No Sir, I Don't Mean Maybe

You know you've made it big when you get featured on blog roundups. As of this morning, Branson's Bloggings, the blog that dares to ask the question "What if Jason Sechrest and Brandon Baker had a love child?" is one of the featured links on
You can also now reach the blog via the URL:
Brandon, I'm so proud of our little fetus.
Who knew at the moment of conception (pictured here) that our baby would become a star before he's even left the womb!
One thing's for sure: He'll host EVERYTHING!
As ridiculous as this all my sound, I bet you within a month it'll be featured in Cybersocket Magazine.
I won't even bother telling you how many hits this blog is getting per day -- simply because there is no way on earth anyone would ever believe me!
P.S.: This blog is NOT written by Brandon or myself. But we highly, highly endorse the attention.
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