Brent Corrigan Leaves His Web Site

I was able to confirm that with Corrigan himself this morning who claims he is owed money from the site's owners.
"The money never once went to me," he tells me. "The company owes me $22,000.00 just for the scenes I filmed. That doesn't even include all the promo work I did, all the time I spent this last year or more working on production, directing, and refining the website (blog posts, consulting, staying in touch with the viewers). Grant and I are cutting our losses and we're moving on. We'll doubleback for sure to claim what's rightfully ours, but that's another protracted civil matter and everyone knows I just got out of one of those. I've got too much going on right now to let another civil battle eat up my time. My summer is packed. I've been asked to not publicly talk about some of my mainstream projects because the producers have their publicity motions all planned out and strategized ahead of time. Unfortuntately, none of that includes Brent Corrigan leaking precious detail to the sordid online media website. Besides, that: in August,we've got a big project planned for this new endeavor. This new website will not slink along in it's progress as did Brent Corrigan Online."
Corrigan is pointing the finger at Lee Bergeron as to why the site was not a success for him. "[He] was our crooked and greedy second business partner, preventing us from moving foward. What you see added to [the site] has absolutely nothingto do with me. I understand that at some point I have to take responsibility for my own failures. The details with why things didn't work out will all be outlined in e-mailers you can sign up to receive on my new page. The page will be public within 24 hours. The new blog will be inplace within 2 weeks time. I've got a deadline because Out Magazine is linking to the new location in their article. They interviewed me about bareback sex and the sex industry's influence on it. Finally, that article will provide me with the public avenue to make my stance andfeelings about safe sex and condoms understood. Once the new blog is in place, my writing will once again become a regular thing."
Looks like Corrigan will announce the new site's name and URL, launching it's first page, within the next day.
Ugh! I am so sick of hearing about this lowlife loser. Fuck off Brent. No one cares anymore.
My thoughts exactly !
You know, when the following actually comes out of your mouth - "but that's another protracted civil matter and everyone knows I just got out of one of those" - you need to pause a minute and take a good look in the mirror at your life. It's interesting that in Brent's world, he's always being taken advantage of, he's always being cheated out of something, everyone around him is seemingly "crooked and greedy" and he's just so... innocent.
Uhm. Yeah. Why anyone would willingly get into bed with this guy - literally or figuratively - is beyond me. You're going to wind up screwed - and not in a good way.
well all I can say is it is about time. cut your losses and move on. good luck with the new site.
Funny looks like Brent is the one that is screwed so why blame him! He is just learned what a lot of older guys have known for years The porn industry is a "den of thieves"! Of course most readers here are their defenders.
My gues is he cant divulge too much because he needs this endeavor is no more legitmate than his previous one.
I am not versed in California Law but my guess would be that LSG owns anything produced since the inception of the company. Brent, who started working without an operating agreement in an LLC has little ground to stand on.
Without that ageement specifying how revenue would be distrbuted to the owners, the company has very few obligatons except to its creditors at this point. Unless, Brent had an contract as an actor performing for LSG which would make him a creditor. If that be the case, a simple bankruptcy from LSG will eliminate any money he is owed. And since Lee is the majority shareholder, he can make that decision unilaterally.
The truth is the scenes suck and no one would buy them when they were shopped around all the distributors.
Anyone notice a pattern here? Brent works with someone (Cobra, Falcon, etc) and then gets all huffy about it and "severs ties".
I am glad to see that Sean is severing ties with LSG now as opposed to down the road. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that this was not going to work out.
But, one thing that just struck me as I was rereading Sean's words about being owed $22,000 for work performed and how he felt about that. That must be exactly how his Sean's attorney felt back in January. If you recall, according to his Attorney's Motion to Withdraw, filed on January 9, 2007, his attorney was owed $38,000 in legal fees, having been paid $0 since July 2006, despite repeated requests for payment.
Before feeling too sorry for Sean, I think it's appropriate to take into account that in essence, Sean did the very same thing to his attorney. In the Motion, it was not Lee Bergeron named as an individual as one of the "Lockhart Parties." The Lockhart parties consisted of Sean Lockhart, Grant Roy and LSG Media, LLC.
Sean, as an individual, was responsible for some of the payment to his attorney, yet provided none, during that six month period.
Why is it always "NEWS" in the gay porn industry when someone leaves somewhere?
I am not a fan of this guy at all. I am also sick and tired of him blaming everyone for all of his woes.
This guy is dishonest. This is the only place where this guy still gets mentioned.
sean is being true to form as usual - it is always someone else's fault.
his next venture is doomed to fail - assuming he gets it off the ground.
i suspect he and his cobrakiller will eventually be charge with being complicit in the brutal murder of bryan.
This comment has been removed by the author.
MJ said...
I am glad to see that Sean is severing ties with LSG now as opposed to down the road. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that this was not going to work out.
But, one thing that just struck me as I was rereading Sean's words about being owed $22,000 for work performed and how he felt about that. That must be exactly how his Sean's attorney felt back in January. If you recall, according to his Attorney's Motion to Withdraw, filed on January 9, 2007, his attorney was owed $38,000 in legal fees, having been paid $0 since July 2006, despite repeated requests for payment.
Before feeling too sorry for Sean, I think it's appropriate to take into account that in essence, Sean did the very same thing to his attorney. In the Motion, it was not Lee Bergeron named as an individual as one of the "Lockhart Parties." The Lockhart parties consisted of Sean Lockhart, Grant Roy and LSG Media, LLC.
Sean, as an individual, was responsible for some of the payment to his attorney, yet provided none, during that six month period.
5:29 AM
MJ, The only funds that were ever paid in the lawsuit against myself, Brent and LSG was provided by me personally and money earned from BrentAid. As I have stated repeatedly, The remaining monies (just over $5K) that were held in a client trust account by Stan Price, were to be forwarded to Yates, in addition to the initial $10,000.00 retainer that was paid for out of my pocket!
It was the continuing representation that was agreed to be paid by Lee either personally or out of LSG's eventual coffers. Since we were shut down after only 2 and a half days of selling memberships as a result of the illegal action by Cobra and Macias. In addition the access to those funds were withheld by CCBill until after settlement. Then most of those proceeds were then applied back to the hosting of the website the entire time it was down not generating additional income.
A LOI (Letter of Intent) was sloppily generated by Mr. Bergeron stating he would assume the legal cost of the case if I could secure the additional resources to do so! On several occasions I expressed my frustration with Yates over Lee's resistance to pick up the bill as he had agreed. Yates for the most part sympathized, which is why he continued to represent us with the vision of the light at the end of the tunnel. With Bryan's help, Lee fucked everyone! That appears to be his business nature!
Hi Grant,
Thank you for your explanation on this issue today. Without it, I, and I'm sure other posters, would find ourselves at a loss as to why Sean's current monetary situation should be viewed any differently than the Attorney Yates situation. Both individuals provided services and, based on the information available when I posted the comment, neither were paid for services rendered.
Again, I appreciate you responding with clarification.
Brent Corrigan is a shitstain on the panties of life.
It certainly appears that Brent stirs up strong reactions from both the lovers and the haters whenever he makes a move. That can hardly be seen as bad news for him, now can it?
Good luck, Brent & Grant.
No one gives a FUCK about you Brent! You're a nasty piece of shitass whore. Shut the fuck up and quit whining for fuck sake!
MJ said...
Hi Grant,
Thank you for your explanation on this issue today. Without it, I, and I'm sure other posters, would find ourselves at a loss as to why Sean's current monetary situation should be viewed any differently than the Attorney Yates situation. Both individuals provided services and, based on the information available when I posted the comment, neither were paid for services rendered.
Again, I appreciate you responding with clarification.
1:14 PM
...not counting the countless tens of thousands, both Brent and I have poured into this business personally since it's inception! Both Brent and myself have sunk all of our available personal resources into BCO, only to have this f__king PIG in San Diego attempt to steal it all while he tries to starve us out!
Lee Bergeron is in complete default of his obligations towards me and Brent as members of LSG. It seems that Bryan has passed the baton to Lee!
I have followed this story from the start. I will say up front that I am a fan of Brent Corrigan. For this mans age he is amazing. Concidering that there are many guys his age out there doing absolutely nothing with their life. He is taking chances and putting his trust in people that turn out to be very dishonest with their business relationships. Now I do agree that Brent has made some mistakes but he is just 20 years old and I suggest to some here that you should think back to when you were 20 years old and remember the mistakes you made then. At that point shut up and move on.
As for those like BB who continue to worship the Kocis saga, you have no proof of the arangements between Brent and Bryan. None, Zilch, Nada. Yes you have the the selttlement papers between the two parties, but you don't know what might have been agreed upong verbally as well prior to that settlement and after. You have nothing but stories made up or twisted to fit what you THINK happened and you will always ignore what really happened.
No matter if Grant or Brent or anyone close to Bryan came out and told what happened between the two parties. The truth is not important to you unless it fits your made up theories. Lines have been drawn in the sand for years over this issue and it is clear where you stand. My problem with you and others is the Hate you have for the Brent camp when you don't even know them. The only thing you know is what you have created in your own mind about them. Let it go and move on. If there is proof that they had anything to do with the murder of Bryan it will come out in time. There are no statue of limitations for murder. If they are involved it will come out eventually. I personally don't think they had anything to do with it.
And finnally, the constant attacks on Brents boyfriend Grant really amaze me the most. Here is a guy that according to his own words here has invested a lot of his own money to getting a business going for him and Brent. I dont' blame him for going overboard with his emotions toward Bryan because of the way Brent was treated at Cobra. He is going by what Brent has told him and no one here can say they would do anything differently when it comes to protecting and taking up for the ones you love.
Brent has probably only scratched the surface with the stories he has for Bryan. I think that anyone that was charged for having sex with a 14 year old has some serious issues. You can't ignore that fact. I don't care what agreement changed the wording later, he had sex with a 14 year old when he was in his mid thirties and some people here (the likes of BB) act like this guy was someone to look up to. If this is the kind of people that BB and others look up to then the glass houses they live in are going to come crashing down on them.
I wish Brent & Grant much success in whatever they choose to do together.
This is Gman and I have stepped off my soapbox for now.
this crap is too funny and all over porn no less.
I just hope Lee has a good security team.
People who don't understand the law or hire someone who can advise them get into bad situations in business. It is their own fault no matter how much finger pointing you do.
Grant, why don't you and Brent go get real jobs?
Still blaming a dead guy for your failures, Grant. How classy! When will Sean learn that the person he really needs to dump is you!
"I will say up front that I am a fan of Brent Corrigan. For this mans age he is amazing. Concidering that there are many guys his age out there doing absolutely nothing with their life. He is taking chances"
Oh Mary!
For Christ's sake he gets fucked up the ass on film. You talk about him like he is the next Jonas Salk or Patrick Henry.
For Christ's sake he gets fucked up the ass on film. You talk about him like he is the next Jonas Salk or Patrick Henry.
Dude, you got video of Brett Everett fucking Jonas Salk and Patrick Henry up their asses?
Email me!!!!!!!
Oh gawd, by random coincidence, I pick THIS day, of all days, to come out of semi-retirement to see if anything interesting is happening in Corriganland...LOL!
See, here's the deal...I was lounging around today watching the History Channel, and they had some documentary on the KAL 007 flight shootdown over Russia back in 1983...and one of the experts there says something like "...the absense of official information on the flight shootdown from both the US and the Russians back in 1983 created and information vaccuum. And into this vaccuum stepped the conspiracy theorists..."
Heh! I thought to myself...a tragedy + an info vaccuum = loads of conspiracy nuts...gee, now WHAT did that remind me of! LOL!
So, anyhow, thanks to the History Channel, I got a pining today to check back on all my old compadres here...Jason, Elm, bb,
(...drum roll...trumpet fanfare...)
Yes, it is I, JIM, the one and only! Who defied hoards of skeptics and naysayers here, and, by means of superior intellect and logic CORRECTLY DEDUCED Harlow and Joe as the murderers of Bryan Kocis!
Humbly, as always, at your service.
And as I scan the various posts and blogs (oh wow, bb's got one too!), I notice that 1) before today and this BCO/LSG is ovah thing, nothing of any importance happened since I left (ie, Harlow and Joe extradition hearing = zzzzzzzz!); 2) sure enough, into this vaccuum has stepped the conspiracy nutters (bb's blog mainly, to a lesser extent Elm); and 3) also stepping into the vaccuum has been some of the most INCREDIBLY vicious personal attacks between bloggers, on all sides (and even between those on the same side). bb vs. Elm vs. DK vs. DeW vs. Rob in Oz vs. Rob (new guy, not from Oz) vs. etc etc etc...
Is it my imagination, or has the personal attacking/name calling/ad hominum attacks gotten WORSE since I left? Gotten WORSE since the arrest of Harlow and Joe, and hence the solving of this mystery? Seems to me, just by browsing through all this muck, the answer is YES...which, when you think about it, is quite ironic'd think people would be have been MORE pugnatious when the mystery was still a mystery. But oddly, it seems the opposite has come true.
Which means I don't regret my hiatus one bit! LOL! Feeling QUITE comfy with that decision now in fact, can't wait to renue it!
Anyways, I just thought I'd make that pithy observation...and a couple others...
One being on the one and only bit of significant Brent news since I left...the leaving of his web site...well jeeezus, about time! NOT one bit surprising, and welcome news...the only mystery to me is why it took Grant and Brent so long to do this.
This is kind of a big moment for Brent, because it marks the downfall and BONE CRUSHING DEFEAT of YET ANOTHER of his enemies...this time Lee Bergeron.
You see, in my peaceful musings since I've left the blog wars here, I've realized some interesting patterns. First is, the people who have tried to oppose Brent are all, by any objective standards, scumbags.
Yes, scumbags. Hmm, lessee now, taking a dispassionate, factual look at the anti-Brent forces, we have:
1) one convicted child sex offender;
2) two psychotic murderers;
3) one rainbow colored website owner who got his own mother evicted; and now
4) Lee Bergeron, the shady businessman of gay ski weekend fiasco fame
The other pattern I've noticed is that EACH and EVERY member of this rogues gallery of human garbage has not only failed to destroy Brent, a direct result of their anti-Brent activities, each low and villainous character in this drama has come to varied yet invariably bad endings:
1) the child sex offender is dead;
2) the psychotic murders are in jail;
3) the rainbow colored website owner has been publically exposed ridiculed as a buffoon who got his own mother evicted; and now
4) the shady businessman is now about to have his entire website investment go up in smoke, thanks to the departure of the talent that made it an attraction in the first place.
Ah, so, lets see what the score is now...hmmm...doing the math here, keeping in mind #2 is actually two people, hm hm, looks like...
Brent = 5
scumbag enemies of Brent = 0
LOL! Yeah that Brent, he's a loser all right! Hahahah! :D
And one final observation, which like the one above, just absolutely WARMS the cockles of my heart...
MJ has found closure on the donations issue!
Oh joy, oh rapture! I NEVER thought I'd see the day!!!
Oh well...on that cheery note, I shall once you all...ADIEU! Forever!
Well, er, I said "forever" last time, didn't I? OK, lets just say FOR A VERY LONG TIME. Lets say...hmmm, probably around the death penalty phase of Harlow and Joe's trial, I would surmise...that will, I beleive, mark the final end to this epic saga, where the the good guy wearing the white hat won, and all 5 black hat baddies met grisly fates...a veritable feast of poetic justice!
A saga which began 3 years ago, when the b/f of a naive 17 year old kid told said b/f "Ah, just get a fake ID saying you are 18, everybody does it, it'll be no big deal!"
Yes, the end of this epic. I will come out of retirement, one last time, just for that. Until then, revoir!
How did I know that this news would bring you out of retirement, if only for a day. :D
Good to hear from you and I like your post today. Can't say I agree with it all, but that's nothing new. Believe me, I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda, sorta, almost miss your posts. It's certainly not the same without you around each day.
Well, until next time, take care.
hhehe aghhh jim
how sweet for you to return - evun if ever so brief ...
i donno i figure that its almost evil to think that after alll the tragedy... the death and destruction - that sean and grant deside to pack up camp and move somewhere else .... like nothing happened ....
and yes there is a real pattern emerging .... a scarey merri-go-round ... with someone else owning the BC name and site .... well 51 % of it at least
so i dare say we are gonna see some mighty full on attacks .... again ... if thats grant ranting - then it's already started ... and look what happened to the last bloke grant verbally attacked
Jim/Grant is a fucking psycho.
Anonymous said...
Jim/Grant is a fucking psycho.
8:56 AM
he is a sick MF.
Sorry, Jim is not me! But I'll have to admit, he's been pretty accurate with most of what he states and I like his style!
Any chance the reason Grant and Brent have not received payment is because after the mountain of legal fees LSG occurred that BCOnline has yet to turn a profit ?
Since Lee has all the control it is reasonable to assume he has dumped the most money into this venture. I can hardly blame the guy for trying to recoup his losses.
I do hope that OUT magazine actually invesigates this whole sordid mess. Would love to see the conclusions of an invesigation that is not tainted by a bias (or a motive for profitability)
Anon 2:35-
OUT magazine is trash. Nothing more, nothing less. Trash clings to trash.
I see Jason is keeping his mouth shut on this.
4:16 - I just honestly couldn't care less. What is there to comment on? I post what my readers tell me they are interested in, not what I am interested in. For my interests, read the Diary. Note that Brent nor any other porn star these days is usually mentioned there. This column is a job for me, not an obsession or even a hobby. xo L, J.
As usual, props to Jason my homechicken for keeping this story's better than TV--what can I say??
So yah, my blog will return to normal here pretty soon now that I'm back in the land of the living...stiffs.
Jim, you're not a genius--and you're not the only one who figured out what was going on; but I'm sure everyone enjoys your beliefs to the contrary, I know I makes for enjoyable reading.
Not sure why I commented...
"By imputing none of his miseries to himself he continued to act upon the same principles and to follow the same path; was never made wiser by his sufferings, nor preserved by one misfortune from falling into another. He proceeded throughout his life to tread the same steps on the same circle; always applauding his past conduct, or at least forgetting it, to amuse himself with phantoms of happiness which were dancing before him, and willingly turned his eye from the light of reason, when it would have discovered the illusion and shewn him, what he never wanted to see, his real state." (Samuel Johnson)
"I post what my readers tell me they are interested in, not what I am interested in.[...] This column is a job for me, not an obsession or even a hobby."
You need a new job!
This is interesting. I did say early in BB's post that this was an internal business spat between the parties in an LLC. Grant has clarified that no articles of incorporation were drawn up, merely an LOI. They are prudently cutting their losses. I sympathize with both Grant and Brent. It is just another obstruction in the road to work around.
I think Brent and Grant ought to get some modicum of respect for trying to make their venture work at BCO, in both a personal and professional partnership. Brent is a good guy who had loyalty for others with the morals of the bad side of what the snake archetype represents. Some took advantage of that. Brent just happened to be on the good side of the snake archetype, the caddeuces, the healing side and positive influence. His intelligence, drive, and good motives helped him out whereas the greedy hogs saw only the offal and wallowed in the mud.
More importantly, out of intuitive good sense, Brent survived, is surviving, and will survive. Kocis was a collector and like most collectors he wanted his find under glass. The find stays the same doesn't change, can't change. Brent removed himself from the collector and his collection.
Brent is lucky enough to be sharing a life with Grant, a guy of tremendous manners, breeding and fortitude as well as his own sense of conviction and personal ethics, and yet, a defender. In brief, love is a powerful adhesive that means two people work through all life churns up. The solutions of two minds and mutually supporting commitment are better and brighter than going it alone. Neither one will fade because of a grace under pressure and a trusting reliance in one another that is ever present and both demonstrate. Something that BB will never understand and does not want to understand and is very pessimistic.
There is not a single one of us who has not made mistakes in our personal or professional lives. Why villify and even try to crucify a 20 year old guy who is trying to achieve a goal that has some meaning to him?
" Queen ImaVictim " and "Grantma" are moving on? How much will they ask us for this time to keep their lights on? I'm starting to believe the entire saga ( weeping ) is fiction. People are over it.
Ok, "bring in the next train wreck boy's!"
all you jealous queens out there should just get a life or just jump off a bridge, you ugly bitches come here saying your tired of brent, then move on, why take the time to hate on the guy?
this is america brent can have any job or business he wants and if you dont like it thats your problem
this is for the retards out there, how can you pay your lawyers if the company which you are part owner of wont pay you the money that your owed? but dont worry brent is going to start his own business where he controls all the money coming in and the lawyers will get paid
Hello since it is old home week on Jason's I would like to add my own 2 cent's. The nasty Anon comments which have been a staple here the last 6 months are Robert Wagner & his BF or SCR*. known as BB aka Dan. They have been identified by IP's on ALL our Blogs! So why does Robert hate Sean so much? Robert Wagner knows where Bryans skeletons are buried! And his complicity in a criminal enterprise. Keep talkin guys we need you to spill it! Hey Jim welcome back!
Rob says, "This is interesting. I did say early in BB's post that this was an internal business spat between the parties in an LLC. Grant has clarified that no articles of incorporation were drawn up, merely an LOI."
Rob, there you go again, adding words to statements that simply aren't there and drawing conclusions from statements that were not made. Grant said nothing of the sort about the Articles of Organization. What he said was, "A LOI (Letter of Intent) was sloppily generated by Mr. Bergeron stating he would assume the legal cost of the case if I could secure the additional resources to do so! On several occasions I expressed my frustration with Yates over Lee's resistance to pick up the bill as he had agreed."
Please tell me where in Grant's post does he mention anything about the Articles of Organization?
As I have explained to you ad nauseum over the past few days, Rob, according to the State of California Corporations Code, Title 2.5, Chapter 2, Section 17050, "In order to form a limited liability company, one or
more persons shall execute and file articles of organization with,
and on a form prescribed by, the Secretary of State and, either
before or after the filing of articles of organization, the members shall have entered into an operating agreement. The person or
persons who execute and file the articles of organization may, but
need not, be members of the limited liability company."
Translation: LSG Media, LLC, would not be able to be a legally recognized LLC in the state of California without the Articles of Organization on file with the Secretary of State's office. We know that it is a legally recognized LLC in the State of California because it listed on the state's database of LLC's as being active since 12/20/2005.
Now, from Grant in his postings yesterday and Sean in his March 12, 2007 blog post on BCO, it is apparent that an operating agreement was never completed for the company, due to the uncooperativeness of Lee in working with them to draw one up. There is a difference between an Operating Agreement and the Articles of Organization. One (Articles of Organization) is needed to actually form an LLC, the other (Operating Agreement), which would be far more detailed and specific, is allowed to be completed after the company is formed.
You really are a pompous ass. Don't you understand plain English. I SAID THIS WAS AN ORDINARY BUSINESS DISAGREEMENT. I said that at BB's blog and I said it here. LLCs by definition are corporations, the traditional document creating corporations is what is styled as Articles of Incorporation. I couldn't care less if California uses different language for it. It is not relevant. Grant just got done saying an LOI was in effect. I realize that an LOI is not the same thing as Articles of Incorporation and never said the LOI was the same thing. So far I seem to have made an honest expression of concession on my part. So exactly what is your fucking problem MJ? I have read more bullshit from overly creative minds such as yours who if they don't like questions or issues posed by others get into slug fests. Save it for someone who is easily cowed. If I am supposed to be intimidated by you, it is not working and never will.
Also, I couldn't care less if you people squabbled from here to Halifax on the Juicy Goo forum. Big deal. Ancient history. So much has come about since then. Yet, BB, the flamethrower, has a goddamned burr up his ass because of what? Sean is in a stable relationship and has goals? What does that say about BB? Nothing excepting that he merely likes to attack. What a marvelous reason for continually trying to drag someone down. Then I am not the one accusing two people of an elaborate, but, albeit nonexistant murder conspiracy on the mere assoiciation of two men who tried to create a business deal that went nowhere. That would be BB's confusing coincidence for cause and effect.
So once again we have people trying to impune motives of others. If someone were not paying me, I do believe I would do what Sean is doing--leave that employer. That seems very prudent to me. At some point, I would consult a lawyer for the purpose of collecting what I was owed, also prudent.
BB does realize that he is paying Grant a compliment with the honorific CobraKiller? In India, the cobrakiller is a mongoose, a very resilient animal, known for tenacity in defending itself.
Rob says,
"You really are a pompous ass. Don't you understand plain English. I SAID THIS WAS AN ORDINARY BUSINESS DISAGREEMENT. I said that at BB's blog and I said it here. LLCs by definition are corporations, the traditional document creating corporations is what is styled as Articles of Incorporation. I couldn't care less if California uses different language for it. It is not relevant. Grant just got done saying an LOI was in effect. I realize that an LOI is not the same thing as Articles of Incorporation and never said the LOI was the same thing. So far I seem to have made an honest expression of concession on my part. So exactly what is your fucking problem MJ? I have read more bullshit from overly creative minds such as yours who if they don't like questions or issues posed by others get into slug fests. Save it for someone who is easily cowed. If I am supposed to be intimidated by you, it is not working and never will."
Good morning Rob -
I am not trying to intimidate you, only point out where you are wrong and where you try and state "facts" where there aren't any. As I told you the other day, it is from the posting of misinformation and half truths like you are doing, where all the confusion comes in. So, my "problem," Rob, is that you continue to post information that wasn't said or present statements void of proof and/or unverifiable, as fact. That right there, Rob, is my "problem."
As you would clearly see if you read any of my posts, instead of simply resorting to name calling, you would notice I have never disagreed with your continuing statement that there is a business disagreement within LSG. Not a once. I have said I don't believe it to be an "ordinary" one, but again, I don't disagree with you on the rest of your statement.
As usual, you completely missed my point in my above comment. So let's try another, more direct, approach:
Rob says, "Grant has clarified that no articles of incorporation were drawn up, merely an LOI."
Where does Grant clarify that no Articles of Organization were drawn up? Where does he say that? As I have proven to you with the above links, no LLC in the state of California can be legally formed without the filing of Articles or Organization.
Perhaps you meant to say Operating Agreement, instead? That would be true, however, I don't believe Grant said anything specifically about that either. Sean did though, back in his March 12, 2007 blog post.
Instead of calling me names, as you did, may I recommend taking a moment to check your facts before presenting your statements as such. Alternately, you could express your statements as speculation, theories or opinion, of which we are all entitled to.
Amazing isn't it.
You finally get around to saying I have a valid point. I said it before and I will say it again. I am not a resident of the state of California and don't care what your state styles Articles of Incorporation. It is not relevant to my point that this is a business spat internal to LSG Media, LLC. I do believe Grant confirms that. That is exactly what I said within the first few posts on BB's blog.
Is it true you have a bone to pick with Sean over the use of donations? Goodness, a less than noble reason for laying into me because I don't see a conspiracy pattern.
You seem to have a lot of problems. I have stated my opinion and will continue to do so without approval from you. Go censor BB. He is always short on facts and long on character assassination. Dicker with him over trifles.
Rob -
I see you aren't going to answer my question. Same old, same old.
Yes, Rob, I'm glad you are now seeing the fact that I have never disputed your claim about the business disagreement. You seem to think because I called you on other incorrect information that you presented as fact, that I have issue with all of what you say. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Now, about the donations. First of all, that's none of your concern. If I had ever mentioned it to you or discussed it with you in the past, then yes, I would be happy to tell you about it, but that was discussed long before you arrived on the scene. To be crystal clear, Rob, I have no bone to pick with Sean or Grant. That issue is resolved.
My issue with you is not about Grant, Sean, BB, Elm, or anyone else on the planet. It is, as I stated clearly above, about you continuing to present your statements as fact while offering absolutely nothing in the way of back up or proof. I have proved you wrong on more than one occasion. My hope is that when you present your opinion or your theories or your thoughts in the future, that you present them as such, and not as facts which cannot be proven.
I believe you have a lot to offer to this discussion now and in the future and I look forward to reading your posts.
POOR ME, POOR ME, POOR ME....that is all that ever comes out of his mouth. According to him, everybody takes advantage of him all the time. Here's some advice for you Brent - your youth and beauty will fade soon enough. Either manage yourself like Brent Everett (who is hugely successful doing it) or get out of porn and fold clothes at Abercrombie. But whatever you do, shut the hell up about your pitiful life. Its a huge downer.
Anonymous said, “POOR ME, POOR ME, POOR ME....that is all that ever comes out of his mouth.”
Anonymous, you should read more. Maybe you missed the Ask Brent section of his blog. There is a lot of good advice I can see you have a need for. In any case, you are wrong, Brent has offerd a lot of good help to a lot of people. I guess liar would be an appropriate term in your case.
Anonymous said, “ According to him, everybody takes advantage of him all the time.”
Can you site a reference to that quote. NOPE? Didn’t think so. In any case, you are wrong. I guess liar would again be an appropriate term in your case.
Anonymous said, “ Here's some advice for you Brent - your youth and beauty will fade soon enough.”
Not soon enough it would seem for those that want it to happen yesterday. Brent is 20. With a good diet and exercise, he could keep his youth and beauty for many decades to come. I suspect you meant, “I hope your youth and Beauty will fade.” But you are not real big on honesty are you?
Anonymous said, “Either manage yourself like Brent Everett (who is hugely successful doing it) or get out of porn and fold clothes at Abercrombie.”
Are else what? Somebody is having a serious difficulty expressing themselves today. Maybe it is just an inability to express themselves honestly.
Anonymous said, “ But whatever you do, shut the hell up about your pitiful life. Its a huge downer.
I missed the part where Brent talked about his pitiful life. Probably because it never happened. You do have a problem with honesty and reality it seems. Brent is cutting his loses with yet another unscrupulous business person. Smart move. I find it invigorating that he has learned so much so young and is starting yet another business venture. I look forward to it.
One has to wonder about anonymous trolls that just want to lie and spread hate. They can’t be all that successful in there own private life if they feel a need to go berating a 20 year old kid, starting their own buisness, that never did them any harm. It seems to be an emotional thing and not very honest either.
If that is true, it is old home week here then.
Rob says, "MJ--
If that is true, it is old home week here then."
Rob -
Could you be a tad more specific? If what is true?
He's a whore darlin'.
Spreading who knows what diseases in bareback films.
Doesn't matter if he is 20 or 40, he is still bad news.
i think your a whore, oh wait a minute you never had sex because your too damn ugly looking
and i think your bad news, you coming here to pick on a 20 yo with your old nasty ass
we all know you people hate on others because you hate yourselves, so do us all a favor and jump off a bridge
You would think that with as much information that we have all seen pretaining to this subject that all the mad speculation would stop. Guess not, there has to be some scandal to keep everyone intrested. I guess when the real story comes out, and it will you all will just be stunned into silence. Bryan is dead and there is more to his murder than any of you can imagine. Brent/Sean and many of the other Cobra models are lucky young men to still be alive because they were mixed up in some serious shit with Cobra Video. There are so many lies being told about who did what to who that you can not really get to the truth. there are so many emotional queens who are all yelling about whatever at the top of their lungs about this story that it is hard to see what is real. As for Lee Bergeron one day a house is going to fall on you. always happens to bad witches and the munckins shall rejoice they got the wicked witch of the east and now the one from the west is next. this is not a death threat by anymeans it is just a euphmisam to say that your day in the spotlight will come. as for all the anon's or the flying monkeys you know who you are and we do too. Welcome back Jim I see you popped your head up like a ground hog and we will have another 3 months of hell on the blogs. Well I have said my piece about Brent and now about Damon Kruezer or who ever he claims to be this week. Damon you are not a credible source in this whole saga and you are pissed that no one is taking you seriously. So in your angst you attack other bloggers and try to spread lies about them, you have tried to align your self with people only to be shot down for you lies and ignorance. You lied to Joe and Harlow about the supposed donations you collected and then you fake a serious illness to get out of it yet while you were supposedly in the hospital on life suppoert your alter egos were posting away on the blogs. you really must think the world is full of idiots like you if you expect us to believe your lies. get real Damon and just go away and leave well enough alone. go make up some more lies about Falcon and Matthew Rush. We all know thew truth about you and your lies. You can't put a spin on published fact. I have the court papers about you mothers eviction and the reason why she was evicted. So you can lie to your readers all you want but if they want the truth they can just email me and I will give it to them. So to Damon I say fuck off. You can use your so called San Francisco connections to find me if you want but guess what dear there is nothing to find. And your threats do not scare me.
Elm I see you have decided to jump back into the Brent C camp..... all one has to do is read your blog from start to end to see how fast you can change your opinions of Brent.
1:42am = Brent/Grant
So tragic, yet so transparent.
Hey Dumb Fuck there is no 1:42 a.m. post!
Anon says, "Hey Dumb Fuck there is no 1:42 a.m. post!"
Actually, Anon, there is. It says,
"i think your a whore, oh wait a minute you never had sex because your too damn ugly looking
and i think your bad news, you coming here to pick on a 20 yo with your old nasty ass
we all know you people hate on others because you hate yourselves, so do us all a favor and jump off a bridge"
I do not, however, believe that to be Sean or Grant. The writing style of that comment is not even close to the writing style of either Sean or Grant.
OPPs MJ I like you! sorry about the language uh were you a schoolteacher?
who are these freaks that are so desperate to defend brent? do they think he will throw them a mercy fuck or something?
The real freaks are Robert and his little BB they are the ones scared shitless! Robert Wagner knows too much about Bryan!
Anon says, "OPPs MJ I like you! sorry about the language uh were you a schoolteacher?"
Hi Anon,
No, I am not a schoolteacher although more than one of my family members are.
I've been reading Sean and Grant's statements here, on BCO and on other blogs and forums long enough to know that each have a very distinctive, unmistakable writing style, which does not match the comment in question.
It is pretty telling of Brent Corrigans current market value, that the majority owner of BCO would let him walk away, rather then invest anymore money in the slimy little SNITCH......
oh now here come the snitch monkeys, you snitch monkeys are all about negativity, low self esteem, hate and of course death, thats your culture, thats your life, please jump off a bridge bitches
It's almost been a week and no news about a new URL from Sean. Can anyone be surprised at this point?
Anon 2:53 Robert why dont you just sign your real name we all know its YOU! You are so tired! Where is Dan(bb) Robert? Is he getting tired of posting all the "Shit on Sean" comments for you?
Which real name do you want Anon 2:53 to sign? He has so many that are not even very public yet.
Snitch is a curious term. It is not a term innocent people use. It is used by guilty people who do not want their crime exposed. The person that exposes that crime is referred to as a snitch. Anon is simply admitting quilt and blaming someone else for making it public. Brilliant tactic, I guess.
Anonymous said...
Elm I see you have decided to jump back into the Brent C camp..... all one has to do is read your blog from start to end to see how fast you can change your opinions of Brent.
3:13 PM
Since I don't wish harm to come to Brent you make me part of the Brent camp? I said he is lucky to be alive and that Lee is a coiniving thief but that puts me in the Brent Camp. So if telling the truth puts me in the Brent camp so be it. For your information I am a GDI that means a God Damned independent I do not belong to a camp. You aparrently do you flying monkey.
Robert looks like a flying monkey, I he has wings too.
oh shut the fuck up
All of you
Get a job
Contribute to Society
For the last Anonymous--
The answer would be that BB is preoccuppied whacking Robert's backside. Robert works better from a pain in his ass.
you shut the fuck up you freak
and you get a job, a real job, instead of dish washing or go home
and instead of whining like the little bitch you are go and try to contribute to this fucked up society
Touched a raw nerve have I?
I like my career, hardly freakish. Brings me into contact with all kinds of interesting people.
I like the contribution I make to society, leaves it a better place for all.
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