Wicked Pictures' "Flashpoint"

It was also the movie that put Jenna Jameson on the road to becoming a household name. The biggest budget to have ever been spent on an adult movie at the time, director Brad Amstrong included everything from fire engines to burning buildings to exploding cars in this epic that remains one of the ultimate classics for Wicked, Jenna Jameson and the industry as a whole.
Of course, the collector's edition re-release includes a retrospective, interviews, the making of the movie, commentary and more.
It's funny looking back at the movie, how much everyone has changed in 10 years. Brittany Andrews before she discovered all the eye makeup and Asia Carerra when she was just a girl. Jill Kelly was in her prime. Jenna Jameson was doing her I Dream of Jeanie thing.
I was a junior in high school and in one more year, I'd have met them all.
1997. The year the straight porn world decided to start turning blurring the line between adult and mainstream, with a movie called Flashpoint that blurred the lines between porn into art.
BUY IT NOW!: Wicked Pictures' Flashpoint is now available on DVD at 30% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store.
WATCH IT NOW!: Wicked Pictures' Flashpoint is now playing in the JC Theatre!

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