Jason Ridge #1 Most Popular Google Search

Ridge's blog at http://jasonridge.blogspot.com and his MySpace page at http://myspace.com/jasonridgexxx have also received unprecedented traffic throughout the day.
Ridge's appearance on the radio program will additionally be broadcast as part of Howard TV when they air the edited video of the show later today. There, fans will get to see a world exclusive first look at footage from Ridgeline Films' soon to be released debut title, A Rising Star.
YEA! This is great news.
Good for him I thought he did well on the show, but let's not kid anyone, people just wanted to see who Joey Boots was kissing. Stern doesn't have a huge gay audience and extremely few of them care about a preview of Jason Ridge's new video. A woman who was on the show yesterday led the google search also.
I didn't mean for that comment to be as negative as it sounded. Jason should be proud of his appearance on the show. He did a great job and came across as very likeable. Everybody thought he was very hot.
I can't understand why. The man's ugly and old... who would want to fuck that?
Do gay people listen to/watch Howard Stern?
I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF JASON!!!! And ugly? OMG He is the most beautiful man alive!
Stern has a very large gay audience. The show has several gay characters, etc. Sometimes the major complaint of the "straight" guys is that the show is too gay.
People who never listen to the show should not be commenting on the show or make judgments.
Joey is a great guy, and who are we to judge the way he looks. So if you are a larger man then you don't deserved to get fucked. I'd rather fuck him then most of the losers in this industry. He was a really nice guy who is just now experiencing new things and I was glad to be a part of it. It was all good and fun and no one should take it so seriously . Let the hating begin .
I wonder how much Jeffery Sanker paid for that appearance?
Too bad it won't be enough to improve the quality of porn they produce!
Ridgelinefilms is fully owned and operated by Jason Ridge . I can't believe it ! I own my own incorporated company. Hopefully soon I can stop having to defend or justify this great company that is soon to be.
Okie Dokie Hokey Pokey.
JR you'll do well with your company I am sure. Congratulations.
Stay away from the TOXIC TWINK and his COBRA KILLER, or your new venture WILL fail. You know their track record by now.
Can someone tell me why I am always talking out of my ass and writing about shit that no one cares about and I hide behind my issues with my dadda. I really don't understand why I write should unclear, unchecked and out right lies about people and I just hide and someone help me I just feel (tearing up) like a loser and I know you will probably boycott my site which you should its trash and so am I ok I said it (breathing much better). Thank you for dealing with my pea brain comments for so long you are truly my gummy bears.
damon kruezer
damon kruezer loser raped me!
he tried to touch me where I pee!
i really dont care for ms damon k i just think he tries to hard and thinks he is part of the adult work. it is almost a joke that he repeats the dumbest story and gets most of his information from crack heads or other sites. i hope someone puts damon on trail for abusing the internet with trash and old man trollology. its funny how he puts the count hits on his site like one we believe it and two who does that unless you are trying to "prove" you have an following. i think following damon is like drinking the punch (if you know what a mean) career suicide.
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