Jason Ridge Has Lost His Mind

Uh, did you have to drag me into this? I swear if you try to pin me against any hardship Erik is going through them I'm so through with you. You took words I may have said and took them out of context, I consider Erik a friend of mine in this industry and you will not fuck it up . Kabbalah equals fulfillment and has nothing to do with Madonna, Good Bye. Don't use my celebrity for you views or blog. The audience is not listening. Jason
...So, this video is my response to Jason Ridge.
Something tells me that I won't be doing PR for him as of this post. Oh well. He can fire me if he wants. I've been good to him and haven't even told the half of it to you guys -- nor do I intend to. But something had to be said when he starts threatening me and attacking me on my home turf.
I like him a lot and I love his new movie and I love his company. I actually think he really deserves Performer of the Year after all the work he did in 2007. But personally, he is on a crazy train these days that is headed straight for Britneyville if he doesn't get his shit together and start at least making sense when he posts comments like the ones here and in Mark Adams' blog.
Have a little respect for the people who are trying to be your friends and promote you for Chrissakes! Get it together, man.
UPDATE: Get this. You'll never believe. I spoke with Jason Ridge this morning and he took the video in good humor, saying he'd laughed and watched it a few times. We both apologized for any outbursts. He was kind of sweet and not so crazy at all today actually. He even made me laugh. He said we should just shrug it off as being a fantastic blog for me and more press for him. I think maybe he saw how stressed out he made me and I got through to him on some level. Whatever the case, I'm grateful (...and shocked) we can still be friends and work together.
he didnt seem to mind u 'using his celebrity for ur blog' when u were posting press releases and movie reviews
Jason Ridge sounds like a nutcase.
Sometimes our initial response are bit extreme isn't it?
This is the profession that I've chosen and it can get to you, and I may at times lash out and if I feel threatened or misunderstood in any other way I may do it again. Jason and i have an understanding of each other and this horrific business . Jason has been my only PR guy ever and I respect that but I'm human and i make mistakes. Some people get methed out or go on a drinking binge I just say fuck off to people but I never hold a grudge. I forgive but never forget. I need to stay on the game for I have a business to run and people to look after and If anyone can't handle my ego then fuck off ,plain and simple. It's so sad that certain sites try to lure unsuspected models on their side then they spit them out if they don't comply with their ideas. I'm talking about the biased site that no one likes. Once you tell one lie you can't be trusted. I'm in this industry not to hurt anyone or tear them down, but some people make it their business to do so. So if any other website picked up on this story then Jason and my planned worked. Thanks again for the press Jason
Jason Ridge,
In what way did you think Sechrest's video blog "pinned hardship Erik is going through" on you?
I don't see how anything he said could have wronged you in any way.
What upset you?
3:56 - See Jason Ridge's response above. He said he made a mistake and misunderstood. And I over reacted to his misunderstanding. And now we both look like the total loons that we are. ;-) xo L, J.
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