Brent Corrigan Explains It All For You

Brent Corrigan showed up! Welcome to the fold, brother. Beware the crazies.
Brent had a "Clarification" of his own posted a few minutes ago regarding the Jeremy Carson sitch:
Haha, I think this whole thing is kind of funny. Although I don't blame anyone for talking about it. Shit, by now, I understand that people are going to talk about SOMETHING.
Jeremy is not 17. I understand he used to label his age on Myspace that because those are the kind of boys he's into. My comments at the X show about Jeremy not appearing naked on the website were so strange because I had started to say something spiteful or negative and I caught myself and recovered kind of weakly. The X show appearance was only a week or two after Jeremy had returned home and stopped working regularly for us on the website. So naturally, I was still a little bent out of shape on how things had turned out. The truth is, Jeremy will not appear naked on the website because that's just not Jeremy's cup of tea. We lived and worked together for nearly six months. Despite the way things have turned out, he did manage to build the foundation and shell of our Member's Only website. I think this kid does deserve some credit here. Things don't always turn out according to plan. Sometimes you live, you love, you learn and move on. And that's okay! It's called life.
And the matter of bareback sex ...
Sex in general, condom or no condom, has risks involved (at many levels). Yes, more than a year ago I filmed 4 bareback scenes within the span of 6 months for Cobra Video. I filmed these scenes with the understanding and guarantee from Cobra that this was a controlled and safe enviroment. In other words, "Brent, he's negative, you're negative. Go at it. You're safe." Shortly after filming these scenes I began to understand better the actual risks at hand. I was not a victim, but I was young and inexperienced. Growing older within the gay community HIV and AIDS become a regular part of life. You learn, as does any growing individual. The reason why so many young gay boys are willing to take that bareback risk is they haven't spent enough time in the community to realize HIV is a real, tangible threat. Before you start living with it around you, it's only a virus you learned vaguely about in the text books of your high school health class.
Before those 4 bareback scenes were filmed, I did two shoots for Cobra Video underage. The first shoot, I filmed one bareback scene with my then-boyfriend, I filmed a threeway with my boyfriend and another model , a toy/jerk off scene with that same model, and my casting couch interview which was later put in Casting Couch 4.
Within 2 months of that shoot, Cobra was out here in San Diego for my second shoot. On that shoot, I filmed 3 all condom scenes with Brent Everett and Chase. Those scenes were split between Schoolboy Crush and Bareboned Twinks. Notice the scene in Bareboned twinks is ALL CONDOM. Few people notice that fact. I was not one of the "bareboned twinks" in that film.
Yes, I have filmed bareback work. By this time, with the filming I've done with my own studio, my all-condom scenes out number the bareback work I have filmed.
Yes! I have a ton of bareback sex.
Sometimes as many as 6 times a week.
With my boyfriend.
We've been together for nearly two years.
I still would not bareback with my boyfriend, as people have been known to be unfaithful and bring home STD's.
That is why both partners should be tested on a regular basis,My BF and I have BB sex and we trust each other. Yes we are men and there is temptation BUT we do not want to jeopardize our Health, Simple really. Kurt
Jason says, "Brent Corrigan Explains It All For You"
Now I wouldn't take it that far, Jason. Sean doesn't explain it all for us. He does cover a few issues, which is commendable, but he leaves out quite a lot as well. Perhaps this is a step in the right direction and he'll begin being open and honest and accepting responsibility when due, or perhaps this is all leading to more of the same from the past with which he's very good at; Pass the blame and Spin.
Time will tell.
I wish you guys would realize that while a condom does decrease the risk of transmission of HIV and other STDs it does not eliminate the risk 100 percent.
And sorry to burst your bubble but research indicates there is a small risk of transmission via oral sex.
Brent - Thanks for clearing up that confusion regarding Jeremy. Could you clear up the confusion regarding your age once and for all. I suggest you have someone videotape you with your ID - show you walking into a (real) police station have someone examine the ID on tape and proclaim that the ID is valid and what the age is on that ID.
I do suggest a follow up to the gay wired interview where you can prove you were a minor.
Sign a release for a real reporter to obtain your birth certificate and report on it.
MJ - The title is a wink at Charles Durang's famous "Sister Mary Ignatious Explains It All For You." ... Check it out and you'll see just how much Sister Mary explains by the end of it. lol xo L, J.
Not that it matters, but aren't any of you getting sick of listening to this self centered, narcisstic little twink? I mean, I know he's a product, but after listening to him for awhile, you'd think he thought himself as important as oxygen and as special and Jesus Christ.
elmysterio said...
"BB you just don’t get it do you Jeremy is of legal age."
elm, I respectfully am telling you that you are the one who is wrong here. while Jeremy probably is of legal age now, he was UNDERAGE when he lived with Sean and his CobraKiller.
however, no need to take my word for it, the FBI are now taking care of this matter. it is what they find out that matters.
the MINOR Jeremy is not as culpable as anyone else who was aware of his being underage and not reporting it. as he was legally a child at the time he can not be held responsible for his actions at his involvement with porn. the responsibility by law falls on BCO, Lee, Sean and his Cobrakiller. nothing anyone says here can change that - it is FACT.
Elm, yes, you are correct, Jeremys parents can also sue those who involved their minor son in porn.
I also recall Grant CobraKiller Roy claiming he met Jeremy online.
These are very sick individuals. Their antics have (and continue to do so) finally caught up with them.
The sooner they are locked up, the better.
Sean expects everyone to believe his latest rant. LOL. No way Sean. The matter is now in the hands of the feds.
BTW Sean explained NOTHING.
Yup, you're right Jason . . . there are a few crazy ones in here . . .
Sean says: "Jeremy is not 17. I understand he used to label his age on Myspace that because those are the kind of boys he's into."
Sean clearly claims Jeremy is into underage boys LOL. There is no end to Seans madness and crazy spin. Talk about passing the buck!.
Sean also said in a blog post from April 27, 2006 "Jeremy’s a wild wild one and I’ve been a bad boy.
... I’m feeling a bit lonely over here, with or without Jeremy’s big dick". He admits to having sex with a minor. Next he will claim his CobraKiller FORCED him to do this.
These scum are child abusing perverted monsters.
Jason have you tried to see if JEREMY wants to come here and give his side of the story. I don't trust Sean's version of events sad to say.
BB - Didn't you say that Brent or Grant had claimed Jeremy to be 17 on another forum? That they "boasted" about it? First of all, why would they EVER do that?! LOL... That would just be stupid. I highly doubt that to be the case. Secondly, where is your proof of this?? Where are the blogs? Really now, it's time to "put up." xo L, J.
BB, your rantings have nothing to back them up. You are just making noise. Claiming a thing is a fact when nobody else knows it is a fact reflects more on you then on the people you accuse. Maybe time to change your alias again. What FACT have you any proof of?
Jason, the forum at JGoo was taken down a long time ago. That is where Sean and his CobraKiller BOASTED about Jeremy. Jeremy himself made posts to that blog confirming he was 17.
Do not shoot the messenger because you doubt or disagree with him.
BB - I'm not shooting anyone. I just asked you a question. You're doing enough "shooting" for all of us. It is unfortunate for you that every time you speak of evidence, it is untangible. xo L, J.
I used to read the Juicygoo forums and while I have to admit I am not exactly pro Brent -- the postings BB refers to were never on juicygoo so he is grasping at straws here by refering to a board that he knows no one can double check
Albert, re Jeremys age, as recently as TODAY Sean himself said: "I understand he used to label his age on Myspace that because those are the kind of boys he's into". Now Sean says Jeremy was lying about being 17. Sean and his CobraKiller never made that claim before about Jeremy when this first began.
Everyone knows Sean constantly lies. We are expected to believe his latest rants. I do not buy it. It is Sean;s lamest attempt at spin to date.
The FBI have the information, that is all that matters at this point.
Change my alias AGAIN? huh? do you want to start a flame war? I'm game. Go ahead old man.
BB(BIG BAD...LOSER) you are talking out of your dirty diseased ass! In much the same way you you and others have since the beginning of these BC threads!
The juicygoo posts were taken down about a year before Jeremy even came into the picture. Go spew your lies and shit somewhere else!
7:27 PM LOL, yes right, if you say so.
As I have said repeatedly, this matter is in the hands of the FBI. They will find out the truth and take the necessary actions. Not you, and not me. OK.
7:28 PM now you know that is NOT true :)
Jason you said: "It is unfortunate for you that every time you speak of evidence, it is untangible."
If you say so, again, the matter is in the hands of the FBI and has also been reported as a cybercrime. At this point it does not matter what anyone here believes.
When you thought Jeremy MAY be underage, you did nothing about it. Yet, now here you are being very vocal to disprove he was underage. Make up your mind.
Wait, wait, wait... I remember now! Jeremy did have his age on myspace listed at 17 or under at one point. His reasoning, as I recall was to keep his profile private (like many closeted gays do) so his straight friends or family would not stumble upon his secret gay (OVER 18 ADULT) life! Grant told me he made him change it because he didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea with all the attention received from the Cobra fiasco.
7:39 PM, ok we have two different stories.
Sean's story:
"I understand he used to label his age on Myspace that because those are the kind of boys he's into."
CobraKillers story (according to 7:39):
Jeremy did have his age on myspace listed at 17 or under at one point. His reasoning, as I recall was to keep his profile private (like many closeted gays do) so his straight friends or family would not stumble upon his secret gay (OVER 18 ADULT) life! Grant told me he made him change it because he didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea with all the attention received from the Cobra fiasco."
Make up yuor minds eh.
"Not that it matters, but aren't any of you getting sick of listening to this self centered, narcisstic little twink? I mean, I know he's a product, but after listening to him for awhile, you'd think he thought himself as important as oxygen and as special and Jesus Christ."
ABSOLUTELY! I posted on the other thread about how sick I am of hearing about this lowlife and his stupidity. I'm ready to dump my membership cause all you ever hear about anymore is him, some dumb twat named Richelle and these ugly ass prostitutes Brandon Baker and that fugly ass queen Jonathan Chnag..who at least makes me laugh when I look at his face. Hopefully this loser Brent, Sean whatever the fuck his name is will descent into dementia from the gift and we'll be free of him & his self-created drama.
Are you now using MySpace as a source of reliable age data? We have asked and despite the continued noise, you have yet to provide any proof of your claims that Jeremy was under age. NONE. You made the claim now prove it. I suspect you would find it easier to start a flame war than prove that Jeremy was underage. You seem to be a little on the Emo side today. Maybe tomorrow you could bring us some facts. I will wait with interest. Be well.
From the information I have gathered from this tread is that Jeremy’s Myspace page said he was 17 years old in April 2006. Jason had a question about his age and was not sure if he was in fact 17 when he started to work for LSG Media. This whole thing is based on his age as listed at the time on his Myspace page. Jason has said that they went to an 18 and over club together and Jeremy had ID and he got into the club. Jason is questioning if it was valid ID or a photo-shopped ID. From what I understand with Myspace if you wanted a private page you had to be 15 or younger to get one. This has since been changed so anyone can have a private page now. But when Jeremy first got his Myspace page this was not the case. So it originally said he was 15 years old. With my space and a few other sites once you put the year you were born the page updates your age automatically. What I have noticed is that Jeremy’s Myspace page is still set to private but it shows his age as 20 years old. So that would mean Jeremy changed his age sometime between when Jason first saw his Myspace page and now. So if in fact Jeremy is 20 years old now one year ago he was 19 years old. So he would have been legal to work for LSG Media. The only issue now is if Jeremy is 20 years old or not. Another age Issue just what we need. I am going to go with the age he has listed on his Myspace page as being correct. What purpose does Jeremy have for lying about it? There is no love lost between he and Brent. As to the question of whom is culpable in this matter all and anyone who knew if in fact Jeremy was under-age in April 2006. That does include Jeremy. There was just a case where a teenaged girl was charged with child pornography. Here is a link to the story. The government is not playing with this issue. So be real careful where you throw those accusations.
BB do you personally know Jeremy? Have you seen his ID? Do you even know when Jeremy stared to work for LSG Media? Do you have a clue at all what you are ranting about? You go ahead and get the FBI involved in this mess and you will probably be arrested your self for spreading false accusations. You have no proof at all as to what is really going on here. And if you are so sure of Jeremy’s real age than you are just as culpable as all the other people who claim to know but did nothing so you will probably be arrested for aiding and abetting. Just a thought dear you should run and hide now before the FBI arrests you.
Albert: how stupid are you?
this matter is in the hands of those it needs to be.
no, I would never use myspace as a reliable source for anything. nor would I use it to intrude into the life of someone underage, unlike your perverted friends Sean and his Cobrakiller.
I have nothing to prove to degenerates such as yourself.
You sure are making a lot of noise without backup.
BTW I was informed by someone I totally believe that you met Sean and his escorting partner when you hired them both for escorting services a few years ago. You have ZERO credibility old man.
LOL Elm, your too funny. though you are correct, I too should have reported it at the time. I am not so ignorant this time around. Those that need to know me and where I am, already have the information.
Here is the link I posted but it got cut off.
Third teenage girl charged in alleged child pornography case
March 31, 2006
NORTH SMITHFIELD, R.I. --A third teenage girl has been arrested in connection with a child pornography case involving two other teenagers.
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Sign up for: Globe Headlines e-mail | Breaking News Alerts The 16-year-old from Lincoln, whose name was not released, was charged with conspiracy. She is accused of taking explicit photos of two friends, Elizabeth Muller, 19, of North Smithfield, and another 16-year-old girl from Lincoln whose name hasn't been released.
The other two teenagers were arrested earlier this week and charged with child pornography. The two posted the photos on their MySpace Web pages, where they were discovered by a police officer assigned to Lincoln High School who regularly monitors the site.
The third girl was charged Wednesday.
Information from: The Times,
so in fact despite all the claims we do not have more and not less proof for jeremy being underage than for sean being a minor at the time they worked for a porn company the first time.
I just read on a web-site that Brent Corrigan is going to get a sex change operation so he and Grant can get married.
That’s why you can’t see his birth certificate because it has already been changed to show his new gender assignment.
It was rumored that he will be starting hormone treatments once he finishes his Cobra assignments. He will be leaving the industry in the next year.
Elm, now I understand what you meant. I do not know if those same laws apply in CA. MA has always been miles ahead with laws in general out of all the states.
If Jeremy gets into trouble for being involved in porn while underage, I am sure there must be a way for him to fight back, legally.
10:25 PM most unlikely, I know of no jail that caters to such things.
BB the same laws apply because they are federal laws. So Jeremy would be in just as much trouble as anyone else.
Weeks ago I was hearing from the trolls about how the state police would be making an arrest any day. Then the IRS was to be involved. Now the trolls want to threaten with the FBI, who has actually been involved from very early on. Next it will be the CIA, Interpol and the UN Security Council. Still the trolls cannot come up with any facts. NONE. Gosh I seem to be repeating myself.
Intelligent people get facts, develop a theory based on those facts and then try to disprove their own theory. That level of intelligence seems to be lacking in this discourse.
Is Brent having a sex change operation? That would explain the eye makeup. Wow that’s a trip I wonder how hi fans will react to this bit of news. What website was it on? Anonymous spill it we need to know.
Anon 10:25 I have a better bit of News Jeremy has moved in with me and is now my "houseboy" I just love clean mirrors & I have a LOT of mirrors! Right now Jeremy is cleaning the one in the Master Bath,,Nope dear you got it all smeared, I want it crystal clear so I can see my radiant face in the mirror, Well Jeremy its not my fault you shot all over the mirror & its a bitch to clean! You'll find I can be a REAL BITCH if you fuckin piss me off! Now put that rag back in your mouth and start over! And I want to see that pretty Ass wiggle while cleaning that mirror!
the value of the facts of jeremy being underage are the same as sean being underage. nothing is proven.
even sean/brent failed to issue that in his post by saying he is not 17. no one ever claimed that. the question was: was jeremy underage at the moment he started to work for lsg.
myspace proves nothing of course. but his explanation why jeremy changed his age there is weird. why a teenager (assuming he is 20 now, he was 19 a year ago) should pose as a 17yo to get contact to 17yo guys. just dirty old man have such strange ideas and actually do it.
the reason why the involved fbi did nothing can be there was nothing to do. neither jeremy nor sean where underage.
the most interesting point is: why is sean posting here now. he might not want to talk to bryan´s death but he did also not talk to his lsg trouble while spinning it elsewhere with his own blogs and interviews.
after just a short moment speaking about jeremy he jumped to a long story about his bareback and video work.
i just see: the sean camp makes statements never shows proofs and ignores questions from others as much as possible. they just pick up certain things they like to address and make long statement but usually tell not much with it.
no one has to answer everything. but don´t expect that we simply accept your spin as being the truth and call us trolls when we don´t believe what you say.
^^Well said, ab. As I mentioned in a previous comment, it's the items which Sean fails to address, things that he leaves unsaid, which are the most telling. I don't expect Sean to address any matter relating to Bryan's death but I do wish he would answer other questions raised on this site the past two months in regards to his site, his age, the donations from fans, the empty promises on his blog and half-truths and lies we've uncovered that he's said over time and the list goes on...
And yet, what do we get when Sean finally says a word here? Answers to our questions, clearing up our confusion on a multitude of issues? Nope! What we get is some schpeal about Barebacking which is a topic that I don't recall ever being discussed in regards to all this here until yesterday and of course Sean's account of Jeremy's real age. Oh, and how could we forget, Sean also refers to a "few" of us as "crazy." Well thanks so much Sean. I mean, if YOU say it, then it MUST be true. Right?
MJ - Actually I'm the one who brought up the "crazies." And I think I've made abundantly clear that what I say is NOT always true. lol ;-) xo L, J.
why are the Sean trolls SCREAMING about the age of this kid Jeremy? it makes me think he probably was 17 at the time.
Thanks Jason. And I know you brought it up. My point was just to make reference to the three topics Sean has chosen to address on your site this year and remind everyone of the many, many others he has not.
Sean's rants about bareback sex is to divert attention from the current issue at hand - Jeremy's age.
hmmm... still no comment from Jim. that seems odd
As to the bare-backing issue it was brought up by TY in the “Clarification” thread. I think it was wise for Brent to bring it up and put the rumors to rest. As for the other concern Jeremy’s age that was also a wise thing for Brent to do but it appears that many of you are still skeptics in this regard. It would appear that Jeremy’s age is really not an issue, he is of legal age. Some people here are claiming it is but its just another way to bring more negative light to an already sad situation. As to the Sean’s birth Certificate and the underlying age issue he is not required to make public his birth certificate. The only stipulation regarding it and his age in the MOR was to give Cobra Video a copy and he was to make a public statement. Which he has not done as of yet. The paragraph is form the MOR regarding such statement.
Page 1, numbered paragraph 3. Retraction Statement.
“Within seventy-two (72) hours of the Settlement Date, Mr. Lockhart will issue a blanket retraction,… The foregoing retraction shall state that the parties have come to a mutually agreeable settlement and shall attest to the fact that Cobra was not aware that Mr. Lockhart had forged the identification that he provided to Cobra as well as any other personnel statements
That is all that was required on the age issue. As far as any other requests that we have of Brent Corrigan that is totally up to him whether he responds to them. The settlement is sealed and he should not talk about it as well as the murder of Bryan Kocis. I for one have been a true skeptic when it comes to some of Brent’s statements but as to the settlement and Bryan’s murder I understand why he can not talk about those issues. So all I have to say is believe what you want to believe but you need to understand there is still and ongoing murder investigation and if Brent is intelligent as we all think he will not touch the subject.
I can understand why Jason brought up the whole Jeremy issue and it made for a fun thread. But people you have to understand that this is a news and gossip site and you need to learn which is which. Don’t believe everything you read. As for the posts on my site I try to post fun stories and factual ones in very much the same way as Jason and I leave it up to the reader to know when I am kidding around. But it appears that I have made posts that have caused a couple of issues as well. Like Jason I will correct them but you have to understand we are human and not infallible. I hope that helps you to understand this whole mess.
What’s the deal with the sex change post on this thread? It’s bad enough that there are so many other untruths being spread about Brent. Why start another one?
Am I the only one who noticed that Sean just accused JEREMY of liking underaged boys? So let me get this straight. Grant and Sean hire an inexperience teen twink to be there webmaster but it's not they who are the pervs but the twink himself.
Again we see a patern. Sean is your friend until he isn't and then he trashes you in public. Jeremy is a fool if he doesn't refute these charges.
btw.. I don't think a 19 year old being attracted to a 17 year old is perverted I was just using the analogy.
tubbs, I posted this above already, you probably missed it:
"Sean says: "Jeremy is not 17. I understand he used to label his age on Myspace that because those are the kind of boys he's into."
Sean clearly claims Jeremy is into underage boys LOL. There is no end to Seans madness and crazy spin. Talk about passing the buck!.
Sean also said in a blog post from April 27, 2006 "Jeremy’s a wild wild one and I’ve been a bad boy.
... I’m feeling a bit lonely over here, with or without Jeremy’s big dick". He admits to having sex with a minor. Next he will claim his CobraKiller FORCED him to do this."
Sean will take anyone down when he has no use for them.
People as has been posted before there is no love lost between Brent and Jeremy. So Brent gets in a dig on Jeremy so what. We get digs on each other here as well that does not make it true. The statement that Jeremy likes younger guys is just that a dig to get him upset. I for one feel that Jeremy is the bigger person for not reacting to this mess. BB you are basically an insurgent. That’s a polite way of calling you a shit disturber. You have an unnatural hatred for Brent Corrigan. What is that all about has he personally done something to you? You guys and I mean all of us are reading way too much into this. It is just a childish game to get someone to come on this thread and defend them selves and it apparently worked because Brent came on yesterday to do just that. I said it before Bad Jason, you have been very bad and now you must be permanently positively punished. How would you like you punishment administered?
El, love - LOL... I know you're just joshing, but you can't play it both ways now! I'm damned if I *do* bring up the age question, I'm damned if I don't! I think you'd be more prone to saying "Bad Jason" if I had never brought the whole thing up in the first place and we found out later that the reason that MySpace profile said 17 was because he was, in fact, 17. Hoenstly, I had forgotten all about Jeremy though until you brought him up so I thank you for jostling the cobwebs of my memory. xo L, J.
You have got to be freaking kidding me.
Let's just suppose for one second everything Brent said was true and that he was underage when he first filmed with Cobra....
Why the hell is he now posting links to you tube videos that clearly show that he is masturbating --- these links are scenes from the pulled movies.
So either he lied about his age or he is knowingly posting what would be considered child porn.
Ok, I have been to Brent's site and I have seen two videos posted from youtube. But I don't see any underage sex at all in any way? I suggest you see the two attached scenes that he posted there and you may want to correct your statement here. Then again, you may have to leave fantasy Island first to do so.
Well it appears as though Sean is now thinking of venturing into the clothing business through his site.
From a blog reply by Sean on BCO:
Brent Says:
March 30th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
I fixed the typo on my scene with Skylar. It was filmed around March of 2005.
If I sold T-shirts would you guys buy them from me? I’m thinking about starting an online store and developing a merchandise line. I can’t really afford the upfront costs so I was thinking about just starting with selling t-shirts and then using the money earned there to develop other things . . .
So the question is, would you buy a T-shirt from Brent Corrigan? ;-)"
Sean, you have some very big ideas. I don't think anyone here can argue with me on that, including yourself, but your track-record of getting these ideas off the ground leaves a lot to be desired.
Sean, dare I ask, is there anything you won't try? Here's a thought: How about finishing one thing before starting another. For instance, try devoting more time to sorting out the differences with your partner at LSG so your member's site can be updated more frequently with new content, which folks are already paying for, before asking fans to shell out more money for "t-shirts." One step at a time. Again, just a thought.
Elm blah blah, you do not know what your talking about. Jason brought up the age issue, it jogged my memory, get over it.
If you believe in Sean Lockhart and his CobraKiller, that is your choice.
Your rant appears to be kissing of ass, again, your choice.
Sean Lockhart is a nasty lying whore. It has be proven several times over. The scumbag destroyed a person who is now dead. A person his Cobrakiller often threatened to have killed. It is fact the CobraKiller actively sought a hit man to do the deed.
Had Sean cleared up the age issue, I suspect none of this would be happening. The scum bag continues to lie and blame others for his own actions.
Sean decided to 'invite' everyone into his life through his blog. Sean and his CobraKiller did everything they could to paint Bryan as an evil monster. Even I fell for it, at first.
The true evil monsters are Sean and his CobraKiller.
If you do not like my posts, too bad, deal with it, get over it.
Flame all you want, it does not change anything. Name calling posters here does not suit you, but hey, if it floats you boat, go for it.
Maybe that is Sean's problem, he thinks too much. All this thinking takes away from action. I suspect that is why he is not able to complete a project. He has more than a few loose screws in his head. His CobraKiller is even worse.
BCO t-shirts? I am sure there are a few idiots out there and posters here that who would buy one.
The search warrant affidavits are resealed for another 60 days:
Hello Guys its Mark over @
Please be patient as DVD store reopens after being shuttered by police trashing the production equipment. Orders have begun being sent out & if you order today they will arrive within 3 days, we are doing free 2 day UPS for all clients. The latest Movies from Hawaii and beaches are available on the Mason/Harlow Disc "Young Bucks in heat"
Harlow is taking a sabatical of sorts, spending time with his family as he gears up for a hopeful and very near MAJOR Filming announcement!!!! One the World has cried out to SEE!!! Just stand by and be patient as Harlow regains the emotional & sexual energy warranted for this massive project! We can only say..."hold the phone on this one..LOL...all your friends will beg to see it too"
till then
I have inside info on that there project i think but cannot speak yet...and its killing me
I also heard Mason (the 18 year old kid from MTV's Laguna Beach) is going to be part of a new 3 way boybatter is doing.
yummm Harlow is sure keeping busy playing off all this press
No I am not living in a fantasy world. Both of the clips are from a video that was pulled because he alleges that he was underage.
One of the videos clearly shows him masturbating and is sexually enticing which would therefore classify it as child porn IF he was underage.
Upon re-reading my post I can see how anyone would reasonably assume that it showed the actual intercourse.
And to clarify I do not think this is proof of the age. I just find it very very odd that someone who is reportedly upset about his alleged underage work would then turn around and post links to clips from the movie -- why advertise what others can no longer see due to your allegations.
As for accusing me of living in a fantasy world. Please leave the personal stuff out of it. I showed you respect by not insulting you for not agreeing with me. Show me the same respect.
Anom 6:37 PM
Is there any chance you are looking at the wrong you tube videos ? I also went to the website and there are two you tubes in the ask Brent section that show videos that are either from EPD or SCB (my memory is foggy) One video while you can not see his penis he is clearly masturbating and the other shows no sex but it definitely pushes the limits on what an underage person should be doing
after 2 years and no legal action against anyone because of the 4 videos and the constant refusing of proving the underage claim with the wildest theories why not from the Sean camp i doubt that he ever appeared underage in porn.
While they expect immediately a proof for Jeremy´s age from the people discussing here a possible underage scenario they were not willing to do that for their comparable claim.
I think the claim was made to scare Bryan away, get out of the contract, start a new company and get rid of competing footage.
It is still strange that Bryan was killed just days before he could get his hands on Sean´s birth certificate.
Anon @ 6:26am - I agree with you completely. Why would Sean link to a YouTube clip of videos he appeared in while underage? Those are still pulled from the market, as far as I know, and they shouldn't even be on YouTube, let alone on the official website of the very person who made the underage claims. I understand no actual nudity is depicted in said clips but that matters not. The videos in which the clips appear are still surrounded by child pornography claims.
I've notified YouTube that they are hosting clips from videos pulled from the market and provided links to the news items in which this is stated. Whether they delete the videos or keep them is their choice. As for me, I find it in poor taste on Sean's part to show those two clips on his site and I wish he would take them down. He can tell his story and get his point across just as well without the visuals, in my opinion.
What's this about MASON from Laguna Beach?
Mason is the stud that is in 2 videos with Harlow on hes was in season one of the MTV show Laguna Beach hottie to :-0
I read on a jub thread Bryan Kocis would cruise Myspace looking for young guys. is that is why his profile has been removed.
Was Bryan's MySpace the Cobra Video MySpace page? Does anyone have a cache of his MySpace?
Here's the link to Cobra Video's MySpace page. Last login was 26th of Jan.
But he was murdered on the 24th...
Actually, the last log-in date for Cobra's Myspace is listed as 1/25/07.
Yes, Bryan was murdered on the 24th. Perhaps he was logged onto Myspace when he died and the account didn't time out until the 25th. I really don't know but that's all I can think of as to why the last log-in date is listed as 1/25/07.
What was Mason's name on Laguna Beach? Did he actually use the name Mason?
To anonymous living in the fantasy world I was responding to your statement about what Brent was allegedly doing in the you tube clip that he posted on his website. Those clips have been out there for a very long time on you tube and they show nothing but bits of a scene in movies that Brent states he was underage in.
Should Brent have posted the videos on his site well opinions will vary on that one. But he got them from an open forum and they are there for everyone to see.
I have read some really off the wall stuff on here concerning Brent. Every post Jason puts on here that relates to him the head cases come posting. Like or dislike the man if there is evidence out there that he was involved in the murder of the Cobra Owner he will pay the price one way or another.
I surely would not want to be in his shoes for any reason. Everyone here needs to remember one thing about Brent. He is young and will make mistakes. If those mistakes are illegal in nature then he will have to pay the price.
But until there is evidence presented in a court of law against him about the murder then he is innocent. As for his issues with Cobra about being underage, well only a few people really know the truth to that.
I think at this point it would not matter what he said about the issue of being underage because people have already made up their mind on it.
"As for his issues with Cobra about being underage, well only a few people really know the truth to that.
I think at this point it would not matter what he said about the issue of being underage because people have already made up their mind on it."
I think this poster is 100 percent correct with the above statement
Which is exactly why I strongly feel Brent Corrigan has a moral responsibility to prove his allegations or recant the allegations and prove that.
I stand by my opinion that Brent is clearly masturbating at the start of the clip. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder
Responsibility for proving the age of an actor lies with the production studio. Not the actor. When cobra pulled those videos off the market, it admitted it did not have the required proof. Cobra then went through some legal hurdles to get the proof it needed. Brent was under no legal obligation to provide that proof at that time. The civil suit in large part revolved around Bryan trying to get the ID's he needed primarily I think, to keep himself out of jail. Despite that, he seemed to believe he could continue to sell his product without fear of criminal charges. I have to wonder what that assurance cost him. Well on second thought, I think I know what it cost him when the settlement was a done deal. We all do. But who was really profiting from this battle. Not Brent, Grant, Lee, Bryan or Dickie. Follow the money guys. Still no Maserati.
The masturbation in the scene from CC4 comes after the interview.
If you believe the MOU is even close to what the final settlement looks like then you would believe that by now Cobra would have Brent’s original birth certificate. That theory would be reinforced by the fact that Brent’s members site is up and running, accepting new members.
Assuming that and since Cobra now has all the documentation it should have had from day one, there is no legal problem. Here is an idea, contact cobra and buy those movies. Maybe ask Cobra to provide the proof it has been required to have for the last 3 years but in its criminal negligence, did not. Under California law a birth certificate is absolutely private. Brent lives in California. He has done his part. Now go talk to Cobra, they have what they need.
Age dispute resolved. (except in the fantasy land of troll think.)
"Responsibility for proving the age of an actor lies with the production studio. Not the actor. When cobra pulled those videos off the market, it admitted it did not have the required proof."
who said cobra is was not in possession of the legal age documents of Sean? Oh yes Sean but failed to prove it. In case of doubt cobra took down the 4 videos until proven otherwise.
"But who was really profiting from this battle. Not Brent, Grant, Lee, Bryan or Dickie. Follow the money guys. Still no Maserati."
who started the fight? Sean, not expecting Bryan fighting back. at the end Sean lost and Bryan lost his life. Harlow came in the picture much later. He made the best of his new popularity but he did not have any motive to be involved in the murder. it the fault of the lsg people that they were not able to use the asset Sean to actually make money not even now when there are no external obstacles.
"Here is an idea, contact cobra and buy those movies. Maybe ask Cobra to provide the proof it has been required to have for the last 3 years but in its criminal negligence, did not."
Maybe someone can ask lsg to provide the same for Jeremy, with the same arguments?
"Age dispute resolved."
Nothing is resolved. this is the problem. no spin from the Sean camp will blind peoples eyes forever.
btw. Albert, do you own a light colored suv?
Albert do stop rambling on when you fail to back up your claims.
Sean Lockhart told anyone who would listen that he was underage during the time period in question.
Obviously he can not back up those claims. No legal action was taken based on those claims. If the claims were true, action would have been taken - the law is the law. Sean also failed to back up his claims. He made the allegations. It is his responsibility to provide proof.
Unfortunately Bryan was shut up permanently.
Naturally Sean can not provide proof or back up of his claims. He lied. It is that simple.
It has always been up to the accuser to provide proof. In this case the accusers Sean Lockhart and Grant Cobra Killer Roy failed miserably to back up his claims. Again, because they obviously lied.
FOUR search warrants were issued, one was for Harlow.
Until they are unsealed, we will not know who the other THREE were for.
My best guess is ONE for Sean and his CobraKiller, the other for Lee.
The one for Lee if it happened could be reason enough for the in fighting at LSG. CobraKiller got Lee into this mess. It would make sense for Lee to kick the CobraKiller out of LSG for this.
Regarding the post about Sean selling BCO t-shirts: I would definitely buy a t-shirt that simply has the words: "Brent Corrigan did it" printed across the front. I'm guessing that would be a pretty big seller.
As for the bareback issue, I don't think Sean quite understands that the main reason Brent Corrigan, the porn star, became so popular is because he was young looking and did bareback. Cobra was the only studio that regularly released the "All-American boy" type models having bareback sex. Now all that's left is all those Euro videos with uncut guys - yuk! Say what you will, Bryan did understand that twink actors have a definite shelf life - which is probably why he went for the 3 year agreement, knowing that Brent would have outgrown the target look by the end of that period.
While its commendable that Brent wants to run a production company that protects its models from the dangers of bareback sex, I know that I definitely don't want to buy condom videos given the option of having bareback videos available. You can't put Pandora back into her box!
I also don't think that Brent understands the "look" that made him so popular. As I referred to it before, it's that "All-American boy" look. Not the "gay bar" look. The tattoo on the ass and the earing are all big turn-offs (at least for me). I remember when Jeremy Jordan was a popular twink model, reading that studios used to put a lot of make-up over his tattoos to try to conceal them! All of the models that I've seen on the BCO site have the "gay bar" look, and not the "All-American boy" look, like Cody Lockhart and others that Cobra used to use.
Why is it so difficult to get a copy of someone's birth certificate? If porn studios are on the hook to verify the age of their models, shouldn't there be a way for them to be able to verify that the identification provided to them by a model is authentic? What do other employers do to authenticate birth certificates of their employees? Going to the opposite end of the spectrum, how about when someone retires - how do employers verify that someone is indeed old enough to be eligible to retire? Didn't Cobra need to have Sean's Social Security Number to pay him taxable wages? Wouldn't Social Security be able to verify Sean's age?
Someone wrote that Sean's age is now a non-issue. I disagree. He single-handedly destroyed the twink porn market - anyone noticed that Club1821 and other similar studios don't make any more new videos, and Xtube doesn't allow videos of anyone who looks younger than 30? There should be a class action suit filed against Sean for the effect he's had on an industry due to his lying about his age!
Thank you Jason for hosting this site - a great place to keep up on the Kocis murder case. It's very interesting how it's unfolding.
ab said…who said cobra is was not in possession of the legal age documents of Sean?
Albert says, Cobra did the minute they took those videos off the shelf they admitted they had not done their job. They then sued to get the documentation they needed. It seems trolls cannot read.
who started the fight?
Albert says, ’The boy rapist.’ By his own admission. The rest of your paragraph becomes irrelevant as being predicated on that simple question. The adult in the situation is responsible under our laws and in this situation we are dealing with a corporation that still exists. Who made the first threats? Bryan. Who, went to court first, Bryan. What known child abuser filmed Brent when he was underage, Bryan. Really your argument belongs on a grade school playground. Who hit who first. The question is who was the sick pervert and who was just a 17 year old kid in the grips of a 40 year old perv with a camera. What the 40 year old perv did with that footage becomes his problem because he was not a professional and did not get proper documentation that he knew would hold up in court. HE LIED, to all of us. Bryan did not do his job. He had other interests in the boy.
bb said...Sean can not provide proof or back up of his claims. He lied. It is that simple.
Albert says. “About what.”
It has always been up to the accuser to provide proof.
But Bryan being the plaintiff in this case could not prove shit and in the end was forced to settle. He could not prove Brent was of age which is exactly what every one of his films claimed he could do. Not a very honest fellow I think.
Brent was not an accuser as much as an exposer. Bryan was running a backhanded and illegal operation. Brent did not accuse him. Brent revealed him. Bryan was somehow able to make some arrangement that kept him in business for a while. It wasn’t that good a deal to my way of thinking.
LSG was FORCED to settle, Bryan was in it for the long haul.
Albert you than ask: "The question is who was the sick pervert and who was just a 17 year old kid in the grips of a 40 year old perv with a camera."
The answer to this one is obvious - Grant CobraKiller Roy, poor Jeremy eh.
I also understand Sean Lockhart hooked up with Lee before hooking up with the Cobrakiller. Lee = perv #2.
My question now to you Albert, how old was Sean when you paid to hook up with him?
The only thing Sean has managed to expose to date is his LIES.
We are still waiting on seeing a copy of THAT flier posted on lamp posts in the CobraKillers neighborhood.
As usual, they fail to provide back up for any of their claims.
If the FBI gets a report that a child was doing porn, they have NO CHOICE but to act. Act they did not, how could they, Seans claim was and still is a LIE. Sean and his perverted CobraKiller have Bryans blood on their hands one way or another, no matter how much you and they try to spin it.
Again as usual, even you old man fail to back up your words.
Albert, so you actually say
Sean can say what he wants. It is the truth until someone can prove him wrong.
Someone else has to prove his statements before you even think about considering he could be right.
This is in response to the poster who asked if Bryan had Brent’s social security number. Yes Bryan did have it and I guess he could not prove that Brent was of legal age with it. I wonder why that is? Maybe because Brent was not legal when he shot those scenes at Cobra. The ID that Bryan had on file in his 2257 documents was a photo shopped email attachment of Brent’s ID. Not a very good record if you ask me. Now here’s the deal we can argue about Brent's age till the cows come home but it won’t do us a bit of good because Brent is not required to show it to any of us. The only one who was to get a copy was Bryan. Do you know why Bryan needed a copy of Brent’s ID? Because Bryan was negligent in his 2257 duties, without the proper ID on file he could not legally market those videos. That is why Bryan needed the ID plus the fact that he could have faced serious jail time for his sexual relationship with Brent. This was not the first time Bryan used the excuse “he said he was 18”. Can any one of you who saw those earlier videos honestly say that Brent looked over 18 years old?
Brent was also arrested for underage drinking. He was also in high school when he did the first scenes for Cobra. Bryan had the information he needed all along. I truly believe that Bryan knew that Sean was under age and that is why he filed the civil suit. The whole civil case was for the purpose of vindicating Bryan. It had nothing to do with a breach of contract or the Cyber squatting. Bryan made a mistake and was trying to cover his tracks. He had more money than LSG Media and he had access to better lawyers as well. The reason this case became public is because of Chad Belville who is a publicity-seeking shyster. He thought that he could make Bryan back of by revealing his criminal past. I don’t think it was Sean’s idea to go public with this mess. He only started to talk about it after there were nasty post about him on other web-sites. I have followed this pretty much from about a year ago. I saw the Juicygoo forums and the Cobra Killer web site and also one with Chad Belville. Bryan wanted to make an example out of Brent so he could keep his other Cobra boys in line. Do you really believe that if Sean had finished out his contract with Cobra that there would be no civil suit? There would have been one and you and I both know this is the truth. There were threats made by Bryan against Brent. As well as threats by Brent Company. Brent said that he believed that his safety would be in danger if he went back to Pennsylvania for the bogus deposition. From what I have seen of Late with all the crap going in in Wilkes Barre PA I am inclined to agree with Brent. Brent has said he was truly scared for his safety. I really think this whole mess is just something that we all should just step back and put aside our personal feelings and look at the big picture. Bryan Kocis was murdered and his home set on fire to hide the crime. LSG Media and Cobra Video had come to an agreement on the name Brent Corrigan. Brent now has his pay-site up and running so this means that the settlement is in effect. Harlow Cuadra has been considered a person of interest for the last 2 months but the police seem to not be in any rush to arrest him. Sean and Company has not been arrested. As far as I know no one has been arrested in this case. So all parties are considered innocent until proven guilty. We all can rant and rave about all the shoulda woulda couldas we want but the fact still remains that a man is dead and he was killed in the most gruesome way and then his dead body was torched. That my friend’s is the real issue here. Weather Brent being underage or not played a part in this is purely speculation. Bryan was not an angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was notorious for his hot tub parties with the Cobra boy’s. He also actively recruited them in Internet chat rooms. There was just a case in New York where these guys used an Internet chat room to lure their victim out so they could rob him and the man ended up being killed. Plus Dateline NBC using Internet chat rooms as part of a sting operation to trap suspected pedophiles. Why would not some vigilante do the same to kill suspected or convicted pedophiles? The possibility is quite plausible and It should make us all think that none of us are safe from this type of crime.
"The ID that Bryan had on file in his 2257 documents was a photo shopped email attachment of Brent’s ID."
we dont know that. brent said this. in the cc4 video both agreed that sean provided several id´s to make thing more even on video.
with or without the settlement, in case seans accusions where true the authorities should have acted long before.
sean was afraid of what? he complained on juicygoo that bryan contacted him and tried to legally force his contract. he tried to figure out his address to be able to start legal actions. what should he do else. just go away because the toxic twink said something without a proof.
actually grant was most upset that bryan started to fight back more than about anything else. he just torpedoed their plans to start their own porn company.
we don´t know who killed bryan. a lot of scenarios are possible. but as said here many times. this was a crime of passion not just to kill and rob. which person hated bryan that much to be able to this. some people showed a real odium even after bryan was dead. i think it is not completely wrong to look in that direction.
some here are saying Sean gave Bryan copy of fake id, and assume his SS# was correct.
when it comes to Sean, nothing is to be believed unless he can back it up. he did this to himself with all his lies and deceit.
the only person who knows the truth is Sean, yet he still fails to provide proof.
the fact that Bryan/Cobra were never charged with a crime is VERY telling. you can be sure Bryan would have been arrested for dealing in child pornography.
Bryan was never arrested for anything to do with Sean Lockhart. obviously there was nothing to get arrested for. this is PROOF that Sean was lying.
notice how the Sean camp FAIL to address and justify why the FBI did NOTHING.
it is what it is, no matter what anyone is the Sean camps says. they have become just as bad liars as Sean and his CobraKiller.
what are these people trying to hide? Hmmmm.
Bryan Kocis was the American twink porn market. The other studio's don't make twink films exclusively or hardly at all. Chi Chi, Falcon, Studio2000 et all wouldn't know a real twink if he came and sat on their laps.
The only way Brent destroyed the twink market is if the killed or had anything to do with the death of Bryan which he may or may not have done.
I was a fan of Bryan's movies sad to see the end of an era.
Well, as I see it, Sean knowingly lied about his age to get work at Cobra. The lie ended up costing Cobra a lot of money ($1 million?). You can argue that he was a minor and didn't fully realize what he was doing, but just by the sheer magnitude of the impact of his actions, he should be tried as an adult and forced to take responsibility for his actions. Settlement or no settlement. Isn't there a way for the police to arrest him for that alone? If this was a non-porn company and his lying had cost them $1 million, I would think the police would take some action. Does a crime like that only get prosecuted if the company files a lawsuit? As for Bryan, I don't know the specifics of what the law requires you to have in your possession to satisfy your due diligence for obtaining proof that a model is at least 18 years old. If he didn't get the required documentation (and I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have known what was required) then why didn't he just pull the titles off the market and reissue new DVD's with Brent's scenes deleted? I think the resulting modified DVD's would have still have been big sellers. I always thought Brent's scenes were not the most exciting anyways, his screen presence was generally weak since he usually just laid there and kinda wimpered. Plus, and maybe Bryan wasn't smart enough to figure this out because he was so obsessed with "Prince" Brent, once you've seen a guy in a scene, it's not as exciting to see them in a second scene (unless you escalate what gets done in each successive scene - for example, double fucked, group gang bang, etc.). By the time the later videos like FMR were released, Brent's appeal was beyond maxed out - does anyone really think Brent's scenes in the later videos were the best scenes of the DVD? Granted, the last couple of DVD's had more models that looked like they could have been on Brent Corrigan Online than what was traditionally the "All-American boy" look of earlier Cobra videos - which proves that its not easy finding cute young American guys that will bareback on camera. And of course, we all had to suffer though Bryan's promotional "for the first time ever" gimmick claims - ha! At first I really thought he would have a "first" (like three dicks in one hole at the same time - why haven't we seen that yet?), but it was usually something lame like, two cum shots in every scene or some letdown like that. Oh well.
Lastly, I just want to comment on Sean's new look. Why would you want to look like his latest blog entry photos when you have the potential to look amazing like that blue sweater photo where his hair and face looked awesome (someone else commented previously that it was Sean at his best - and I agree!). I wonder if Sean's taste for older men means that he thinks his newest look is more desirable. Could that mean that those tastes will dictate how his BCO models are chosen? In which case, he needn't have worried about competing with Cobra, because I think those are two mutually exclusive target markets!
A couple of things...
Albert mentioned that Bryan was "forced" to settle. I don't believe that for one second. Let's remember what we know. Sean, Grant and Lee had a $38,000 bill from their attorney, Atty. Yates, as of the first of January 2007. They had not paid their attorney a dime since July 2006, according to the Motion to Withdraw filed by said attorney. We know Sean and Grant needed money, by Sean's own admission on October 12, 2006 in his "I tried my best" blog post. If you have enough money, you can continue a civil lawsuit for as long as you want to. Sean and Grant had no money. On the other end of the spectrum, Bryan presumably did have money, by owning homes, fancy cars, it's been said, and continuing to film models for Cobra.
It was from one of those models, Zane, that we learned the following in a blog post here on Jason's site around the first of February:
"four weeks ago i flew out to San Diego to shoot a video with Bryan. prior to being in san diego he had been in las vegas for some type of video convention i believe. while in las vegas he had gone to a club where some of the porn boys were at and drank with some friends. what he couldn't stop talking about was how while he was at this bar/club he had seen Sean. the time before seeing him in vegas sean mouthed "i hate you" accross the room and that was at a hearing for the fedral suit. however this time sean come over to him and hugged him. this was completely off the norm for him to do. he couldn't understand how just all of the sudden sean was over the hate part."
I've always found this above statement to be very telling. I second Zane's open question. How could Sean just all of a sudden be over the hate part about Bryan, enough so to go up and hug him! Something very odd about that, which it appears Bryan noticed too. What I think happened is Sean realized he was up a creek without a paddle, in regards to this civil lawsuit. In the end, maybe he would have won and maybe not. It didn't matter though because he did not have the money to keep fighting. And he did not want to lose the right to use the name "Brent Corrigan," when another option had always been to just use his own name or create another stage name, like Falcon did for him. At any rate, I think the reason Sean started acting nice towards Bryan was because he wanted the settlement to benefit LSG in some way and the only way to make that happen was to be nice to Bryan and take down all the negativity from BCO about the lawsuit and about Bryan, which he did. Most of it anyway.
As to the age issue, I've said enough on that these past two months. As Elm said, we can debate about the age issue until the cows come home but it's all just a wast of time because the only people who can prove it, without a reasonable doubt, are those in possession of a certified copy of Sean's birth certificate and I don't foresee any of those individuals sharing it with the public anytime soon. I will just say though that there is no record of Sean being arrested in San Diego on Saturday, October 28, 2006 that I have found. The party he claims he was at was held on the evening of October 27 and into the morning hours of the 28th and he claims he was subsequently arrested and held by the police for a number of hours. There is also no record in the police logs that I have seen of the police responding to a underage drinking party which had 300 people going in and out. The number of people who strolled through the party, 300, was what Sean said on his blog when he discussed it. When busting a party with that many people in attendance, I'd think there would be mention of it in the San Diego area papers in the days following the bust. Wouldn't you? Unless of course we believe Sean's claims that the police gave everyone "20 seconds {to get out and] no one would get in trouble." Think of the liability in that statement. I, for one, cannot imagine the police department in the city of San Diego would open themselves up to being sued by an innumerable amount of people, should anything happen to the individuals they let leave. Sorry, I just don't buy it.
"But Bryan being the plaintiff in this case could not prove shit and in the end was forced to settle."
In a way you are correct, but for the wrong reason.
Bryan had sufficient, credible evidence to win the case. For starters ask Sean to show you one of the DVDs of his deposition evidence. I don't think LSG will be releasing those to the public in a hurry.
Indeed legal opinion suggested that he could obtain summary judgement - i.e. winning without the need for a trial.
The problem Bryan faced is that LSG had no money to settle his claim, so winning would be a hollow victory. He would have had to initiate further legal proceedings to recover the judgement.
Therefore an "earn out" agreement between LSG and Cobra was the only realistic option.
So yes, it could be said that Cobra was "forced" to reach a settlement but only because LSG had no assets to settle the judgement that was likely to be made against them.
sorry cad, but i do not understand this:
"For starters ask Sean to show you one of the DVDs of his deposition evidence. I don't think LSG will be releasing those to the public in a hurry."
what dvds do you mean?
ab, depositions are usually either videotaped or voice recorded to be used in trial, if necessary. I'm gathering Cad knows that in Sean's case, his deposition was videotaped.
Yes, sorry if I was not being clear. The depositions were videotaped and then transferred over to DVD. Each side has a copy.
For those not familiar with the process, depositions are just oral evidence given under oath outside of the trial process. They help establish the common ground and so enable the trial to focus on the usually only small difference in facts between the two parties and therby save court and especially jury time.
It is unusual for the actual deposition evidence to be introduced into the trial except in exceptional circumstances such as the death of the witness.
Hope that helps clarify my point.
thanks mj and cad for clarification
Your information comes from Brent Corrigan. Therefore the information is biased towards Brent Corrigan.
Take some more of that medication.
Anon 9:16,
And cad's informations come from Bryan Kocis resp. the "Kocis Camp", so his informations are baised towards Bryan Kocis.
That's your line of reasoning.
i contrast to the sean camp, cad gave us just very few information which could not be backed up by other sources. most is legal advice.
And Cad has examined court documents that were available publicly. Those court documents verified everything that was reported to him by the Cobra side of this dispute. Cad has never made a claim or a statement that he couldn't provide a link to evidence for.
What type of tangible proof has the Corrigan side of this dispute provided? Other then words out of their mouths ?
We also need to step back and take our personal bias out of this and just look at what we know and draw logical conclusions about what does and does not make sense.
Does it make sense that no actions would be taken against a studio that produced child porn in a political climate dominated by the bush administration ?
Does it make sense for Corrigan to continue to hide his certified birth certificate since he would gain credibility in an instant should?
This does not make me a Troll. This just means I am waiting for proof. If it is one day proven that Corrigan had nothing to do with this murder and he backs up his underaged claims with tangible proof I will gladly purchase future stuff from him.
Bryn 9.24. I am indeed part of the "Kocis camp" but if you read my previous comments I hope you can differentiate my contributions from either "camp" fanatics.
My interest is to clarify and correct based on my inside knowledge rather than simply express personal opinions.
I am happy to be judged by the substance of my comments. Others seem happy to make unsubstantiated and opinioned rants.
I did not say that Bryan would win his case. The key point was that there would be nothing to win. I am not aware of anyone here actually proving that LSG as a company or as individuals had/has any money.
I actually find Albert sometimes makes helpful contributions. However on other occassions his judgements appears affected.
If he truly thinks that Sean willingly gave the settlement to Bryan or that "it wasn’t that good a deal to my way of thinking." then you have to question his judgement and statements.
"in contrast to the sean camp, cad gave us just very few information which could not be backed up by other sources"
Yes, he gave some informations, but sometimes I felt he went too far, i. e. by posting of private correspondence. And his informations came mostly from Bryan himself, I suppose. So he knows what Bryan told him.
Don't get me wrong please, I have full respect for him being a friend and trying to defend Bryan. But after all: As a friend, he surely takes sides, and mostly we don't know the opposite side.
"Does it make sense that no actions would be taken against a studio that produced child porn in a political climate dominated by the bush administration ?"
As I unterstood out of the discussions here, the FBI (or any other institution) acts as far as a file was charged. The non-activity of the police has been cited as evidence of Brent's legal age. My question is: was a file ever charged? I somewhere read that Bryan contacted the FBI, but that wasn't a self-denunction, was it?
"This does not make me a Troll."
I never would call somebody a troll.
Cad, I really didn't wanted to affect you, I just wanted to show that some lines of reasoning apply on both sides. And mostly I appriciated your input.
"I just wanted to show that some lines of reasoning apply on both sides."
well this is actually the purpose of the last 3 threads.
Bryn, please be reassured that I know the limits of my confidences with Bryan and will always err on discretion.
There was only ever one post that I made which I thought disclosed something indiscrete and I managed to delete it before it attracted comment.
I suppose I shouldn't even have posted on this thread because it is about Brent and I'd rather remain focussed on Bryan's murder.
We seem to be struck in some sort of Brent Corrigan's Groundhog Day where the same arguments and issues are repeated again and again.
Infact Groundhog Day is one of my favourite films. If you recall the main character reacts to the situation in a series of ways; panic, acting without consequences, trickery and despair before finally achieving redemption through love.
That would be a good resolution to all this BC mess but I don't know where we are just now.
I am not talking about the one you withdrawed. I am talking about this two mails in those Bryan is talking about DeWayne and Jeremy. They are still online I think. But however, it's just my personal view that private correspondence in general hasn't to appear in public.
Bryn. I take your point though don't recall the Jeremy email but the DeWayne one rings some bells.
The main thing is that the police have copies of the emails and I don't intend releasing any more to eager eyes here.
Cad says, The main thing is that the police have copies of the emails and I don't intend releasing any more to eager eyes here.
That's probably for the best... But Cad, I do just want to say that without you sharing some of those E-mails, it would have been beyond difficult to put together an accurate timeline, as we did a month or so ago. Thank you for doing so. It was a big help in getting a somewhat precise timeline (which I should probably repost one of these days) of the events of the past 18 months or so leading up to the day Bryan was murdered. Thanks again!
bryn said...
I am not talking about the one you withdrawed. I am talking about this two mails in those Bryan is talking about DeWayne and Jeremy. They are still online I think. But however, it's just my personal view that private correspondence in general hasn't to appear in public.
11:28 AM
Cad said...
Bryn. I take your point though don't recall the Jeremy email but the DeWayne one rings some bells.
The main thing is that the police have copies of the emails and I don't intend releasing any more to eager eyes here.
11:44 AM Cad,Bryn refresh my memory with the thousands of comments on innumerable threads at Jasons what Dewayne email do you refer to a private one between Bryan and me? I have NEVER released any Bryan/Dewayne emails (All Pre Feb 2006)I was mentioned numerous times by Bryan and I was specifically asked to take down "Anti Bryan posts" as per the settlement (and everyone making nice)but so were other "Brent partisans" The last time I actually saw Bryan was June 2006, his reaction was needless to say "explicitly Venal" but we did not talk.
DeWayne, Hi.
I don't actually remember the specific post or the context but I seem to recall at some time I did post a copy of an email from Bryan to me that mentioned you.
Sorry, I can't be more specific but I'd rather err on the cautious and admit such a post than deny it only to find someone then quoting it back to me.
No doubt someone will have the motivation to trawl through all the posts to find it.
Cad Hi Yes I remember now someone mentioned that post to me but it was gone when I got here. I know I was mentioned by Bryan behind the scenes it took him awhile I think to figure out who I was. DewayneinSD started at BCO. Bryan would have known me under a different user name IM & email. I don't think he made the connection until after June 2006,,,, cad said "No doubt someone will have the motivation to trawl through all the posts to find it" LOL you betcha they will,,Elmysterio comes to mind his research prowess is undeniable!
Harlow said today in an interview for his local gay paper "our own" that he & Joe just purchased the 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo, "sorta a stress relief gift to ourselves" Harlow said. at 170,000 I would be stressed having the darn thing LOL
anyways although this small print only paper has no online version it relays a very happy and excited harlow who promises GREAT filming opportunities ahead for him and the recent picking of a national distribution co. for his boybatterdvd product. the pic on the cover of the paper has Harlow laying across the New car nude accept a firecracker covers his penis.
Bryan Kocis settled his lawsuit against Brent Corrigan et al because "LSG didn't have any money".
FIRST, isn't it pretty fucking stupid to sue someone with no money?
If you go to the trouble to shell out big bucks to hire a lawyer experienced in Federal Litigation and to travel 3,000 miles away from where you live to file a lawsuit in San Diego, wouldn't you have to be a total fucking idiot if the person(s) you are suing don't have any money?
SECOND, according to what I've read, Brent et. al. were sued in their "personal capacities" which makes the claim that "LSG HAD NO MONEY" a weak argument for why Bryan Kocis settled his lawsuit against Brent Corrigan et al.
THIRD, it is almost impossible to collect a judgment against a LLC. I don't know the specifics about California LLC Law but, it is generally known by most Asset Protection Specialists that suing a LLC CAN BE a fucking waste of time. In most states, if you win a money judgment against a LLC, you can only file what is known as "a charging order" against the LLC. The Charging Order would allow you to collect money against any future earnings of the LLC but, most LLCs are created to distribute money to its members NOT to HOLD money.
The idea that Bryan Kocis could have won a Federal Lawsuit is A FANTASY.
NOTE: people posting here keep listing companies without having any insight into what those companires are created to do. For example, LSG Media technically could have been created solely to own cameras and video production equipment.
Similarly, Cobra Video LLC could tecnically NOT be the copyright holder on Cobra Video videos. For example, Cobra Video LLC could technically only own the right to distribute Cobra Videos and the copyrights to Cobra videos may have been owned by Bryan Kocis in his personal capacity.
I don't know WHAT all of these LLCs were created to do but, if people are going to try to create movtives for murder, they might want to know that these various LLCs were created to do. THESE LLCs could all be shell companies that have no assets.
in re why Bryan Kocis sued people and companies that he knew didn't have any money.
If Bryan Kocis sued Brent Corrigan et al as part of some sort of scheme to use the judicial process to force Brent Corrigan to help Kocis cover up the fact that Kocis knew Brent Corrigan was underage age, then this is just one more of several reasons why that settlement agreement is UNENFORCEABLE and not worth the paper it is written on.
btw Part II,
IF I was going to go into the business of making and distributing Gay Adult Videos, I would create the following LLCs:
(1) One LLC to hire and contract with the models. This way if there was some problem with the age of a model, THIS LLC would take the brunt of the legal flack.
(2) One LLC to actually own the copyrights to the Videos. This LLC would engage in no other business BUT owning the videos and contracting with distributors of the videos;
(3) A seperate LLC to sell videos or to contract for video-on-demand with people who live in "problem states". In other words, for every state that is knows to be "intolerate" of gay adult videos, I would create a unique LLC for that particular state to sell product in that state and to contract with customers in that state.
In Delaware, you can create one Master LLC that have subsidiary LLCs as described above.
So, it should be clear how using these company names (like Cobra Video LLC and LSG Media) can be meaningless exercises unless you know what these companies were created to do and what assets these companies hold.
Well anonymous, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I have been saying pretty much the same thing all along about the lawsuit. That is was done to cover Bryan’s negligence. I believe that even if Brent had finished out his contract Bryan would have taken him to court. Bryan got paid big bucks of the back of that boy and he wanted to protect his money. The fact is he would have faced numerous possible lawsuits from distributors and models. All of whom could have possibly face federal charges for being involved with an under-aged model. This whole case is a real mess from start to finish. The have no real suspects in Bryan’s murder. Harlow is just a big smoke screen to hide the fact that the police haven’t got a clue. I find it quite strange that the warrant for Harlow was issued before the police even knew who he was. The six search warrants were issued on January 29th 3 were for phone records and the other 3 were sealed. What is strange is that Harlow was not identified until the 3rd of February. So here’s a question boys and girls how would the Pennsylvania know to get a search warrant for Harlow when they did not know who he was? Like I said all along the warrant to search Harlow’s home came from Virginia and was using the Kocis case as a cover. The warrant to search was for their line of work and had nothing to do with the murder of Bryan Kocis. That could explain why their private detective was run out of town. The police in Pennsylvania have no solid evidence on Harlow Cuadra. So where does that leave the Case of who killed Bryan Kocis? Back at square one. The police have no tangible evidence at all. All parties who are assumed to be involved have solid alibis. Apparently Bryan had other enemies that we don’t know about.
I don't think the State of Virginia and the City of Virginia Beach would have gotten involved in anything to do with Bryan Kocis or Harlow Cuadra without FIRST being asked to do so by Luzerne County. I think this means that Luzerne County knew who Harlow was BEFORE they presented Harlow's picture to the press.
IF Harlow had been home and over-reacted to tear gas being shot through his windows, THE SMOKE SCREEN would have been complete. The country would have been focused on Harlow in jail and the everyone would have assumed that Harlow Killed Kocis.
Harlow NOT BEING HOME at 5:00 am is so important and so perfect, there is the strong "appearance" that Vriginia, the FBI and The Justice Department may have seen that the "justifications" Luzerne County gave for searching Harlow's house were "suspect". And, that the FBI and the Justice Department tipped off Harlow to the search because they are really investigating Luzerne County.
I certainly hope that the FBI and the US Justice department see something very very strange about how Kocis was able to operate in Dallas Township/Luzerne County so openly.
Slapp Suit - Lawsuits like the one that Kocis appears to have filed in San Diego were rather common some years ago and were referred to as SLAPP Suits. These suits are less common today because there are laws to sanction litigants who bring lawsuits to harass someone. And, I think there are more people capable of acting as their own attorneys when some big corporation sue them (or are able to get attorneys to represent them for free or on contingency).
The theory behind a Slapp Suit is that a big politically connected Corporation (or individual) could sue some activist or whistleblower and either:
( a ) financially exhaust the activist/whistleblower into stopping what he/she was doing even though the activist was in the right; and/or
( b ) bury the activist/whistleblower (and the issues he/she was trying to raise) in years and years of endless litigation.
In order for a Slapp Suit to work though, the person bringing the Slapp Suit has to be confident that the Judge won't sanction him/her for bringing a lawsuit solely to harass someone. A pissed off Judge could not only give the other side a judgment but could award TRiPLE Damaages for someone brining a Slapp Suit.
I don't think that Bryan Kocis could have had any assurances from any Federal Judge in San Diego that that Judge would not have sanctioned Kocis for brining a Slapp Suit. HENCE, Kocis would have known that he had to settle his lawsuit even before he even filed the stupid thing.
Of course, I don't know how well informed Corrigan et al were on Kocis' chances of winning his idiot lawsuit. For all I know, Corrigan et al could have actually thought that a Federal Judge would give a piece of shit like Kocis the time of day.
Anon 1:11 Correct Someone tipped Harlow and Joe off or they had a smart lawyer who saw what was coming. I have no doubt if they had been there they would have been arrested. The fact they were not later seems to indicate the VA authority's began to have doubts about the Luzerne evidence. The modus operandi of luzerne county from that CORRUPT judge to the bought & paid for DA is MOVE the focus out of Luzerne County. Good reason cause that county STINKS like overipe Limburger!
Murder is a capitol crime and the two states would work together. But what is the real issue is the search warrants were issued before the police had the evidence from Bryan’s computer or his Internet records. The search warrant’s for those items were issued on January 29th 2007 Harlow was not mentioned until February 2nd 2007. He was not identified until the February 5th or 6th 2007. Harlow did not speak to the press until February 9th 2007. They searched his home on the 10th of February 2007. Something just does not add up here. If the police knew who he was all along then why put his picture on the Internet and call him “a person of interest” and us the last name of Drake and say he was from the Allentown area? Was this just to fool Harlow and us? I for one think the police really have no case against Harlow. If they knew who he was from the beginning they would have arrested him or at least questioned him. But as far as we know they have done neither. I really think that the Virginia police used the fact that he is a person of interest to search his home. Harlow is a high-profile male escort and the run a large agency. I have read several newspaper articles about the crack down in the Virginia Beach area on prostitution. Harlow and Company are just a tad flashy and this murder case drew a lot of attention to them.
If you want to know who murdered Bryan Kocis you need another search warrant. The one crucial warrant the Luzerne County DA "forgot". Bryans Financials,,yes "Follow the Money" Then you will know who BK was paying off,who he was making checks out too, supporting county politicos. Something of course THEY do not want exposed! The intial report on the fire at BK's house filed at 8:28p.m. stated the Dallas Township Police showed up with the Fire rigs. Since when do Police respond to a house fire? When its the house of a "sensitive citizen" The Police were probably there to SANITIZE the crime scene before the State Police showed up.
This is very plausible what you speak of. I am inclined to believe this as well. Maybe the FBI need to check that out.
If the FBI gets a report that a child was doing porn, they have NO CHOICE but to act. Act they did not, how could they, Seans claim was and still is a LIE.
this needs to be said to everyone here ...
If someone is NOT above issuing a search warrant to Search and Tear Gas Harlow's house in VIRGINIA, nobody is safe from these people.
I agree that Harlow would be in jail now if he had been home when the search happened and if Harlow did not have the means to get a good criminal lawyer.
Lets assume Sean was 17 when he did those videos for Bryan, why did the FEDS do nothing about it? The FEDS have an obligation to take action when it comes to child porn. In gay porn the FEDS would have jumped at ther chance to discredit the twink porn industy.
Yet, they did not.
When Traci Lords reported she was 17 when she made porn, serious action was taken by the FEDS.
Traci was able to provide proof to the world she was underage. She stayed away from porn. She gained credibility with her actions.
The age scam was hatched by Sean and his CobraKiller. It was an attempt to get Sean out of his contract with Cobra.
Bryan was murdered within days of the settlement. Coincidence? No way.
Bryan was murdered days before he was he was able to get a copy of Seans birth certificate directly from the state. Coincidence?
To this date, Sean has failed to provide back up of his claims. He has had well over a year to provide proof.
You can not prove a lie.
Lets be real, when it comes to porn, you are usually dealing with liars and degenerates. Look at the LSG players. Not one of them has any credibility.
Not one of them has backed up their claims.
I suspect the FEDS are following the trail of whoever the CobraKiller hired to murder Bryan.
wow looks like i picked the wrong vocation, an escort can have a house like that??? LOL damn
Harlows on the front page on with a link to TV news now
HARLOW makes a statement on his sorta see "breaking news" banner
the tv story uses my blog. Im so proud I just can't stand it.
Harlow says:
"I do know Porn Star Brent Corrigan & recently met with him in Las Vegas concerning a filming partnership. Plans are being developed. This plan may produce the biggest Twink Blockbuster in history".
Harlow confirms plans are being made that involve Sean and his CobraKiller. Now I wonder what previous plans Sean and his CobraKiller made that involved Harlow.
This saga has more twists and turns than the best fictional murder novels.
we still don´t know whether sean was underage or not. there is now proof for that claim.
bryan faced punishment with or without that birth certificate in his hands. but was never prosecuted. we should ask why?
the police was simply in possession of harlows photo before jan 29 and the following report to the press. so the search warrant was issued for a person of interest.
why the murder happened right after the settlement so lsg could operate again) but days before bryan could get his hands on the birth cerfificate?
i don´believe in coincidence her.
the only person talking about an alibi was harlow. the other lsg members might have one. but there are more people i would regard as belonging to the sean camp.
my theory is still a person obsessed with sean wanted to protect him: from ever working with bryan again, from bryan making money with sean and from ever cobra get access to the bc.
we have seen here many examples of people believing everything what sean says, defend every of his actions, willing to buy everything he offers.
some people show such an amount of hate against bryan even after his death. they still blame him for everything bad in the world.
this person might be close enough to the sean camp to know about a connection between sean and harlow and started to frame him or at least use his photo to schedule a meeting with bryan. somehow convinced bryan to let him in and killed him in a moment of improvidence.
the murderer showed such an amount of hate to be able to stab 28 times. to just kill one uses a gun. this is a crime with strong emotions involved.
harlow not at home at 5 on a weekend morning? he is young, he is an escort. this i a non iussue.
Bryan was hated most by Grant CobraKiller Roy. The Cobrakiller's action are beyond proof of this.
The Cobrakillers lies go way beyond the lies of Sean Lockhart.
Those that scream here about the CobraKiller trust fund is a perfect example. The Roys who own CARS are distant relatives. The CobraKiller has nothing to do with CARS.
Another example, Sean and his CobraKiller can not afford to pay attorney fee's.
One more example - so you have THREE - Sean had to beg for donations to "pay bills" and "put food on the table" for himself and his Cobrakiller.
You wont find anyone more of a loser than Grant CobraKiller Roy.
Sean would not allow access to his birth certificate. It would reveal his correct birth date and his correct birth name. ID's that show the name Sean Lockhart are forged.
Anon 99% of posts
So you've mentioned (R)ICO then (S)LAPP suits.
Instead of working your way alphabetically through "Law for Dummies" how about some realistic suggestions that would not embarress Oliver Stone.
Get real. Kocis was no "Mr Big" and Dallas Township no prohibition era Chicago.
Whoever killed Kocis did it because they hated him and nothing more.
10.49 AM says: "Get real. Kocis was no "Mr Big" and Dallas Township no prohibition era Chicago."
the guilty parties more than likely make those posts. those posts are a DESPERATE attempt to take the spotlight of the obvious guilty parties. i think it has the opposite effect.
7:38 AM says: "Sean would not allow access to his birth certificate. It would reveal his correct birth date and his correct birth name."
that information speaks volumes, it explains a lot. i recall Sean's (most recent) lawyer said he had information that stopped him moving forward with the case. he probably found out Sean is not who he claims he is.
As I understand it:-
the conspiracy theorists suggest that Bryan was killed by someone within his local police or courts to divert attention away from the same police and courts being corrupt and changing his conviction. They were scared that the Federal case would bring the spotlight on them.
Well if that is the case we need to remember that:-
The Federal case commenced in February 2006 - a year before the murder.
The change of Bryan's conviction was made in July 2006 - 7 months before the murder.
Nothing could place Bryan's life and connections under more scrutiny that the way he was murdered.
The murder has achieved the exact opposite of what any conspirator would have wanted.
Anyone noticed that Jim hasn't posted here in quite some time? He usually posts like a maniac...
Could it be that the psychotic Grant Roy is busy explaining things to the police?
Just a guess...
well when everyone knows your someone else or if your being blamed for being that asshole all the time that must get old, i would have given up if I were jim/Grant along time ago. also noone really agrees with his blaming Harlow for the fall of mankind and kocis' murder too
Harlow would be wise to stay clear of Sean Lockhart and co. Unless he's oblivious to their infighting and their history with working with others, followed almost imediately by Sean badmouthing every company he works with, not to mention Sean's lies to his longtime fans, Harlow would know that nothing positive will come of a film partnership between LSG and himself.
Trouble is, Harlow appears to love publicity and seems to follow the old adage, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." Sean still has people talking about his alter ego, "Brent Corrigan" although not exactly for the reasons he'd like them to be talking, I'd imagine, and maybe that's enough to entice Harlow to continue working on this potential "partnership." It'll be interesting to see how this turns out.
Looking back to the terms of the settlement, if applied, would Sean be allowed to partner with Harlow and his company or would there be a violation in doing so?
A couple Anons are smokin some funky weed because I know Jim was at GayVN's back in mid Feb. Grant was not and Jim was posting about events at GayVN's. I don't where you guys get this Jim=Grant fixation Just because He felt Harlow was involved, which I don't believe for a second My money is on BB/Bret,,,,
Speaking of Bret I kind of miss his 1000 word rants on every topic that includes the wor Brent Corrigan. one question here why does he hate the boy so much?
howard = jim = grant *yawn*
Anon 11:55pm well I can tell you that you are wrong. Howard = Howard and Jim= Jim and Grant = Grant and you = insurgent. So if you don't have anything constructive to say..... well you know the drill.
well, i remember the strange fight grant performed to remove the name sean lockhart from the juicygoo forum and later on wiki after that name was public knowledge due to media coverage. he never fighted to get his own name grant roy removed somewhere.
If Brent was not underage at the time of filming the first four videos, why are they not for sale? If Cobra is 2257 compliant, why did they not just call Brent’s bluff and keep selling? If Bryan had proof of Brent’s age as “HE” said he had in the video, why was he trying so desperately to get Brent’s birth certificate years later. In fact, why are the trolls so fixated on the age issue? It is a curious fixation to be sure. Why does it matter now, unless you want to buy kiddy porn legally. Yes, I know some do.
Brent did not rip anybody off. He performed at a scene rate, did his job and went back to his high school classroom desk. Bryan chose to sell his kiddy porn under the guise that it was legal. Bryan lied to the public. He claimed his actors were of age and he had proof. He lied. He did not have proof. He violated federal law. He knew it. To cover his crime he filed a civil suit in San Diego after his sham lawsuit(another lie) failed locally
It was Bryan that insisted on the part of the MOU that reads.
From the Memorandum of Understanding… Page 1, numbered paragraph 3. Retraction Statement.
“Within seventy-two (72) hours of the Settlement Date, Mr. Lockhart will issue a blanket retraction,… The foregoing retraction shall state that the parties have come to a mutually agreeable settlement and shall attest to the fact that Cobra was not aware that Mr. Lockhart had forged the identification that he provided to Cobra as well as any other personal statements…..
That reference makes no sense if Brent was of age and Bryan had the proof he claimed he had. Brent was not of age and Bryan did not have the proof.
Bryan was the adult but he was trapped in some adolescent mind frame that helped him attract boys but distorted his view of them. That illness may have cost him his life.
"To cover his crime he filed a civil suit in San Diego after his sham lawsuit(another lie) failed locally"
he could not cover the crime by filing a law suit. everything was public long before. before bryan get his fingers on the blanket retraction he was dead.
the mou just says that cobra was not aware of any forgery of documents committed by sean. it doesn´t say that something was forged at all nor what was forged: the name, the age, the ssn...
be looking for an indepth interview with an entertainment reporter for large NBC affiliate in Virginia HARLOW AND HIS LAWYER!!!!
ab 3:24, your second paragraph makes no sense at all.
Your third paragraph is somewhat better but still does not explain why Bryan would insist on such a statement. What would cause him to think that somthing was forged? Why would he feel it so important to make a point of that in negotiations if nothing was forged and he had no part in the forgery. Or did he?
Either way you want to spin it, Brent went back to his high school classroom while Bryan starting pulling in mega bucks selling kiddie porn. But I know a lot of you guys support that.
bryan could not avoid criminal prosecution by filing a civil law suit. the authorities did not act for several month. the blanket retraction of sean doesn´t work back in time. it was just a instrument to restore bryan´s reputation after seans accusations and dirty laundry in the public. it would not disburden bryan from any responsibility.
bryan never got that statement of sean and never got his bc. he was dead before. why was bryan killed right at that certain moment?
we do not know, where sean returned after working for bryan. a high school student usually is not doing porn.
albert you and the sean camp do spin something. we heard so many claims from your side without any back up.
you cannot always allege all people who are not willing to accept your statements as facts bad motives. we have a total mess here. the more things cleared up the better.
Albert said :-
"why are the trolls so fixated on the age issue?"
One word, credibility.
Excluding Bryan's murder, everything concerning Brent since August 2005 has been related to what age he was when he filmed for Cobra.
Brent himself is fixated with age. There are few, if any blog entries where he does not make some reference to age. He protests too much.
If he was only 17 then it lends credibility to his version of the events that led him to breach his contract and create LSG.
If, however he was 18 then most of the other things he has said are also most likely to be a lie.
the Sean camp really crack me up. so many claims, so little proof.
Albert, Sean and his CobraKiller raised the age issue. Like you, they constantly rant about it at any given opportunity.
The age issue remains till it is solved. Nothing you say or do in your rants will change that.
you lot demand proof of any claims that do not suit you - at the same time, you fail to back up your own claims. You fail to answer direct questions either because you do not know, or are hiding the truth.
Elm, calling someone who has a different view from you an insurgent is laughable at best. You then go on to say: "So if you don't have anything constructive to say..... well you know the drill."
Please do explain "the drill". Last I knew, anyone could post here with their own thoughts and believes. This is NOT your blog. How can you be sure anon 11:55 PM is not correct? Back it up.
Very interesting none of the Sean camp had any comments or thoughts about Sean and Harlow working together.
If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat...
CAD 6:11 Thank you for cutting through to my question. Your statement is dead on . You just avoid the logical conclusion. Brent was underage and to stay out of jail, Bryan needed Brent to imply he had forged documents. Bryan’s credibility rested on that statement. Jail life would have been very short.
He took his gamble on the other sided and maybe, like, Lord Vader, in the end, he made the right decision, even if it killed him. To my mind that would make him a hero. If the argument could be made.
Albert you avoid logical conclusion. If Brent was underage, Bryan would be in jail.
Based on what? The Justin Berry case should be enough for any thinking peson to understand how sick our government can be. The feds wanted to nail this kid because some 2000 perverts liked to watch him. The child is guilty in the mind of perverts, not the adults. We see it on this blog every day.
In the end credits of "Take It Like A Bitch Boy" Bryan wrote;
"Dedicated to Sean, Grant & Lee. For all you have done."
What did he mean by this?
when bryan was not facing punishment because of the sickness of your gov, why did he need the cited paragraphs in the settlement to avoid punishment. it doesn´t make sence to argue in that way.
"He took his gamble on the other sided and maybe, like, Lord Vader, in the end, he made the right decision, even if it killed him. To my mind that would make him a hero. If the argument could be made."
which decision? do you believe he cut his own throat and stabbed himself 28 times and started a fire after that and his ghost drove away with a light colored suv?
when bryan was not facing punishment because of the sickness of your gov, why did he need the cited paragraphs in the settlement to avoid punishment. it doesn´t make sence to argue in that way.
Very good question Bryan. Our Feds would happily wait out a civil trial in order to get the evidence that trial might reveal for the successful prosecution of a criminal trial. Both are very different in our judicial system. Like OJ Simpson was not guilty in criminal court of murder because the fine Italian leather gloves he had bought that got soaked in blood and shrank and no longer fit. Or, as one juror said, “I didn’t understand all that stuff about DNA, I mean we all have DNA, right?” Criminal trials can be a joke too.
OJ was found guilty in civil court and will have to continue to pay for that financially. His accountants and lawyers will of course help to minimize the actual impact on him.
Now I will admit here (like it is even fucking necessary) that I am of the Brent Corrigan camp. I live in San Antonio, 1200 miles away so I am no an insider. I am Albert. So to answer your question, “ why did he need the cited paragraphs in the settlement to avoid punishment.”
With a law suit, one can buy time and with enough money, (the real plan here,) exhaust the other party. Bryan had a lot of money from selling his porn, to carry on his fight. His profits from Brent Corrigan were absolutely enormous in the gay twink porn genre. Brent, hate him or love him is what the mold is fashioned after.
I expect somebody was not very happy with Bryan settling with Brent. I expect that would be legally embarrassing for them. I expect Bryan was not surprised at the opening of his throat as disappointing as that would be for any of us. May he rest in peace.
I answered as honest as I can, hope it was helpful.
Albert, lately I have noticed yourself crossing a line with what you are saying. Have you no respect for the dead? Can you get your point across without resorting to comments such as these?
Albert says, I expect Bryan was not surprised at the opening of his throat as disappointing as that would be for any of us.
Albert says, Either way you want to spin it, Brent went back to his high school classroom while Bryan starting pulling in mega bucks selling kiddie porn. But I know a lot of you guys support that.
I thought you were better and more mature than to sink to the level of posting these snide comments. I guess I was wrong.
And to be clear, if Sean is to be believed about his underage claims, then he is at fault, just as much as Bryan (if he knew Sean was underage) for knowingly participating in the distribution of child pornography to the world and then not saying a word about it until the fall of 2005. If both knew child pornography was being produced and distributed and said nothing for a period of at least one year, then both were guilty. Portraying Sean as a victim in all this is ridiculous. This wasn't some high school prank that Sean participated in. No, this was child pornography, which is a Federal Crime to produce and/or distribute, need I remind you. But Sean didn't stop at participating in it. He aided in the distribution of it by not saying a word publicly about it until September 2005. In the meantime, he exposed countless fans of his to child pornography, something, contrary to your remark Albert about "a lot" of us guys here, I DO NOT support.
harlow appeared live on local TV news in Norfolk last night & was beside his lawyer really just talking about general things with the Kocis murder and wrongful raid and accusations by the authorities.
He did say they (his lawyers and he) were considering petitioning the Va Circuit court of appeals to over turn the judges decision to keep the affidavits sealed. This was followed by a notable statement from Harlow in which he said for the first time "I feel somemone or several people have conspired untruths about me" I will dig and dig till I find out the truth" Harlow seemed bent on discovering the truth in what he called will be his own "probe".
stay tuned I guess. Also he went on saying how all of the negative publicity has replaced by double what nearly 40 computers did for advertising his porn ---40 computers that he said were stolen by Police in an unlawful SWAT raid on my home"
"Our Feds would happily wait out a civil trial in order to get the evidence that trial might reveal for the successful prosecution of a criminal trial."
Ummm cite one example where someone committed a crime as serious as child pornogrpahy and the feds waited until after a civil trial to prosecute
MJ said "In the meantime, he exposed countless fans of his to child pornography, something, contrary to your remark Albert about "a lot" of us guys here, I DO NOT support." Yes you and everyone who jacked of to an underage Brent Corrigan are guilty that is why you MJ hate Brent because you blame him for your perversion! Not Bryan the older Adult with the a conviction its always the teenager at fault just like the boy in 2001 who was drugged and raped it was his fault caused he lied to Bryan. The lesson for all gay youth from the hate filled cranks on this blog Gay men with power have a right to do as they damnw well please if they are Rich they can Buy anything Cars,Boys and Probation for Rape To hell with you all!
again, if Sean was underage, Bryan would be in jail.
Alberts claims that the feds would wait out a civil trial are laughable at best.
it is extremely easy to put this to rest. why has it not? because Sean can not expose a lie. it is that simple.
those that claim Sean was underage do so without back up or proof. this has always been the problem, this remains the problem.
Grant CobraKiller Roy was exposed here as being a liar with back up. The Sean camp finally gave up defending his claims of being rich and having a trust fund.
The Sean camp ramble on about Bryan being a sick pervert - maybe he was.
The true sick pervert is Grant CobraKiller Roy. A 40 year old with a boyfriend 1/2 his age doing nothing to protect his BF. In fact Roy does the opposite. He encourages his much younger BF to continue working in porn. Why? because the CobraKiller is too lazy to get a decent job and take care of his BF.
Lets not forget about Jeremy, the REAL 17 year old victim who was exposed to porn by the degenerates Sean and his CobraKiller. Luckily Jeremy had to leave these degenerates to return to school in TX at the time.
Last Login: 04.04.2007!
Last Login: 04.04.2007"
i don´t see any last login statement there
mark the space right hand of the avatar (the cobra piccie)
Anonymous @5:28 AM
You sound like someone who has been abused by an older man. You seriously appear to have chip on you shoulder towards Bryan Kocis. Did he molest you to? If he did you need to tell somebody about this get this there so people know the truth?
OMG has anyone see new "World of Wonder" banner in the middle of the page??? LOLOLOL
Anon @ 5:28am - You appear have some serious anger issues.
Let's break down what you said:
Yes you and everyone who jacked of to an underage Brent Corrigan are guilty that is why you MJ hate Brent because you blame him for your perversion!
That's twisting things around a bit ,anon, wouldn't you say? Yes, if Sean's underage claims are true, then anyone who watched him in the videos produced, while he was underage are guilty of viewing child pornography. I never said we weren't. What I am saying is that we were lied to definitely by Sean, perhaps by Bryan while watching those videos as both of them claimed Sean to be of age. Not just one of them. Both. I can't make it any clearer than that, anon.
If you're going to make comments such as the above towards me, fine, but please don't make assumptions about myself without reading my prior comments. If you had, you'd know that I am a longtime fan of Sean's since his site went live in November of 2005 and before. I donated to BrentAID, his legal offense fund, as well his October 2006 request for donations. I was one of the few who registered for his member site last fall as well, while the option was there. My point; I do NOT hate Sean, never have. I am disappointed in the treatment he shows his dedicated fans and I am pointing out the fact that he has lied about a number of issues, including his age.
Not Bryan the older Adult with the a conviction its always the teenager at fault just like the boy in 2001 who was drugged and raped it was his fault caused he lied to Bryan.
I never have said that Bryan was innocent in all of this. What I am saying is that it was Sean who modeled for Cobra Video, knowing he was underage and knowing it was illegal. He is not innocent in all of this either. Did Bryan know at the time of filming that Sean was underage and that he was producing child pornography? I don't know and have never presumed to know the answer to that question.
The lesson for all gay youth from the hate filled cranks on this blog Gay men with power have a right to do as they damnw well please if they are Rich they can Buy anything Cars,Boys and Probation for Rape To hell with you all!
There's a lot of anger in your words, anon, and I'm sorry if something like this has happened to you in the past. Does what you say happen? Yes, it does. But I truly feel that it does not apply to a majority of Gay men in the world.
Anon @ 10:48am says,
Last Login: 04.04.2007!
Hmm, seems like someone other than Bryan knew the password to Cobra's Myspace account. Perhaps the new owner of Cobra, if there is a new owner? As for any noticeable changes, I see none, other than the caption under the Cobra logo in the pics section of the account. It now reads, What comes around, Goes Around - I don't recall it saying that before, although I suppose I could have missed it. Does anyone remember?
4:19 PM:
WOW. He even uses the CobraKiller pic and the Fuck Me Raw DVD cover. New vid clips too right next to it -
Harlow taking a mouth full of cum and fucking some guy.
Harlow is VERY HOT, as well as extremely smart, unlike LSG Media.
Anon @ 4:19pm says, OMG has anyone see new "World of Wonder" banner in the middle of the page??? LOLOLOL
I just saw it now. Oh boy. I don't know what to make of all this. I just don't know...
MJ said...
Anon @ 10:48am says,
Last Login: 04.04.2007!
Hmm, seems like someone other than Bryan knew the password to Cobra's Myspace account. Perhaps the new owner of Cobra, if there is a new owner?,,,,,,,,, Anon said cad prob got in I think cad is more than an "online" friend
I think Cad is a silent partner of Cobra Video. He knows to mucj=h to ber just a Friend from the UK.
Hello All ... Mark here Happy Easter weekend!!!! Spring means HES RISEN!!! NEW START!!! FRESH!! and A NEW XXX Movie from Being filmed on Monday!!! with Acclaimed DRAKE a HOT Boybatter favorite & Harlow in an intense 3 way!!!...this will be a block buster for sure!
A Major DVD distributor for global reach of dvd's will be making a press announcement in the next few days about carrying
about our banner time line called "Boisrus World of Wonder"..its really just a fun fruity colorful way of depicting recent events. Look today for new pics to be added to it & for each picture to become clickable and to blow up when you move your mouse over it.
O and Harlows own is being updated now with rich imagery and will be live in 7-10 days where a platform will be available to talk with Harlow directly!
Mark & boys say...lets go easter egg huntin...:-)
Someone isnt looking so 20 anymore. Is it the lack of makeup and photoshop? Or is it the result of a couple extra birthdays?
How’s this for a thought, you go through the stress he went through for 2 years and you tell me how old you will look. He does look a little worse for wear but he still looks to be in his late teens early twenties.
And if you had the chance you would do him. Don’t even try to lie and say you wouldn’t. He looks hot and he will only look hotter as time goes on.
Anonymous said...
Someone isnt looking so 20 anymore. Is it the lack of makeup and photoshop? Or is it the result of a couple extra birthdays?
7:27 PM
Do you have a problem with the fact that he does not look like a little boy anymore. He is a grown man and therefore he should look like one. Just let him grow up. Go and find another little boy to fantsize about.
"elmysterio said...
He is a grown man and therefore he should look like one."
The trailer trash whore should act like one too.
"Anonymous said...
Someone isnt looking so 20 anymore. Is it the lack of makeup and photoshop? Or is it the result of a couple extra birthdays?"
Uhm. Let me see. No I wouldn't. See him at a club dancing in skimpy underwear: sure I would look and maybe drop a dollar in the waistband but thats it. And trust me, I have had of adult actors to do that to while at a club. Its no big deal.
To me, part of being hot is looks and the other part is the unknown behind the person. In other words, you can be good looking but become unattractive once you open your mouth and start spewing your dirty laundry to anyone you can find who will listen.
I actually am intrigued the story that is Brent Corrigan.
As far as whethe he looks young or old is not what gained my attention in the first place. Heck, reading all of this stuff over the last so many months in his blog and now here, is better than watching television. I must say most court and crime drama writers could take a lesson from this story. It unfolds like the layers in an onion and has more twists than a lime during cocktail hour.
but its the fact he looks unsure of himself and timid which draws attention to the "older" and more "unsavory" appearance that he might of once had. He simply isnt a markatable product anymore, assuredly not to the Twink buyers that have the money.
he should hang it up all together or just direct.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elm, you deleted your 12:30pm comment? I was just going to respond to it...
Class action suit.
Society is so fickle; we give you praise and well wishes and help you climb the ladder of success. But as soon as you do something that we don’t agree with we are all there to tear you down. The gay community is a microcosm of the society as a whole. We are also considered trendsetters and fashion leaders but we are also the most vindictive people on the planet. This case is a perfect example of just how nasty and evil some of us can be. Sean Lockhart and Bryan Kocis had disagreement that became public. It should not have but it did. Sean was wrong for lying about his age, we all can agree on that fact. Here is where everyone has a problem. Those of you who watched the videos and assumed that Sean (Brent) was of legal age are now faced with the fact that you have possibly watched child porn and were aroused. Or you could have purchased child pornography, which is a federal offense, and if you are in possession of could cause you to have to register as a sex offender under Megan’s Law. It is understandable that you would be upset. There are certain facts that we should all be aware of. Yes Sean did supply Cobra Video with false credentials but Cobra Video was required by law to inspect said credentials for authenticity. This is stated in the 2257 requirements. Bryan Kocis being an agent for Cobra Video did not do his job. I really think there is no argument there. Cobra Video is just as culpable as Sean Lockhart is in this matter as if they forged the documents themselves. This is due to the fact that they did not use the proper diligence to confirm if said ID was correct. Cobra did release four (4) different titles starring the model Sean Lockhart (Brent Corrigan) and they accepted your money for said videos. The fact of the matter is anyone who purchased one of the pulled videos could file a class action suit against Cobra Video for product fraud. Cobra video sold product claiming that all the “actors” had valid 2257 documentation. It would appear that they lied to the consumer and that my friend is fraud. Which I might add is quite illegal.
The true facts are if Cobra did use proper diligence when checking the credentials of their models as per 2257 requirements this should not have happened. But they did not do so. Cobra alleges that Sean provided ID that he was over 18 years of age. Bryan fell back on the same lame excuse he used in the prior case were he states that the boy lied about his age. That is not a valid excuse for a grown man in the business of pornography, a supposedly intelligent man with the means to check the credentials of his prospective models. I am not saying that Sean Lockhart does not bare any responsibility in this or his ex boyfriend Chris. They both conspired to defraud Cobra Video. The fact of the matter as stated before is it still falls back on Cobra Video to check the credentials of all the models. Sean Lockhart (Brent Corrigan) the model does not have to be 2257 compliant; Cobra Video the producer of the video does. So people you can not hold Sean Lockhart entirely responsible for this mess because Chris his ex boyfriend, Cobra Video and Bryan Kocis are just as culpable. So I say file a class action suit against Cobra Video and anyone else involved in this consumer fraud and get your money back for the child porn they sold you under false pretences. Thank you, This is a public service message.
You are assuming that Brent C and his camp are telling the truth when they say they emailed Cobra forged documents and that they later provided additional forged documents. You are correct that any studio that would accept documents in that setting is not living up to his responsibilities but... we do not know for a fact that is indeed how the documents were provided to Cobra.
It seems to me that the owner of Cobra was pretty confident that he had examined the actual documents and that they were authentic.
Who do we believe ? well until we see proof of his age then it's just a guessing game.
Brent C could have just as easily shown Jason Curious a forged license. That same license could be used in the various settings that people mention he was unable to drink or had to be kept separate from certain areas of a club.
Is Cobra blameless in all this? Probably not.
Has it been proven that Brent was underaged?
Definitely not.
Has it been proven that Brent was 18 or over. Again definately not.
Was he underaged? Possibly.
What do I personally think? I have no idea. I like 99.9 percent of the people posting here are not in a position to examine the doucments Cobra was provided by Brent C. Nor was I there when the documents were presented so I do not know if indeed they were emailed forgeries.
Why do I think the age thing matters? Well simply put it goes a long way to establish the charecter of veracity of all future statements made by Brent Corrigan.
Does Brent C owe me anything. No. If he wants my business he can demonstrate that he has been telling the truth all along by having his age authenticated by authorities and having lawyers for both sides issuing statements that they agree with the authentication then I will buy his future products.
Am I anti Brent and Pro Cobra ? Pro Brent anti cobra ? No I do not know anyone from either side personally and have no plans to do so in the future.
Do I wish the whole thing would go away ? Hell yes! I do want justice as no one should be able to kill and get away with it but I don't think people realize just how much these unproven allegations could jeapardize your rights to watch gay porn.
Filing a class action lawsuit such as you recommend would be foolish on anyones part. If only because so little in the way of truth is known about this whole age situation. Unless one has a boatload of money to spare, it'd be quite a gamble. I certainly wouldn't want to take any such risk.
The reason is very simple; the age issue has never been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Never by Cobra and never by Sean. Did Sean present a fake ID so well done that it fooled Bryan who was not, to the best of my knowledge, an expert in the field of evaluating forged documentation. Or did Bryan never meet the requirements of 2257 and not inspect the ID as well as he should have, or worse yet, did he know the ID was a fake and proceed with filming, just the same. Since Bryan is dead, no one in a class action lawsuit would be able to ask him. Thus, one would be left with Sean's account of the situation. He doesn't have the best track record in the truth department so I'm not exactly sure how well a judge and jury would believe his version of events. All in all, not a strong case here for a lawsuit such as this. As I said, it'd be quite a gamble.
And so, once again, we're back to the age issue, an issue that I don't have anything left to say about. This could all be cleared up once and for all, if Sean would just make public his birth certificate. Elm and others have said it will never be released, for reasons unknown, although we can all speculate on that and probably figure it out. The point is, by it being withheld from the public, the debate will continue on in this blog and in others. There's just no way around it and no end in sight.
Elm, I doubt one person following this forum has changed their view on Sean's true age. In the absence of sufficient, relevant and reliable facts his age remains an act of faith.
Each side interprets events in a manner that supports their own faith. Any "evidence" that is posted here is selective and tendentious. I accept my own guilt in this.
I did not know Bryan at the time Sean came onto the scene so I have no contemporaneous knowledge of what did happen.
What I do know is that it was Sean that approached Bryan to work for Cobra. Bryan had a duty to obtain valid ID from Sean and would have failed in that duty if the documentation provided by Sean was obviously invalid or inconsistent.
However in the absence of obvious fraud or inconsistency Bryan was entitled to accept the documentation as prima facie evidence of his age and identity, without further enquiry.
I assume that just like any, twink director, Bryan would have been delighted to find an 18+ model that had such a youthful physical appearance. Therefore I can well imagine that his critical faculties were not working overtime when he considered the financial opportunities ahead. BUT - unlike other twink directors he had to balance this against his previous criminal conviction.
There are so many "ifs" to this story. What we can say is that IF Sean did not approach Bryan and IF Sean had not lied either then or now we would not be debating the issue.
I also believe that Bryan would still be alive.
Bryan's error and therefore the extent of his culpability - IF we are to believe Sean - is that HE believed Sean.
Class action LOL
"Your Honour, my clients demand damages because they purchased a video portraying acts of unprotected gay anal sex on the basis that it displayed a photograph of a naked youth that looked very young and they couldn't believe was actually aged 18 - and it turns out he wasn't - or actually he may be - and oh maybe that is not his name - and the then principal of the defendant was brutally murdered by an unknown assailant - but possibly connected with the underaged person - and the alleged then underaged person is now a partner in a joint venture with the defendant company - that is now owned by ??????."
Yes, I doubt even Chad Beville would have the balls to present that case !!!!!!!
Happy Easter.
Actually if there was a class action lawsuit Seans birth certificate could subpheonaed as evidence. This would prove his real age. also the 2257 records that Cobra had could also be called into question. the staments that all the parties have made are in court records and Bryan's testimony would not be necessary. It is already in court documents. The case wold work. It is really not a laughing matter. There are a lot of people who have purchaed this material and if in fact Sean was underage then it is illegal contriband and could cause alot of people alot of trouble who now own it. My advise is destroy all copies just to be safe.
Cad , I’m going to be the devils advocate here. You state “Bryan's error and therefore the extent of his culpability - IF we are to believe Sean - is that HE believed Sean.” Was Bryan really that gullible? He used that same excuse in 2001 when he filmed his sex acts with the then 15-year-old boy. He told me was 18 is not a viable excuse to most reasonable people or me. I’m not saying that Sean does not bear any responsibility in this but it was Cobra Video that is supposed to be 2257 compliant. The age issue is critical in this case. Many people still doubt Sean’s true age and if he were to show his birth certificate it would put an end to that speculation once and for all. And the fact would still remain that Cobra Video did not have valid credentials for Sean/Brent. Whether or not he is 20, 21 or 29 if they don’t have his actual id on file they are still in violation of the 2257 ordinance. This kind of puts a different slant on things.
Anon 4.56
I suggest you stop watching "Judge Judy".
You are incorrect on nearly every point e.g. the USC 2257 records have been freely available without subpoena to the FBI since the first Cobra film was released and yet no action has ever been taken against Cobra.
Elm, we are actually not in disagreement we just interpret the facts in different ways.
In my last post I restated the obligation on Bryan to maintain records in compliance with USC2257. I really can't add anything new on what I just wrote.
When the allegation about Jeremy being underage were discussed. I seem to recall that you considered that was most unlikely because of Sean's previous personal experience with Cobra. I use the exact same argument to say that Bryan's previous conviction would make him more circumspect in ensuring his PUBLIC models were able to be validated as being aged 18+.
I am prepared to continue your Devil's advocate role by conceding a possible difference between Sean and Bryan's exposure to underage allegations. For Sean it would provide an awareness of the importance of such records. For Bryan it may indicate a propensity to him filming underage youths.
Now I know this will open things up for the conspiricists but so far as we know the 2001 case was the only sexual case involving Bryan. If Bryan had a propensity to such crimes it is most unusual that he didn't commit any before age 39.
Also since the police presumably viewed all the many hundred tapes they seized - the fact that only one prosecution resulted again suggest he did not routinely film underage youths.
One conviction, does not evidence a propensity.
As things stand nothing has been proved to discredit Cobra's 2257 records. Allegations are not proof - and so we go around in circles again.
Cad said...
Elm, we are actually not in disagreement we just interpret the facts in different ways.
In my last post I restated the obligation on Bryan to maintain records in compliance with USC2257. I really can't add anything new on what I just wrote.
Cad I agree with some of what you say but I am looking at the whole picture. Why was he so adamant about crushing Sean? All he had to do was use his Social Security Number to verify his age. He had it all along. There was no reason to use the cruel methods he used. Bryan also claimed that Sean gave him valid ID but he never released the movies made when it was assumed that Sean was of legal age. This is why I question his 2257 documentation. I’m not doubting you I just need clarification.
When the allegation about Jeremy being underage were discussed. I seem to recall that you considered that was most unlikely because of Sean's previous personal experience with Cobra. I use the exact same argument to say that Bryan's previous conviction would make him more circumspect in ensuring his PUBLIC models were able to be validated as being aged 18+.
I will agree with you on this argument about the age issue and them both being 2257 compliant. But I find it very interesting that you use the term “PUBLIC MODELS” were able to be validated. You have just opened up a whole new can of worms. You make it appear that Bryan had a private collection of pictures of naked underage boys.
I am prepared to continue your Devil's advocate role by conceding a possible difference between Sean and Bryan's exposure to underage allegations. For Sean it would provide an awareness of the importance of such records. For Bryan it may indicate a propensity to him filming underage youths.
This is true it as you state and would appear to be so.
Now I know this will open things up for the conspiricists but so far as we know the 2001 case was the only sexual case involving Bryan. If Bryan had a propensity to such crimes it is most unusual that he didn't commit any before age 39.
This could be that no one ever complained and or he had ways to keep them quite. There are a lot of reasons why a boy will not come forward when an older man has abused them. Just look at the Catholic Church. Many of the victims did not come forward until many years later.
Also since the police presumably viewed all the many hundred tapes they seized - the fact that only one prosecution resulted again suggest he did not routinely film underage youths.
The police most likely only looked at the video until they found what they wanted. The police will only look for what they need to prosecute. The fact that there were probably other underage boys there was inconsequential to the case at hand. You work in the legal field so you know how the police operate.
One conviction, does not evidence a propensity.
That statement is as far-fetched as they come. He was caught this time but it does not mean that he has not done it before or since. Just ask any physchiatrist or FBI profiler and they will tell you that is not true.
As things stand nothing has been proved to discredit Cobra's 2257 records. Allegations are not proof - and so we go around in circles again.
As we speak that might be true but I believe that will change real soon. Bryan’s murder is most likely directly connected to them. There is a reason he was murdered when he was and it has something to do with his business.
The fire was set to hide more than his murder. It was set to destroy evidence of his murder and something else.
elmysterio is a Bryan hater. He tries to pretend that he's fair and impartial but he is in fact a Bryan hater. Hating Bryan is fine but you should just be up front about it and not pretend some fake impartiality. I've read his blog. He believes the worst about Bryan. He claims Cobra video used and abused it's models with no proof even though when this whole tradgedy started two of Bryan's former models came onto this site and had only nice things to say about Bryan.
Elm let me ask you. You seem to think that Sean was underaged when he performed for Cobra. I don't believe that for a second. Did you through away your copies of School Boy Crush, Every Pool Boys Dream and so forth?
I have never said that I liked Bryan. I do not like cruel people. And the truth of the matter on the videos that you mentioned I have never seen them. I have never found young boys sexually attractive. I enjoy men, grown men; boys have never been one of my things. I also have issues with grown men who want to have sex with young boys. Older men approached me when I was in my teens and I found them disgusting and lecherous. On one particular occasion I had a physical altercation with one who would not take no for an answer. Needles to say he left me alone after I kicked him in the nuts and scratched his face then reported his butt to the police. That’s why I have issues with pedophiles. That answer you question?
Re: Woah! Talk about twist!? Bryan Kocis found MURDERED! [MERGED]
Woah, there is a lot is disinformation and confusion flashing about in this thread. We seem to be posting issues and "facts" that were discussed over many months on other forums with no definite conclusions.
Bryan was no saint and Cobra was as much a hobby as a business. Infact I am sure it was more of hobby than a business; even though it proved very lucrative. He enjoyed young men and Cobra gave him access to them.
A few points have been posted as fact when they are not. I do not have the time to cite sources so you may choose to dismiss this post as lacking credibility, however from my personal discussions with Bryan - including a final chat at 4.55pm on the evening he was murdered I can confirm the following:-
He has only one conviction for corrupting a minor - (not sexual assault). This was with the 15 year old that told Bryan he was 18.
The minor was not Sean Lockhart.
Sean Lockhart has never produced a verified birth certificate to anyone - including Chad Belville - his initial lawyer.
Chad Belville made - shooting from the hip - allegations about other Cobra models being underage at the outset. No other models have come forward and no names have been mentioned.
Chad Belville was removed by Sean after he failed to file papers on time and committed other breaches that suggest he may not be the legal superstar some have claimed.
Sean has resisted all efforts by Cobra to obtain a birth certificate including petitioning the attorney general of his birth state to prevent such a release.
A memorandum of understanding was agreed between Bryan and Lee, Sean & Grant on 7 December. The final signature on the agreement came from Sean when he returned from some filiming in New York.
The actual settlement agreement was signed in California on 20 January after a series of meetings between the parties in Las Vegas during the AVN convention.
Bryan emailed me from LV saying he had been dancing with Sean and seemd very happy that they were talking again.
Following the settlement Sean was in regular telephone contact with Bryan discussing details of their plan.
The initial stages involved DVDs released as a continuation of the Cobra "Brent Corrigan Series" using a mix of Cobra material and footage already filmed by Sean for his members site.
TILABB and the two FMR DVDs would be renamed and re-packaged. This is the reason why TILABB has not be distributed other than from the Cobra site.
Later work would involve new footage of Sean directed by Bryan.
The deal was to last 3 years, at the end of which Cobra would transfer the copyright on Brent Corrigan.
Finally, Bryan's murder is likely to produce greater legal problems for Sean. Assuming Bryan's heirs wish to sell the Cobra back catalogue (to an existing studio) the value will be so much greater if it includes the 4 withdrawn films.
I would imagine that this will prove a great incentive to pursue the age issue.
Oh and Bryan's nickname for Sean was "the toxic twink" - how very true.
Except that those titles cannot legally be sold, since they contain child pornography (i.e., Sean's underage content) and presumably the settlement of the court case would have included release of those claims against Sean. (I have no knowledge of this one way or another.)
I have said what I have said. Sean's age has not been proved and he has done everything possible to avoid anyone knowing the truth.
At the deposition, that Bryan attended, Sean's lawyer handed Bryan's lawyer a copy of the birth certifcate that was provided to Chad Belville by Sean at the outset. Suffice to say the document was less than evidential.
So far as libel and defamation is concerned, the truth of my comments on late filings is on the public record and I would refer you to the ruling of Judge Jones on 28 August 2006 when he rejected the amended counterclaim filed by Belville.
I only mentioned Belville because you seek to strengthen the credibility of the underage allegations by suggesting Sean was supported by some unimpeachable paragon of law.
Anyway, people will believe what they choose to believe. I only wish to clarify that so far as the age issue is concerned - nothing has been proved.
On that other question, No; Bryan never expressed any fear for his life to me. He was not attracted to rough street types. If you read the affidavit that is floating around the web you can read how vicious the attack was. It does not sound like the type of violence a Cobra Boy would be capable of - and I include Sean.
PS I have already been in communication with the police.
Last edited by Cadinot4ever : January 29th, 2007 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Additional post by Boyfunk
Anon 12:21, Trolls criticizing ME have more credibility than that load of crap. Bryan raped a 15 year old boy and taped it. That demonstrates the level of intelligence we are dealing with. Thet Bryan could sway people of even lesser intelligence is geting to the point of the discussion. We are not there yet, but at least not so fixated on the tried and failed suspects. Keep working.
Anon 12.21
If you are going to quote my posts could you please have the courtesy to quote them in context and in a manner that makes it abundantly clear whom wrote what.
I recognise my own words but even as the author of the original article I find it very confusing to read when other people's quotes and your own comments are mixed in.
But thanks for a stroll down memory lane.
Cad - aka Cadinot4ever
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