Matthew Rush Twit-Attacks Rob Romoni

Rush said he was watching Gage Weston on A&E and that if Romoni spent as much time on his career as he did on Twitter maybe he could be on A&E too! He then went on to call Romoni "washed up" and said that he had "no life" and that "nobody cares" about him. Talk about a rampage! All entirely unprovoked!
All this just days after The Grabby Awards where Matthew Rush complained on stage while presenting Performer of the Year that he had never once been nominated for the honor. ...Well with all that kindness and generosity, it's hard to imagine how they've passed him by!
Meanwhile, one of the men who made Matthew Rush what he is today, Falcon Studios PR director Troy Prickett was nominated into the Wall of Fame at the ceremony. Perhaps Rush shouldn't have left them if he wanted such accolades. I don't think "Brief Encounters" is sweeping any categories this year.
Prickett was, after all, single handedly responsible for making that video disappear where Rush cries genuine tears about not getting to be the first to suck Zeb Atlas's dick on camera. And about how he thinks he'd been given a tapeworm from the incident of some kind if I correctly recall the ridiculous babble.
It is suspected that Rush's boyfriend dumped him this weekend. (Oh but why?)
Romoni and Rush once dated many years back.
Whatever the reason for the lashing out... there's no reason!
It has been confirmed that it was definitely the real Matthew Rush's Twitter account and he has since closed it. ...Probably after awaking from whatever state he was in to see just how insanely he had behaved.

Shutting down your Twitter account won't make this go away.
I think Matthew Rush owes Rob Romoni a public apology! What about you?
o HOWell you left out that he not only scolded Rob but also Howard.
He did make a brief comment about Howard, but I couldn't remember exactly what it was.
Uh, yeah, I would say a public apology is definitely called for. That's the most ridiculous, outrageous thing I have ever heard.
(Also, seriously, Rob is washed up? Has Rush ever heard of being too big? There *is* such a thing... Rob is not only sweet and funny and amazing, he's also not scarily massive. Nothing sexy about a brick wall... if Rush's not washed up then it's only cause he keeps dropping the soap...)
He called Howard a "washed up agent" LOL
All his comments were to Rob and Howard. Each time he had both Howard and Rob.
Honestly it wasnt brief on either account.
I do agree he should have not attacked Rob HOWEVER I had to remove following Rob because his tweets are umm not funny and sometimes strange.
I'll kick some ass for Rob anytime!! lol. he is one of my fave buddies too!
Really? I live for his tweet! They crack me up. He definitely has a language and sense of humor that you either "get" or "don't" but I'm like that too.
Matt Rush seems to have sort of a semi comeback ever since he left Falcon and I don't know why.
He is overrated, his debut at directing 'Rush and release' with the exception of the talent was pathetic at best..and as far as I am concerned he is not worth mentioning.
I had a really bad day and I was laying in bed that night trying to wind down from the days craziness. All of a sudden my twitter text messages were going off like crazy. It was Rob twittering mindless stuff. Now I could shut my phone off but because my parents are in their mid 70's, I keep it on in case of an emergency
Now Twitter is a great way to network if not abused. I feel that there should be some twitter etiquette and your tweets should be limited to so many a day. Just my opinion
I should have removed Rob from my friend list but I didn't. I flew off the handle and it got the best of me. What can I say, I'm human. I do regret my actions and comments. For that I'm truly sorry
I hope you accept my apology
Lets just say when there is a fight in the side streets of Chicago one hour after the Grabbys, and one thinks nobody is watching....Someone is always watching. I think...I know this story has another side to it that should be heard.
now print that...since you love to post peoples pain.
if you're going to "report" news so to speak...try doing it from both sides
Sooooo... then it's ok for him to be cruel to him in a public forum and call someone hurtful, mean names?
And then what would be the excuse for blasting Howard? Does he owe him money too? Hadn't heard anything about that but as we all know there are usually two sides to every story.
Still though... doesn't fly. No excuse for the way he conducted himself. Period.
He's apologized though and people are human and make mistakes. I'm sure Rob forgives him.
Rob can forgive him $5000 ways!
Funny...Howard doesn't seem upset about what was said...only you do!
write about your own life...oh wait...nothing to write about!
See if you edit all your these are being cross post
I don't really understand half of what you're saying, but I do write about my life in my other blog at -- and as for writing about others and the gossip that goes on behind the scenes, that is my job as it has been many many others before me. If you don't like it, don't read it.
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