The Industry's First Ever Daily Gay Porn Blogger
Since 2001, Winner of SEVEN Awards including ManNet's Best of the Web, Cybersocket's Best Online Personality, KSEX Listener's Choice for Best Overall Industry Insight & ASM's Publisher's Choice Award.
Behind The Behinds at "Bottoms Up!"
The Rent Boy Pool Party L.A.
What a week with all those events leading up to the first-ever Rent Boy Pool Party Los Angeles! I had so much fun with the boys and from what I understand, the party was incredibly successful from being both a ton of fun for the audience and a massive hit for RentBoy.com. From everyone with whom I've spoken, it was hailed as one of the most enjoyable local RentBoy events yet! Chi Chi LaRue's DJ'ing was a real highlight and definitely kicked the party into full gear when she arrived around 3:00 pm! I wish she had stayed to DJ while I hosted the big show later in the evening, but a girl can only spin so much! Pepper Mashay was the consumate professional, as always, and there's no better singer to have at a gay, naked pool party. There were some incredible performances by drag queens Austria Andrews and The Princess, as well. I'm not sure which one did the performance of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" dressed as Heath Ledger's "Joker" for the grand finale, but it was one hell of an impressive number! I arrived and left with Andy Kirra and Tristan Mathews, who were celebrating the one-month anniversary of their marriage and showing off new gold and diamond wedding rings. Had great fun hanging with Tory Mason who didn't even remember seeing me when I talked to him the next day so I'm sure he was in a goooood place. Caught up with pals like Brandon Baker, Bobby Trendy, Jonathan Chang, Caesar (not the porn star), Nick Capra, Trevor Knight, Andrew Blue, Jason Crew, Antonio Milan, Barrett Long, Cool Tom, Phl St.John, Philip Ashton, Howard Andrew, Ron Davis, Mitchell Hampton, Vin Nolan, Orion Cross, Ago Viara, Collin O'Neal, Alessandro Del Toro, Josh Griffin, Blake Riley, Lex Sabre, Seth Adler and his friend Bryan who I totally fall all over myself drooling over everytime I'm in the same vicinity; crushes too on new boys Suite703.com exclusive Tommy Defendi, CockyBoys.com exclusive Seth Clark and a gay porn newbie Kirk Cummings all crushes I'm sure will fade as soon as I get to know them better lol, talked briefly with Bret Wolfe who was in and out pretty quickly, and of course I love and adore Rusty, who I hear was in Bobby Trendy's heels in the shower spraying the nozzle on people who walked by towards the end of the event. I wish we'd gotten pics of that, but I hear they'll be up soon over on Brandon's blog at partywithbrandon.blogspot.com. Here are some photos by our fab photog T Ball exclusively for JasonCurious.com of the official pre-party we held at Here Lounge on Friday night and from Saturday's pool party extravaganza! Next up I'm headed to New Orleans with the RentBoy crew for Southern Decadence this weekend. I'll be out of town Saturday through Wednesday, but will be updating (infrequently, no doubt - what else is new?) while I'm gone.                                 
Special Edition: EX-Porn Star of the Week
 Whoa. Kind of can't believe I actually made this happen. My weekly Wednesday night event at Here Lounge (696 N. Robertson Blvd, West Hollywood CA), Porn Star of the Week: West Hollywood, will for one night only become EX-Pornstar of the Week with former Rascal Video exclusive turned mainstream underwear model Benjamin Bradley performing live on stage with DJ Chi Chi LaRue at the turntables and, as always, your's truly as host from 10:00 pm - 1:00 am. I'm totally psyched. Will be one of our biggest, most memorable shows of the year probably! Ya know... neither Chi Chi nor Benjamin NEED to come do things like this. I'm so ridiculously freaking lucky that so many people do things for me just because they think it's fun! For the full month's schedule of porn star shows, see column to the right.
Falcon Announces Ty Colt As New Exclusive
What a hottie! Falcon Studios just announced (less than 5 minutes ago!) that they've put Ty Colt under exclusive contract, a discovery of their site FalconStr8Men.com, where he will make his debut this Friday and then transition into making DVDs for Falcon Studios. He's 20 years old and calls the midwest his home but has spent a lot of his life in Eastern Europe as well. That's all we know for now. I'll try to snag a Q&A with him soon!
More Pool Party Ticket Giveaways TODAY!
Once And For All... Where To Find My Porn Star Events Calendar
I get asked this question a lot: What porn stars are being featured on which nights and where can I find a regularly updated schedule? I know, right? Sometimes it's in Odyssey Magazine, sometimes it's not! Sometimes it's on our Events page, sometimes its on my MySpace page ...it's kind of hard to find one place that is consistently updated, huh? Okay, so I'll make you a deal. From now on there is only going to be ONE place to look! See that column to your right here on the "News Desk" blog? Scroll down and you'll find JASON'S PERSONAL CALENDAR. Keep jasoncurious.com/desk/ bookmarked, come back and check it regularly! When there are UPDATES to the schedule, like an addition or a replacement, I will make a separate posting about it here in the blog to notify yall. When the people I host these shows for find the time to actually make a graphic, I'll post them here as well. Like, this one! You may also notice listed there from time to time events I'm attending but not hosting. That's so that my friends know where to find me on any given night if I've been hard to get ahold of -- and to help promote those events for my friends who are throwing them whether I'm involved or not like Chi Chi LaRue, Brandon Baker, Anthony Lopez, Paul Nichols, etc. ... If I'm hosting the event or involved somehow, it'll be noted. I think that about covers it!
Zeb Atlas Bones Adam Killian (And I Could Care Less)
Have you heard the BIG NEWS?! ... *eye roll* Zeb Atlas shot his first scene fucking a guy up this ass last week for Falcon Studios and the dude taking it was none other than Playgirl model, famed go-go boy and frequent gay porn industry cameraman, Adam Killian, in his own XXX debut. Hmm. I'm sorry, I'm not that excited. I'm kind of over the whole thing at this point really. I love Zeb. He's a cool cat. Really. Sweet guy. Good person. No joke. But there's been just too much fuss made over him doing his first hardcore scene. First it was splashed everywhere that he was doing it. Then everyone had an opinion that the first blowjob scene was with Zeb getting his dick tickled by Jake Cruise's daddy white beard when it was supposed to be for Falcon. Then Falcon shot their scene with Matthew Rush which didn't quite go as planned and turned out only to be an oral. But hey, they got a blowjob scene out of it at least! And we got a bunch of at-home-video-chats from Rush breaking down in tears crying about how upset he was to not be the first and something about getting a parasite from licking Zeb's butt (which is impossible, by the way) that was shades of those voice mails Mariah used to leave for her "lambs" ala the Glitter phase on her web site. As if that wasn't ridiculous enough, Falcon threatened to sue everyone if they didn't take the videos down, making the story even bigger than it was before -- and making all those journalists that posted it (I was not one) pissed off and not in the least anxious to promote anything Falcon related anytime soon. Now Zeb's puttin' it in Adam's vagina.Cool. I dunno, I'm just done hearing about it. It had better be the most award-winning scene of the freaking year for how much everyone from David Forest to Zeb Atalas to Matthew Rush to Falcon Studios has made out of this. And not for nothing, but what the hell was Adam Killian thinking? That man already has a huge fan base. People have been waiting for him to make the XXX plunge longer than Zeb. And after all these years, with companies vying to shoot him forever, he finally makes the leap to gay porn -- not with a jack-off scene, not with a movie written around him so that he becomes a huge superstar (which was offered to him, by the way, by another director!) -- but playing the bottom bitch to a gay-for-pay mass of muscle. Where does Adam Killian go from there? He could've been a major superstar and milked his career like Zeb has. Did he really just want Zeb's dick in him that bad that he'd shoot himself in the foot? I just don't get it. Anyway, I'm tired of talking about it. What do you guys think? Discuss!
Cybersocket Web Awards - VOTE NOW!
It's that time of year again! EVERY VOTE COUNTS when it comes to The Cybersocket Web Awards so PLEASE don't pass it by! Vote for Jason Sechrest for "Best Personality" and JasonCurious.com for "Best Adult Blog" -- NOW! CybersocketWebAwards.com/nominate.phpThank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't do it without you!
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