Op-Ed: Speak Up

You see, regardless of whether or not I agree with his opinions, I support Jason Ridge's right to voice them and am elated that he did. I don't think you get anywhere in any industry by burning bridges, but I will say that everything Jason Ridge mentioned is the stuff that people in our inner-industry talk about every day but never write about. He said the things that even I have always been afraid to write. And let's face, it's porn. Why should we be afraid to talk or write about anything? It's not foreign policy. This is not a matter of national security. It's pornography.
It was really refreshing for me to have a sit-down interview with someone who was, though definitely joking about a lot of the things he said, also very impassioned and unafraid to speak out against things and people he feels are corrupt. Porn stars complain to me about the status of the industry every day and then they keep silent and do nothing to change it. Nothing will ever change if every porn star tries to just keep the status quo out of fear that a company may or may not hire them.
I ask you, what would you rather have? Companies who have to do right by their models for fear that the models will speak badly about them and harm the company's reputation? Or models who have to keep their mouths shut when they're treated poorly for fear that they may never work again?
If you've been treated poorly by a company, speak up. If a director demeans you, speak up. If a porn star is behaving like a fool behind the scenes, speak up. If you feel you have a good idea for how the system could be bettered, speak up. If you have opinions and you're passionate about them, speak up. Speaking up is the only way people will listen and it is the only thing that will bring about the changes you seek.
Not everyone will love Jason Ridge. Not everyone will love Michael Lucas or Chi Chi LaRue or Jason Sechrest. That's why I allow comments here where people slam me. You're all entitled to your opinions and I will always fight to support your right to say whatever the hell you want about anyone and that includes me. I can't understand the hypocrisy of some in this business who throw their fists up in the air and scream, "Our rights to free speech!" and then start crying, "How dare you say those things about me?"
Are these companies really for free speech? Or just their right to keep making money off naked boys? I know this business is all about the money, but I do wish there was better treatment for the stars. Some of these bigger companies out there, they have the power to make great change and give back to the performers who have made them what they are and instead they choose to focus on how to keep costs down, how to get the models to work for less. Instead of looking for ways to improve the mainstream's image of pornography in the midst of an administration that is hellbent on destroying us, they choose to focus on how to acquire more titles by the end of the year.
If you insist on spending 8-12 hour work days on something as insipid as naked people and you've decided that's going to be your personal legacy, I ask you to please make sure some of that time is used to better our community. And that doesn't mean getting the cover of a mainstream magazine. I'm talking about the infrastructure of our community. The wheels and the grease that makes the whole thing go. Get in there and get your hands dirty with the machinery.
Finally, to answer one specific readers' response, Kabbalah, by the way, is all about "stirring the shit." It's about making change and it is about being fearless and refusing to keep the status quo.
P.S.: Was so swamped this week. Back to daily "News Desk" updates on Monday. Thanks guys! xo L, J.
You are absolutely right about all this and I suggest we all start the honesty process by discussing how much of a jackass Jason Ridge is.
Coz, personally, I love the gossip, don't care about which one of the twinky egomaniacs killed the pedophile psycho and Kabbalah leaves me indifferent.
No, really. I didn't have any reason to hate that interview other than the fact that Jason Ridge really really came off as a douche.
Sorry !
Jason Ridge has stated, “Any comments that I made are strictly made for entertainment value and I'm keeping to my story.” I’m not sure what that means. Is he sticking to his story or is this just entertainment? Is he saying nothing he says should be taken seriously because it is just entertainment? I guess I have a problem with that because if you state things that are wrong, what is the entertainment value? So much of what he says just doesn’t make sense I wander what is the point of the interview. Like the following.
“JR: The thing about Marcus though is that he doesn't have any enamel on his teeth and he can never brush them. Honestly, he didn't have it. He can't brush. So all he can do is put flouride and gargle and stuff. (silence)
JS: And well, you knew he was a murderer then!
JR: Yeah, that is just asking for it right there!”
Or this,
“JR: No. I didn't even fuck him. I just came inside him. I'm very responsible. I pull out. Then I cum. ...Then I stick it back in, but ya know. I think people who condemn barebacking in this business are ridiculous. No one is even testing the models over here anyway and if they really cared they would. But they know no one would work if they did. But I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I hate barebacking.
Jason Ridge had some things to say about others in the industry,
“JR: Brad Slater is … He is trash. Even for a quick fuck, he's just trash.”
“And I won't hire anyone like Doug Jeffries. You know! He is the meanest, nastiest person. I will never associate myself with him. He will never get to associate himself with me and he doesn't have his own company. So I say, fuck you.
Regarding Chi Chi LaRue, Jason Ridge said, “when people come to L.A. it will be a Ridgeline town.”
Jason Ridge does exhibit a certain degree of self awareness and public perception, “I couldn't put myself in every scene. I know some people would be like, 'This is an all Jason Ridge movie. I'm not going to watch this because I hate him.” He does have a unique way of dealing with his own self conflict, “gay people love to hate themselves, When asked what turns him on, Ridge said he loves straight porn and jacks off to it all the time. On the other hand he says, “I want to believe in something that I know is not going to judge me regardless of Judaism, Christianity, Muslim... religion breeds hate and I don't want to be a part of that.” Jason’s lack of hate should be observed closely. He says, “You can't be that nasty and vicious to people and expect for it not to get talked about and hurt your reputation eventually. You gotta relax. Friendly competition. We're all in the same business….. It's time for a change.” Yep.
Jason Ridge and Jason Sechrest also share a devotion to the study of ancient mysticism that is Kabbalah. Ridge said he guessed that it is like Scientology where the more you pay, the more you learn. So let’s see how he applies his mysticism to Brent Corrigan.
In my heart of hearts, it just doesn't add up or make any sense. Brent was a shady character from the moment I met him. With a boyfriend 20 years older than him (JR, what is the appropriate age difference between lovers according to Kabbalah) , lying about his age (OMG JR, a teenager lied about his age, call the feds immediately) , falsifying documents (OMG JR, a teenager had a fake ID, call the feds immediately), doing bareback movies (“But I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I hate barebacking.”)
getting loaded up with cum (Now lets see what does Jason Ridge do for a living. Oh that would be take or give cocks up the ass. How is that any different than Brent's modeling career? It's not. What a bunch of pandering BULLSHIT. [From Jim, previous post.]), lying about defense funds with no proof of where the money went (although no proof is required since Brent is not a non-profit organization), using everyone for their money (he didn‘t use anyone I know for their money, my understanding is that all his donations were …donated)... it's just my opinion, but I can have an opinion (even if it is stupid) and there is something I honestly feel was set up (like a legal listening device with half a dozen law enforcement agencies listening in) and something is not right Something is fishy. Why would someone confess the murder to Brent Corrigan of all people (unless they trusted him and expected to gain from the admission, like Harlow did) and why would he assist in bringing him down unless he was involved somehow (perhaps as part of a much larger criminal investigation) and going to get off scott free (because he had done nothing wrong and had been in contact with the FBI for more than a year before Bryan‘s murder and was part of a much larger criminal investigation)?
JR: Cobra owned the right to Brent Corrigan's name (Kocis perjured documents in filing for Pennsylvania name trademark. A line on the form asks if the person is living. Kocis didn't fill that line in. The implication being Brent Corrigan was dead. Kocis misrepresented that on the form. He then went to Federal Court with the trademark. The fact is he would have lost. [From Jim, previous post]) If it wasn't that big of a deal, why would Falcon use the name Fox Ryder instead for their movie The Velvet Mafia (Unless Chris Steele made a promise he couldn’t keep and because the owners were scared of Bryan Kocis. Maybe Bryan had something on them. Who knows.) -- which didn't do very well, by the way.
For entertainment value only.
I don't really see the point of this "free speech" pep talk to you are making, Jason.
"Free speech" refers to the right of the people to speech, w/o fear of government interference. And since the government is in no way involved with your interview of Jason Ridge, the legal principle of "free speech" does not enter play here in any way, shape or form.
If there is some sort of industry backlash occuring as result of the interview from PRIVATE (ie, non-governmental) individuals, well, that is merely the backlashers exercising THEIR right to "free speech!"
Yep, funny thing about free speech, when the government is not involved... it's a two-way street!
A little factoid Jason Ridge shoulda maybe considered before he "opened his bass mouth!" Heh heh...
"Albert said...
Jason Ridge has stated, “Any comments that I made are strictly made for entertainment value and I'm keeping to my story.” I’m not sure what that means. Is he sticking to his story or is this just entertainment?"
'Twood appear to me, Albert, that he is currently reaping the whirlwind, and is hence now attempting to backpedal.
10:56 - Speak up, sister! lol ;-) xo L, J.
Albert - As I mentioned before, it might be a little easier to decipher just when people were kidding and when they weren't if you had seen the show instead of just reading the transcript. Often when a comment is followed by ruckus laughter, it's made obvious that it was meant to be humorous. If there is no laughter and it is said with intensity and passion, it's obvious that it's a real issue that someone wants to discuss. xo L, J.
Jim - I am with you. My rant is not about "free speech" at all. The only time I mention it is when talking about the hypocrisy of the people who do. My rant is about how, regardless of whether you agree with his opinions or not, if more people spoke their mind like he did, companies might not always have the upper hand and a lot of change could be made in this industry. It has nothing to do with an opinion being "right" or "wrong." It has to do with speaking your mind regardless and creating a discussion that will lead to change. xo L, J.
Yes Jason, a laugh track may add somthing but in this format, we see the words and the words have meaninig, unless they are for entertainment only. Jason Ridge seems to want to have it both ways. He seems to want to slam people with lies and inuendo but call it entertainment. I did not respond to the interview itself originaly because I thought it was damaging enough to JR without my help. I said that on DeWaynes blog the day it was published. When JR came in with his back pedaling denial, then it was time to respond. If he feels a need to apoplogize for somthing he said that doesn't look so funny in print, I'm sure he will.
Who's Jason Ridge? I guess I don't watch enough porn to know.
I hope he has his financing lined up for his next couple of movies, he has a distributor and he knows enough models who feel the same way he does...if he doesn't that interview may hamper him from getting business done. I mean, he's no Michael Lucas or Chi Chi LaRue so to speak like he did - without properly paying his dues nor having an identifiable 'quirky' past - he came off as a loose cannon - something good business people won't want to be associated with. Treat everyone with respect if you want them to respect you? I don't know - maybe he's developed a new business model we should all adopt? Yikes - look out everyone!
is paying your dues giving models drugs and partying with them at clubs doing unsightly things. some of the powers that be need to get a reality check and face up to their past lives and start acting like professionals your making porn come on your no authority. i give people credit that stand up to these individuals (AGED PORN DIRECTORS) who sit on their fat asses and command others which have no talent. so anyone that can step up to the plate i wish them well and ms larue i think your time has come darling and gone i have some old porn on ebay for sale if you like to bid on it. score one for the little guy
so fab
love ya
Isn't this the guy thats "FUCKING" That tired old PARTY Promoter...
did someone say PARTY you know that tired old dragqueen bump bump larue has the 8's on tap. who puts fucking in quotes, i guess someone over 50 and cracked out. speaking of cracked out hey trevor, hey weho boys. Truth with set you free!
Well If yoU Ask me Its time for FreSh LooK at AdulT movieS. The OldeR CompanieS juSt Dont geT iT anyMore.
Hey MSJ...it's will you idiot!
The directors (and certain models) who have built this industry deserve respect. Come by your success with hard work as opposed to just bending over and having a few thousand dollars shoved up your ass (by someone who has to now 'pay' for his male attention) so you can make a 'movie'. If you're bitter because your attempts at being a big name in this industry haven't materalized - take a good look in the mirror and REALLY ask yourself why. Maybe you have a shitty attitude, maybe you have a shitty work ethic, maybe you're just not a likeable person and your personality SUCKS, maybe your karma is fucked because you provide false info to a certain 'loser'. Don't point a jaded finger at those who are successful and 'cry' old, washed up, or over-the-hill. If you were HALF as good maybe you'd be in a different place, maybe you wouldn't be bouncing from job to job, maybe you wouldn't instantly look for a 'john' to support you when you want or need something, maybe you wouldn't have a new zip code every six months. Bottomline: only time will tell what happens with Ridgeline - let's see where JR's karma gets him - if he's a good guy he'll be a success, if he's a mess he'll be a failure. Right?
Hey its Ms. MSJ well i think some of you are just crying out for help. I think some directors should have just left when they should have they are distroying this adult industry they have to much time on their hands since their movies are fucking crap look they are using small little boys now like ms jordan vaughn he is no bigger then a lollipop kid. Its turned into watching out for the next circus act its either a over muscled thug or a little doll with pubic hair with a church candle sized penis. I am looking forward to the new boys in town from the east to west to show this old queens what the public needs and wants not this purged old fashioned jaded glitter bugs.
Love ya
oh ouch a few thousand dollars shoved up your ass. which line is that in? you got me baby!
roman heart i hear is in that movie..dam that boy can beat a bitch down ...oh my i love him!!
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