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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Harlow Blogs From Jail

Harlow Cuadra has finally spoken from behind bars and he's done so in his official blog at HarlowCuadraOnline.com, clearing up a few rumors and announcing the launch for his legal defense fund.

"I am a male escort and I was accused of a very heinous crime that I did not commit," says Cuadra. "Anyone that knows me knows I am a good guy that could never have committed this crime. Would like for all of you to know that all I want is a fair trial and for all of you to stop judging before we have a trial. Its kind of ironic that Brent Corrigan was so willing to turn states evidence in something that he claims not to have anything to do with! Go figure that one. Needless to say I think there is more to that situation because he surely did have a motive and he was real quick to point fingers. Now ain't that some food for thought."

Cuadra also expresses exasperation at the continual postponment of the forfeiture hearing. "Again and again it keeps getting canceled," he says. "What is the deal with this? We just want to go to the hearing and get our stuff back and they keep canceling. Why... ? Are they just waiting for our cars and house to be repossessed? Dirty way to handle the case, there is nothing clean and legal about this. The state is trying to allow all of our creditors to take our property, then act like their hands are clean. ... Now what does that tell you?"

Cuadra's friends have begun a site called FreeHarlowCuadra.com where never before seen photos, t-shirts and ball caps of Harlow are being given in exchange for donations made towards his legal defense.

One porn star who wished to remain anonymous has been in contact with Cuadra on a weekly basis since his arrest and told me this morning, "Every time I talk to him on the phone, he just makes me cry. He's so pitiful. We all just really want to help him however we can."


Blogger Jody said...

Oh, for the love of Cthulhu.

[rolls eyes]

9:22 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

OFF TOPIC, a little.

This was just posted tonight at the Blog of my boyfriend, DeWayne in SD. The second comment and conclusion is from me. DeWayne is out trying to find some good Angus burgers for tomorrows Fourth of July celebration.

er said...
Just got this email from CCBill:

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I won't re-subscribe to this website!

As for your request to complain, I will consider it but feel it is not necessary.
The truths told on your blog and other sources will insure the end of the "majority" partner of LSG Media, LLC's plans.

I sent you an email regarding a speculation I had and also a small "gift" for Brent which you might pass along.

I will, from now on, refer to the quintessential devil of this fiasco as the "majority partner or owner" because I can no longer bring myself to write or even speak his name.

Thank you for your blog and THANK YOU for helping Brent!


7/03/2007 08:27:00 PM

Albert said...
Control of the blog seems to have been taken over. Some previously approved comments are now deleted and on the last post, comments are closed. Looks like the party is over at BrentCorriganOnLine.com.
It was such an honor and priviledge to have been a part of it. Many great people stopped by there. Many will follow. New people will find the next incarnation but this was special. To Brent and everyone that helped make that blog the phenomenom it was, thank you.
Love from Texas, Albert
7/03/2007 09:11:00 PM

In the end, I would suggest that you evaluate the future of BrentCorriganOnline.com, without Brent Corrigan on it’s own merits. I am pretty sure Ernie above, reflects the majority view.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if this wasn't strange enough, Harlow has just posted to his blog the words to the effect that Damon Kruezer is full of shit and knows not about which he speaks or claims. I quote from Harlows blog entry of yesterday under "Harlow News Flash"......

"Lets get something very clear i am not and will not be doing a book with Damon Kruezer. As for his rantings about a book , that is not gonna happen in this life time. As for the letters he claims that have so much personal information that is far fetched, Damon you need to slow your jets down and stop trying to make a buck off of other peoples misery. :( "

Sorry if I hyjacked this post, but it appears that there are more losers in the gay community than orginally thought.

Damon Kruezer is a liar, fraud and self serving cunt.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This thing about Damon Kruezar is a little weird. Yes, he's promoting himself, but he seems fully behind Harlow on this so why reject help from someone who is willing to come forward and help? I'm sure there's much more.

Do I think Harlow and his boyfriend were involved in the murder? Yes, but to what degree I'm not sure. Do I think Brent and Grant were involved? Absolutely, but I don't know to what extent as the police seem to consider this an open and shut case and aren't looking beyond Harlow. Do I think the police are playing dirty here? Yeah, because I have a feeling in their mind, they have killers, they have GAY killers, and they have GAY killers who make GAY PORN. They could care less about the idea of innocent until proven guilty, and I think they will put the screws to Harlow and his business and see that he is ruined, whether he is convicted for this crime or not (and I have a feeling he and his boyfriend will be).

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the investigators are and have been rough on Harlow and Joe because they are "gay killers". I think they've been treated this way because they ARE killers. (if they are guilty which the evidence points to)
The investigators have done incredible impressive work right from the start on this case; Which was finding a murderer of a gay porn producer. So, no homophobia there.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Rob said...


I agree with your remarks in post #5 here. A very good summary of the detective work that took place in this case.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say this, you should look beyond the affidavit and try to see why this is so cut and dry. wht purpose did Joe and Harlow have to kill Bryan? what purpose did Sean and Grant have to kill Bryan. what about Lee Bergeron and Robert Wagner maybe they conspired to get rid of Bryan because he was fucking with the plans of other people who had to much at stake. I have a question for you, Why would a jilted ex-boyfriend bank roll a porn company with his ex and his new boyfriend? becuase he was working for the other team and was asked to do so. from what I heard Lee asked to be involved not the other way around. just some info you might not know.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

This is so cut and dry because of the overwheling amount of evidence against Harlow and Joe. Add their confession which waa recorded at great risk to Brent and Grant and the motive, as stupid as it seems, really becomes irrelevant.
Ignoring the evidence because it does not fit your preconcieved concept of motive is hardly an intelligent approach.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for the life of me can not understand why people are trying to make Sean and Grant heros. the olny reason they did those beach tapes was to cover their own asses. Joe and Harlow were set up from the start to take the fall for this. the real killer is still at large but we all know who he is and why he did it. the truth will come out but we have to help the wrongly accussed first. Sean is as much a part of the whole illegal part of Cobra Video as Bryan was and so are allot of other people. the main problem is there are to many liars and not enough people who are telling the truth. the lies will get to the truth though. here is a list of the players in this story.
Sean Lockhart/Brent Corrigan: former Cobra model and underage porn star. Brent is the key to this whole thing, strange that Brent is only in a few of the released Cobra video's

Grant Roy: unwitting dupe opf Brent Corrigan and currenly being used as Brents unsuspecting mouth piece and Body Guard.

Merlin Lee Nail/Bergeron: the true snake in the grass who double crossed Sean and Grant only to be shot down by Bryan Kocis.

Bryan kocis: who was a porn Porducer and Director and also a specialty producer of on request underage porn for select clientale. quite illegal I might add but quite lucrative.

Robert Wagner/Aaron Phelps: he was Bryan's right hand man and his little henchman and all around spy and also the second photographer on many of the video shoots. both legal and not so legal. he is also the one who thought he was Bryan's special boy toy but was replaced by Bryans true desire Brent Corrigan.

Joe Kerekes: aka mark and trent. one of the principals of Boybatter video whop was suckered into this mess with the promise of big dollars by the toxic twink.

Harlow Cuadra: who was pulled in to this mess and all he was trying to do was to make good viedos for there clients. he was lied to by Sean and Grant and made to take the fall for there stupid plan.

Cad: the barester who claims that Bryan was a saint and did nothing wrong.yet there is to much evidence out there that proves otherwise.

and Last not but not least we have BB the vocal puppet who is spouting of his hate about the Cobra Killer. funny thing is they claim to be ennemies but in reality they are most likly working together maintain the frame of Joe and Harlow. I would not put any of this past any of them. there is just to much trash in the way to see where we are going with this.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Well, after studying the grammar errors and writing style here I think I know who this anon is but I’ll let it pass. Anon at 1:03 PM, keep working on that.
I am a number one fan of Brent as you know. I think he is a neat guy with great looks, well spoken, well written, quite intelligent. His personal charm tells me he could change a lot in this world. He impresses me.
According to you, everyone else involved, either was or is an idiot. Only Brent knew everything and he used that knowledge to manipulate everybody. He is so good he tricked a half dozen investigative and law enforcement agencies into listening to and believing a murder confession he tricked somebody else into making while they were both appropriately dressed on a nude beach. That was part of Brent’s plan. He had previously tricked that Harlow Joe into committing the murder. He tricked them into leaving a trail of evidence so damning, no one is even trying to rescue Joe, his accomplice in crime.
After months of intensive investigation, Brent is states evidence and not charged with anything.
No doubt he manipulated Lee into making some bad real estate investments, knowing the market had peked and would only go down in southern California thereby forcing Lee to divert all his available assets to personal financial survival rather then honorable business dealings. That would leave Brent free to begin another long and expensive civil suit. The wisdom of which is still hidden from most observers.
If Brent could pull all that off, he is a genius beyond my imagination. He should receive a presidential pardon just for being the smartest man on earth.

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert you are a blazing idiot sometimes and BB is right about you. You and your underage porn collection tells allot about you. You kiss Brents ass like it's the Popes ring. Brent is involved in this as is Robert Wagner and the fact is that there was a plan to kill Bryan and Harlow was used as the fall guy. You see Robert was working with Brent to get rid of Bryan. There little rivalry was played up to hide the fact that they were working together. Bryan was dirty and he was making threats to them and stopping them at every chance he got so he had to be dealt with. Ask Brent about the name Danny Moilen, I bet thats why Brents myspace page disappeared. The evidence was there. Brent made the introductions to Bryan but it was not Harlow it was Danny. He even admits it on Jody's blog. He just does not tell the name that was used. It was all set up by Brent and Robert. as you know Bryan trusted Robert and robert set up the appointment for Harlow/Danny. But there is evidence that will prove that and it will be forthcoming. Don't worry about it you will all be dealt with when the truth comes out.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

At some vague point in the future, you may have a fact to back up your argument. Got it. Brilliant. We will all await your 'forthcoming' evidence.

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Velvet Death Trap”
Here is a little scenario for you Albert. Sean and Harlow started to have a friendship, Sean informed Harlow about all the nasty things that Bryan did to him. Sean just left out a lot of the details as usual.
About the fact that he was out to get Bryan and why. Sean and Grant asked Harlow to come to Vegas, why did they do this when as they claim they were under contract to Cobra Video and could not work with Harlow and Joe. We all know how Sean feels about contracts and agreements now don’t we? The fact that Sean referred Harlow to Bryan as Danny Moilen is quite telling. Sean thinks that the evidence of that went away with his deleted Myspace page. You see Sean admitted this in the deleted post on Jody Wheelers blog. And we all know how honest Sean is. He will lie to cover his ass and he does not care who gets hurt.
I bet he even lied to Robert Wagner to get him involved. You see this was a twisted plan to get rid of Bryan. You see Robert hated Sean and when he got wind of Sean’s plans with Harlow he set up the whole thing working as Bryan’s agent. He set up the appointments and confirmed them as well. You see Robert aka Aaron had been at Bryan’s since he left Las Vegas doing Bryan’s bidding. Robert aka Aaron was going to be replaced By Sean again and this time he was not going to take it. You see Robert aka Aaron got wind of the backdoor deal that Bryan lee had set up to squeeze Grant out of the picture. Le would sell his share of LSG to Bryan at a profit and all the video footage with it. That deal was something that Sean and Grant were also aware of and that was the main reason to kill Bryan. With Grant out of the way Bryan would have control over Sean again and he would not need Robert aka Aaron anymore. Yes Sean did think that Harlow was going to kill Bryan, as that was the plan. But the only problem was someone beat them to it. The real killer thought the blame would all fall on Sean and Grant and he would get the ultimate revenge against Sean so he killed Bryan. You see Robert aka Aaron killed Bryan and thought that no one would know it was him. He would let Harlow take the blame and then Sean and Grant would be held as complicate. You see Bryan never knew who the model was, he just knew that Robert aka Aaron set up an appointment for a meeting and he handled all the details. So Robert aka Aaron sends an email to himself with pictures and also sends one to Sean. He kills Bryan and thinks he is in the clear but Harlow shows up early and walks in and sees what has happened and leaves in a hurry. So then Robert aka Aaron has to cover his tracks so he sets the fire and leaves and the police look for Harlow because he has set Harlow up for this with his unwitting accomplice Sean. Harlow was supposed to die that night also Robert aka Aaron was to come in and kill Harlow in self-defense. You see Sean and Robert were not working together then but they are now. And you can see that by how they are recreating the Juicygoo forum over on BB’s blog. But Harlow had no intention of killing anyone he was going to try and strike a deal with Bryan to work with Sean. Harlow was duped into coming to PA and meeting with Bryan. Harlow shows up but the only problem is Bryan is already dead. Harlow flees and he lies to Sean on the beach because Sean thinks he did it. Joe and Harlow were played by the toxic twink and Grant and Robert aka Aaron. You see Robert had to keep a low profile so he uses BB as his mouthpiece, Lee has no clue and Cad is being played by them as well. You may think that this is a bit far fetched but it really makes perfect sense when you think about it. It looks like the “Velvet Mafia” meets “Death trap”. How’s this for a title the “Velvet Death Trap”. Hitchcock could not do it any better.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Albert said...

"velvet death trap" says, "You may think that this is a bit far fetched"

Albert says, "Yep."

3:36 PM  

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