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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Matthew's Apology

Matthew Rush read our story about his attack on fellow muscle hunk performer Rob Romoni and must have also felt an apology was due. Here's what he posted in the comments section of that particular blog:

I had a really bad day and I was laying in bed that night trying to wind down from the days craziness. All of a sudden my twitter text messages were going off like crazy. It was Rob twittering mindless stuff. Now I could shut my phone off but because my parents are in their mid 70's, I keep it on in case of an emergency

Now Twitter is a great way to network if not abused. I feel that there should be some twitter etiquette and your tweets should be limited to so many a day. Just my opinion

I should have removed Rob from my friend list but I didn't. I flew off the handle and it got the best of me. What can I say, I'm human. I do regret my actions and comments. For that I'm truly sorry

I hope you accept my apology

...He had a bad day and was annoyed. And there you have it!

What do you guys think?


Anonymous Kameron Scott said...

Sounds like a stupid excuse to me. You can turn off mobile alerts and receive people's tweets.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Kameron. Just turn the notifications "Off."

Rob is a total sweetheart and his posts are HILARIOUS!


11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That works for me... I like Matthew Rush and feels like he is always getting a bad rep!

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, on the one hand, it takes a certain amount of bravery to apologise especially when you have done something so completely and indefensibly stupid.

On the other hand.... "I had a bad day"? A lousy excuse for lousy behaviour -- especially when you say "What can I say, I'm human." So am I and I haven't done that, even when I've had a bad day. It's easy to turn off mobile updates -- even just for one person if you don't want to turn them all off.
Sorry if I'm unconvinced.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous In The Know said...

In an apology someone uses the word mindless? Seemed like he was still attacking and also blame shifting. If you are going to apologize, be a man and apologize.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Being at the beck and call of computers and phones/PDAs is where we've gone BACKWARDS with technology... Too many mobile alerts is as jangling as too many telemarketer calls. That being said, the fault here lies with Matt and his mood-coping technique, not poor Rob, who was obviously blindsided by this.

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is bullshit to me. who the fuck is he to decide how many tweet or "mindless" stuff anyone can put on twitter. he (matthew) is lucky to even have anyone follow him. to use your parents as an excuse is so weak and fake. its sounds like mr rush is very jealous if someone else gets attention then him... its called changing your notification you stupid ass!! learn the computer.

rob dont listen to him!!! HE IS STILL ATTACKING "MINDLESS" I guess the crack is still in his system!

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can someone say PLEASE! matthew retire!!

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say tell Rush to lay off the 'roids. They are obviously screwing with his emotional state.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a freak..maybe he should seek some help for the "anger rages" i am NOT A FAN of rush anymore!!

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Jeremiah Semenovich said...

I think Matt wanted some attention. Thats all. Ever since he left Falcon, he hasn't been doing much. Except for that {enter sarcasm} amazing Brief Encounters flick.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Jason Sechrest owes Matthew Rush an apology.

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupid! matthew rush is at fault jason is just telling the story..

4:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was accept yje apology from Matt if it was me . He seems that he was being up front and honest . Give him the benefit of the doubt . Ken from Long Island

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He seems to have a lot of bad days and then expresses his emotions online and all over. A while back he was crying online when he wasn't the first male to have do a scene with "Zeb Atlas".

6:43 AM  
Blogger gavin said...

So what's the real reason for Rush's hatred of Romoni?

Did their relationship end sourly?

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it sounds like bi polar and drugs are the issue here its sad when they (rush) fall so hard!

get help !!

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he apologized. its done. get over it

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this post says it all, and Matt is listed on it:


3:58 PM  

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