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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Poll of the Day: Bareback Porn

Bareback or No?
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very much against, and I would support banning it. Freedom of speech is all well and good, and should absolutely be defended. But this is not just a matter of freedom of speech.

In the American culture of today, the government's attitude towards sex education in schools amounts to little more than sticking their fingers in their ears and humming real loud, hoping it'll just go away. This leaves these poor gay kids with only the internet to learn from. They're watching porn online from the age of 13, and if what they see is condomless, that's what they're gonna do.

I reject the notion that people don't follow what they see on TV and the movies. American culture prizes mindless conformity over actually thinking for yourself. When was the last time anyone ever accused the American public en masse of being wise and intellectually discriminating? All of which means that yes - people see bareback sex, they're gonna think it's okay to go have bareback sex. Especially those poor uneducated kids, who don't know any better because no one cares enough to teach them.

A friend recently received a phone call from his gay 19-year-old cousin. The kid was in tears because he'd just tested HIV+. The worst thing was that he had only ever had sex with one guy - and that was a 16-year-old schoolboy. Had either one of these been taught properly, either by the schools or by conscientious porn providers in absentia, these two promising young lives would not have been destroyed.

And you may say that only HIV+ performers appear in bareback porn. Or if they're not positive yet, they don't care they will inevitably become so. In what way is this even vaguely erotic? How can anyone get off on watching men who are either actively dying right there on the screen, or committing suicide? These are nothing more than snuff films, showing men who care more for orgasms than life, indulging in murder/suicide pacts.

And taking those kids with them by example. It disgusts me.

If you want free speech, have it by all means, and indulge in whatever you want to do behind closed doors. But don't you dare come out here and tell me it's a good thing and expect me to agree.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Jason Sechrest said...

Naprem - You make some incredibly thoughtful points. Thanks for your open analysis of the poll today. My only problem with your idea of banning it is that you have to realize it would lead to taking other freedoms away as well. So let's really look at this.

_____________ is a legal activity that you could get a disease from and could kill you. Barebacking could easily be filled in that blank. So could smoking, drinking and a lot of other legal activities that are bad for you. I understand there is a difference in that you could contract it after only having had sex once, but I also know from personal experience that is not always the case. There are no hard, fast rules for this cunning and baffling virus and that's part of the reason why education about it is so slim -- because even the experts still know so little.

I do think that kids learn from television but if that's the case we've gotta ban all this senseless violence from mainstream TVs watched by billions daily before banning barebacking from porn -- which would be a little difficult to do during a time of war.

The education system is a mess when it comes to sex. A lot of schools aren't paying attention and the ones that do are predominantly teaching by fear. "If you don't wear a condom, you could die." As if kids are not tempted by the forbidden fruit enough to begin with. Human beings seek to overcome their fears so teaching by it is pretty defeating to the cause. See: Fallen Catholics

The world is fucked sometimes. Bad things happen to good people. This is the unfortunate price we pay for our freedom. But I am grateful for that freedom and would do anything to protect it.

That's just my opinion. I support your right to your's as well. I am going to make this a topic on my show next Wednesday actually and would ask you to please call in and give your point of view if possible. We need more discussion about topics like these.

Happy Independence Day! ;-)



1:24 PM  
Blogger Suns said...

They can make all porn bareback and I would watch it if it was good or they can make it all condom and if it was good I wouldn't care.

I have absolutely no moral judgement on porn what so ever unless someone if forced to do it or children are envolved.

3:00 PM  

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