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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Poll of the Day: New Brent Stroke Material!

On the same week that Brent Corrigan launches his new web site and blog at BrentCorriganInc.com, Cobra Video has released a new Corrigan bareback scene from the vaults in Take It Like A Bad Boy!

You can watch Take It Like A Bad Boy online right now by clicking HERE!

You can read Corrigan's new blog online right now by clicking HERE!

...But which are you more excited about?


Blogger Albert said...

There is nothing new about 'Take it Like a Bad Boy.' It is exactly the same as 'Take it like a Bitch Boy,' except one word on the cover has been changed with photoshop. That is not what I understand the settlement required. I understood all new art work was to be used as well as some other editing modifications. I think the settlement between LSG and Cobra is history. That is actually a minor point here.
The Kocis family is marketing pornography that is not in compliance with 2257. They do not have the required proof of age documents needed to make this film legal. Those were destroyed by the two individual accused of killing Bryan. Look closely at the Custodian of Records on that film and you will see it is the address for the Pennsylvania State Police. Since production of porn is illegal in Pennsylvania, you can bet the state police will not let that go long. I am sure this has already crossed state lines and international jurisdiction. Rico can be invoked at any time.
However, since it is just Rico, let's let this play out a bit and see who all wants a piece of the legal action. Just a modest suggestion.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Albert - I know it's been available for a while through Cobra, but I don't think it was mass distributed elsewhere until today, right? At least according to XBiz, Cobra made an exclusive deal with AEBN's VOD theatres that went into effect this morning. xo L, J.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert I cannot believe Jason would knowingly place a link to TILABB on HIS site if their were no 2257 records. But you are right that is what the address shows PA State Police!!! Someone is playing a sick joke? Huh Jason what do you hear!

9:45 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

9:45 - Well, maybe the police DO have the records. lol... Odd. I don't think AEBN/NakedSword, the LEADER in Video On-Demand, would put up something illegal though. Technically, me and the thousands of other sites that carry AEBN as video on-demand theaters, are all "linking" to it as part of our system whether promoting it or not. But then the entire 2257 thing is screwy to begind with. If you are a member of the FSC, you are immune from legalities until they decide just what exactly 2257 is and how much it will go into effect. xo L, J.

9:50 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

Well Cobra was SELLING Brent Corrigans over 18 videos(Cream Boy's,FMR,NBT) all last year with NO 2257 records on file! Thats why they refused to turn over the birth certificate. Irony is Brent Corrigan is now the ONLY model that Cobra seems to have 2257 for NOW!

10:21 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Prior to Bryans death, no Cobra video with Brent Corrigan in it, was ever legaly sold. NONE! Cobra never had proof of his age. Cobra (Kocis) did not care.
The irony is that now Cobra has proof of age for only one actor, Brent Corrigan. Does Cobra care about the law? It does not seem so. A Kocis is a Kocis. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Howard and Albert--

Amen Brothers. Big problems at little Cobra Video. Those "missing" 2257 records. Now which Bryan Kocis associate had something to do with those records. Oh! That would be Robert/Aaron Wagner. Wonder what Robert has to say about those missing records. Eta missa est.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"History is written by the victors."

-- Winston Churchill

Truth be told, I'm actually MORE excited by the new Out Magazine mini-interview with Brent and Grant! It's the August issue, on pg. 62.

I love it! But not so much for the actual interview. Eh, don't get me wrong, the interview is OK. In fact...it's pretty good. But what I REALLY love is the author of the article setting up the factual premise for it. You know, for the benefit of Out Magazine's 150,000 readers, who may not be already aware of the Brent Corrigan saga.

Here is how *heart* of the BC saga was described, to these TENS of THOUSANDS of hithertofore unfamiliar readers:

"The fact that he was under 18 when he entered the industry had some nasty consequences."

And there you have it, folks. The FACT.

Now, Out Magazine, with it's fairly large national circulation of over 150,000, is by definition a mainstream publication, much like Time or Newsweek. And as such, it cannot afford to pander to the lunatic conspiracy theorist fringe nutzo deniers out there.

For example, Time of Newsweek would never write "the alledged Holocaust" in a story about the Holocaust, because, Time and Newsweek being respectable mainstream publications, cannot afford to pander to wacko mentally deranged Holocaust Deniers.

Like I said, Out is a respectable mainstrem publication. It can't afford to pander to idiotic deniers of any stripe. Hence, when it has to present a fact to it's 150,000 readers, it'll introduce it, without weasel words, as "The fact..."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... : D

I'm jim and I'm ... LOVING Out!

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out is a respected publication ??????

Ha ha ha haha haa haa ha

4:49 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Jim, I must confess to never having read OUT magazine, but then I also drink beer so there you go.
I did spend about 3 hours today going to the four major adult stores here in San Antonio to try and find a copy. Sadly, stocks of the July issue are still plentiful but no August issue. I did find out that a set of the August issue has been sent to the store in Universal City (far North East San Antonio.) They are still in a box but I believe I will be able to get a copy this week. We have been looking forward to this for some time.
I also noted there are NO Cobra videos on the shelves in any store. :) :) :) :) and ;)

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cobra videos are widely available on the internet.
Cobra lives.
Accept it.
Move on.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 4:49 PM & 6:09 p.m. Hi Robert so where are the 2257 records & how many ex Cobra Boys have you intimidated this week into giving up new records? Cobra is not back and anyone that believes it is just stupid. You cannot sell PORN without 2257. Believe me we are making sure the Feds in Pennsylvania are being alerted to this ongoing violation of Federal Law! The Kocis family is placing their inheritance in jeopardy, by having RICO charges brought against Cobra Video for operating a Criminal Conspiracy (Willfull violation of Federal Law)

8:14 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Jason remarks, "I know it's been available for a while through Cobra, but I don't think it was mass distributed elsewhere until today, right? At least according to XBiz, Cobra made an exclusive deal with AEBN's VOD theatres that went into effect this morning."

The ever so brave and honest "ANONYMOUS" says, "Cobra videos are widely available on the internet."

So much for that 'exclusive deal.'



8:19 PM  

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