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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Harlow & Joe's Trial Underway

Harlow Cuadra and Joe Kerekes trial for the murder of Cobra Video owner Bryan Kocis is underway having already seen testimony from Grant Roy, business and life partner to gay porn star Brent Corrigan.

Plenty of people are there covering the trial and there's lots of sites you can get up to the day recaps of all that went down in court. Not much new has come to life with the exception of the dismissal of burglary charges, but if something pops up, you can bet you're going to read about it at one of these places:

ElMysterio's Rants from a Mysterious Place - He has a spy on the scene who is reporting back to him from the courtroom while Elm is doing his own op-eds, like his most recent take on how he believes Kocis was killed under the watch of the Feds and therefore they're looking to clean the mess up ASAP.

Harlow Cuardra Online - Cuadra and his Angel of Truth are reporting what's going down plus updates on Cuadra's life behind bars.

Brent Corrigan Inc. - Brent Corrigan says he's had difficulty bearing up under the stress, but seems to be forging ahead with a multitude of new projects.

* NEW!: HandJTrial.blogspot.com - Prides themselves on what they call "the most unbiased" coverage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time to take down the "Boybatter" link from the Sites you are Curious about, no?

With it's founders in jail and awaiting trial, faced with overwhelming evidence against them, it's fair to say the Boybatter is for all intents and purposes a dead site, and will never resume active business.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree about what the previous poster said about Boybatter.com.

It's also time for JasonCurious.com to disassociate itself from El Mysterio due to his promotional linkage to hate sites run by impersonators whose only goal is to defame and slander certain people Elm doesn't like.
Elm has also changed his mind and been factually incorrect so many times I'm surprised JasonCurious.com considers him even remotely credible.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Jesse Kalinoski said...

Looks like there IS a Norfolk Companions client list and that some big names are on it. Could this be H & J's get out of jail card?


12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Allow me to introduce you to a site that actually is covering the case, without personal views getting in the way of reporting:

Harlow & Joe... On Trial

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone care about Brent anymore? He is such a has been loser. I am glad he will never work again in big porn projects. He's a scrub.

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous 12:50 PM:

Love him or hate him, Brent's popularity keeps increasing. His new web-site is one of the fastest-growing on the Intenet, whether you like it or not.

Check the page-views on alexa.com if you like. As such, a LOT of people care.

And, I wouldn't count him out just yet with the major producers and studios. Watch and wait! :-)

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wont get near any of my projects...ever...

3:18 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

The trial is not underway. There was a two day preliminary hearing that was basically a legal administrative move to continue the process. No date has been set for the trial. We still have to get through the formal arraignment. No date for that yet either. I would not expect the trial to start before the new year but I am totally guessing. Everybody seems to want to move this along quickly. Quickly is relative in our current legal system.
The preliminary hearing did not allow defense to call witnesses or present evidence. The purpose of the preliminary hearing was only to establish that a prima facie case existed. Grant Roy was on the stand for 1 hour and 13 minutes and did very well. Robert Wagner was on the stand for about 10 minutes. I seriously question if he will be called on again.
My buddy Elm has a unique and singular view of this case. I do not know anyone that shares his view but he is a gentleman and should be included in the mix.
Anon at 12:30 has provided a link to what DeWayne and I believe is the best blog keeping track of this event. KM and PC seem to be good guys and do not allow personal attacks on their blog. It is for "intelligent" discussion.
BrentCorriganInc.com hit the Alexa top 100,000 after just a few weeks. It has been in that elite group for much more than a week now. His international popularity is growing VERY fast.
To be such a has been at the age of 20. You have to wonder what he will do next with such an enormous fan base. At least we can be certain he will not have to work for some anonymous nobody at 3:18. That is a relief.
All Jason has to do is make a post related to Brent and stand back. Check the comment count and compare it to other posts. Always a LOT of interest in this young man.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice try...

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a very good list of links there. I'm not saying they're not worth a read, but like others have said, the most unbiased and most informative one is http://handjtrial.blogspot.com/

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I see albert the obsessive stalker adds his two cents. As for Jason's links/sites, is it any wonder they are outdated/don't work. Sechrest is as unprofessional as one can get.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Hi Robert--

How elusive you are! I was hoping Dan (Bio Boy) would be here too.

You seem to have a thing for older men who go for younger guys. Your obsession seems to be Albert. Albert should be flattered that he is being pursued by a 24 year old. You always have this attraction or is it a recent desire you have been exploring?

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will be a new Luzerne County District Attorney by the time there is any trial for Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes. (see handjtrial.blogspot.com

Also, the First Assistant District Attorney for Luzerne County (Musto-Carroll) does not appear to be assigned to Cuadra and Kerekes case even though she is running for DA in the November elections bragging about her 100% conviction rate for homocides case.


10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those links go to Elm's blog.

And neither blog seems to mention anything you wrote.

Just FYI.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

I will add handjtrial.blogspot.com to the entry. Thanks! :-)

1:25 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

P.S.: The links to Boybatter are hopefully providing them with memberships that fund their legal defense. Everyone deserves a fair trial. I have links up to Brent Corrigan and many many other people too, as you can see. Not a big deal. xo L, J.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

P.P.S.: Oh wait. They aren't even funding their legal defense anymore are they? Or are they? Oh well. Either way, the links stay damn it! lol, I could care less. They are an affiliate and we make money through CC Bill off of whatever we send their way too come to think of it. *shrugs* xo L, J.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

AND they have links up to us. Which is the rule. lol ... Ok, I'm done now.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take a look at the "activity" of PC and KM of handjtrial on netscape.com

PC handjtrial

KM Kyleovision

on their profile pages, click on SINK and look at all of the stories they tried to sink. They even voted to sink stories from The Citizen Voice and The Times-Leader out of Luzerne County. handjtrial is 99% copyrighted news articles from Citizen Voice and Times-Leader.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"handjtrial is 99% copyrighted news articles from Citizen Voice and Times-Leader."

Apparently you failed math. lol

5:25 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

KM and PC use the best sources they can get. I am missing your point. Julien was or is 99% other sources as well. Before he got his degree and had to start looking for and doing a new job or whatever he is doing, his was the best site. Right now KM and PC are in the right place and have the time to keep us informed. Both sides of the isle appreciate that. Again, I miss your point on the percentage, whatever it is.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PC and KM are just two more clowns copying copyrighted text without permission and pasting it to their blog, they are no different from all of the other SPAM BLOGS that google sinks to the bottom of the search index.

Hence, this is why handjtrial is here whoring for a link from Jason Curious, because Google probably classifies thier blog as SPAM

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If certain people are "sinking links" to that degenerate piece of offal who goes by the name "Damon Kreutzer" then those people have moved up several notched in my esteem.

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I posted the comments at 12:50 and you can say whatever you want but Brent is a big LOSER and anyone who follows him blindly is also a big LOSER. I don't care about his alexa ratings because his rating as a decent human being is NEGATIVE. So you can sit on his cock which is what you and all of his followers really want to do anyway.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent has certainly upset a lot of the pedophile followers of Bryan Kocis in his brief career, hasn't he?

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PC and KM clearly attacked another website by putting in "sink votes" that they apparently THOUGHT would make links to the other blog disappear.

WHY? Why would two guys who are just suppose to be "reporting" be trying to get other websites and blogs off the net?

And, if PC and KM are stupid enough to attack another blog in a way that leaves a "public trail" (like their sink votes on netscape.com), imagine what other shit they could be doing behind the scenes to attack other websites and people they see as the enemy?

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:00 they sunk the storys because they were DeKayed meaning useless drivel posted by an blithering idiot! Honey you are never going to think straight until you take that clip off your Clit! Get the blood flowing to your Brain! no wonder your such a LOOSER!

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best Blog on the Harlow Cuadra / Joseph Kerekes Trial



9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:50 PM. You are so right. That's why all those mindless idiots follow Brent because they are pedos who are mad that they can no longer feed themselves on young flesh. I am thrilled that Brent is no longer a porn star of any worth or note and he needs to go get an education and get a real job and put his dick away and use his real head to forge a life.

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Robert pathetic ex cobra boi

2:55 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Interested is helping to shut down a criminal pornography business? Stop by

to find out how.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one or more "customers" of Cobra Video LLC can file a "FEDERAL CIVIL RICO" lawsuit against Cobra Video LLC and Bryan Kocis' Estate for selling those videos that were recalled (if the customers were defauded into buying illegal product).

A civil RICO lawsuit in Federal Court would get results far quicker than the FBI and, with a civil RICO, you get subpoena power, the power to subpoena documents and DEPOSE witnesses.

However, all of what you are doing is only going to piss off Luzerne County prosecutors. I doubt that the FBI will do anything at all with respect to your demand for an inspection of Cobra Video Records.

If you contact a Republican Senator or Congressman for Pennsylvania and ask him/her to demand an inspection, THAT might have a result.

BTW, there is a Republican running for DA in Luzerne County in the November election. I'm sure a Republican Candidate for DA of Luzerne County would gain by demanding that the FBI inspect Cobra Video's records.

6:23 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

Robert, I can understand your situation. It does not move me. Your fate is sealed.
The owners of Cobra Video (I assume to be daddy, mommy and sister Kocis) are responsible for selling the illegal product of their sons making. That was their decision. They can die with that decision. I want them all locked up. I want Cobra shut down completely and forever.
A civil suit may be faster. I prefer criminal charges. I am funny that way. Have a great Labor day weekend.
From Texas, Albert

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why are you so hateful?

Do you not have anything better to do or a life of your own?

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

albert is merely continuing the cycle of hate the Brent bashers began.

None of this would have happened but for the online Brent bashers. Now, Brent fans have found a fatal weakness in Cobra's legal situation, and they are quite naturally going to exploit it to bring the swift sword of justice to the situation.

And there is nothing the Brent bashers can do to stop it! And I can't say I feel sorry for them; They brought this all on themselves through their campaign of cowardly anonymous hate vs. Brent.

Poetic justice!

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to laugh. The source of all this mess is Sean Lockart.

There may be obsessive and misguided fanatics on both sides but it all comes down to one little man.

Either he lied about his age to Cobra or he is lying about it now. Which ever option you prefer to believe is the truth - because nothing has actually been proved either way, the guy's lying has had unintended consequences that has and will affect people long after he is gone from public interest.

All these anti-Cobra goons just exhibit the lonliness and worthless of their lives by even caring about something that does not even exist now that Kocis has gone.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kocis pervert clan freely chose to distribute their kiddie porn without conforming to the law. DeWayne and Albert are on the right track. Anon at 2:36, you just sound like a kocis spinmiester. All smoke, mirrors and bullshit.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Anon @ 2:36 pm

You really must think we all just fell off of the turnip truck asshole. Sean had no money, power, or real standing in adult film to do much of anything except work.

Then, that molesting, raping pervert, Kocis seduced him. Sean got away with his life. He was lucky. One wasn't so lucky.

Sean's age has been verified by the authorities. He is 20 years old and no less a sitting Federal District Court judge has seen the proof and signed off on it. Argue age all you want. The truth is out there.

You are damn right about consequences for the self-styled right hand man of Cobra Video.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Matt Phillips said...

From a private newsletter sent to paid subscribers.

On the trail of the Conspirators in the Cobra Video Murder Case: likely Evidentiary Findings

QUESTIONS OF THE DAY from the Kruezer files: Did Sean Lockhart help murder victim Bryan Kocis scan in and convert to electronic format all of the Cobra Video info - ESPECIALLY the 2257 records in the Summer of 2004 when Sean lived with Bryan? Did Sean then help Bryan make secure, password protected or encrypted cop(y)ies that were securely stored OFFSITE and/or given to one individual for safekeeping in his safe deposit box somewhere in New York City?

ANSWERS: YES and YES, in the Kruezer view.

Wait, there's more I choose to reveal to you, my constant readers at this time (but it's not all I know, far from it):

I also know that for a long time, the custodian of records address for Cobra Video was actually a hair salon where a female friend of Bryan's worked. I cannot say more about this unless called upon to give a sworn statement or to testify at trial.

This answers the debate raging online and in the corridors of power from those with so much to lose: Who knew what and when, and above all the probable whereabouts and format of Cobra's 2257 records. Obviously Sean told Grant Roy what he had helped to scan in, and knew about the Custodian of Records whereabouts.

Will Lockhart testify to this - willingly or as a hostile witness? The truth will be told.

The most authoritative source:

8:32 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:28 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Hey Damon does it just burn your fat hide that neither Out Magazine or Rolling Stone spoke to you about any of the articles that they are writing? You with the deep inside info on all things porn and murder would have surely been interviewed. But you were not now were you? Could it be that you were not deemed credible? Could it be that all of your lies and false information have preceeded your reputation? You betcha. Love you new blog by the way must be taxing though to post and write all the comments as well.

corrected a typo

1:30 AM  
Blogger Damon Kruezer said...

This is the real Damon Kruezer... and I'm sorry for being such a lying turd.

I've told so many lies, I don't even know where to begin. Please accept my apologies, Elm, Yves, Troy, Marc, Babs, and all of the others that I've hurt.

I realize I have a smelly ass, and I plan to change that - a good shower will help.

The truth will set me free of my dark side, and I intend to follow the light.


Damon Kruezer

11:37 AM  
Blogger Damon Kruezer said...

I must also admit that the www.bicoastalinvestigations.blogspot.com site is nothing but me posting as several different people. I tried to get Bab's to participate, but she wouldn't put the 40oz down long enough, so I had to do it all myself.

There is no Zenoble, or anybody else - I made them all up.


Damon Kruezer

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Rolling Stone article on The Bryan Kocis Murder has hit the stands. See bitchless blog

3:14 PM  

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