Once And For All... Where To Find My Porn Star Events Calendar
What porn stars are being featured on which nights and where can I find a regularly updated schedule?
I know, right? Sometimes it's in Odyssey Magazine, sometimes it's not! Sometimes it's on our Events page, sometimes its on my MySpace page ...it's kind of hard to find one place that is consistently updated, huh?
Okay, so I'll make you a deal. From now on there is only going to be ONE place to look!
See that column to your right here on the "News Desk" blog? Scroll down and you'll find JASON'S PERSONAL CALENDAR.
Keep jasoncurious.com/desk/ bookmarked, come back and check it regularly!
When there are UPDATES to the schedule, like an addition or a replacement, I will make a separate posting about it here in the blog to notify yall.
When the people I host these shows for find the time to actually make a graphic, I'll post them here as well.
Like, this one!

You may also notice listed there from time to time events I'm attending but not hosting. That's so that my friends know where to find me on any given night if I've been hard to get ahold of -- and to help promote those events for my friends who are throwing them whether I'm involved or not like Chi Chi LaRue, Brandon Baker, Anthony Lopez, Paul Nichols, etc. ... If I'm hosting the event or involved somehow, it'll be noted.
I think that about covers it!
Cool, but -- quick question -- Where do I find your porn star events calendar
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