The Not So Bad Boys of Porn

But what about the ones who go the extra mile?
Today I've decided they're the ones who should be getting the page space!
...For today, at least. ;-)
- Wolf Hudson (pictured above) is appearing at Here Lounge's Porn Star of the Week next Wednesday with special guest DJ, Chi Chi LaRue. After booking him, he had an offer from Brent Corrigan to shoot a scene for him that day. Though it obviously would have paid him like, I dunno, ten TIMES as much, Hudson told me, "I made a prior comittment and that always takes priority. I will be there." Wow. Good kid. There's a big difference between a hooker and a hustler! (And holy crap, what an ass. Long time readers know from the photos posted here alone that I'm an ass man. Can't freaking wait to meet him!)
- I usually provide DVD giveaways from various studios at my events, but Dominik Ryder brought his own movies to give away last week! Lots of them, in fact! Look for his full recap tomorrow.
- Cort Donovan is actually paying his own way from Chicago JUST to come do the show!
- During the summer, Blake Riley filled in for me at the eleventh hour for TWO events when a star of his stature really should have had a full month of promotion.
- Jason Crew danced for nearly two hours at his appearance instead of just one and hardly ever took a break. Talk about working hard for the money!
These are just the ones who pop into my head because they were the most recent, but thanks to all of the boys who make my job less stressful. You deserve big love and more promo than "the bad boys" of porn! ;-)
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