CPR Anyone?

That's right! It's Rascal Exclusive performer Josh Vaughn!
The stud hopes to make it a life-long career and will be studying Monday through Fridays with very little free time.
But not to worry! He's not giving up his on camera antics. Josh Vaughn hopes to be back in California and shooting more over Spring break!
I don't ever think you interviewed him on KSEX. Make sure to steal 2 hours from him when he's in SoCal!
Oh Nurse Nurse i'm ready for my Enema now!
Hey I called Nurse Josh first, I need my Vital Signs checked I am having palpitations!!!
Don't know Jason are we sure Josh is safe around old queens?
Seriously I wish him all the best he is a fine guy and funny as hell!
(You Tube "the drunken penguin")
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