Tristan Mathews Is One Bad Ass Mutha Fucka!

Gosh, anyone who knows Tristan Mathews knows he picked the wroooong "faggot" to fuck with!
Mathews turned around, charged after the kid, took the heavy bag he was carrying and began beating him with it until he was on the ground at which point the gay porn star began kicking him so hard he broke a toe, punching him in the face so hard his hand is still swollen, calling him names, spitting on his face and saying, "You thought I was some little faggot bitch, but you were wrong. What does it feel like to be called names? You'll think twice next time before you call any gay person names."
The police drove by and saw the incident. They pulled Tristan off of the homo hater. He was cuffed but not arrested.
I never condone violence of any kind as a solution, but I do love that Tristan Mathews stood up for himself and the rest of us.
And hey, while we're on the subject, can you believe in two months Tristan Mathews and Andy Kirra will have been married for an entire year? Everyone (including I, to be honest) was pretty skeptical when they wedded only five days after meeting each other. But hey, maybe when it finally happens... you just know!
Mathews also recently made his directorial debut with "Bowser Makes a Porn" from Dirty Bird Pictures. You can watch it here in the JC Theatre.
Anybody who commits a crime, even shouting homophobic abuse at people, have to expect that people are likely to defend themselves and they've only themselves to blame if they get hurt. However, I prefer to call 911 and let the authorities do their job, you never know who might be carrying a knife or gun.
He's my idol...he takes no shit from no one...thanks Tristan for standing up for us "faggots". This reminded me when a person in my apartment complex back in college called me a faggot...the next day, he had a dead skunk in his car and it reached over 100 degrees that day...he found out not to mess with this faggot either!
that is so sad
get better soon
tristan mathews
love ms
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