Barrett Long Is All Business

I mentioned previously he was launching as his new official web site featuring him and his friends in the hottest handheld all gay sex action you can imagine. Now comes news that he's also going to be starting his own line of straight and bi DVDs, which he plans to produce and distribute entirely on his own.
He has also invested in a new gay sex chat line, 1-866-GAY-PORN. "There's not enough 866 numbers out there," Long told me by phone earlier this week. "You know, if there were more opportunities for gay guys to contect to each other no matter where they were instead of tapping underneath bathroom stalls, Craig might still be a Senator."
And he's launched where you can purchase his 11x7" dildo replica as well as his underwear. He's taking suggestions too for what else people would like to buy from him there so email him at if you've got any ideas.
Oh and he's still looking for a lawyer to help him bring down the Barrett Live site so anyone who can refer him there, shoot him an email and tell him we sent ya! ;-)
Larry Craig IS still a senator.
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