nude pics of the underage boy with Brent were probably taken by Grant.

I wonder if Chad Breville will be working for Jeremy now ? How many other LSG models will he say were underage?

Has Grant reported himself to the FBI ?

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lay off Brent he was only a kid how could he know. Jeremy probably provided a false birth certificate.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sick of hearing about this Brent Corrigan lowlife. He sounds like a real fucking loser and undeserving of any attention at all. The porn world really needs to divorce itself from him completely.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course none of this can be true until either DeWayne of Albert share their exclusive inside information with us. lol

So D & A why do think it was OK for Brent to post a pic of himself naked with an underage kid and have the same underage boy edit hardcore porn on the BCO.com site ?

Was it Cobra's fault or a corrupt judge ?

You must have the FBI on your speedial.

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This mess just gets funnier and funnier. Who will Sean blaim this time ?

Jason, why are you being so vague about Jeremy's age yet give such unsubtle hints. Did you check out HIS driving licence ?

No one else has suggested the underage thing about Jeremy and he still looks older than Sean in EPD.

I would have thought it would be a credible news desk article in itself if underage Sean posted underage pics.

6:09 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

I never saw a driver's license but I know it wasn't an unusually small penis that was the problem! LOL ... And don't start freaking out and thinking we DID anything because I could've just seen it in a urinal for all you know. But I saw it. It's huge.

But what I can tell you I DO know for sure is that when he first went to live with Brent and Grant, his MySpace page said he was 17.

He changed that age AFTER I first met him when he attended Brent's "Young & the Curious" broadcast.

I also confronted him on the matter, but that was a private conversation between us that will remain private. ;-)

This thing was pretty obvious to a lot of us from the beginning.



6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This probably isn't the right place to ask this - but since it is a post about Brent - the last movie put out by Cobra was "Take It Like a Bitch Boy". It seems however, that it can only be ordered from the website - I haven't seen it for sale anywhere else online, and it isn't in the video stores. It's been for sale on the Cobra sight for months - what's the holdup on the release to stores - or will it ever be released to stores?

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jason included one of my posts (small penis thing, (i feel stupid now that i'm not smart enough to pick up on "unsubtle" hints)in his post! so not only was i 1st, and 2nd to post, but jason sorta kinda included my poor speculation in his post, wow

6:45 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

6:45 - Stop! Don't be so hard on yourself. I was admittedly talking in riddles. xo L, J.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

And when I said "obvious to a lot of us from the beginning" -- I meant porn insiders who met him. xo L, J.

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This probably isn't the right place to ask this - but since it is a post about Brent - the last movie put out by Cobra was "Take It Like a Bitch Boy". It seems however, that it can only be ordered from the website - I haven't seen it for sale anywhere else online, and it isn't in the video stores. It's been for sale on the Cobra sight for months - what's the holdup on the release to stores - or will it ever be released to stores?

i have been wondering about this myself since it went on sale on cobravideo.com, i, being one who waits for new stuff to come out, then watch it on the online "theater". its not available there either.

i think i read it a previous post it was part of that settlemet thingy, like, they were waition on full distribution because it may have been repackaged.

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back up just a second here while I try to understand what you guys are saying. Are you saying Jeremy may have been underaged when those photos were taken? Heck, maybe he still is under 18?

Wow, this is not good for L, S, or G. There are nude photos of Sean and Jeremy on the blog, as we've probably all seen. I don't care how much or how little you see, he was clearly naked! If he was underage when those were taken, isn't Grant just as guilty as Bryan was for taking pics of Sean underage or do the same rules not apply here?

Also, can anyone remember from the behind the scene vids if Jeremy was featured in any of them? I'm 50% sure he was in at least one of them around the house but I think he remained clothed. It's been a long time since I saw those so can anyone help out on this question.

As to the naked photos of Jeremy on BCO's blog. The date stamp on them say they were taken on April 26, 2006. So, for Jeremy to be of age when those photos were taken, that means he would have had to have been born on or prior to April 26, 1988 or I'd say there's a big problem here.

I wonder what Sean has to say about this. I'm sure we'll hear a story about this soon too. We always do...

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you saw the penis eh, hmm, did u see his ass?

6:52 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

6:52 - No, I did not. Told you not to get excited! lol xo L, J.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy I think is or was underage I recall.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremey was 17 when he went to live with Sean and his CobraKiller. The CobraKiller took naked pictures of this UNDERAGE boy. The CobraKiller BOASTED he was doing all he could to talk Jeremy into doing PORN for BCO - this was said in blogs by the CobraKiller.

This UNDERAGED boy was EXPOSED and ENCOURAGED into PORN by the CobraKiller.

This MUST be reported to the correct authorities ASAP.

Grant CobraKiller Roy boasted both he and Sean had SEX with this underaged boy in a BLOG on BCO last year.

Grant CobraKiller Roy is a sick pervert of the worst kind.

BCO camp, spin and justify this one.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy, get yourself a lawyer. You can sue Sean, Grant, Lee and LSG for a variety of things. Do be careful, these people are extremely dangerous.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, shame on you for not reporting BCO for hiring an underage boy. You are aware more than most that it is illegal to have someone underage looking at porn, let alone working with it.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:00 PM and 8:04 PM posted by me.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is disturbingly clear that Grant Roy allegedly likes younger guys, and I say allegedly because although I do not know him personally, many of the signs are there. Regardless of the age issue surrounding Jeremy I think it is highly improper for a man of 40 to be even in a pool with someone who is underage. Just asking for trouble. I feel very very sorry for Brent who seems to have never had a proper childhood and has been taken advantage of, and also continuing the cycle of abuse taking advantage of others. It is time for him to grow up and leave the world of adult movies to his past.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WM not allegedly, it is known fact CobraKiller likes them young and underage.

He is a very sick and perverted individual who is a danger to underage boys who he finds online and in general, who come into contact with him.

the CobraKillers past rants about reporting someone to the FBI for the same thing was clearly an attempt to divert attention from his own now documented actions.

In light of the circumstances surrounding the death of Bryan, I strongly suspect the FEDS will take action - assuming they have not already.

That will be a good thing and most probably save lives as well as remove scum from being able to pray on the innocence of underage boys.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if Jeremy is under age than all those who knew this fact are complicit to the crime that occurred. That means Jason, Grant, Sean and Lee could all be charged. Child pornography is illegal in California. You can not use Bryan’s bogus excuse here. Jason the fact that you just stated in print that you knew he was under-age is going to come back and bite you in the ass.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, this place smells like troll shit!

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

might not talking to jeremy from brent´s side be caused by jealousy. sean/brent afraid of loosing grant to a younger less burnt in porn twink.
the hugging with bryan in las vegas as an reaction to make grant jealous could have started another trigger...

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Jason if you KNEW THIS about Jeremy in June were you not legally obligated to report it? Also why did'nt you insist on checking Jeremy's ID,,because then YOU would have BEEN required to report your then Good friends to the Police,,This one IF TRUE makes you complicit in "Corrupting a minor"

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we should all ask Jeremy to produce a certified birth certificate. Then we can find out who will be going to jail. If he was in porn or had to view porn or even on a porn set underage it is in clear violation of 2257 and child welfare laws. And there are a lot of bars in southern California that could loose their liquor licenses or be fined due to the fact that he was in their establishments under-aged. I say bust all the bitches and put an end to child porn forever.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then it means Jason gets shut down too,promoting Child porn and reposting a picture of Jeremy's on his site obviously underage and doing WHAT to Dickie. God Bestiality too what is this world coming too.Jason you must of course salve your conscience by shutting down this site pronto,,

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43 PM wrote *doing WHAT to Dickie*


11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As if a 17 year-old's parents are going to let him move to California and live with two gay men.

Considering that very little information has been provided by JC's site, only rumor and innuendo, it's really not a good idea to believe much of anything posted here.

"For Entertainment Purposes Only," as the ads for Psychic Friends hot-line says.

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:35 PM:

The age of Jeremy is NOT rumor and innuendo, it is fact as stated on JG forum blogs and BCO.

Jeremy being exposed to PORNOGRAPHY is NOT rumor and innuendo, he works for a porn site.

Jeremy doing a photo shoot for the CobraKiller is NOT rumor and innuendo, it is fact. Many have seen the images posted at BCO.

Jeremy having sex with Sean and his CobraKiller is NOT rumor and innuendo. Those actions were confirmed by the CobraKiller in blogs and at BCO.

Surely you can come up with better spin than your last one.

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:35 PM says "As if a 17 year-old's parents are going to let him move to California and live with two gay men. "

If anyone is to believe that Sean Lockhart was indeed 17 when he lived with Bryan - you want me to believe it could not happen to any other 17 year old?

That is the problem with the Sean camp, none of them are consistent, let alone having credibility.

12:06 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Okay fellas, all I said I knew for SURE was that his MySpace account SAID he was 17. Then it was changed. Maybe it was wrong and later corrected. Who knows?

Jeremy and I went to an 18+ club so it wouldn't have done much good asking for an ID as he obviously had one and as we all know with the Brent situation, that counts for very little.

So just to get the FACT clear, all we know for sure is what was reflected on his MySpace page, what Brent said at "The X Show" and the interesting fact that there was no actual nudity shown in those photos.

It does SEEM to add up...

...but still, no one has any substantial proof.

Which is precisely WHY I didn't come right out and say anything in the post.

All I did was give the facts as I knew them.



12:41 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

A few other things to consider...

A. If Jeremy was indeed the one running the blog and the site, it was he who posted the photos of himself. They could potentially even spin it and say they had no idea those photos were posted since they weren't handling the "technical" end of things.

B. It's not illegal to post no-nudity shots of boys together naked, is it? If that were the case, XY Magazine and a lot of sites would have been shut down a very long time ago. Even as it sits next to porn, what about the blogs that throw semi-nudes of early Aaron Carter in one post and full on pornography in the next? It's a really fine line.

12:56 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Well I hate to say this but the pictures of Jeremy on BCO do reveal his naughty bits. But I guess, if as you say Jason. Jeremy himself posted the pictures then he is just as culpable as anyone else involved in this latest scandal.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

OMG - they do?!

Fuck. Maybe I'm wrong then.

Maybe he is legal. Ugh.

I should just take this post DOWN. lol

1:07 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Yes they do but I would not worry about it because Jeremy probably posted them himself. But it’s your call whether or not you keep the post up. But I would check with Jeremy to confirm his age just to be safe. Lets just hope your wrong for once.

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Journalists fact-check....

1:16 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

When they state something as FACT, they FACT-CHECK...... which I am not doing! lol

You can try to spin this as being "Jason's fault" all you want, but I don't see anyone going after the bloggers who say they heard about Trevor Knight exposing himself in public or Britney Spears doing cocaine in a bathroom just because they didn't report it to the authorities -- both which are also very illegal.

And those are eyewitnesses!

Which I, unfortunately, am not in this case.

I'm not taking my blog down.

I am not stating a fact, I am suggesting a theory. I will clarify that here.

1:20 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Don’t feel bad Jason we all get raked over the coals sometimes I did today and I came back fighting too.

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Entertainment Purposes Only, folks.

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason I get your point.

Sean and CobraKiller posted on the BCO blog and JGOO blog that Jeremy was 17 and too young to do porn. Jeremy himself in a blog said he probably would not do porn himself, but did not rule it out when he is old enough to do so. Sean posted that he would do what he needed to do to get Jeremy to do a shoot for BCO - everyone in the blogs were begging to see Jeremy naked and to do a shoot with Sean. Grant took all the images by his own admission bragging about it. A few were posted on BCO along with a blog written by Sean.

Regardless if Jeremy posted the images without BCO knowing (they DID know coz of blog comments made by Sean), this does not lesson the fact Grant the child molester did a photo shoot with a very naked Sean Lockhart and very naked 17 year old minor.

As MJ says:
"As to the naked photos of Jeremy on BCO's blog. The date stamp on them say they were taken on April 26, 2006. So, for Jeremy to be of age when those photos were taken, that means he would have had to have been born on or prior to April 26, 1988".

Jeremy may be 18 now, but he was not of age when the very much older Grant CobraKiller Roy decided to dabble in kiddie porn.

nothing can change these facts.

2:30 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

BB you just don’t get it do you Jeremy is of legal age. If BCO posted his pictures when he was underage they would be no better than Cobra Video. I would think that they would defiantly not go there due to the fact of what they were dealing with at the time. With all the hot boys willing to do porn and work with Brent. Why would they use a model that was underage? I have seen Jeremy’s Myspace page and his age is listed as 20 years old. Yes I know he could lie about his age and he could also have a fake ID. The facts are he was the webmaster of the site in question and he posted the pictures. So that makes Jeremy just as culpable as anyone else who was aware of his being underage and not reporting it. So a lot of people better hope Jeremy is in fact 20 years old.

2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clear up any confusion, Sean was well aware the photos of Jeremy were posted on his blog. He mentions this fact in the accompanying blog post from April 27, 2006. Sean says in the blog post, among other things:

"These pictures with this blog entry are of me and Jeremy Carrson. He’s starting to pick up some of the work here for the site (web design, etc). He’s a Texan import . . . any of y’all remember what I said about Texas? Lets just say Jeremy and I have very similar anatomical parts . . . below the belt. Jeremy’s a wild wild one and I’ve been a bad boy.
... I’m feeling a bit lonely over here, with or without Jeremy’s big dick

Whether Sean himself posted the nude photos of he and Jeremy or if Jeremy did, I do not know. And it doesn't really matter who posted them; The fact is they were posted on BCO, meaning all associated with the site are responsible should Jeremy be proven to have been underage at the time. Lee, Sean, Grant and Jeremy.

Sean and co. do not need any more drama added to the seemingly never ending list of problems they have. They most certainly do not need an underage scandal. I hope Jeremy was of age when the photos in question were taken and of age when he began working for a porn site.

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elm 2.59 said

"I would think that they would defiantly not go there due to the fact of what they were dealing with at the time."

Isn't this the very same argument that the Cobra trolls use to support the view that Bryan would not have knowing used an underage model because of his prior conviction.

Are the arguments now going to be reversed or will someone stop this quickly by getting Jeremy to confirm his age when the pics were taken.

As for LSG being less culpable to the alleged kidiporn because the kid himself technically posted the pics that is a non starter.

It was LSG's site. Jeremy worked under their instruction and it was LSG that gave the USC2257 compliance certificate.

If 16 y/o boys could make a pile of dosh by bypassing the kidiporn rules by posting hardcore pics of themselves on their own websites don't you think it would be happening all the time ?

Kids cannot legally consent to hardcore pics of themselves being posted anywhere and therefore cannot be culpable.

Please Jeremy stop this one spiraling out of control.

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't Sean post the blog and associated pics by himself?

I thought that Jeremy said he hadn't had contact with Sean for months. Also Sean says some of his pics are posted that very morning.

If it all had to be sent to Jeremy first it would suggest a very efficient editing process given the difference in time zones etc.

Who actually physically inserts the pics on the website cannot be relevant if they do it as a contractor.

That would like be suing the minimum wage photolab guy for processing someone elses porn pics.

4:23 AM  
Blogger Albert said...

This gets so tiresome. Just stop guys. (That was private, you trolls carry on.)

4:35 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

MJ, I never said Sean did not know about the pictures. This post is from April 2006 when Jeremy first started with BCO. So again we are in agreement on this matter. I just did not get into exact detail.

Anonymous @4:11AM
As for the culpability of the parties involved I never said LSG media was less culpable. What I said was “The facts are he was the webmaster of the site in question and he posted the pictures. So that makes Jeremy just as culpable as anyone else who was aware of his being underage and not reporting it. So a lot of people better hope Jeremy is in fact 20 years old”.

Anonymous @4:23 AM

Doesn't Sean post the blog and associated pics by himself?

He may do that now but at the time these pictures were posted Jeremy was living with them and he was their webmaster. So he was well aware of the pictures being posted.

I thought that Jeremy said he hadn't had contact with Sean for months. Also Sean says some of his pics are posted that very morning.

Yes you are correct that Jeremy said he has had no contact with Sean since November of 2006. But this took place in April of 2006 when Jeremy was living in San Diego with Sean and Grant.

If it all had to be sent to Jeremy first it would suggest a very efficient editing process given the difference in time zones etc.

Jeremy and Sean were in the same city and the same house putting them in the same time zone. So the editing process was in fact quite efficient.

Who actually physically inserts the pics on the web-site cannot be relevant if they do it as a contractor.

That’s a good point to bring up but I would assume that Sean and Jeremy both would and did so in this case.

That would like be suing the minimum wage photolab guy for processing someone elses porn pics.

As far as Jeremy suing LSG Media for posting the pictures that would have been done last year after they were posted. I will also add if Jeremy was my son and he would not be living away from home at the age of 17 or being subjected to such depravity. I have a question, where were his parents during this time? And they should be the ones suing LSG media if in fact Jeremy is underage.

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All video content and photo galleries on the BrentCorriganOnline members site were formated, secured and uploaded by Jeremy. To my knowledge, he is still the only person who has access to those areas of the website. At least that is what I was told by Brent and Grant in a conversation I had with them when all the website lockout, etc; was taking place!

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After the haircut I would say Brents got about as much time as Billy Brandt did after he left Falcon.....It's over Brent...The haircut makes you look just down right ugly....And the only thing you had going was the twink hook...thats over now...Time to get out the leather and get your add on RentBoy.com

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio said...

"BB you just don’t get it do you Jeremy is of legal age."

elm, I respectfully am telling you that you are the one who is wrong here. while Jeremy probably is of legal age now, he was UNDERAGE when he lived with Sean and his CobraKiller.

however, no need to take my word for it, the FBI are now taking care of this matter. it is what they find out that matters.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the MINOR Jeremy is not as culpable as anyone else who was aware of his being underage and not reporting it. as he was legally a child at the time he can not be held responsible for his actions at his involvement with porn. the responsibility by law falls on BCO, Lee, Sean and his Cobrakiller. nothing anyone says here can change that - it is FACT.

Elm, yes, you are correct, Jeremys parents can also sue those who involved their minor son in porn.

I also recall Grant CobraKiller Roy claiming he met Jeremy online.

These are very sick individuals. Their antics have (and continue to do so) finally caught up with them.

The sooner they are locked up, the better.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me get this clear... those that say Jeremy was of legal age when he began working at BCO are now saying Sean and Grant the child molesters lied about Jeremy being underage?

5:30 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

From the information I have gathered from this tread is that Jeremy’s Myspace page said he was 17 years old in April 2006. Jason had a question about his age and was not sure if he was in fact 17 when he started to work for LSG Media. This whole thing is based on his age as listed at the time on his Myspace page. Jason has said that they went to an 18 and over club together and Jeremy had ID and he got into the club. Jason is questioning if it was valid ID or a photo-shopped ID. From what I understand with Myspace if you wanted a private page you had to be 15 or younger to get one. This has since been changed so anyone can have a private page now. But when Jeremy first got his Myspace page this was not the case. So it originally said he was 15 years old. With my space and a few other sites once you put the year you were born the page updates your age automatically. What I have noticed is that Jeremy’s Myspace page is still set to private but it shows his age as 20 years old. So that would mean Jeremy changed his age sometime between when Jason first saw his Myspace page and now. So if in fact Jeremy is 20 years old now one year ago he was 19 years old. So he would have been legal to work for LSG Media. The only issue now is if Jeremy is 20 years old or not. Another age Issue just what we need. I am going to go with the age he has listed on his Myspace page as being correct. What purpose does Jeremy have for lying about it? There is no love lost between he and Brent. As to the question of whom is culpable in this matter all and anyone who knew if in fact Jeremy was under-age in April 2006. That does include Jeremy. There was just a case where a teenaged girl was charged with child pornography. Here is a link to the story. The government is not playing with this issue. So be real careful where you throw those accusations.


7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the Cobra Video Myspace page. Last login was 1/26/2007.


11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i posted earlier about how easy it is to obtain alternate id..not just fake id, but an id that will stand up to government records because you are assuming the identity of someone who was really born and has a real birth certificate..

beleive me, there is no way to tell someone's true age or even who they really are because it is so easy to get government issued id!!!!

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:46 AM  

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