The Industry's First Ever Daily Gay Porn Blogger
Since 2001, Winner of SEVEN Awards including ManNet's Best of the Web, Cybersocket's Best Online Personality, KSEX Listener's Choice for Best Overall Industry Insight & ASM's Publisher's Choice Award.
Former Cobra Model on Kocis: "One of the Most Generous and Caring Individuals I Ever Met"
I did some digging and found former Cobra Video model Cameron Lane, having starred in movies like Fuck Me Raw opposite Brent Corrigan and Naughty Boy's Toys (both available now in the JC Theatre) for the late Bryan Kocis. Lane has laid low since shooting his work with Cobra and has been notably silent throughout the public disputes between Corrigan and Kocis, but here, for the first time, he gives his uncensored thoughts on his work with the studio as well as his former employer's untimely death in an open letter to JasonCurious.com readers:
Im really distraught about all the negative attention Bryan had recieved over the past few years. All this garbage about how he was a child molestor and a pedophile was exhausting and tiresome a long time ago. If it wasnt about molesting then it was about his bareback prefered scenes, which as many negative views as there are about it, there are twice as many positive. Furthermore, for those people that didnt know him he was just another porn producer who got his kicks off by "putting his models in danger," when the reality of the situation is he was one of the most generous and caring individuals I have ever met.
We as models for him always understood the dangers we were taking when doing what we do, but the one thing I have found out, from other companies that offered me work, is that Cobra Video was the ONLY company out of about 10 that contacted me that required testing. And the other companies WERE NOT producers of bareback porn and many were big name companies. Often times I was tested every month for 3 to 4 months before I even shot a scene. So all this garbage about "why would someone jepordize their models in that way" should stop unless you know the actual proceedings that went on. And this supposed finding of a piece of paper found by authorities that has 10 reasons Bryan would use to models if they ever wanted to work for other companies should stop as well, because it absolutely isnt true, and its disrespectful and shallow. Bryan often would encourage me to look into other companies, the only problem he had was when you were under contract you shouldnt work for anyone else...fair enough in my opinion.
I feel terrible how the media is covering this, by making it all about his past with that 15 year old kid who lied about his age and who admitted that everything was consentual. I also feel bad for the Brent/Grant party because they are friends of mine and I do not feel the finger should be pointed at them at all because realistically hiring someone to do this crime in the manner it was committed doesnt make a whole lot of sense. And in my talking with police, they have pretty much ruled that scenario out, and the public should to. Im sure in some messed up way that is what the public wants the outcome to be, because wouldnt that make a great story, but I was really good friends with Bryan Kocis and I am friends with both Sean and Grant and there is no way that either of them would take their issues with Bryan to the extreme that it went to. Both parties stood to make considerable finacial gain from this settlement, and it wasnt tilted towards one party in my opinion.
I am absolutely sickened by the events that took place on Wednesday of last week, and its even harder to deal with because I saw him when he was in California the week before and we went out to dinner and had a great time. He was very pleased and happy for all his legal battles to be over with and was ready to move on and create more of what he did best. From personal experience and from interactions I saw with other models he treated us with nothing but respect and he treated all of us very well finacially and emotionally. And whoever did this is the real monster not the man who died, this person has no respect for human life and obviously had no idea about who Bryan Kocis really was.
Cameron Lane
The Stories Behind The Shoots
Erica McLean, successor to the throne of late husband Clive McLean's Barely Legal and Hot Showers series, is shedding new light on her's and her husband's work as photographers and directors in her new monthly column, Erica's Corner here at JasonCurious.com. Each month, the column will tell a behind the scenes story featuring photos from the shoot courtesy the official web site, CliveMcLean.com.
Erica adds a fresh perspective to the site that none of our other columnists are currently covering. She's not just telling the "behind the scenes" story. She's explaining her personal approach to making adult films. I have a feeling each month is going to read like a "how to" or "tip guide." It's something anyone interested in getting into the biz should read.
The first installment, "No Small Details," covers the often neglected details of photo and video shoots that add to personality, atmosphere, story and overall eroticism. The photo shoot used as example is a reverse gangbang featuring straight male porn stud Billy Glide giving it to four gorgeous girls.
Check it out at: www.jasoncurious.com/desk/gc-ericamclean.html
Hot House Video's "Black"
Black is the first part of Hot House's new two-parter Black 'N Blue, a leather dominant wall-to-wall sexvid that features what the company is best known for: hard hitting hardcore sex from hard as rock men. The beautifully built Mark Williams has Alex Collack and Nick Piston on their knees servicing his cock in the beginning of the first scene. Williams quickly takes his time fucking both studs: Collack on all fours and Piston in a sling. It's a good start to the movie, but not nearly as wild or hot as some of the antics about to unfold. Post flexing and posing, it's clear Francesco D'Macho and Robert Van Damme have some of the greatest bodybuilding physiques in porn. Van Damme remains in control for the entire scene, having D'Macho suck him off before making him give up his ass to both his cock and a super sized dildo. Their awe inspiring bodies and especially D'Macho's insatiable ass are enough to make this scene of the highlights. Mason Wyler completely steals the show for the group romp where he is joined on his knees by Kyle Lewis and Ross Stuart as Jason Kingsley and Anthony Martinez fucks the hell out of their mouths and eventually their holes. Kingsley gets his in the end though, getting stretched out by the Martinez member while the three boys cover him in their jizz. Wyler appears again in the final scene, this one a threesome pairing him with Trevor Knight and Dean Monroe. Wyler fucks Monroe and gets fucked by Trevor, but it's Monroe's double penetration that you won't want to miss taking both Mason and Trevor's cocks inside him at once for a quite a good length of the footage! If this is Black, we can't wait to see Blue.BUY IT NOW!: Hot House Video's Black is now available on DVD at 21% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store. Or buy the Black 'N Blue 3-Disc Director's Cut set also now available on DVD at 21% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store!
Letters from Camp Forest
David Forest has his hands full over at Forest Entertainment these days with a few new studs he's managing added to his roster. Johnny Hanson has returned to the Forest Family. His first movie in ten years, Lucas Entertainment's Bigger The Better, features the stud sucking cock on camera for the first time proving that you can indeed teach an old dog new tricks. Or an old trick new... ? Whatever. Hans Ebson is also now under the management of Forest Entertainment and is looking forward to some upcoming live appearance bookings, including Micky's Cocktails with the Stars here in West Hollywood on the day after Valentine's! He'll be there along with fellow Forest bro Jordan Vaughn on Thursday, February 15th from 6:30 - 9:00 pm. And last, but not least, Forest announced a new "ranger" in the stable this morning. Not much is known about Brett Miller, except that he has an 8 1/2" cock, he's 26 years old and his name is just shades short of being Bette Midler. For more info on the Forest Family of Stars check out the Weekly News at: www.ForestMen.com
Alex's Story
Many of you may have noticed a comment from Alex on the recent Ashton Ryan thread. I'd heard a lot about Alex, as we have mutual friends, but had yet to hear from him directly until now. I can confirm having spoken with him by phone and email that he is who he says. Exhausted from speculation and heresay, Alex has decided for the first time to come forward with his story of what happened between him and Ashton Ryan. As opposed to interviewing him, editing him or giving some kind of personal commentary, I thought it would be best to let Alex tell you directly. I don't like to beat a dead horse, but I felt this was a fresh perspective from a third party who I can tell you many industry insiders have been wanting to hear from for a very, very long time. So here, at long last, is Alex's story, in the form of an open letter to the readers of JasonCurious.com: Dear Readers,
I met Ashton Ryan, who was then only known to me as "Ryan" almost 7 years ago. I was 19 years old and Ryan was 21. I was just beginning to explore my sexuality as it was very difficult to do so in the conservative town I grew up in as a teenager. Ryan and I met the first time I ever ventured enough courage to step into a gay bar, which happened to be RAGE, back when RAGE was the hot spot to party at in LA. In my dorky glasses and button down I worked up enough courage to approach the cutest boy I'd seen all night. We met. That night my life changed forever.
Anyone who has ever met Ryan knows that he can be one of the most charming people you will ever meet. I was in love, or at least whatever silly idea one has of love when 19 years old. We began to see each other regularly for several months, which later resulted in a more serious relationship. I had waited my entire young life to finally find someone I loved enough to share sex with. I finally felt like the time was right. So we did it. We had sex. I wanted my first time to be really special, and by all accounts, it felt like the best experience of my life thus far... Until of course that fateful time in December of 2000, when I got sick. Now I am not talking sick with a cold, but the kind of sick where you are confined to the bed for weeks at a time. I wrote it off as the flu, but I thought deep down that maybe "this was it." Maybe I had it. But how can someone get "it" from their first sexual partner, I thought. One day on the way to the shower, I passed out and was taken to the hospital for what was diagnosed as a severe case of strep throat and dehydration. After several weeks of antibiotics, I began to feel better.
Several months pass. I had temporarily moved out of the house to be with Ryan, who left his home. I had just come out of the closet, and my parents would not let Ryan stay in their house with me, so we stayed in a variety of run down, cheap hotels in the South Bay, until we could figure out what to do. As Ryan returned to our room one day I knew something was wrong. I could see it in the look on his face. He refused to tell me, but I dragged it out of him. He sheepishly told me that his recent ex had just received a positive HIV test.
Upon hearing this news, I let out a scream of fear and hopelessness. I knew I had it. Ryan had not yet been tested, but deep down inside, I knew we both had the virus. Just a few days later, Ryan left. He flew home to Chicago. I was alone in LA, scared, hurt and awaiting the results of my HIV test. As I walked into the free clinic in Redondo Beach, my heart racing a million miles an hour, I knew that my life once again was about to change. After what seemed like hours, the nurse called me in to read me the results of my test. On February 13, 2001, I heard the following, "Alex, you have the HIV virus."
I sat in my car for a few minutes afterwards, thinking about how my life would never be the same. I thought of the flowers I sent Ryan for Valentines day, and of how I would be all alone, now carrying a disease I had been afraid of my entire life.
Ryan spent the next several months distant and in Chicago. I rarely spoke with him, but somehow I still loved him. I knew that he being the more experienced gay man should have been more careful in our sexual encounters, yet I also knew that it takes two to tango. At the point in which I contracted the disease from him, he did not know definitively that he has positive, but certainly knew that his previous encounters put him at a high risk for contracting it and spreading it to others. I accepted this and moved on with my life.
I immediately started studying about HIV and AIDS every day. I wanted to learn everything about it. HIV is the enemy, and they key to winning a battle is knowing as much as you can about your enemy. I started on a potent antiviral regimen and learned slowly but surely how to have healthy relationships with others emotionally, intellectually, and sexually. I learned about the importance of the balance of both disclosure and safe sex. I knew that no matter what, I never wanted to give this disease, which caused me so much pain, physically and emotionally to anyone else.
It was mothers day of 2001. I had just disclosed to my mother that I was HIV positive. We had reservations at Pinot on Sunset and I wanted to show her how well I was doing on my new drug regimen. Minutes after we sat down and I pasted the smile on my face, I began to feel the nausea which so often results from AZT. We ordered lunch and I threw up all over the table. My heart sunk. I was sick and embarrassed. This is one of my first painful emotional moments of having HIV.
You see, being positive these days is less about death, and more about the emotional and psychological implications that are caused by it. Let us not forget that this disease still has no cure and that people young and old still die as a result of its contraction. One of the most powerful AIDS related quotes I have heard comes from the movie "Philadelphia." Tom Hanks' character reads from a law journal the following:
"Subsequent decisions have held that AIDS is protected as a handicap under law, not onlybecause of the physical limitations it imposes, but because the prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precedes the actual, physical one..."
Several months later, Ryan moved back to Los Angeles. We were together once again. I tried to show him the importance of getting medical care. We went to an amazing doctor together, the late Dr. Herbert Weisinger. I would pick up our prescriptions at Specialty Pharmacy every month and encourage him to take them every day.
Over the next several months, it became evident that the "late nights at the gym" or the "coming home late from the clubs" was Ryan cheating on me. I turned my head at this for months too long because I did not want to accept the fact that our relationship was falling apart. Needless to say, after months of ignoring the obvious I did the inevitable, and ended the relationship.
I moved to New York and after the healing process of a painful relationship, I got on with my life. I met people who supported me and loved me for who I was, HIV positive or not. I began to explore seeing other people. I learned first hand the fear it is to tell someone that you love and want to be with that I was HIV positive. The palpable sense of imminent rejection began to set in. Yet, I somehow found a way to live with this disease, have a healthy and safe sex life, and have meaningful and happy relationships with others.
I tried to erase Ryan from my memory. I needed to move on. So I have been silent about him and our relationship for the past 6 years.
Several things transpired in the past 6 years that began to disturb me greatly. I had conversations with several young men who had sexual intercourse with Ryan and were subsequently infected. One of these young men, who will be known as K in this correspondence was only 16 when Ryan infected him. He was soon after thrown out of his house because his parents learned of his sexuality and HIV status.
The stories continued and it gets worse. Ryan eventually found out about his status and continued the wreckage. One person after another began to come forward and talk with me about how Ryan lied about his HIV status, and then coerced sexual intercourse without a condom. This to me is reprehensible behavior and in some states is considered criminal. It broke my heart to see one after another young soul infected because of Ryan's irresponsible and dangerous actions. His continual mention of a falsified negative HIV test only furthers the deceit and deception in his behavior.
What prompts me to break my silence after all of these years is Ryan's interview on Jason's show. He boasts that he "fucked and came in the ass" of the other young man on the show. Not only did he admit to these actions, but practically brags that he did so. How incrediblly immoral and downright inhuman is this behavior? What most people don't know is that Ryan has been doing this for years. Many are infected because of him, and many innocent young men's lives have been changed forever.
Don't get me wrong. I am certainly not saying that it is unacceptable for someone who is positive to have a great sex life. But this is only true when it is done safely, without the lies, without the deceit, without the fake HIV tests, and certainly with condoms.
Kevin Clarke is a good friend of mine, who strongly and unabashedly supports the cause of safe sex. He has helped to instill in me hope for my own future, and over the past few years has led to the crusade to stop someone who has knowingly ruined many lives without any recourse.
This must stop today. Right now. Right this second. No one has the right to take another person's lives into their hands under false pretenses. Ryan has spent the past 7 years doing this, and it will stop today. If this open letter can help end this tirade, it was worth sharing my experiences with you all. Ryan, it is time for you tell the truth and change your behavior. You say that you do not want to hurt others, yet you continue to do so. It is time to grow up. Stop this right now and be a man.
I hope that I live to the day when I can see a cure to this disease which has killed so many of our gay brothers and sisters. Until then, it is our responsibility as a community to act safely and responsibly. Additionally, it is also our responsibility to stop someone's actions when they are directly and deliberately doing harm to another.
I wish all of you health and happiness, two things that I have thankfully been able to achieve after years of struggle, growth, and personal life experience.
Be Well,
Who Killed Bryan Kocis?
Yesterday afternoon, I was mulling over the murder of Cobra Video owner Bryan Kocis with a mutual friend of mine and Brent Corrigan's. Within minutes of bringing up the topic and the obvious motives at hand, the nameless pal began rattling off numerous instances where Brent's boyfriend and business partner, Grant, had mentioned wanting to "get rid" of Bryan, going so far as to ask said friend if he knew any "cleaners." "It was a topic of discussion a lot when I was hanging out over there," he told me, "and Brent would get upset and ask him not to talk about stuff like that in front of people." And as he detailed this story to me, I rolled my eyes thinking to myself, "And so the idle rumors and accusations begin." Now, is this unnamed and so-called "friend" just trying to stir the stereotypically gay pot full of drama or is he truly a concerned party? Who can say? But one thing is certain. He's going to be only the first of many with similar stories, be they conjured or authentic.One Constant Reader left a comment on the story reminding us of how I have referred to Brent Corrigan as Catherine Tramell, Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct, consistently for the past two years. This is true. I have. He has every quality that made her one of the move lovable villains in cinematic history: He's overtly sexual, frighteningly intelligent, highly manipulative and he has an addiction to risk in seeing how much he can get away with. And yet, like Catherine, we root for him every time! Suddenly Bryan Kocis is found dead in his home, the victim of multiple stab wounds.
Now I think that Constant Reader is just waiting for the papers to report that the weapon was an ice pick.
I have become relatively close with Brent and Grant over the past year or so and I would even go so far as to call them friends. I wouldn't like to think that either of them would ever be capable of involvement in such a crime. But I also know that when I take my personal feelings for the two of them out of the equation and look at this on paper, it doesn't look good for them and that worries me.
It doesn't look good at all, in fact.
Aside from the obvious factors being the lawsuit against Brent Corrigan and the February court date, what's most interesting to me is that Brent and Grant are now claiming they had reached a mutually beneficial settlement with Bryan that would even involve them all working together. Perfect alibi and smoking gun, right? But Corrigan told me by phone Thursday, "He knows a lot about the video production end of things and I was looking forward to putting all of this behind us and working together in the future."
Now a settlement I can understand. But working together? With a convicted child molestor? Brent Corrigan has become the poster boy to fight against everything Bryan Kocis. And now he tells me he was going to work with him again? If Brent was truly taken advantage of and as damaged by the Cobra experience as he has repeatedly claimed, how could he in good conscience work with him again?
Something smells rotten.
Still, Kocis had pleaded guilty to molesting underage boys in the past. It could have been any number of those boys who came back seeking revenge upon him. Or even perhaps one of their fathers, as the papers are claiming the murderer was likely male between the ages of 30 and 40. As another one of my friends put it, "You fuck with the farmer's son in Dallas Township and the farmer's probably gonna come after you with an axe!"
So there's any number of scenarios here, despite a boat load of motives and things not adding up over at the Corrigan residence in San Diego.
Whatever the case may be, I hope they find Kocis's murderer fast for the sake of Brent and Grant's reputations and career.
Because even in Bryan's death, he's still managing to bring harm Brent's name.* CLARIFICATION 1/28/07: As of yesterday's article in the Times Leader, it has been brought to light that although Kocis previously pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a minor, this plea was ammended after the court discovered the boy in question was lying about his age. The court never even had Kocis register as a sex offender, in fact. So at this point, all talk of Kocis's history of child molestation is in fact mere speculation! Interesting. Thanks to the "Anonymous" who sent me the link to this story: http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/news/16559364.htm?source=rss&channel=timesleader_news
Jayden Goes To Hollywood!
Remember little Jayden Holloway?Sure you do! He's the one Brant Moore used to beat. Right, that's the one! Well, Jayded -- er, Jayden -- has moved to Hollywood and he'll be appearing in his first ever interview LIVE tonight on my web show, The Young & the Curious, from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (PT). Watch all the hot in-studio action as a member of JasonCurious.com! Rebroadcast every six hours throughout the weekend. Plus, gain access to hundreds of hours of station archives! Call in and ask hottie Jayden your own questions via 1-800-KSEX-RADIO.
Ashton Turns His Back on AIM Testing
Ashton Ryan did not show up for his scheduled test at AIM HealthCare on Wednesday. Two days before, I had received an instant message from his private screen name that read: "Thanks for ruining my company!" Though my numerous emails and phone calls to Ashton have gone unreturned, a close friend of his revealed to me this week that according to Ashton his lawyers advised him against the testing. Meanwhile, Tyler Mason says he went to AIM on his own last week and returned with negative test results. Hey, I gave A+ the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to clear his name. Assume what you will. My job is done. :-)P.S.: None of this negates the fact that Kevin Clarke is still totally koo-koo. It just means he's probably telling the truth about A+.
Introducing Richelle Ryan
Naughty newcomer Richelle Ryan may have only done a small handful of films so far, but she's capturing the attention of industry insiders and fans alike with her uniquely energetic and insatiable sex drive! You know she's a sexual dynamo when she says her favorite performers to work with so far are the likes of hard-hitters Mark Ashley, Mark Wood and Shyla Stylez.
A curvaceous beauty with a booty that won't quit, this 34C-25-37 Italian girl has only just turned legal (to drink!) and stands at a petite 5' 3". An equal opportunist, Richelle says she's full-on bisexual and a natural born exhibitionist, always anxious to perform on camera with boys, with girls, in orgies, in bondage, in fetish, inTERNAL or in her mouth! Her favorite position is reverse cowgirl, but she loves giving what she calls "sloppy blowjobs" just as much! Richelle says she thinks her butt and her smile are among her finest ass-ets, but when it comes to her best personal attributes, says she is "hard working, loyal and caring."
When not getting plowed on camera, you're likely to find this single girl at the nearest mall or beach! She loves shopping and tanning, spending time with family or spending a day relaxing at a spa.
Richelle Ryan will be a guest my web talk show, The Young & the Curious, tonight from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (PT). Listen to the audio portion of the show FREE at KSEXradio.com or watch the hot in-studio action as a member of JasonCurious.com and gain access to hundreds of hours of show archives. Call in and talk to Richelle live via 1-800-KSEX-RADIO.
Richelle Ryan is proud to be with the Goldstar Modeling agency. Check out her profile and more photos at: http://goldstarmodeling.com/index.php?page=modelBio&id=707
Visit Richelle Ryan's official MySpace page too at: http://www.myspace.com/richelleyan
Twists in Cobra Video Owner's Murder
Owner of Cobra Video, Bryan Kocis, was found murdered in his Dallas Township area home yesterday evening. Though his home had been set on fire, the coronoer found Kocis to have been killed before the fire was intentionally set, the victim of multiple stab wounds.Cobra has had its share of media attention in the past couple of years, namely infamous for having produced Brent Corrigan's underage bareback films. Since Corrigan's revelation, there has been an ongoing public war waged between the performer and the studio head. What people don't know is that Corrigan is rumored to have met with Kocis in Vegas earlier this month during The Adult Entertainment Expo. The two were said to have reached a very lucrative settlement that would even involve the two of them working together again. I've even been told Corrigan was seen hugging Kocis at Krave on the night of The AVN Awards. I spoke with a very distruaght and shaken up Brent Corrigan this afternoon who told me he needed to clear things with his attorneys before making any public statement.
Life Couldn't Be More FIERCE Right Now!
 Oh yes. It's true. Jesus loves gay porn stars.Kathy Griffin has signed on to host The GayVN Awards, held at the Castro Theater in San Francisco on Saturday, February 24th. She is also rumored to be filming it for inclusion in the third season of her reality show, My Life on the D-List. Get your tickets at www.GayVNAwards.com -- this show will be a SELL OUT!Doug Lawrence is the best thing that has ever happened to GayVN.
NEW TALENT ALERT: Hayden Hennessey
Hayden Hennessey is the latest amateur in our "Jason's Discoveries." The 24 year old from Louisville, Kentucky says he's a power bottom who has always wanted to get into gay porn. Standing a full six feet tall with a 7 inch uncut cock, Hayden's lean build is 175 lbs. He says his best personal attributes are his "easy-going attitude" and his sense of humor. 100% gay and 100% single, 100% ready to get plowed on film or on the web!
See his full photo gallery and Q&A in the "Jason's Discoveries" section: http://www.jasoncurious.com/gallery/gallery-discovery.html
Win A Free Month of JasonCurious.com and More!
My (very well hung) friend Jeremy who runs the Starrfucker.net blog is having a contest where you could win a free month of membership at JasonCurious.com, not to mention tons of other hot sites! All you have to do is grab some Starrfucker clothes from the Starrfucker store, take a photo in the Starrfucker merchandise and then post it to the Starrfucker site where you could win membership to Starrfucker favorites! Details here: http://www.starrfucker.net/blog/archives/2007/01/the_starrrfucke.html
Evil Angel's "Belladonna: Manhandled"
Belladonna knows good sex. She knows how to find girls who know good sex too. While none of the girls in her movie Belladonna: Manhandled neccessarily measure up to the level of freakdom that Bella does, Missy Monroe, Naomi, Sandra Romain and Sierra Sinn all share one thing with their directrix/pornstress: They can take a ridiculous amount of cock and look like they're having fun! The cock comes from every corner too featuring Kurt Lockwood, Brain Surewood, Mark Wood, Joe Rock, Harley, Sascha and Tony T.
What Belladonna doesn't know is a good crew. The camerawork isn't up to snuff with Evil Angel's mastery of the art and the lighting is just awful by the company's standards.
So the good news is every girl takes a double penetration for the majority of their scenes. The bad news is we can't see it very well.
What we can see crystal clear though is Sandra Romain not only eating Kurt Lockwood's perfect ass, but finger fucking it... rapidly! So hot it's ridiculous. Then he makes her kiss him. Oh my God, I'm in love. And I'm not sure if it's with her or him. Okay, okay, I am sure. But this is supposed to be a straight review. So what I'm trying to say is Sandra takes the cake as wildest of the bunch.
But all of the gals are certainly enough to make Bella proud!BUY IT NOW!: Evil Angel's Belladonna: Manhandled is now available on DVD at 12% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store. WATCH IT NOW!: Watch Evil Angel's Belladonna: Manhandled NOW in the JC Theatre!
Where The Boys Are Tonight!
 You can find me at the JustUsBoys.com launch party for their new bi-monthly magazine tonight. The bash begins at 9:00 pm, held at Club 7969 in West Hollywood, and there's plenty of reason to come early! The first 200 through the door will receive gift bags and you can watch Angel Benton interviewing porn stars and local mainstream VIP's on the red carpet. Drag songstress Jackie Beat will be the night's host. No cover!
Of course, Jackie's not the only diva on the block tonight! You might want to toddle on over to Fubar right across the street later in the evening too where Chi Chi LaRue will be DJ'ing and bisexual porn stud Tommy Blade will be dancing at Dirty Deeds. See you there!
Rascal Video's "Knob Bobbin'"
The best thing about Rascal Video's latest nearly-all-oral fest, Knob Bobbin', is that it introduces us to new Rascal exclusive, Blake Riley. And while the web discovery has never looked more like a young Jason McCain than he does here, he still has an ass that beats any of the Rascals on record. Being oral only, it also leaves us panting for more. Riley's ass spread is worth the Bob alone. He sucks a mean cock too deep throating the equally drop dead gorgeous Patrick Fischer to perfection. Their poolside romp is the highlight of the movie. No other scene manages to live up to quite that intensity or utterly exotic beauty. Director Chi Chi LaRue loves her oral flicks. She's been quoted as saying they are often her favorite to shoot. Fortunately, it almost always shows. "You don't have to fuck each other in the ass to get off," says the announcer in the beginning of the movie. And LaRue manages to prove this to be true in all four of the movies scorching scenes. Nick Marino and Nick Horn bob on each other's knobs before inviting Zackary Pierce into bed for some spit drenched ass sucking, cock eating three-way action. Another web discovery, Jesse Santana, begins his scene jacking himself in bed when Sebastian Rivers catches him shoving two fingers into his hole and slides in for some sixty-nine. In the final scene, Pierce decides Luca DiCorso's ass is just too hot not to fuck and an anal penetration is snuck into an otherwise all-oral feature, hence the movie's tagline:An oral lesson... but someone cheats.BUY IT NOW!: Rascal Video's Knob Bobbin' is now available on DVD at 16% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store.
GayStreet.net First To Offer Free Audio & Video Chat
It's already been reviewed as the most "edgy" and "uncensored" of the gay interactive web sites, but what's keeping an unbelievable member base and heavy traffic flow to GayStreet.net is the fact that it still remains entirely FREE! Now having implemented audio and video chat capabilities to the site, GayStreet breaks new ground in being the first of its kind to offer such features for no charge!
Using their own state of the art technology, you can now hear and see the individual you're "chatting" with on GayStreet.net. No monthly fees or pesky surveys! You're just a click away from the most "user friendly" and fail safe hookups online! And if you don't have a webcam, STAY TUNED! I hear GayStreet will be featuring a promotional offer in the coming weeks, literally GIVING them away so that you can try the new technology for yourself... FREE!
Other GayStreet.net interactive features include GayStreet Instant Messenger, Buddy List (available in invisible Stealth Mode!), Advanced Search options, Message Boards, Blogs, User Comments & Rating System to go along with the site's already internal/external mail system, where GayStreet emails you directly when someone is interested in hooking up with you. You don't even have to stay logged onto the site!
Thousands of gay, bi and curious dude are waiting for you to come "see" and "hear" them. Log on and get your free profile today!
JC Theatre - Picks of the Month
Andy Kirra Under Fire
Andy Kirra is just pissing them off left and right these days! After having had romantic liasons with Lex Sabre for the last few months, an intoxicated Kirra decided to make out with someone else right in front of Sabre's face at Fubar in West Hollywood last week, putting a quick cap on that would-be-relationship. Only a few days later, Kirra's pal Trevor Knight was overheard to be angry at him for sleeping with a few of Knight's ex's. (Though let's face it -- if we were to limit ourselves to those Trevor hasn't slept with, we would need to move to a new town, wouldn't we?)Kirra's close friends are all concerned for his excessive drinking, which they tell me only seems to be getting worse. "He can't have a monogamous relationship," says one intimate insider. "He has problems staying true to one person." Ouch! We're starting to understand why Kirra's ex used to beat him. NO! I kid! I kid!
Caleb Carter Explains It All For You
Caleb Carter has received everything from marriage proposals to death threats following his episode of MTV's True Life and he's taken the latest installment of his guest column at JasonCurious.com, Blah, Blah, Blah, to defend himself and explain a few things you may not have known about what went down behind the scenes. Check it out along with the full photo gallery at: www.jasoncurious.com/desk/gc-caleb.html Then come back here and discuss! :-P
More Anorexic Porn Girls
Following my piece on Jenna Jame-So-Thin last week, it seems there's now another gal fans are concerned for over at LukeIsBack.com and it's Digital Playground contract hottie Jesse Jane. After posting this shot courtesy Fleshbot.com, fellow pornstresses weighed in: Jewel DeNyle says, "I've never seen these girls looks so awful... [what's with] this new trend of the junkie look. When I shoot, if you look like you are dieting I'm calling the agent right then and there to express my concern. Jesse does have a small frame, but wow that's just scary." Carmen Luvana says, "For my experience in this business, I have to say that the pressure is on. So many of these girls get like this because people within the industry tell them they look good like that and looking any heavier won't get them anywhere." Meanwhile, Digital publicity maven Adella O'Neal is chalking it up to a bad photo opp but says she will personally ensure that any chocolate sent to the offices gets eaten by Jesse.Previous: "What Happened Here?"
Chris Steele's New Home
Well, after heading up production over at Falcon Studios, not to mention directing many of their hottest hits in years, many of us were expecting Chris Steele to quickly snatch up a new gig since leaving the company late last year. And we all know, truth be told, after Falcon, there's really no place to go but down. But all the way down to... Centaur Films? That's an... interesting choice. To put it delicately. One thing's for sure, he's definitely needed there and will bring their studio to an entirely new level. I'm interested in finding out the real reason why he choose Centaur and I'll be asking him just that when he appears as a live guest on my web talk show, The Young & the Curious, on Friday, February 2nd from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (PT). You can listen FREE at KSEXradio.com or WATCH all of the hot in-studio action as a member of JasonCurious.com! Feel free to call in with your own questions for Chris too via 1-800-KSEX-RADIO.
Jet Set Productions' "Jet Set Direct: Take Three"
Jet Set Direct: Take Three takes a back seat to its predecessors in this still evolving series from Jet Set Productions -- which surprises at every turn from some of the most notable (and least notable) directors in the gay porn biz! Andrew Rosen has an interesting idea for his vignette, setting it on an actual porn shoot, showing all of the behind-the-scenes that goes into such a day in the life. It's entertaining and you feel like you're actually there. Rosen is an incredible editor and the flipping from raw footage to still shots provide some of the scene's hottest moments. Ricky, a "straight" boy, watches on and masturbates while Justin Gemini gets started with Gabriel Sinclair. As soon as Ricky's finished himself, he exits stage left (literally) and Justin plows the hell out of Gabriel. They've got decent chemistry! They're cute boys! It's a nice scene. Nothing to write home about, but it's a nice scene. Industry icon Gino Colbert takes his crack at the series in his scene, "Going Deep," and while Colbert's signature style and brilliant direction are never to be dismissed, the poor director can't coax a performance out of Jet Set exclusive Shane Collins to save his life. After playing a game of football, the boys retreat to the showers and here again, someone is standing by in the beginning of the scene to do a solo before the action heats up between the other two performers. The solo stud in question is none other than the -- yup, "straight" again -- Derek Cruz, formerly seen on one of MTV's many reality series. Cruz is deliciously beautiful and he jacks himself while watching Shane get wet with Tyler Stuart. But when it comes time for the hardcore between Shane and Tyler, Shane is never fully hard, performing his entire anal sex scene while squeezing the base of his cock and pushing it into Tyler. It's embarassing. If Shane weren't so drop dead gorgeous, it would be as hard to watch as it probably was to shoot. In Mark Reed's scenario, "Foreign Exchange," Park Wiley meets up with a tourist from Spain, Anthony Martinez, and takes him back to his place for a bedroom romp. Park Wiley has, in the past year or so, just become one of the most amazing performers. He is loud, he is agressive, he is a power bottom and he brings so much energy to every scene he's in. Martinez is a good match for him, providing the hard-hitting cock to Park's masculine wiles. But it's Wiley who carries the scene, as he almost always does these days. By this point, it's Jett Blakk's scene that really stands out as the rose atop a pile of horse shit and makes the movie more than worth buying. In his "The Cable Guy," he too has a solo to go alongside the sex, but instead of getting it out of the way in the first few minutes like it's a nuisance, Blakk manages to work it into the entire scene where, through masterful editing, it only adds to the intensity instead of distracting. Cable repairman Travis Carlson fixes a scantily clad Clint Peak's television when he finds the channel tuned to Taylor Eastwood performing a solo, looking directly into the camera, devilishly seducing it. Naturally, Carlson proceeds to plow the fuck out of Peak. These two performers are the most beautiful of the cast and the closest thing to what Jet Set was made famous for in its discovery of hot muscle hunks. They not only look every inch the Jet Set boy but manage to turn out one hell of a performance. Peak's perfect ass getting plunged by Carlson is hands down the highlight of this installment in the series -- all the while, staring back at the television to check out Taylor's tease on the tube. The way Blakk goes from the sex on the television to the sex in the living room, both seemingly watching each other and building up at an equal pace, will leave your heart absolutely racing. BUY IT NOW!: Jet Set Productions' Jet Set Direct: Take Three is now available on DVD at 16% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store.