
After the 50+ comments, I feel the need to clarify: The reason this was only "alluded to" was because I wanted to make sure I was not stating anything as a fact, but merely a theory.
All I know for certain is that when I met Jeremy, his MySpace page said that he was 17 and that age was later changed. I also thought that the photos of Jeremy on Brent's site never revealed any nudity to begin with and Brent's comments about Jeremy not doing nudity "anytime soon" all seemed to add up quite nicely.
I enjoy posting rumors and theories. On this page, it is what I do for a living. However, please don't ever be confused that these are facts unless I say they are.
If I'd had more facts based on hard evidence about this, you can bet your ass I'd be doing a lot more than a simple post on it and I'd have done it a long time ago.
P.S.: I think Brent's new haircut is really hot. There. I said it. I'd still do him in a heartbeat. (Or Grant for that matter, let's face it! LOL) And remain optimistic that he doesn't hate me for trying to do my job. ;-)
P.P.S.: Thought for the day: Human. No one is all good. No one is all bad. It's not all anyone's fault. It's not all everyone else's fault. And when it comes to specifics, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
I watched that mess. I never saw one fact brought up. Not one. It was just an amazing series of ideas based on nothing but an inuindo. 50 comments including some from my friends. No facts. Realy amazing.
I believe you mean "allude" rather than "elude".
Whether the underlying fact is correct or innuendo the 50 comments did provide interesting evidence of inconsistency in dealing with the issue of underage performers.
Using underage models in porn is wrong whether you are a nondescript 40 y/o or a fuckable cute twink.
Yet some people defended Brent/LSG and blamed Jeremy. The word hyprocrite flowed freely and maybe justifiably on this occassion.
Or was Jason just baiting us ?????
Whether the underlying fact is correct or innuendo, the 50 comments did provide interesting evidence of inconsistency in dealing with the issue of underage performers.
Using dressed or undressed underage models in porn is wrong whether you are a nondescript 40 y/o or a fuckable cute twink.
Yet some people defended Brent/LSG, blamed Jeremy and or trivialised the illegal content. The word hyprocrite flowed freely and maybe justifiably on this occasion.
Or was Jason just baiting us ?????
[I had problems logging on when I posted this as anon 7.52]
I would ONLY sleep with Corrigan IF I was wearing two condoms and I'd put a flavored condom on my cock before I had him blow me. No telling what he may have from all the barebacking he has done. I wouldn't take the risk.
I for think Jason was just trying to bring up the possibility that LSG Media was using underage people in their company. He was trying to prove inconsistencies in Sean’s statements. The only problem is it made him culpable if he knew that Jeremy was underage and did nothing. I personally think Jason is smarter than that and the fact is he was baiting us with innuendo. Bad Jason Very Bad.
Ty, your comment is cruel and hypocritical all at the same time. You speak of Brent as someone who is less than human. Well I fell the same way about you I wouldn’t fuck you with a ten foot dildo and rubber gloves. I hope you see how hypocritical you’re post sounds. You want to have sex with Brent but you claim he is a walking STD factory. Yet you watch his videos and probably whack off to them as well. if you find him that repulsive why even bother to read this thread or post for that matter. Go back to your little meaningless little life and fantisize about some other porn star.
I'm sure the reason Jeremy listed his age as 17, was because he preferred younger boys. Not because he was a pervert, but because they were more on equal to his intellectual level, adolescent! I know for a fact he is 20 and had a fake ID from Texas that said he was 21. He was fucking one of the owners of Montage and hanging out with their circle of friends hitting all the clubs in San Diego and LA.
What's with all the posts about Brent and Grant admitting he was 17?
Someone mentioned a couple forums I had not heard of.
Does anyone have those posts? Is this real or just some loon taking my theory and spinning it?
i wonder why o'l jim isn't posting any comments? seems strange considering he's so vocal on previous posts
I have the right to protect myself from STD's if I were to have sex with someone whose history I don't know, and yes, Brent has done a lot of barebacking which does make him more susceptable to diseases. I will not apologize for that. Yes I have seen his movies and get off to them, but I never said he is less than human. Protecting oneself by asking someone to put a condom on your cock who has put himself at risk doesn't make me the bad guy. It makes me smart. So whomever you are who doesn't even have the balls to post their name, yet calls me out for my honesty, well you are more pathetic. I never asked you to fuck me anyway because I don't bottom. I feel sorry for you and your miserable existence.
Jeremy did not want to appear in x-rated films was mainly personal, because his parents are missionaries who divide their time between Central America and Texas. He was/is a closeted teen enticed by the prospect of moving to Southern California to socially and professionally blossom as a young gay male.
The culture contrast between Texas and California was too much for him to handle.
Then after the billing services were suspended, he cut and ran, especially after payments from Lee became increasingly scarce and always short!
If you ever want to know the true basis of most stories... follow the money!
1)No payments to Brent = problems!
2)Minimal payments to Jeremy = problems!
3)No continued payments by LSG to civil attorney once initial retainer provided by BrentAid and Grant personally had been depleted = problems!
12:54 - That sounds like the most believable explanation I've heard yet actually and seems to ring a few bells. Do you happen to know anything about the age dealio? xo L, J.
this was already asked but: how much money did lee provide for lsg?
Anon 12.12
Actually Jim and I have been away on holiday together the past 10 days. lol
Anon 12.54 said
"initial retainer provided by BrentAid and Grant personally"
Big assumption there.
Haha, I think this whole thing is kind of funny. Although I don't blame anyone for talking about it. Shit, by now, I understand that people are going to talk about SOMETHING.
Jeremy is not 17. I understand he used to label his age on Myspace that because those are the kind of boys he's into. My comments at the X show about Jeremy not appearing naked on the website were so strange because I had started to say something spiteful or negative and I caught myself and recovered kind of weakly. The X show appearance was only a week or two after Jeremy had returned home and stopped working regularly for us on the website. So naturally, I was still a little bent out of shape on how things had turned out. The truth is, Jeremy will not appear naked on the website because that's just not Jeremy's cup of tea. We lived and worked together for nearly six months. Despite the way things have turned out, he did manage to build the foundation and shell of our Member's Only website. I think this kid does deserve some credit here. Things don't always turn out according to plan. Sometimes you live, you love, you learn and move on. And that's okay! It's called life.
And the matter of bareback sex ...
Sex in general, condom or no condom, has risks involved (at many levels). Yes, more than a year ago I filmed 4 bareback scenes within the span of 6 months for Cobra Video. I filmed these scenes with the understanding and guarantee from Cobra that this was a controlled and safe enviroment. In other words, "Brent, he's negative, you're negative. Go at it. You're safe." Shortly after filming these scenes I began to understand better the actual risks at hand. I was not a victim, but I was young and inexperienced. Growing older within the gay community HIV and AIDS become a regular part of life. You learn, as does any growing individual. The reason why so many young gay boys are willing to take that bareback risk is they haven't spent enough time in the community to realize HIV is a real, tangible threat. Before you start living with it around you, it's only a virus you learned vaguely about in the text books of your high school health class.
Before those 4 bareback scenes were filmed, I did two shoots for Cobra Video underage. The first shoot, I filmed one bareback scene with my then-boyfriend, I filmed a threeway with my boyfriend and another model , a toy/jerk off scene with that same model, and my casting couch interview which was later put in Casting Couch 4.
Within 2 months of that shoot, Cobra was out here in San Diego for my second shoot. On that shoot, I filmed 3 all condom scenes with Brent Everett and Chase. Those scenes were split between Schoolboy Crush and Bareboned Twinks. Notice the scene in Bareboned twinks is ALL CONDOM. Few people notice that fact. I was not one of the "bareboned twinks" in that film.
Yes, I have filmed bareback work. By this time, with the filming I've done with my own studio, my all-condom scenes out number the bareback work I have filmed.
Yes! I have a ton of bareback sex.
Sometimes as many as 6 times a week.
With my boyfriend.
We've been together for nearly two years.
That was a very eloquent post by "Brent". It offers a clear explanation.
He states that "Jeremy IS NOT 17". But the question is whether HE WAS 17 at the time of the photos.
Jason, how sure are you that this is Brent responding? The choice of idioms and use of parenthesis seem inconsistent with a 20 y/o with Brent's stated education.
Well it is rumored the real reason Brent had condom sex with Brent Everett is that allegedly Brent Everett himself is HIV+. So any truth to that?
Yeah, 3:13. I said have always called him "frighteningly intelligent" for a reason. LOL No one listens to me! xo L, J.
I'm working on an ASK BRENT answer that asks about my bareback work. I should have it up this evening. I guess that's one way to determine whether this is the real Brent Corrigan or not.
Anon 3.13pm, yes I thought "not his cup of tea" was a strange expression for a young american. I would have expected "not his thing".
We Brits are still a bit sensitive about a little tea party you guys had a few years ago. lol
"He states that "Jeremy IS NOT 17". But the question is whether HE WAS 17 at the time of the photos."
i also wondered. it is interesting to read what he says. but also to catch what he did not say or was he not responded to.
"Jason, how sure are you that this is Brent responding? The choice of idioms and use of parenthesis seem inconsistent with a 20 y/o with Brent's stated education."
it seems to be consistent with brent´s writings on his blog or at some other places. whether he actually wrote it is another question.
jason, we all listen to you :-)
Brent says, "Haha, I think this whole thing is kind of funny.
Funny? I'm sorry but apparently we don't share the same sense of humor, Sean. I don't find discussion about the possibility of someone who appeared naked in multiple photos on your blog to be underage at the time they were photographed; April 26, 2006, to be funny. No, quite the contrary, I find that to be very serious. And to think after all you went through with being underage while working for a porn studio, you'd find this discussion to be serious as well. Guess I was wrong.
All the same though, it was nice of you to stop by the blog here and "clear" things up for us. Interesting that out of everything that has been said on this site the past two months, it was this discussion, this topic, which you chose to respond to. It's good that you did respond but still interesting nonetheless.
Oh, and Sean, a correction on something you stated, "The truth is, Jeremy will not appear naked on the website because that's just not Jeremy's cup of tea.
Perhaps you've forgotten but Jeremy does appear naked on your site. Granted, the photos aren't explicit but it is evident Jeremy is naked, as are you.
ab says, "i also wondered. it is interesting to read what he says. but also to catch what he did not say or was he not responded to."
Agreed. Often, with Sean, it's the things that are left unsaid, left unaddressed, which are the most telling. Perhaps it's the same in this case. Then again, perhaps not.
MJ 4.17 you are wrong. There is a funny aspect to this - just read DeWayne's 3 pathetic posts on that one blog entry that you linked too.
How that guy can come on here and claim the higher moral ground defies me.
" MJ 4.17 you are wrong. There is a funny aspect to this - just read DeWayne's 3 pathetic posts on that one blog entry that you linked too.
How that guy can come on here and claim the higher moral ground defies me.
4:28 PM "
albert will explain this to us trolls
Why don't we have an equivalent of Shaudenfraude ? It is such a useful word.
Cad said...
Anon 3.13pm, yes I thought "not his cup of tea" was a strange expression for a young American. I would have expected "not his thing".
We Brits are still a bit sensitive about a little tea party you guys had a few years ago. lol
Cad your back and Brent has waded into the "muck". Brent has Cable/Sat TV and we have BBC America & have all been exposed to Brit TV. I think Brit Slang is seeping into our consciousness as much as American Slang into the UK. Yes Brent really talks this way, except when your listening in person you tend to smile & nod your head a lot! Cad you asked is Jason baiting us? No! Never! Would I ;) oh Bret where are you?,,,,hmm and Jason where has Damon Kreuzer been and what is he up to?
This whole thing has just gotten out of hand. Some people just take things to serious. It is quite sad that it has gone this far. So I had to post about it.
anonymous said
"Why don't we have an equivalent of Shaudenfraude ? It is such a useful word."
actually, it's Schadenfreude .-)
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