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Monday, July 09, 2007

Harlow Confirms

I spoke at length with Harlow Cuadra over the weekend. I'm not at liberty to discuss it much until Cuadra meets with his lawyer.

But the caller ID came from jail and I had to accept the charges, so anyone who was concerned that his blog had been hacked or that FreeHarlowCuadra.com was a fund not really going to him can all put their minds at ease now. It's the real thing. Cuadra is relaying his messages to a friend who is helping out with the blog and as he has made evident in those posts, he feels as though he has been wrongly accused and will not receive a fair trial without your help.

Cuadra recently posted some strong words hinting that he had been framed: "Then there is the subject of Brent Corrigan. Well you shouldnt always believe what you read cause a lot of things in our business are made up, but dont believe the story Brent Corrigan tells the police for his limited immunity he received in reference to the statement he gave. Brent did what he did to cover his ass, he had a motive, everyone knew this and he needed to get the heat off of himself."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am delighted that Harlow is defending himself against the lies and frauds that Damon Kruezer has been perpetrating on his website of self serving bullshit. DK is retarted. He has to be. How else could anyone explain his behavior?

I'm happy that Harlow is communicating with Jason. Jason has credibility and honor.

I've just heard that the money raised by Damon is going directly into his bank account.

Here's my challenge to Damon Kruezer. produce money transfers or anything to the effect that shows you have forwarded all funds collected to Harlow and Joe. Oh wait, you can't, your Visa statement closed today.


3:03 PM  
Blogger Albert said...

If this friend is helping Harlow, the prosecution can rest.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

Brent was NOT granted immunity Jason and was fully investigated by the "Authority's" before he & Grant were used in the wiretaps to record Harlows confession. They will be testifying under NO GRANT of Imunity. I am sure their lawyer would have insisted on immunity if they were facing Charges! They are not, hence "immunity in return for cooperation" WAS NOT NEEDED or REQUESTED! Seriously Harlow needs an Attorney Stat just to shut him up about the case. He is digging a huge hole for himself!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Thank you Howard! I couldn't have said it better myself!


5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real problem here is Harlow is not shtting up and he is telling the truth to anyone who will listen. The good thing is people are listening to him and I for one feel that the truth will come out and set him and Joe free.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason ,thanks for the information and objectively covering the events. I think most people have a gut feeling that the plot goes a lot deeper with other people involved ( and trying to cover their butts.)The online persona of Brent Corrigan along with his friend cranked out what appeared to be malicious contempt towards the owner of Cobra.I would imagine most of that should have been handled in a professional business manner rather than played out online as it was. Many people followed the endless saga online. It does appear that the "Corrigan character" does excel in deflection and forever claims to be a " victim " of others. I have no doubt that deflection and the
"I'm a victim" will be used once again in whatever context.

How unfortunate for everyone involved. All of this for a guy to keep the use of a porn name?

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a documented FACT that Bryan Kocis tried to TRICK Sean Lockhart into going to Luzerne County for a "fake" deposition. Kocis had lied about filing a lawsuit so, there was no legal notice of depositon.

As a result of what Kocis was able to "get away with" in Luzerne County, one would expect that Sean Lockhart has not only obtained a grant of immunity but also that Lockhart would have gotten a guarantee that he could testify via telephone or closed-circuit tv at any trial for Cuadra and Kerekes (i.e., that Lockhart would have obtained a guarantee that he would not have to set foot in Luzerne County).

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now if i dont agree with that comment on Peter Pan i never will ever agree with anything else in my life. That boy (twink,whatever he wants to be today) has done nothing but cover his ass for something that he is knee deep in shit over. He is the one that started all this shit and put Harlow in the middle of it, He was the one trying to get Harlow to do movies with Brian, he was the one setting the whole sham up. He cased Harlow up to get him out from Brians clenches and everyone knows it. Shaun (aka Brent) needed and out and see saw Harlow as easily influenced and we should all know this from the situation with Joe and Harlow. Harlow is a follower not a leader, Harlow followed in Joes Shadow for years. Then he found puppy love with Brent and when Brent said jump Harlow jumped, so Brent used him! Lets face it folks Brent is the quilty one out partying in L.A. with Roy acting like this will never catch up with him but it is gonna and it is coming soon. Watch out Peter Pan the police will be back to get you, it is inevitable that this will come to fruitation! /and then Brent and Roy will be trying to explain why they lied to the police about who solicted who at the restaruant. It will all come back boys so be careful they are catching up to you quickly!

5:53 AM  
Blogger BB said...

Harlow should shut up. He is now making things worse for himself by talking. Much like Sean and his cobra killer, what they say comes back to bite them in the ass.

Next Harlow will play the 'victim' same as Sean does.

6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm happy that Harlow is communicating with Jason. Jason has credibility and honor."


9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BB why should Harlow shut up? is it because he will get the police looking at your Precious Robert? you see from where I sit Robert is the girl most likely. you are just as involved too. you will be charged with obstrution of justice. You and your Cobrakiller chant will get you some time in the big house with him. I truly hope you Aaron aka Robert, Sean and Grant look good in orange. Soon boys the truth will set Joe and Harlow Free and it will lock you up. So try as you might to keep the truth hidden it won't work.

10:55 AM  
Blogger BB said...

a friend of the truth said...

"Soon boys the truth will set Joe and Harlow Free and it will lock you up. So try as you might to keep the truth hidden it won't work."

oh my, here we go again. so today i guess i am aaron AGAIN :)

the truth has joe and harlow behind bars. sean and his cobra killer will be the two joining them.

your truly delusional elm. time to change your meds. get a dr's appointment asap.

you are an idiot posting under a fake name.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Hi BB or do you prefer Dan--

Of all the coward's I have ever had to face down, you are pick of the litter. Anyone with a theory and facts at variance to yours is an idiot, your favorite three syllable word and 3 does seem to the extent of your IQ.

Aaron/Robert was the gatekeeper to Kocis. Without a pass from Robert, no one saw the boss. Stuff the image of Robert as the Archangel Michael. It does not wash.

I would really like to know what it is that Sean said or did that causes Robert to so passionately hate him. On the surface it looks like blind jealousy and nothing more.

I actually think that Aaron isn't necessarily a bad guy in all of this. In some ways, he is acting because he is scared. I don't know of whom or what.

1:48 PM  
Blogger BB said...

rob, call me anything you like :)

dan is ok too.

oh and do get your facts straight. harlow dealt directly with bryan. harlow never had any dealings with robert. any fool who has read the affidavit knows this to be fact.

you do know about facts robert, your lies have been pointed out with factual back up many times on various blogs. you are and forever will be clueless.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Rob said...


Lies your Blog is full of them so full the truth is nonexistent.

I am sure of my facts. But you are the one who spread falsehoods. You have never met a real fact and you never will. Robert will have to crack the whip a little harder tonight.

10:51 PM  
Blogger Rob said...


You must be referring to Cadinot4ever. He has credibility problems of his own. As for you, if Robert didn't tell you when to blow your nose, you wouldn't do so. In fact, you have to get permission from "Sir" to do anything because you are not bright enough to plan a one car funeral.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats up with Brent i thought according to jason he cut off ties with his website and starting a new one.Brent claims he left and was finished with not getting paid and all the other bs he likes to feed everyone yet he now has posted a new blog on his site of course he has a link you get hit to get to his new website he plans on getting up and running.

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 2:55 PM

Punctuation - It's a fantastic concept. You should try it someday. You will love it.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Anon. Robert/Aaron @ 5:32 & 5:35

He who protests too much about another is probably looking to wash blood off of his own hands.

You, as the appointments secretary and right hand man and first slave to the late, less than great Bryan Kocis. We all know where Sean and Grant were and 24 January--2400 miles away from Pennsylvania. You on the other hand were in Pennsylvania and whereabouts place you in the vicinity. Which leads to this interesting statement: "The FACT is [Robert] Aaron is a central witness to Bryan's murder. He was present and in contact at so many evidentiary aspects of this case." To wit: You were in Kocis's house for a week following the AVN at which Kocis was present. The civil suit settlement was signed by all the principles; however, you were never in that loop. You were the one who walked out on Bryan after Sean's public display of making peace. You vetted Harlow as Danny Moilin to Bryan Kocis. And then the police arrest warrant affidavit alludes to a 3rd party, not Cuadra or Kerekes as being in Kocis's home at the time of the murder. You had unrestricted access to that house so it is not a wise idea on your part to be slinging stones at others.

The part that gulls you the most is this: Sean and Grant were fully investigated by the police. They were found highly credible. They are prosecution witnesses and will be testifying wtihout immunity.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Albert said...

And when Brent goes to testify, he will be the most protected man in the history of Luzerne county. They already know they will be under a microscope. No harm will come to Brent in that county now.
Yes 5:35, why did Bryan spend so much money to try and keep a name he had no use for. It was a control issue he was bound to lose. Pointless really but that was Bryans decision. Decisions have consequences.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Rob said...


Very astutely put. Anyone trying to do Sean a hurt will be meeting Hell face to face.

3:57 PM  
Blogger elmysterio said...

Hey Bb I have not been here posting for quite a long time. So now you are accusing me of being "a friend of the truth" you are truly mad. If I want to post something I will and not hide behind anonymous like your dear friend Robert does.Although I do agree with much of what they say it was not me who posted it. So get your facts straight before you accuse me of anything.

3:57 PM  

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