Mark Dalton: "I'm Innocent!"

I've communicated with Mark Dalton. He claims he's innocent. He told me, yesterday (phone call from Denton County Jail), that he had a gal living with him for a few months ... but found out that she was "wacky." On the night of May 31 he told her that he was going to bed ... and wanted HER and all of her belongs to be out of his house by the time he woke up in the morning. He told me he didn't lay a hand on the gal OR even raise his voice. He knew she was the type that would call 911 if he got too assertive. When Mark was sound asleep ... she DID call the cops, claiming she had been "assaulted" by her b.f. (Mark). She had no bruises ... but, when the police arrived, she insisted that he had hit her AND refused to let her call 911.
They woke Mark up and told him he was under arrest ... and he about freaked. WELL ... Mark's attorney has now gotten an affidavit from the gal ... where, under oath, she states that: she made it all up, she was mad because Mark wanted her out ... she was drunk ... and she had no idea what trouble she'd be causing by calling the police on him. MARK's attorney is doing what he can to get the D.A. to drop the charges. BUT ... in Mark's case ... because he's, "Mark Dalton," he's at the mercy of the D.A. ... and, until they get around to reading the affidavit the lady signed ... he's just a woman hating gay porn star. Oh well. That's so backwards. I'll keep you posted as we talk more.
This could all take a few weeks ... OR ... several months. No telling. He'll be arraigned on the 2 misdemeanor charges (assault & interference with an emergency call) on July 16. In the meantime ... Mark is enjoying the "pre-trial" area of the jail (I guess they figure you really aren't "guilty" until a judge or jury finds you guilty, quite different than in most places) ... where they get more privileges (phone, TV, computer games, etc.). BUT, overall, MARK is very mad and quite upset ... it's the over-crowded criminal/legal system in a big State ... at its best (the huge police departments, with all the overtime available, seem to be arresting more people than ever ... not worrying about the jail/prison overload, the D.A.'s case loads, parole & probation officer's caseloads, etc.).
Thanks for the update, David!
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