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The Industry's First Ever Daily Gay Porn Blogger
Since 2001, Winner of SEVEN Awards including ManNet's Best of the Web, Cybersocket's Best Online Personality, KSEX Listener's Choice for Best Overall Industry Insight & ASM's Publisher's Choice Award.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

RIP Danny Roddick

J.C. Adams broke the news this morning that COLT model, Danny Roddick, has passed away.

More info, including a statement from COLT and comment from Roddick's former partner and co-star, Alex Chandler, can be found at Adams' GayPornTimes.com.

Cause of death at this moment has not been confirmed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong about who broke the news. I saw the death notice and a rather BIG hint about the actual cause of death at 1:22 AM yesterday morning on www.kruezeratnight.com.

That was at least 8 hours before Adams had it.

And I notice Adams uses the same pic Damon did.

There it is. Please give credit where credit is due Mr. Curious.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually that's wrong Mr Manny.
The first person who posted the news was a poster on Atkol, Butch Harris, who copied and pasted the press release between 9pm and 9 30pm Pacific time last time.
And because I first thought it was a hoax I checked every porn blog I know of including DK's right there and then and I can guarantee you nothing was posted until at least an hour or two later.

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that Damon Kruezer is now trumpeting the fact that he has just learned that Cobra did not have a valid Federal trademark for "Brent Corrigan."

This fact was reported on the handjtrial blog on July 27, 2007.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news being posted on a website owned by the poster is the thing. Atkol is not owned by Butch Harris but Kruezer at Night is owned by Damon and his partners.
So the statement about Damon being first is correct.

Also Damon is not just talking about the federal trademark issue with Brent Corrigan, but is connecting it to Pennsylvania and providing direct links to some very intriguing legal documents.

That means that he trumps handjtrial's blog any day of the week. Those guys are all about sinking anyone else's site so they can charge more for their Google ads which are on the verge of overwhelming their site. Same mistake as Elm obsessing about his hated rival to the point where it seems he's forgotten what his blog is supposed to be about - the case!

I also love Damon's very interesting new friends and allies who can be discerned through careful reading of his site.

No wonder that Damon has just achieved a major goal that was initially denied him when Falcon allegedly stopped his hiring by JRL Charts by threatening to cut their advertising if JRL featured Damon.

That is so wrong in every way, I lost all respect for Falcon as a result. Now they are down and Damon is rising fast, KARMA BABY!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the fact that Cobra's state trademark would not stand up in court was posted in other blogs several months ago.

In my experience, the "news" Damon posts on kruezeratnight falls into two categories: (1) things he's stolen from, or at least been anticipated by, other blogs; or (2) things he's made up out of whole cloth, protecting himself, perhaps, out of charges of lying by using weasel phrases such as "allegedly" or "in my opinion."

Damon has been allowed by handjtrial to present evidence in support of his suggestion that there is a connection between the Kocis murder and the Orlando murders and he has contunually obfuscated the question. I, by the way, do not ask for proof. I only ask for evidence.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you wanna read a good story on fox ryder aka brent corrigan and those 2 thugs check out the latest Out magazine! Very indepth, your gonna see things about brent's past life and the 2 suspects in question and of course the sleeze ball that died!

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The OUT article is pure bullshit.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

What does 9/10 of the above have to do with Danny Roddick?

I'm going to miss him. Being 26 myself, he was the first porn stars that really made my jaw drop. BUT - he also struck me as someone you could go and have a beer with after work.

I'm sad he's gone from this world so young.

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

»The news being posted on a website owned by the poster is the thing. Atkol is not owned by Butch Harris but Kruezer at Night is owned by Damon and his partners.
So the statement about Damon being first is correct.«

This is total bullshit. The news was first posted on the Colt website, which is, of course, owned by Colt. It was not first posted by kruezeratnight. He only copied it from the Colt site.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does every post have to turn into this crap? This Damon guy clearly has a screw loose and should be ashamed of himself for using the death of a young man to hype his site.

My thoughts and prayers are with Danny Roddick and his loved ones.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

werent any of u around during rad video days? damon did the same thing then. he has like 20 different names. remember when his site was skee mastermark? he has been around forever. a sick fan who makes up stuff about porn stars to get them to contact him and say it isnt true. comes on other sites like this to promote himself under 20 different names. its been happening for years.

9:16 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

anon:@9:16 PM I can attest to that. DAMON IS A LIAR AND A FRAUD.

Danny Roddick rest in peace. I am so sorry that Damon has to ruin everything he comes near.

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what people should be focusing on is that Danny Roddick has passed away, not who broke the news first, as though he were merely some ticker tape scroll at the bottom of a TV screen. Please let's show some compassion.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

El Mysterio is so desperately in love with Damon Kruezer after he saw a photo taken in New York last month that he's now running 3 different impersonation sites all obsessed with Damon. Even the one with the phony Joe Kerekes with the same sentence construction and misspellings as Elm uses on his blog. Someone please get this poor black girly man some serious help in his pursuit of the ultimate in white meat, Damon K.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you should be aware that rivals have been copycatting Damon K for some time and even posting as him using such soundalike emails as damonkreuzer@yahoo.com when everyone knows the only email the real Damon uses is his domain, damon@kruezeratnight.com. Also these same critics have claimed for years he's using a dial-up connection and trumpeting that IP address as "proof". In fact Damon has let it be known he's been using a high speed Net connect for a long time so those who say "aha!" and claim a dial-up are wrong again.

Bottom line, a lot of people in the industry are jealous of Kruezer and what he knows and will pull any dirty trick in the book to make him look bad. It's called "blaming the victim", ever hear of it? Get real!

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one am totally impressed with the lead article Mr. Kruezer has posted today in regard to his heart-to-heart last night with Alex Chandler the boyfriend of Danny Roddick. You want relevancy people well there it is.

No one else in the industry has bothered to talk with Chandler and get his views as of this point altho you can be sure they will now copycat Damon as usual.

So Kruezer is out front of the pack once again, and the jealous wannabnes will no doubt send Chandler dire warnings and unsolicited "advice" to stay away from Damon...which ironically is the very same sort of thing they keep accusing Damon of doing!

Love Damon or hate him...you gotta admit, HYPOCRITES, thy name is legion!

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you leave a few more minutes between your posts so that maybe the dumbest of dumb people could actually believe they're not from the same person?

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are nuts. This posting started with the passing of a nice guy but it got turned into a promotion of websites and who broke the news first. Anytime the two words are mentioned (DK), the post should be immediately delted. Things are really getting out of hand.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are proof that we need to keep abortion legal.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The saddest part is that Danny tried to commit suicide last year when his partner Alex slept with someone else and then decided to break up with him. They broke up and Danny has never quite been the same. Also, Danny was beaten up, thrown out of Alex's car, their relationship was toxic, to say the least and now Alex is joining forces with the darkest soul on the internet DK - poor boy - it's all over for him now too. :(

6:32 PM  
Blogger BB said...

who cares who broke the story, the poor guy is dead.

the more i discover about porn and its players, the more disgusted i get.

RIP Danny.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 6:32, do not assume Alex actually spoke with Damon Kretzer, even if such is claimed on his miserable little site.

It is more likely than not the interview was entirely made up. That's the way it is with Damon, most of the crap there is just shit he makes up. He has no credibility, none, nada.

8:11 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

I can only say how sorry I am that this post has sunk to the level that it has. I came here to give my condolenses to the friends and family of Danny Roddick.

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That is so wrong in every way, I lost all respect for Falcon as a result. Now they are down and Damon is rising fast, KARMA BABY!"

How funny that it was C.S. who stopped JRL from hiring D.K. Talk about delusional. A certain HH employee should know the truth too about WHO really wanted him fired from Falcon. There are plenty of 'witnesses' so someone should keep their mouth shut unless they want a full blood-letting.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke with Kruezer and everything he has printed is factual and exactly what I told him. I will continue to speak to anyone else who wants to talk to me about the way i feel. He was the first to contact me.

I am not looking for anything other than a voice from the grave to be heard and to also do my part to prevent any more unecessary deaths from occurring in this industry. There are too many!!!

Im not saying a studio has to be a parent to a model, however, if a studio knows full well about the dire situation a model is in (especially one that is exclusive to them and is bound by a contract) and has been notified multiple times and never did a thing to help but instead worked him harder, I think there is an issue there.

Dont you?

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex. Your pain must be heart-wrenching and i feel for you. PLEASE do Danny and many others a favor and don't let up on this - the studios turn a blind eye on this topic because if they did do something to help those who had a problem it would cost them $$, $$ that they'd rather spend on their next double, triple or even five disc set. Things need to change and maybe it's someone like you who can do something. I wish you well.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can only say how sorry I am that this post has sunk to the level that it has."

You've got to be kidding - sorry but not surprised, right?

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alex chandler post in my view was written by DK.

4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one in their right mind believes anything that comes out of the vile mouth of that vile and vicious man DK. The only good thing about all this is that it should prove to anyone who was not aware of DK, what a piece of trash he is, and the entire gay porn industry should be ashamed of itself for allowing him to do this. He tried it over ten years ago in the straight industry, and they didn't tolerate it. Yet, ten years later and he still does it here. I am so sorry to have to post this here, when the thoughts should be with the family and friends of Danny Roddick, but this is what DK does - turns any situation into "about him."

6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until Alex is interviewed by a respected journalist like Jason, it has to be assumed that anything posted on DK's site is a fraud.

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but Alex sounds as if he's going thru a difficult time and lashing out anywhere he can - I have also heard that he treated Danny/Matthew awful bad - Alex, where were you when Danny needed help? Why do you think its the studio's responcibility if he truly was 31 years old? After all, though sad, he was an adult and if you loved him that much why didn't you help him instead of beat him down? Answer that?

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people all disgust the hell out of me. Who cares who said what, when, and how... You're worse than the parazzi.

Someone has died. It's a hell of a shock and we should be focusing on Danny and Alex.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree... don't make me send Crying Chris Crocker post something on here!

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the proper way it needs to be handled: http://www.coltstudiogroup.com/blog/

Brava Colt!

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all disgusting. A disgrace, and an example of what happens when any blog or forum allows this sick man to make ONE post. You should be ashamed!!!

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jason why do u allow those kind of comments? same thing happens on any mention of brent corrigan here.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Marc said...

It is more likely than not the interview was entirely made up. That's the way it is with Damon, most of the crap there is just shit he makes up. He has no credibility, none, nada.

Isn't most everything Damon says made up? Why should this be any different.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

3:24 - I allow "those kind of comments" so that the insanity exposes itself.

You give a crazy man five minutes of air time and he won't seem all that mad. You give him enough rope though and he'll hang himself every time and show himself for the loon that he is.

Danny was really a beautiful person inside and out and because I adored him and have had great empathy and friendship for his ex, Alex Chandler, since their split, this is the first time I have thought long and hard about censoring comments -- which in all likelihood, to be fair, would mean turning off comments all together. However, I am trying not to let my personal feelings be what makes that decision.

It's a big decision.

If I'd turned off comments because of all the crazies that came out of the woodwork for the Brent/Bryan/Harlow blogs, the police might not have found Harlow as quickly as they did. It was our readers and commenters who found his contact info on his escort profile -- something the police said until that point they had not received any leads on at all. That phone number led them straight to him.

So, you take the good, you take the bad and somewhere in the middle of it all, you know that the insane will expose themselves for being just that. They just can't help it.

It would have been nice if this thread could have become more like a vigil, great memories of a beautiful boy and a fantastic performer. ...But that's not always what the porn industry brings out in people.

If you'd like to try to change that, please leave your kind thoughts and memories below.

The direction of the comments here on the "News Desk" is in all of your hands.

And thanks as always for reading and for your support.



3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Curious don't give in to the haters. You seem to be saying that DK is a crazy man. Yet it's known you have personally confirmed with Alex Chandler that he did post that and interview with Damon and that the article says what he told Damon. It's also known that you confirmed Damon was in fact the last writer to speak with Harlow and Joe on May 14th. Tell us eaxctly what is "crazy" in that, or is the "insanity" because Kruezer never kisses anyone's ass?

I think you need to recognize Damon as your peer and show him the respect for the very credible work he has done and is doing, and ignore what is CLAIMED about him by anonymous people who never are able to prove any accusation whatsoever.

As a supposedly fair and objective journalist, a lot of us are looking for you to set an example in this matter by saying something like "Damon interviewed Alex Chandler and Harlow Cuadra, Damon is a published magazine author, he's run his site for many years and the biggest as well as the smallest talk with him, and Damon has the entire blogosphere talking about his theory of the Kocis murder case. He just came up with something MAJOR about Jason Robert Drake tonight no one else has. Love Damon or hate him those are FACTS we cannot ignore by crying "it's all fake" or "he's bad" when it so obviously is all too real and Damon is NOT seen as in any way bad by many people".

Truth is, Damon Kruezer is the gadfly in the ointment, the one who pricks our conscience and contributes startling insights and a unique perspective that often turns out to be right on target - and way ahead of everyone else.

Mr. Curious, please let us respect you as fair and balanced about Kruezer and stop throwing such loaded words like "insane" around just because he's a rival who your mentor Mark Adams is apparently so obsessed about.

Thank you.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is quite obvious that the post above this is Damon. No one p[ays him any compliments but his created charactors. No one in thewre right mind believes anything he says so he has to go from Blog to blog and make himself sound viable yet we all know that he is not. I feel for those who he lies about but I do think that he should be called on all of his lies as well and made accountable for them. Ignoring him has not worked he must be stopped and that is something that we can all agree on. Jason is right about giving him enough rope, he has truly proven that he is not a credible journalist with his preformance on this post. Manny Barcelino, Vincenzo, Tightazz, darren, Alex Chandler, Trey_Alimori and a couple of anons are all the work of one deluded individual by the name of DK or Kent Barclay. must we have to deal with this trash any further?

11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to take the time to pay my respects to a beautiful man that I knew in Sacramento before he got involved in all the porn.

Matthew/Danny Roddick was the sweetest man I'd ever met. His infectuous smile will never be forgotten. His passion for nature and all it's beauty will probably be unmatched as I continue my own personal journey through life. My heart is truly broken over this tragic loss.

I hope no one will mind if I share a bit about my dear friend and vent a little over his loss. I need this outlet to just get some things off my chest. So if I'm too long winded please scroll on by.

I ran into Matthew in SF a few months ago and it was apparent things had gotten out of hand. Prior to all the porn Matt always had a very level head. Looking at him on that day in SF it was obvious things had changed dramatically. This wasn't the same Matthew at all. A spark was missing.

Some of us tried to talk him out of going into porn. In fact Matt never fit the stereo-typical porn image. I think you need to have the ability to disassociate your feelings in order to do something like that. Matthew just couldn't emotionally disassociate. He cared too much and felt things on a level that at times I didn't even understand. I use to tell him he was an old soul.

These past couple of days I've heard a few refer to him as a beautiful soul and that is actually very correct. The way he would drink in the beauty around him was rare. His whole body absorbed it. You could see it in his eyes. I marveled at that. He felt things very differently on an emotional level at times. He could get into the deepest conversations about life in general. It was this type of personality that concerned many of us before he and Darin made the move to SF. Not because it's wrong or some red flag. Thats actually a precious gift to be so reverant of life and aware. The problem was that he cared too much and felt too much. Putting yourself in a world where everything is a facade and where feelings and emotions aren't welcomed is a whole different story. When I ran into Matthew on that Satuday in SF I knew the wrong choice had been made. The spark was gone.

I go from being very sad to very angry when I think of how his life has ended. From reading rumors to complete b.s it's annoying as hell. I want to shout to all those fair weathered friends or casual acquaintances that they know nothing about this man.

I mean no disrespect to Darin/Alex Chandler but if he is going to freely talk about how he feels a Studio is partly to blame for the passing of Matthew I hope that he will also be honest enough to admit that he also could have done things a bit different.

Darin knew how Matthew ticked and at times would play on Matts emotions. We all do that once we know what sets someone off, but in this case when someone is as emotional and deep as Matthew it's a dangerous and sometimes cruel game to play.

I can't help but feel it is very hypocritical on Darins part to point a finger at the Porn Industry when he is currently using a photo of himself and Matt standing next to Chi Chi as his photo in memory of Matt on his myspace page. I find that a bit ironic and I wish he would take it down.

Many of us in Sacramento who knew Matt before the journey into porn don't want to even be reminded of the porn facade called Danny Roddick. We knew instinctively there would be problems. For some reason Darin must still feel some great accomplishment in succeeding in rubbing elbows with some of the elite in the gay porn industry. If he only knew how non impressive all that was. One would think if you truly feel anyone in that industry attributed to the death of someone you loved, you would imediately pull yourself away from it all.

I honestly feel that being in the Porn industry was more Darins fantasy then Matts and because Matthew loved Darin unconditionally he bought into the whole game. Another irony. Matthews star in that industry was on the rise. Darins was limitted. We also knew that would happen as well.

Our sweet Matthew ended up living the end of his young life in a vulnerable state. The relationship he leaned on for years quickly fell appart. The facade of being loved and desired by many men on this earth medicated his feelings of uncertainty for only a short time. The fun drugs that make you feel like you have everything in check weren't working any longer. Those he trusted used him and did little to nothing to stop his decline. Those that let him go had to trust all of these people to take care of our Matthew for us. Yes, he was a grown man but true friends always look out for one another no matter how old.

So I'm angry at Darin and the porn industry. Both used Matthew and messed with his head. I'm even angry at Matthew for not pulling back from all of it and coming home where we would have all embraced him and allowed him to use us all to lean on. Should I have called? Should I have done more? So I'm angry at myself as well. This tragic death was 100% avoidable.

I wish you all knew my friend Matthew. The world is even more grey because of this loss. I will never forget this man and I will celebrate who he really was.

Yes, Darin tell Matthews story but leave nothing out. Even if it means taking some accountablity yourself.

Rest in peace Matthew. I will never forget you. I will try to find you in the beauty of nature you embraced. I will talk about you so that you will never be forgotten. I will stand strong from this day forward and the next friend that I see making a very bad judgement call will not slip away from me. I will cherish you always. I promise.

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who also knew Matthew very well and was witness to both his careers as a hair stylist at Vidal Sassoon and Colt Studio, Matthew and I had many talks about his recent party life in SF and I was there for him as much as any person could be.

We all have our own bottom and sometimes we pull out of it. I only wish Matthew could have pulled out of it. I know that Matthew's death had nothing to do with suicide - yes, it was in regard to playing too much with alcohol and drugs, but he fell asleep peacefully. It is unfortunate he was alone. This is what makes me very sad.

For anyone to cast blame on the studio system, an ex-lover or a friend is just wrong in itself. I know know why everyone has to point fingers, but I guess that the human action when we have lost control of something we cherish. Rest in peace Matthew. We loved you.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re 12:49

Thank you for understanding the cycle of grief. The one thing this tragedy has offered is the realization that we can't sit back and do nothing when we see a friend standing on the edge.

I am the author of the post just right above yours and I stand behind those feelings. I'm still angry that when Matt lived in Sac there weren't all these problems. It wasn't until after the career change and moving to SF that things got way out of hand. I'm so angry at myself for not keeping in touch with him. I remain livid at a Porn Studio that was highly aware of the situation but decided to look past it and centeralize on financial gain knowing Matthew would be as professional as he could and do what they asked even though he was physically and emotionally exhausted.

In my heart I know Darin loves and will always love Matthew. I can't even imagine the grief he is experiencing. I'm sure he is beating himself up for some of the wrong choices that were made in regard to dealing with Matthew.

I want to personally thank Darin for loving Matthew because through Darin Matthew learned what true love is. It's not always perfect and pretty but their bond was truly special. Matthew was allowed the gift to love greatly.

I know that Matthew did not intentionally take his own life. He never would have done that. What happened was a fatal mistake. Damn drugs to hell. Thats one of a few lessons Matt has left us.

Drugs will kill you. Mixing prescriptioin drugs can be fatal. Being a friend isn't just about listening. We have to be strong enough to literally pick someone up kicking and screaming and drag them to get some help.

I have no doubt that Colt Studios is also dealing with a few lessons as well in all of this. Not every beautiful man is emotionally equiped to work in porn. Don't just say stuff like that but actually do something about it in order to prevent something tragic. If you refuse to nip it in the bud right at the beginning at least step in when it's blatantly right in front of you. All of these lessons come at the expense of a man that should still be walking on this earth. It's just so terribly sad.

Does anyone know when or if there is actually going to be some type of memorial for Matthew? I have been told there is but have heard nothing more than that. Please keep us updated.

Thank you.

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damon Kruezer hinted tonight in his latest MySpace chat with a gaggle of fans that Colt Studios has gone along with what he privately suggested and began "New Leaf".

Many believe it was his spotlight on Colt with Darin that caused this to happen.

If so this is probably one of the best memorials to Matthew that could develop from this.

NOTE: While J. Curious and the Adamses were dancing around the cause of Danny Roddick's death or claimed not to know, many of us noted that Mr. Kruezer got it right from the get go: Accidental mis-combination of Rx drugs. NOT suicide.

Like Benjamin Nicholas and Alex Chandler, many of us respect Mr. Kruezer for the solid journalist and reliable information source he is showing himself to be.

This latest thing from and about Brent Corrigan is just blowing us away.

10:14 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Marty Stephens is Damon Kruezer and he is a pig from hell. and he should read this blog and find out that he is going to be in big trouble real soon for his lies.


god willing this will bring an end to this lying and decietful bastard once and for all.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kruezer and Curious should stop their silly little war and work together. One is ying, the other is yang. Nixon goes to China. It would definitely help many fans and industryites balance out the hype from the media people paying Kruezer to cover things not seen elsewhere. Y'll must admit, Jason and Damon working to build each other up and complimenting each other would make for a total publicity-rich writing fest since they're both such good writers.

11:08 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

good lord Damon give it a rest no one wants anything to do with you.

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Chris steele is feeding Damon his weho gossip about the porn industry.

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damon Kretzer has crossed the line, and is about to GO DOWN!

Go to:


...to watch and join in the fun!

11:34 PM  
Blogger Jesse Kalinoski said...

DeWayne's blog is about to disappear if he violates the Blogger TOS or makes any further statements he can't prove.

Funny thing is some people like DeWayne think Brent Corrigan didn't email Damon with that email everyone is talking about.

But what if he did? They've talked before and certainly exchanged emails, so why is it beyond possibility Sean (or Grant) did email Damon and say what he said? We hear Damon has the email headers to prove exactly where it came from so there you are.

Many of us feel the VERY BEST THING would be for Jason to get Damon on his show and have at him live on the air. That way we could all see that Damon is crazy, as some of you say.

Or we might see he's more accurate than anyone dreamed.

Does Jason Curious dare to have Damon on his show and ask him the hard questions? Let's see...

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason's show is for serious people in the industry, not insignificant nonentities such as yourself, Kent.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Damon is so "insignificant" why is everybody who is anybody interviewing with him and sending him screeners?

Why are there currently 5 different websites and blogs and Yahoo groups devoted to Damon, both positive and negative?

Jason Curious is making himself look like he's bought and paid for, part of a snobbish elite, by acting as if Damon isn't the 800 pound gorilla in the room - because he is. Curious is known to check Damon's site several times a day and has been known to closely imitate Damon's topics and style.

Now Damon has landed the interview ROLLING STONE and OUT wanted but couldn't get...Brent Corrigan's 1st boyfriend Chris.

Not very insignificant.

Most fair minded people say "major" as Damon's website ratings continue to skyrocket.

If Curious doesn't have him on, it's his loss and proves he is part of the ADAMS CABAL.

Ball is in your court Mr. Sechrest.

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh Damon, you're such a joke! Tell Bab's to have a 40oz on me.

11:49 AM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Hey Damon why don't you tell us where Chris is? did he come to boston? did he meet you in Norwell? or did you go to South America to chat with him? Or did you talk to me? maybe I was pretending to be Chris. Just a little something to make you rethink this latest announcement. Damon you are a lying luezer and the world knows it. oh yeah about those websites devoted to you they are all negative. They are all ther to unveil your lies.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Damon Kruezer said...

I'm sorry for being such an ass earlier. You see, Babs' has a Matt Rush dildo stuck, and it's been hell trying to get it out. As big as she is, the whole damn thing just got sucked in.

Once Zenoble comes over to investigate, I think we'll have her back to normal.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kent, your interviews, emails, and even screeners you claim people sent you are mere figments of your imagination. Every one of those things post on your piece of crap web site is stuff you just made up.

Everyone knows this, you are fooling no one.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Damon Kruezer said...

Meanwhile, look for my Harlow and Joe interview... I've spent months making it up.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew Matthew AKA Danny. He recently was advertising as an escort on rentboy for SF at a premium rate of $500. Something wasn't right. He was a troubled soul and I feel sorry for his death. It's so unfortunate. Danny was such a good looking guy and a good person. Damon Kruezer is reporting a note from Tony Bishop on Danny's passing. It's an interesting read, especially for those familiar with the SF porn scene.

P.S. Wasn't "Crazy" was one of Ross Perot's theme songs? At least when it came to making money, Perot was crazy alright, crazy as a fox. I wish you boys (JC and DK) would play nice with each other and give each other a little credit where credit is due. Look at the bright side. Some would say there has been a huge improvement in relations since the old days. Remember the zonedk.com old days?

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elmysterio is an old black man full of lies. he knows nothing. he is nothing. he is scum. we know who he is. we know what he is about. BB is working that story.

9:43 PM  
Blogger Tommy Boi said...

I find it remarkable that Damon Kruezer is courageously reporting what no one else is: That Danny Roddick's fragile mental state was known to Colt but they put him in not one but TWO brutally realistic rape scenes in AMAZONIA and HOSTILE. Mr. Curious has never mentioned HOSTILE and is probably unaware of what Kruezer is talking about: Champagne enemas and rape scenes so realistic Roddick and Chandler almost were unable to complete them.

It seems unconscionable as Damon points out that someone in a fragile mental state would be cast in such scenes by a studio whose head allegedly told a Kruezer operative, "that rape scene was just method acting".

Kruezer is ahead of the curve on this one and he will astound many when he reproduces Harlow Cuadra's letter on his best known site (he runs 5 sites). Harlow is happy to confirm it's authentic and what will the haters say then?

Kruezer leads, others follow.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kruezer lies, others laugh.

6:11 PM  

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